We were blessed on the weekend of February 15/16, 2025, with the presence of our shepherd, His Eminence, Archbishop Michael. Even though the weather was icy & snowy, the services went well. His attendants were Subdeacons Andrew, Mark & Matthew. Our own Subdeacon Christopher & Nectarios helped with the serving; Subdeacon Christopher read the Epistle; Reader Christopher sang the responses for Vespers & led the choir for Liturgy; Demetrius Morais sang the Royal Hours before the Sunday Divine Liturgy; Subdeacon Mark's son John also served. His Eminence asked me to read the Gospel & preach.
We went downstairs to enjoy a celebratory breakfast with His Eminence and afterwards, we met with the Parish Council.
The photos were kindly taken by Andrew Guertin.
Archpriest Terence, parish priest

I am happy to announce that we had a very successful Beefsteak Dinner last Saturday, February 8th., 2025! We had a full house that got booked out weeks ago!
I want to thank the Parish Council who worked very hard to enable the event to go smoothly. Everyone seemed to have a great time. 73 prizes were obtained as well as 50/50 raffles.
Thank you to everyone who came to support the event.
The total profit from the Beefsteak dinner was $6,791.51.
Yours, in Christ,
Father Terence Baz, parish priest

Another Catechumen, Christian Diaz, was Chrismated this past Saturday, December 14th., at our Church! His Godparents are Josue Rodriguez & Maria Tlatelpa.
Congratulations & many blessed years!
Archpriest Terence, parish priest

Our parish was very pleased to witness the baptisms of two young people in our parish last Saturday afternoon, September 14th. They were Andrew Guertin and Anthony Focarino. Andrew's God-father is Reader Luis Camacho and his aunt, Diahann Fereyra, stood in as a Christian Witness. Anthony's God-parents were Allan & Violeta Focarino. Anthony is the grandson of Gregory and Vera Focarino.
We wish them every blessing for the future as they embark on their journey towards a life in Christ in the Orthodox Church. May God grant them many many years!
Father Terence Baz, parish priest

The parish community had the great joy of witnessing the newly baptized Timothy Aybar and the newly chrismated Athena Fermin receiving their First Holy Communion. Beside them were their Godparents Gregory & Linda Surgent and John Slivinsky & June Fejko. Many, many blessed years to all of you!
Father Terence Baz

I have the joyful news that I baptized Timothy (Ryan) Aybar on Saturday, July 6th., 2024, into the Orthodox Church! His God parents are Gregory & Linda Surgent. This is very happy news indeed for our parish. Please view some of the photos taken by Gregory Focarino.
Father Terence Baz

On the feast of Sts. Peter & Paul, a diocesan Altar Server's Retreat was held at Holy Resurrection Church in Wayne, NJ. It was led by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael & hosted by the parish priest, Archpriest Stephen.
I am please to write that two of our altar servers, Sub-deacon Christopher & newly Chrismated Alexander, attended.
Over 30 laity attended, together with His Eminence, the parish priest and 3 deacons. One priest concelebrated at the beautiful Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. The parish choir sang beautifully. I attended but did not concelebrate.
Enjoy the photos.
Archpriest Terence

Many thanks to Craig Polk & the teachers who worked faithfully, week in & week out, to teach the children the content of the Orthodox Church teachings.
Congratulations also to the students and their parents who brought them each Sunday so that they could learn the truths of the Orthodox Teachings.
Thank you to June Fejko for taking these photos.
Archpriest Terence Baz, parish priest

We had a very joyful event during Divine Liturgy with the Chrismation into the Holy Orthodox Church & First Holy Communion of Andrew Guertin. This was a life changing event for Andrew, as it is for any new convert to the Orthodox Church. We must never take this decision for granted & we ask you to pray for him that he will hold true to this commitment for the rest of his life!
Thank you to Parish Council President, Gregory for taking these photos.
Congratulations and may God give you many blessed years ahead with the Church.
Archpriest Terence Baz

Christ is Risen!
Despite the rainy weather, a number of new our parishioners went to visit St. Tikhon's Monastery for its Annual Open Day on Memorial Day this past Monday, May 27th.
I brought with me two newly chrismated parishioners: Monica (Rosa) Mercado & Alexander (Alejandro) Salas and two catechumens: Karey Firmin & Ryan Aybar. Sub-deacon Christopher brought Demetrius (Samuel) Morais.
We arrived in time for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, celebrated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence, Archbishop Michael and other clergy. The singing was truly magnificent! The whole liturgy was aweinspiring for our new & prospective members. After the liturgy, we visited St. Tikhon's Monastery book store and museum. They were glad to have made the effort.
The photograph was taken on the front steps of the seminary in drenching rain. Those streaks in the photo are rain drops! A security guard took the photo.
Archpriest Terence, parish priest,
Holy Assumption Church, Clifton NJ

