Father Lucas Olchovy (1935-1962)
July 31st and August 10th: Meetings where held at the home of George and Anna Durkos where a petition was drawn to open the parish.
Most Reverend Metropolitan Platon (Rozhdestvensky) of New York requesting the appointment of Archpriest Lucas Olchovy to Clifton, New Jersey in order to organize a parish. The request was granted.
The first Divine Liturgy was served in the Durkos home (the present-day Shook Funeral Home) on Van Houten Avenue by Father Lucas Olchovy with twelve people in attendance.
December 10th: The Clifton School Board gave approval for services to be conducted in School Number 13, As A result, membership increased.

21 | Priest Lucas Olchovy | |
22 | Matushka Alexandra |
January 20th: A resolution was passed at a parish meeting to charter the parish as the “Russian Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary”.
March 4th: The first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was con-celebrated by Their Graces, Bishop TIKHON and Bishop ADAM.
July 25th: State authoritative in Trenton, New Jersey approved the charter. The names of the founders on this charter were as follows:
- John Gaydosh
- Paul Zwier
- John Krehel
- Michael Kalinich
- Michael Ligos
- Joseph Zachok
- Peter Miketzuk
- Peter Prigoditz
- and John Stachak
September 1st: Two lots were bought at 42 Orange Avenue in Clifton for $850.00. These lots are the present-day site of the church. An earnest attempt at fund-raising began and lasted for an entire year.
* Not confirmed:1934 Sergei Glavlev (Annette Swenda’S father) was first choir director.
September 29th: Blessing of the lots.
October 18th: Excavation of the property and beginning of church construction. After completing their daily jobs at various factories, the parishioners themselves spent the evening erecting the church.
Construction of church
Archpriest Lucas Olchovy and Matushka Alexandra

May 17th: The church bell, donated by St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in Singac, NJ is blessed.
May 24th: Hs Grace Bishop ADAM blessed the cornerstone. Construction was completed that summer.
January 31st: His Eminence Metropolitan VITALY served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and blessed the icon of The Holy Resurrection which adorns the Holy Altar.
October 16th: A Boy Scout group was chartered at the church. Michal Gogats served as scoutmaster
January: Anna Housen, Anna Rabada, Mary Chopie, Mary Sabol, and Tekla Kluck are elected to serve on the first church council.
November 19th: The stained glass windows in the nave of the church are blessed by local clergy of the New Jersey Deanery headed by Fr. John Adamiak.
* Not confirmed: Sergei Glavlev (Annette Swenda’S father) was first choir director.
PAGE 1940
The Iconostas, designed by architect Roman N. Verhovskoy (1881-1968), is installed. The faux marble columns were created in the Scagliola Technique where batches of pigmented plaster are modified with animal glue and applied to molds, armatures and pre-plastered wall planes in a manner that accurately mimics marble. N.V. Charitonova wrote the icons.
July 21: The parish purchases three lots from the city of Clifton for $500. One of these lots would later be used to build the Rectory.
July: Pews purchased.
The Brotherhood of St. John and the Sisterhood of the Assumption are chartered.
November 7th: His Eminence Metropolitan THEOPHILUS consecrates the parish in a Hierarchical Devine Liturgy.
PAGE November 7, 1943
Consecration Booklet - See Below
November 18th: The burning of the mortgage is celebrated
Construction of the Rectory begins
The Ladies' Altar Society is established
November 1st: The Rectory is dedicated. Fr. and Matushka Olchovy move in.
Julia Hruby and Mary Bundas establish the church school program
PAGE 1950
PAGE 1950
November 20th: Holy Assumption celebrates its 20th Anniversary with an Altar dedication and banquet at the Domyon's Hall in Clifton (now the Courtside Pub). His Eminence Metropolitan LEONTY is present for the service and festivities.
January: A committee consisting of John Christy, John Korbanics and Stanly Zwier is chartered to look into the possibility of purchasing more property to build a parish hall and school.
The Boy Scout troop is re-established
February: His Eminence Archbishop DIMITRI serves a Hierarchical Devine Liturgy and blesses the new chandelier.
February 9th: The Sisterhood of the Holy Assumption received the Gramota (official letter of recognition) for their outstanding service to our parish and the Holy Orthodox Church.