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
Congratulations to Michael & Christine Vitales who had their baby daughter, Sophia Vitales, baptized on Saturday, May 18th., 2024! Sub-deacon Christopher Chasse & Barbara Polk were the Godparents. Sophia received her First Communion the next morning at the Sunday Divine Liturgy.
As described in the previous post for Pascha, I recently had a medical emergency so, my neighboring priest, Father John Morris kindly did the baptism in place of me.
Archpriest Terence Baz, parish priest.

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
Most of you would be aware that I had a medical emergency on Monday, April 29th. when I had to be take to the ER at Hackensack Hospital. My pulse had dropped significantly. After being examined, it was determined that the communication between the upper & lower chambers of my heart was blocked, allowing my pulse to drop. This in turn, caused my blood pressure to rise to try to compensate for the lack of oxygen from the low heart rate. During that night, my pulse got as low as 31 and my blood pressure as high as 198/102. The cardiologist told me that I needed to have a pacemaker inserted to bring those levels back to normal. The procedure was done the next day. It was successful & had the desired results. Apart from that, I am in good health.
This medical emergency could not have come at a more important time for the parish because it was Holy Week! I am very grateful to Reader Luis Comacho who did reader services for Holy Monday & Tuesday. For the rest of the week, our parish was blessed by our shepherd, Archbishop Michael, who filled in for me while I was recouping. Father John Kluchko also filled in for a couple of the mid week services. He had also given his blessing for us to hold the Paschal Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM because many of our people are elderly so, he, the servers & choir underwent quite a sacrifice to hold the Rush Services at midnight and then return by 9:00 AM the next day.
I am pleased to say that nearly 100 people attended the Sunday morning service. Attached is a photo of the parish members who partook in a photograph on the front steps of the church. It was raining lightly at the time and thank you to our Parish Council President who kindly took the photo in less than ideal conditions. Parish Council members made sure that we could celebrate with a hearty breakfast afterwards.
Yours, in Christ,
Archpriest Terence Baz, parish priest.

An Icon of Christ the Creator & the Theotokos with the child Jesus were blessed by me and presented to our new convert, Alexander Salas. They were donated by another convert, Demetrius Morais on the 5th. Sunday of Great Lent, April 21st., 2024. Congratulations & many, many years!
The photographs were taken by our Parish Council President, Gregory Focarino.
Archpriest Terence

Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Our parish was blessed to welcome two new members into the Orthodox Church and to our parish!
In the first photograph is Monica (Rosa) Mercado, on the left, with her sponsors Kevin Shermock & Cheryl Yaroshevsky and on the right side is her son, Alexander (Alejandro) Salas, with his sponsors Reader Luis Comacho and Demetrius Morais. Both Monica & Alexander are holding their certificates of Christmation. May God bless you all!
In the second photograph are the new converts who have joined the parish since 2022. From left to right in the upper row are: Michael Vitales, Nectarios (Guilherme) Bittemcourt, Father Terence and Mary (Nia) Daniel; in the lower row are: Monica (Rosa) Mercado, Alexander (Alejandro) Salas and Demetrius (Samuel) Morais.
Fr. Terence Baz, parish priest.

It was a great blessing to have His Eminence, Archbishop Michael visit us on Sunday, January 21st., 2024. At the beginning of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, His Eminence tonsured Luis Camacho to become a reader for the parish. It was a beautiful Liturgy with his visiting attendants and our servers from the parish, together with the choir, led by Reader Christopher Minarich. We were also graced with the presence of the choir members St. Mary Magdeline Church in Manhattan, NY, who came to help together with other friends of the parish. The parish also received a Gromota from His Eminence in anticipation of the 90th. Anniversary of the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by their Graces, Bishop Tikhon and Bishop Adam on March 4th., 1934.

It was fitting to have a celebratory breakfast after all the liturgical formalities in the parish church above. About 65 adults & children attended. Thank you to the Parish Council who organized the breakfast with all the great food! In the photo, we were singing the Our Father and I blessed the food. Fr. Terence

Congratulations to Michael & Christine on the recent birth of their beautiful baby, Sophia whom they had Churched on Sunday, during Divine Liturgy. I bless the baby & the mother and then bring the baby to the solea & say the prayer of St. Simeon: "Now let Thy servant depart in peace..." The choir at the same time sings the same hymn. This dedicates the baby to the Church in preparation for her upcoming baptism.
Fr. Terence Baz

Holy Assumption Orthodox Church was very pleased to host our deanery of New Jersey for the Lenten Mission Vespers on Sunday evening, March 25th. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael was the main celebrant with 10 priests & 4 subdeacons as seen in the photo. About 100 people attended, some of whom joined with our parish choir to compliment a beautiful service.Our parish put on a very nice Lenten supper afterwards in the hall.

Yesterday, I had the privelidge of concelebrating the Divine Liturgy with His Eminence, Archbishop Michael at Christ the Savior Church in Paramus, NJ, for the 50th. Anniversary of his priesthood. You can click on the link below to watch the video.
Yours, in Christ
Fr. Terence Baz

As can be seen in the photos, we had a very enjoyable Christmas pageant celebration last Sunday. Thank you to Craig Polk, Sub-deacon Christopher & other staff members who organized it, to those who helped set up the crib, to the parents who supported their children to participate, to those who attended.
Fr. Terence Baz

We were blessed to recive Igumen Cyprian who brought with him from St. Tikhon's Monastery the Miraculous Healing Icon of St. Anna. This icon is known to have manifested many miracles to those faithful who have pertitioned through it the grandmother of Jesus & the mother of the God-bearer, Mary. Many faithful came to this service on the afternoon of September 11th.
We were also blessed with the presence of Archpriest Maryan who visited us for the occasion.
Deacon Herman, who is from Alaska, assisted Igumen Cyprian for the day.
Yours, in Christ,
Archpriest Terence Baz

Many years!
We were happy to welcome into our parish fold, Zenaida (Arleen) Espaillat who was Chrismated & received her First Holy Communion during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, September 28th., 2022. Her three children, shown here in the photo, were baptized into the Holy Orthodox Church earlier in June of this year. They will be a wonderful addition to our parish and we wish them many blessings through it for many years to come.
Congratulations also Steve & Diane Abrams, her sponsors, for this happy occasion. They donated to her a beautiful Orthodox Cross that was blessed at the end of the Divine Liturgy.
Archpriest Terence Baz, parish priest.

Christ is in our midst!
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America has published a statement on the "Sacredness of Human Life and its Untimely Termination."
Please go to this link to read it in full: https://nynjoca.org/files/2022/aob-statements/2022-AoB-Life-Statement---Final.pdf.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, pastor

Holy Assumption parish was invited to have their graves blessed at East Ridgelawn Cemetary on Saturday, May 21st. The weather cooperated.
In particular, the Thanasides family, relatives & friends gathered for a two year Anniversary of Patricia's Falling Asleep in the Lord. The extended family could not get together at the time of her passing because of the restrictions from the pandemic. The gathering was longed for after all that time.

Parish Council President Gregory Focarino is waiting for His Eminence to enter the Church. He will present a Bobka & I will present the Altar Hand Cross.
Thank you to Vera Focarino who took all the photos seen here for His Eminence's Archpastoral Visit.
This visit may seem routine but the past two years have been very difficult for our parish because of the Coronavirus, some unexpected deaths of relatives and now, the agony of watching the invasion of Ukraine unfold.
Although we have been Coffee Hour after Divine Liturgy for some months, this weekend was the first time that the parish gathered for a function in our community for the first time in two years. We hope that we will be able to get back into a normal routine soon, hosting fundraisers and other gatherings in our beautiful hall.
Fr. Terence, parish priest

On the weekend of March 6th & 6th., His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, blessed us with his annual visit to our parish. It was a very beautiful weekend. The photos that follow were taken by Vera Focarino on the Sunday. Please enjoy!
Fr. Terence Baz, parish priest.

I would like to thank the Parish Council, the Sisterhood of St. Barbara & the Couples Club who contributed to the project of replacing the damaged carpet in the sanctuary of the church. Thank you also to those who helped prepare and clean up afterwards as well as to those who helped to coordinate the smooth completion of the work.
If you would like to donate towards this cost, please use the PayPal option on this website or, speak to someone on the Parish Council.
Thank you to everyone! You can see from the photo that the sanctuary has obviously improved because of this work.
Fr. Terence, parish priest.