October 26th: 25th anniversary festivities for both Holy Assumption. Fr. Lucas Olchovy was honored for his 25 years of dedicated service to the Orthodox Church.
Father Steven Kachur (1962-1978)
PAGE 1960
Senior and Junior "R" Clubs organized (Chapter 133 of the Federal Russian Orthodox Clubs)
Deposit made for a parcel of property on the corner of Orange and Huron Avenues via the direction of Harry Kowalako, Walter Stanchack and Peter Vanish. This would later become the present sight of the parish hall and church school. John Christanovicz is named Chairman of the Building Committee.
October 22: Father Lucas Olchovy is elevated to the rank of Mitered Archpriest by his Eminence Metropolitan LEONTY.
March 21st: Mitered Archpriest Lucas Olchovy retires after distinguished service to the Orthodox Church and moves to Butler, NJ.
March 29th: Archpriest Steven Kachur assumes responsibilities of parish pastor.
After legal action completed, the corner property is purchased. A year long fundraising project is started by the Building Fund Committee.
An office was added to the rectory.
March 8th: Groundbreaking for the Parish Hall and school building.
June 23rd: Parish revises bylaws.
Parish trip to Washington DC.
The new Parish Hall was dedicated by his Eminence Metropolitan IRENEY. Total cost of project comes to $325k with a $175k loan from the bank. See below photographs.
Parish receives new dome.
Members of choir December 1965
Lynda Nedwiga
Ann Dikun
Ann Duch
Ann Holick - center
Johanna Ligosh
Dorothy Nelesnik
Mary Gogatz
A first parcel of the property on Orange Ave was purchased.
Third floor rectory added
A parish library is established in the school complex and dedicated to the memory of John Peter Korbanics.
A second parcel of property on Orange Ave was purchased.
Third parcel of property on Orange Avenue purchased. Present sight of parish parking lot.
Parish institutes General Confession. From this comes a substantial increase of weekly participants at Holy Communion during Liturgies.
Pre-sanctified Liturgies served for the first time during the Lenten season.
Under the direction of Peter and Doris Vanish, the parish supported its first trip to Florida. Success of trip leads to others in the future and donations from these excursions go to church beautification endeavors.
October 28th: The 10th Diocesan Assembly of the NY/NJ Diocese is held at Holy Assumption.
January: The home and property adjacent to the church is purchased. Harry and Mary Kowalako move in.
Frank Massa contracted to write the frescoes for parish’s interior walls.
March 9th: Mitered Archpriest Lucas Olchovy reposes. He is buried at St. Tikhon’s monastery in South Caanan, PA three days later.
August 13th: Archpriest Stephen Kachur retires from active parish ministry and moves to Tuscon, AZ with wife Matuscha Elizabeth.
October 7th: Priest Dimitri Oselinsky succeeds Fr. Stephen as parish pastor.
Father Dimitri Oslinski (1978-2006)
March 11th: Under the guidance of Mary Thomas and Jean Candela, the Sisterhood of St. Barbara is organized.
September 16th: At a Hierarchical Devine Liturgy served by His Beatitude Metropolitan THEODOSIOUS, the icons and front doors of the church are blessed, and the hall is officially dedicated to the memory of Mitered Archpriest Lucas Olchovy.
October 1st: Parish officially adopts the “new” calendar for the commemoration of all feast days.
April 13: Priest Dimitri Oslinksy elevated to the rank of Archpriest in a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy by His Grace Bishop PETER.
October 19th: Mortgage burning celebration for the Fr. Lucas Memorial Hall and school were celebrated. His Beatitude Metropolitan THEODOSIOUS officiated at ceremonies.
Great Lent: Church adopts Parish Outreach program. Results and beneficiaries are as follows
OCA Diocese of the South:
- 25 Baptismal Kits
- 1 set of Festal Icons
- 1 Zeon set and metal candle
- 2 sets of Altar Coverings
- 1 wooden and hand written Processional Cross
- Marriage Crowns
- One complete Chalice Set
- Two sets of Priestly Vestments
Fr. Sergei Glagolev:
- Monetary donations after losing home in a fire
Holy Annunciation, Brick:
- Monetary donations for construction of Parish Hall
- Chairs and Desks for church school
February 17th: His Beatitude Metropolitan THEODOSIUS selects Holy Assumption to host the Extraordinary Diocesan Assembly of the Diocese of NY/NJ. Assembly nominates PETER (L’Huillier) as the first Bishop of New York and the Diocese of NY/NJ.