I regret to let you know that one of our long standing members, Sally Telep, Fell Asleep in the Lord a couple of days ago. Please keep her & all her family in your prayers.
The Calling Hours will be at the Shook Funeral Home in Clifton from 4:00 - 8:00 PM this evening, November 11th. A Panikhida Service will be held at 7:00 PM.
The funeral will be at Shook Funeral Home tomorrow, November 12th. at 11:30 AM. Please go to Shook's website for more details.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz

Congratulations and welcome to Michael Vitales, who was Baptized, Chrismated into the Orthodox Church; and the following day, received his first Holy Communion! May God grant you many, many years! His sponsors were Sub-deacon Christopher Chasse and Marilyn Wong. Thank you to our Parish Council President, Gregory Focarino who helped me set up the font to enable an adult baptism and then put it away afterwards. Thank you also for these photos and those of his wife, Vera's to celebrate the occasion. Thank you to our sister parish in Paramus, NJ who kindly loaned us the font for the occasion.
Archpriest Terence Baz

Congratulations and welcome to Michael Vitales, who was Baptized, Chrismated into the Orthodox Church; and the following day, received his first Holy Communion! May God grant you many, many years! His sponsors were Sub-deacon Christopher Chasse and Marilyn Wong. Thank you to our Parish Council President, Gregory Focarino who helped me set up the font to enable an adult baptism and then put it away afterwards. Thank you also for these photos and those of his wife, Vera's to celebrate the occasion. Thank you to our sister parish in Paramus, NJ who kindly loaned us the font for the occasion.
Archpriest Terence Baz

Great Vespers for the Exaltation of the Crost will be held at 7:00 PM this evening. It will also be livestreamed.
Fr. Terence Baz

Please copy & paste or click onto the following link to see the report from the Diocese of New York & New Jersey about the groundbreaking blessed by Archbishop Michael this week: https://nynjoca.org/news_210809_1.
Wonderful news!

Congratulations to the members of Parish Council who took the Oath of Office and were blessed by their Parish Priest, Archpriest Terence, last Sunday. We especially congratulate Gregory Focarino, the council's new President. His family was present to witness the happy occasion. We wish Gregory every blessing in his endeavors to serve the parish in his new position. Many years!

Our Diocesan website (nynjoca.org) has posted videos about our youth who witness about their experience of the Risen Christ for this season of Pascha. If you would like to watch them, please click onto or copy and paste the following link: Youth Witness to the Faith Videos Series | Diocese of New York and New Jersey - OCA (nynjoca.org)
Fr. Terence Baz

On the occasion of his archpastoral visit, Archbishop Michael Anoints the new Antimensium he has given to the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Clifton, NJ. The relice included is of the Russian Hieromartyr Sergius Florinsky who was murdered by the Bolshevicks on December 30th., 1918.

Please remember in your prayers, Helene Boris Lenkowec, 98 who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. She will be buried from Holy Assumption Church on Friday, January 22nd., 2021 @ 12:30 PM. Please remember to wear a mask and keep socially distanced during the funeral service.

On Thursday, January 7, 2021, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon offered the following statement:
“In the aftermath of the troubling events in Washington, DC, yesterday, may we all keep this country and one another in prayer asking the Lord to grant peace, unity, and hope to all the people of the United States of America. As the Apostle Paul exhorts us to do, “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor” (Rom 12:9-10).
O Lord Jesus Christ, who have descended the waters of Jordan sanctifying the whole creation and offering us a new life, protect and keep this country and grant it peace, tranquility, and reconciliation!”

Christ is born! Glorify Him!
If you would like to view our beautiful Annual Parish Yolka, please click onto or copy & past the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v4S9CXvXt0TIKgVaKvHfo-qu3xVyayXY/view.
Thank you to Craig Polk for his wonderful work to put this together and to post it! It gives us hope in these difficult times.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz

Dearly beloved: Christ is born! Glorify Him!
I had announced on Friday, the day of the Nativity of Christ that the heater for the church had broken down. I am happy to say that it has been fixed so that we can hold Divine Liturgy tomorrow as usual at 9:00 AM.
Yours, in Christ
Fr. Terence Baz

Many thanks to Joyce for taking the initiative, to Deborah and to Barbara for preparing the delicious soup! As others have said, it was delicious & a great way to eat yesterday's lunch! Yum yum! Fr. Terry

For those who would like to watch the Burial Service for Metropolitan Theodosius, please click onto this link: https://www.oca.org/news/headline-news/live-streaming-of-burial-services-for-metropolitan-theodosius