Metropolitan THEODOSIUS serves final Hierarchical Divine Liturgy as Bishop of New York, assumes title of “Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada.”
Bishop Peter installed as Bishop of New York at Christ the Saviour Church in Paramus.
Year long parish rectory renovation project begins. Sisterhood of St. Barbara makes substantial contributions to project.
New carpeting installed courtesy of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara
Church interior repainted and cleaned, Frank Massa once again contacted to write frescoes for church interior.
November 4th: Holy Assumption celebrates 50th Anniversary. Metropolitan THEODOSIUS and Bishop PETER concelebrated a hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Matushka Alexandra Olchovy receives a Gramota for years of dedicated service to the parish.
Holy Assumption hosts 18th Diocesan Assembly.
Archpriest Dimitri Oslinsky celebrates 20th Anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.
Renovations to rectory are completed. Two new bathrooms installed, roof repaired, and siding on third floor.
Parish facilities undergo renovation. Roofs replaced on church and parish hall, AC installed, and new windows installed in rectory as well as house adjacent to church
Holy Assumption participates in Field Study program with St. Vladimir’s Seminary.
First Annual Beefsteak held
January 5th: Matushka Alexandra Olchovy reposes.
Rectory undergoes renovation with new front door steps, office entrance, and wooden backyard patio.
Sisterhood of St. Barbara celebrates 10th Anniversary.
Father Dimitri 25th Anniversary to the ordination of Priesthood celebrated in a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy presided by Archbishop PETER.
“The Couples Club” is organized.
See Pascha below.
Holy Assumption celebrates the Bicentennial Celebration of Orthodoxy in America
Holy Assumption hosts the 27th Diocesan Assembly
Repairs of Flower Boxes and Sidewalks in front of church and rectory
Removal of the Obednitsa (Prayer Service) from regularly scheduled Divine Services by decision of Archbishop PETER
Father Sophrony Royer received into the OCA from the Russian Orthodox Church. Attached to Holy Assumption before being assigned to the St. Gregory Palamas mission in Flemington, NJ
More repairs and upgrades of parish including the resealing of stained glass windows, installation of carpeting in parish office, and repainting of hall, kitchen, stairwells, classrooms and parish office.
“The Couples Club” changes name to “The Couples and Friends Club”.
November: Holy Assumption hosts one of the NJ Deanery’s Nativity Lenten Lectures
December: Holy Assumption hosts a successful Community Open House
October 25th: Church dues increase to $100 per year for every parishioner 18+
November 1: Divine Liturgy pushed from 8:30 to 9am.
Father Dimitri begins a Bible Study program.
October 1: Parish dispenses with annual church dues, implements a minimum fair share financial commitment of $520.00 minimum per adult parishioner in its place.
October 31: Church calendar year (January-December) adopted over old fiscal calendar year (October-September). Furthermore, annual parish meeting moved to first Sunday of February from last Sunday in October.
November 14: Testimonial dinner held in honor of Harry Kowalako and Peter Vanish for their forty years of dedicated service to the Holy Assumption parish.
December: Start time for Liturgy pushed back to 8:30.
Victor Gorodenchuk, choir director, marries Anastasia Vernak, daughter of Archpriest David and Matushka Miriam Vernak of the Annunciation Church in Brick, NJ.
April 1: Victor Gorodenchuk tonsured a reader, the first step of Holy Orders in the Orthodox Church.
July 19: Fr. Stephen Kachur reposes. Like his predecessor, he too is interred at St. Tikhon’s Monastery (For a complete biography of Father Kachur, check out this tribute put together by his son Paul).
October: Split-up start times of Divine Liturgy go into effect; 9am (EST), 8:30 (Daylight Savings)
Via the efforts of Gregory Swenda, a large commercial ice machine is donated to parish hall.
This in recognition of the Father Stephen’s years of faithful service to God’s Holy Church and in appreciation of his work not only on behalf of St. Tikhon’s but also for his tireless efforts for those entrusted to his car
Holy Assumption donates $3k to Natalia, a woman in Ukraine suffering from a brain tumor. Donation enables her to undergo surgery.
Archpriest Dimirti Oselinsky celebrates 35th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.
September 21: Harry Kowalako, president of the parish council for four decades, reposes.
Parish Council President Vladimir Kopetz establishes a rental procedure for parish hall.
April 2: His Beatitude Metopolitan THEODOSIUS submits petition of retirement. His successor Metropolitan HERMAN (born Joseph Swaiko) elected at the OCA’s Thirteenth All-American Council in Orlando, FL and formally enthroned on September 8th in Washington DC.
The Couples and Friends Club donates funds needed to renovate parish hall and create a modern conference room.
A memorial contribution made in memory of the Honorable John Koribanics toward parish library.
Holy Assumption receives bequest in the form of stock from the estates of Elizabeth and Olga Taton.
Victor Gorodenchuk ordained to the Holy Diaconate.
Monies were appropriated for repairs to the house adjacent to the church in preparation for its sale; house was sold in fall.
Second floor classrooms in the parish hall rented for a three year lease to Passaic County Mental Health.
A smoke-free environment instituted for all church facilities
March 28: Liturgical services for the 5th Sunday of Great Lent concelebrated with Metropolitan HERMAN.
May 2: Deacon Victor Gorodenchuk ordained to the Priesthood.
www.dormitionnj.org established as domain of parish website (changed to www.holyassumptionclifton.org the following October)
Archbishop PETER announces retirement and the Diocese of NY/NJ comes under the control of the Metropolitan until 2009.
May: Fr. Dimitri formally announces his departure from the parish after twenty-seven years of dedicated service. He and Matushka Mary Ann relocate to Bethlehem, PA where he begins service as the rector of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.
Father Steven Evanina (2005-2015)
August 1: Holy Assumption welcomes Father Stephen Evanina, Matushka Jessica, and children Jacob and Julia. He serves first liturgy a week later.
September 4: First annual Holy Assumption church picnic.
October 23: Archpastoral visit from His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN.
November 1: Father Stephen officially appointed rector of Holy Assumption.
Donation Committee formed to create new ways to improve fundraising
February 12: Holy Assumption hosts first annual Maslenitsa (Pre-Lenten dairy festival)
An increase in membership was seen.
March 18: Archpastoral visit/Deanery Lenten Mission Vespers by His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN and the St. Tikhon’s Seminary choir (Photo Credits: Reader Martin Paluch).
Plans to form a 75th Anniversary begin in preparation for the Holy Assumption Diamond Jubilee.
Fundraisers for the year including the Beefsteak Dinner, Maslenitsa, and St. Nicholas Fish Dinner continue to be a major source of income to the church.
Floor in Parish Hall refinished. New rugs and kitchen floor installed in parish rectory.
Hall of roof damaged due to severe storm.
November 19: Retired Archbishop PETER reposes.
Major sources of income for the church include rental of hall and classrooms
In an attempt to reduce heating expenses, several capital renovations were made to parish facilities. These include replacement of original boiler and upgrade of circulating systems in hall and parish offices.
April 13: Archpastoral visit by His Beatitude Metropoltian HERMAN. Fr. Stephen awarded the Kamilavka.
May 16: First annual Tricky Tray held.
November 12: Bishop JONAH Paffhausen of Forth Worth, TX was elected to replace His Beatitude HERMAN as Metropolitan of the OCA at the 15th All-American Council in Pittsburgh. The election of Metropolitan JONAH was an extraordinary occurrence in the history of the OCA, as he was the newest bishop at the time (having been enthroned as Bishop of Fort Worth on November 1st). He was formally enthroned on December 28th in Washington DC.
Father Terence Baz (2015-Present)
New roof
March 22, 2020 The Sunday of the Cross, the 3rd Sunday of Lent Divine Liturgy
Doors Closed for the Weekend
Dearly Beloved in Christ,
Christ is in our midst!
As a follow up on my previous statement about Church services for this weekend, please refer to the latest statement from Archbishop Michael about the Coronavirus that can be found at the diocesan website: https://nynjoca.org/
In applying the guidelines to our parish, Vespers will be cancelled on Saturday evening.