Dearly Beloved in Christ,
Christ is in our midst!
As a follow up on my previous statement about Church services for this weekend, please refer to the latest statement from Archbishop Michael about the Coronavirus that can be found at the diocesan website: https://nynjoca.org/
In applying the guidelines to our parish, Vespers will be cancelled on Saturday evening.
Given the daily dramatic news unfolding about the spread of the virus, for this Sunday, I only want Matushka Barbara to be present to sing the responses for the Divine Liturgy. I will pray for all the sick, for all of you and any deceased persons that I have been asked to do a Memorial Service for. The doors will be locked. Please be safe & do not attempt to attend.
For next Wednesday's Presanctified Liturgy, I want to protect the safety of the the choir & chanters. Thus, there will be no Liturgy that evening.
Depending on how the week unfolds, I will assess the situation for the following Sunday. Some of the younger regular attendees, who are in good health & have not manifested any of the symptoms associated with this virus, I may invite to the Divine Liturgy on March 29th., but only limited to 10 people, as directed by the State.
Please know that you are in my prayers in this very difficult time.
Yours, in Christ
Archpriest Terence Baz, parish priest.

Two new statements from Archbishop Michael have been issued today about the Coronavirus: a Pastoral Statement and Guidelines for clergy & parishes.
Please go to: https://nynjoca.org/ and click on the front page to read these statements.
Yours in Christ
Archpriest Terence Baz, parish priest.

Today, the Archdiocesan headquarters in Syosset released a statement giving instructions to parishes about how to respond to the Coronavirus. Please click on this link: https://www.oca.org/cdn/PDFs/synod/2020-0313-synod-statement-covid19.pdf to read it. I will put it in Sunday's bulletin.
Please note that the instructions say that for those serving at Coffee Hour, to use gloves; people should not give the traditional Trinitarian kiss to greet each other; and do not shake hands.
Fr. Terence Baz, parish priest
Holy assumption Church, Clifton NJ

Vespers with Archbishop Michael at Holy Resurrection Church in Wayne, NJ for the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The photo below is of His Eminence with the con-celebrating clergy but other clergy were present who did not attend as well a combined choir & a packed congregation. The service was beautiful & we were blessed with beautiful weather for the evening.
Such an occasion reminds us that we are not simply isolated parishes but belong to the family of our diocese that is part of the Orthodox Church. It was truly fitting that we got together to celebrate on this day.
The host was Father Stephen Evanina, rector of Holy Resurrection Church and the mitered archpriest is our Chancellor, Joseph Lickwar. Quite a number of parishioners of our parish of Holy Assumption were also presnt.

Bishop Visit - 03-01-2020 - 03/01/2020
On Sunday, March 1st., our parish was blessed to receive His Eminence, Archbishop Michael for his Annual Pastoral Visit. He was assisted by his attendants Deacon Stephan Karlgut and Subdeacons Matthew Ortiz & Mark Federoff. The first photo is of the clergy & the servers. The Rector, Archpriest Terence was also awarded a Palitza and Diocesan Gramota by His Eminence for his 25th. Anniversary as an Orthodox priest. It was a beautiful visit.
(31 images)

On Sunday, March 1st., our parish was blessed to have Archbishop Michael Visit us with his assistants: Deacon Stephan Karlgut and Subdeacons Matthew Ortiz & Mark Federoff, for the Divine Liturgy. Archbishop Michael also presided at Great Vespers the evening before.
I was blessed to be presented with a Palitza and Diocesan Gramota by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, in celebration of his 25th. Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood. The date of the anniversary is May 28th.
The parish held a pasta dinner in the parish hall on Saturday evening & then a brunch on Sunday morning after Divine Liturgy & the Service of Forgiveness. His Eminence preached about the importance of forgiveness & fasting as we commence the season of Great Lent.

Photo 1: Members of my parish with Archbishop Michael & me. We had dinner with numerous other parishes at Holy Resurrection Church in Wayne NJ, to recognize the Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors. These donations are a very important help in enabling our OCA Diocese of New York & New Jersey, to run the programs needed to operate it. Thus, their generosity is very much appreciated.
Photo 2: the certificate from His Eminence, Archbishop Michael.
Photo 3: Archbishop Michael thanking the Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors at the dinner. Of the many programs helped by these people, he emphasized two: the improvements to our Diocesan Camp of St. Andrew's, on Oneida Lake in Central New York, as well as the help given to seminarians to support their study & living expenses. Our diocese currently has 6 seminarians.