Given the daily dramatic news unfolding about the spread of the virus, for this Sunday, I only want Matushka Barbara to be present to sing the responses for the Divine Liturgy. I will pray for all the sick, for all of you and any deceased persons that I have been asked to do a Memorial Service for. The doors will be locked. Please be safe & do not attempt to attend.
For next Wednesday's Presanctified Liturgy, I want to protect the safety of the the choir & chanters. Thus, there will be no Liturgy that evening.
Depending on how the week unfolds, I will assess the situation for the following Sunday. Some of the younger regular attendees, who are in good health & have not manifested any of the symptoms associated with this virus, I may invite to the Divine Liturgy on March 29th., but only limited to 10 people, as directed by the State.
Please know that you are in my prayers in this very difficult time.
Yours, in Christ
Archpriest Terence Baz, parish priest.
May 28, 2020
Email from Father:
Subject: 25th Anniversary
Hello everyone,
On this joyous feast of the Ascension of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I am happy to announce that today is also the 25th Anniversary of me being ordained as a priest. I was ordained at St. George Antiochian Church in Little Falls, NJ.
I made mention in Sunday's bulletin of the recent passing of Fr. Elias Bitar. He was the pastor of St. George's Church at the time & who assisted Bishop Antoun, who ordained me.
I want to thank Archbishop Michael and all of you for the support you have given me for my priesthood. It means a great deal and you have been wonderful to me! I had planned to have a celebration at the church on this day and had invited Archbishop Michael to be present with us but, alas, this pandemic has stopped all that!
All I ask is that you continue to pray for my priesthood, as well as for Matushka Barbara and my children Charles & Nicole, as I strive to serve Christ and all of you.
I will continue to pray for all of you as we endure this difficult time of the pandemic. I will serve Divine Liturgy in the church for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. I will be praying for you all. Matushka Barbara will sing the responses.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, rector
Holy Assumption Church
Clifton NJ
May 26, 2921 Lifting of Covid-19 restritions
Guidelines for the Diocese of New York and New Jersey,
On the Continuing Re-Opening of Our Churches, Missions, and Chapels
Issued May 26, 2021
Beloved Clergy and Faithful of Our Diocesan Family: Christ is Risen! – Indeed He is Risen!
Thanks be to Almighty GOD for His faithfulness and His countless blessings! Truly it is fitting that during this joy-filled season between Holy Pascha and Pentecost, when the Risen Lord and His disciples rejoiced in His victory over death, so too does our Diocesan family rejoice in the triumph of communion and community over isolation and fear. We reach out with love and care to those who have yet to return in person to their parishes. We commend into the loving Lord’s hands all those whom this pandemic has claimed. And, we pledge – Archbishop, clergy, and laity – to pour ourselves into the continuing reopening of our churches, missions, and chapels, as lighthouses of hope to all who have endured the painful journey of the pandemic.
As has been widely publicized, updated recommendations have been issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Essentially, the CDC recommends that masks and social distancing need no longer be mandated for those persons who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
The State of New York has announced that, effective Wednesday, May 19, fully vaccinated persons are no longer required to wear masks or to be socially distanced in most settings. Most indoor capacity restrictions have been lifted in New York State. Social distancing is still required by New York State for venues that are following the CDC guidelines, where unvaccinated persons are in attendance.
The State of New Jersey has announced that effective this Friday, May 28, New Jersey will discontinue the mandatory wearing of masks indoors in public, for persons who have been fully vaccinated. Civil social distancing requirements will also be discontinued for many New Jersey sites, including churches.
In consideration of these civil directives, the following guidelines are announced with respect to the liturgical and fellowship activities of the churches, missions, and chapels of the Diocese.
For Churches in the State of New York:
- Persons who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are not required to wear masks in church, nor to be socially distanced. However, anyone wishing to wear a mask, and/or be socially distanced, may do so.
- For their own safety, and protection, unvaccinated persons should continue to wear masks and be socially distanced from other persons without masks.
- Persons 65 years and older, persons with medical conditions that increase their susceptibility to COVID19, and particularly persons in these groups who are not fully vaccinated, should continue to exercise caution with respect to wearing masks at church and being socially distanced.
- The maximum indoor gathering limit of the church may be increased to 250 persons, in consonance with the current New York State civil directive.