I am pleased to announce that at St. Tikhon's Seminary, the Synod of Bishops recently elected two new bishops to the OCA. Axios! Please click onto the following link to read the details:

We were blessed to receive Heiromonk Herman from St. Tikhon's Monastery who brought the healing icon of St. Anna that resides at the monastery. We had a Moleben Service for Sts. Joachim & Anna & Fr. Herman gave an inspiring sermon about the history of the healing icon & the importance of intercessory prayers in the life of an Orthodox Christian. Specially blessed oil from St. Tikhon's was brought & used to anoint the congregation at the end of the service. We were blessed also to have our chancellor, Mitered Archpriest Joseph join us for the service. Fr. Joseph & I anointed the people after they venerated the icon held by Fr. Herman. The church was packed for the service.

Please click onto the video link below for St. Andrew's Camp for this summer's prospective campers.

It was a joy to host Archbishop Michael and his attendants for his Annual Arch-pastoral visit to the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church on Sunday, February 24th. The choir, led by Susan Stavastinuk, sang beautifully and the Parish Council, led by Joyce Telep, provided a beautiful breakfast in the Father Lucas Memorial Hall, our Parish Hall.

We had a great celebration on the evening of Saturday, February 3rd. for our 33rd. Annual Beefsteak Dinner. Over 140 people attended. This event is becoming more & more popular, with lots of great food & prizes to be won. Thank you to all who helped prepare for this very successful event!

Sometimes, things take time to get posted! This Yolka was performed in December 2018. It was a very beautiful & creative performance! Many thanks to the children who performed & to Craig who ran the event as well as to Greg who made the props and to the Sunday School teachers who either played a role or helped.

Congratulations & welcome to our parish to Mr. & Mrs. Philip & Kimberly Pinto and their daughters Gabriella Cordero & Joanna Pinto, who converted to Orthodoxy! Philip was Chrismated on Sunday, while Kimberly, Gabriella & Joanna professed their belief in the Orthodox Church, after saying the Creed. They all went to Confession on the Saturday. May God grant them many years!
In recognition of their decision, the Parish Council gave them an Orthodox Study Bible and Sharon Korbanics, on behalf of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, gave the women an icon of St. Barbara with a Prayer Card after being blessed by Father.
The photos were taken by Kevin Shermock

This family embraced Orthodoxy on Sunday, December 16th. The youngest daughter was baptized about a month ago. After serveral weeks of instruction about what the Orthodox Church is and the Orthodox Way, the family was ready commit. One member was Chrismated, the other three, as former Eastern Christians in union with Rome, converted by proclaiming their belief in the Orthodox Church as well as reciting the Creed. All went to Confession beforehand. It was a very joyful day.

The Pasta Dinner was a great success. Over 45 people came to Vespers beforehand & probably about 50 people attended the dinner.

The Valentine Dinner Dance was a great success, enjoyed by all! Thank you to all who helped prepare, serve, clean, entertain & attended the event.

Congratulations to Sub-deacon Christopher & his family on the blessing given to him by Archbishop Michael on the Sunday of the Last Judgement, 2018!
Subdeacon Christopher Chasse is a resident of Verona NJ. He graduated from Caldwell University in May of 2015 with a double major in History and English as both a member of the school's scholar's program and four honor's societies. Currently he is working towards his MA in History at William Paterson University in Wayne, NJ. Christopher has been a member of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Clifton since 2015 where he serves behind the altar with Fr. Terence Baz and was tonsured a reader in August of 2016.

We hope you can make it to our services for the Nativity of Christ.
Here is our schedule:
- Sunday, December 24th., the Sunday of the Fore Fathers: Divine Liturgy @ 9:00 AM
- Coffee Hour as usual afterwards
- Sunday, December 24th., Christmas Eve: Great Compline & Lytia with Anointing @ 4:00 PM
- Monday, December 25th., Christmas Day: Divine Liturgy of St. Basil @ 9:00 AM
- Parish Breakfast to follow in the Parish Hall
Parking is 4 doors down from the Church in Orange Avenue on the right hand side.
All welcome!

Our new roof was put on this past week from Thursday, November 16th - Saturday, November 18th. Many thanks to the Parish Council who studied the issue & researched the quotes. Also, to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, the Orange Avenue Theatre Company as well as some private donors who contributed towards the funds needed. The job was done in three days! More photos will follow.