- Parishes can provide temple space for those who continue to wear masks and be socially distanced.
- The temple and other facilities used by the parish will continue to be sanitized at least once per week.
- On the condition that the temple is sanitized as required above, the kissing of the Cross, the Holy Icons, and other sacred objects of veneration may be resumed.
- With respect to the distribution of Holy Communion:
- If the traditional practice of giving the Holy Mysteries with one spoon has been suspended, then the parish priest, at his discretion, may resume doing so. However, the parish priest, at his discretion, may continue to follow the previous Diocesan directives regarding the use of multiple spoons and the cleansing of the spoon or spoons between communicants.
- If the traditional practice of using the common Communion cloth held under the Chalice for cleansing of communicants’ lips has been suspended, then the parish priest, at his discretion, may resume doing so. The parish priest may announce to communicants that they have the option to use the common cloth, rather than individual tissues. However, the clergy may continue to offer communicants the option of bringing individual tissues to cleanse their lips, then placing the tissues in a dedicated container to be burned.
- Persons at parish coffee hours and fellowship events may serve themselves food and beverages.
- At parish coffee hours and other fellowship and fund-raising activities, social distancing will continue to be maintained as noted in previous Diocesan directives and guidelines.
For Churches in the State of New Jersey:
- Persons who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are not required to wear masks in church, nor to be socially distanced. However, anyone wishing to wear a mask, and/or be socially distanced, may do so.
- For their own safety, and protection, unvaccinated persons should continue to wear masks and be socially distanced from other persons without masks.
- Persons 65 years and older, persons with medical conditions that increase their susceptibility to COVID19, and particularly persons in these groups who are not fully vaccinated, should continue to exercise caution with respect to wearing masks at church and being socially distanced.
- In consonance with the civil directives of the State of New Jersey, the maximum indoor gathering limit is presently set at 50, and effective June 4, 2021, that maximum limit will be removed.
- Parishes can provide temple space for those who continue to wear masks and be socially distanced.
- The temple and other facilities used by the parish will continue to be sanitized at least once per week.
- On the condition that the temple is sanitized as required above, the kissing of the Cross, the Holy Icons, and other sacred objects of veneration may be resumed.
- With respect to the distribution of Holy Communion:
- If the traditional practice of giving the Holy Mysteries with one spoon has been suspended, then the parish priest, at his discretion, may resume doing so. However, the parish priest, at his discretion, may continue to follow the previous Diocesan directives regarding the use of multiple spoons and the cleansing of the spoon or spoons between communicants. o If the traditional practice of using the common Communion cloth held under the Chalice for cleansing of communicants’ lips has been suspended, then the parish priest, at his discretion, may resume doing so. The parish priest may announce to communicants that they have the option to use the common cloth, rather than individual tissues. However, the clergy may continue to offer communicants the option of bringing individual tissues to cleanse their lips, then placing the tissues in a dedicated container to be burned.
- Persons at parish coffee hours and fellowship events may serve themselves food and beverages.
Throughout the Diocese: The clergy and faithful are to respect the personal choices of their parish community members concerning the reception of the COVID-19 vaccine. Each adult and each parent must discern whether to receive or to have their children receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and whether to continue to wear a mask, vaccinated or not. As your father in Christ, I sincerely beg you to recognize that the “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated” status of any individual or group is not, and is not to become, a source of division, criticism, or indiscriminate discussion in the Church. The Church is a hospital, where health and healing are valued goals for everyone. Respect, love, and support are essential tools of Christian service in furthering those goals for every member of the parish family.
Any questions or concerns regarding these Directives should be conveyed to the Office of the Archbishop.
These Guidelines are issued with profound gratitude to God for His mercy and many blessings, and to all the faithful of our Diocese for their steadfast faithfulness during this unprecedented time of crisis. It is my sincere hope that the coming summer season will bring a great restoration of communion and community, which the evil one has sought to destroy during these past fourteen difficult months. As we look forward to the revival of summer barbecues, sports events, church camps, and family celebrations, may our hearts echo the triumphant Resurrectional cry still ringing forth in our beloved churches: “Christ is Risen!”
With my humble prayers, archpastoral blessing and sincere love,
+ M I C H A E L
Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey