Christ is in our midst!
Unfortunately, I was admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital a couple of days ago after collapsing from Type A Flu. It is the most dangerous & contagious form. I am now recovering at home but will not be able to serve tomorrow, nor will I be able to stream the Sunday Liturgy. I hope streaming will be back as usual next weekend.
Please keep me in you're prayers.
Yours, in Christ,
Archpriest Terence, parish priest

The Services for the Natiity of Christ will be streamed at:
- 4:30 PM today, December 24th. for the Nocturns and
- 9:30 AM tomorrow, December 25th., for the Divine Liturgy.
Please join us!
Fr. Terence Baz, parish priest

Please note that Livestreaming of Saturday's Great Vespers & Sunday's Divine Liturgy is back on schedule. Vespers is at 5:00 PM & Liturgy is at 9:00 AM. You can watch the services either on this website or on the parish's Facebook page. I was away on vacation the previous couple of Sundays.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, rector

It is hope that we will be able to stream most of the services scheduled for Great Lent. Please refer to the table of services I have posted for March of 2023. Please join in with us if you are able to. Sometimes technical difficulties can get in the way but I am confident that we can streamline the great majority of them.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, rector.

As of this week, November 13th., 2022, the Livestream facility through our parish website has been restored.
Fr. Terence Baz, pastor

The Paschal Divine Liturgy will be held & streamlined on Sunday, April 24th., 2022 @ 9:00 AM. Please join us.
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
Father Terence Baz,
Parish Priest

The Midnight Office or Nocturn for Pascha will be streamlined on Saturday night, April 23rd. at 11:30 PM.

The Divine Liturgy for the Annunciation will be livestreamed on Friday, March 25th. at 9:30 AM. Please join in!
Fr. Terence Baz

The Presanctified Liturgy will be livestreamed each Wednesday during Great Lent at 6:30 PM. Please join us.
Fr. Terence Baz

Vespers will be held and live streamed for the feast of the Meeting of the Lord @ 5:30 PM.
Fr. Terence Baz

Christ is in our midst!
We will be live streaming Great Vespers on Saturday @ 5:00 PM and Divine Liturgy on Sunday @ 9:00 AM. Please join us!
Fr. Terence Baz

Happy New Year to everyone!
Please note that because my chanter for Saturday Great Vespers has contracted Covid, I will have to cancel it today.
Sunday Divine Liturgy will take place tomorrow as usual.
Yours, in Christ
Fr. Terence Baz

Christ is in our midst!
The 3 services for the Nativity of Christ:
- Christmas eve service @ 4:30 PM
- Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ on Saturday morning @ 9:00 AM
- Sunday Divine Liturgy on December 26th. @ 9:00 AM
will all be livestreamed. Please join us if you cannot attend in person.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, rector.

The technical glitch that prevented those who use this website to watch the streaming of the services has been resolved. Both Great Vespers & Divine Liturgy will be streamed this weekend.
Please note that Vespers for Saturday, November 20th., has to be cancelled but the Sunday Divine Liturgy will be held and streamed as usual.
Fr. Terence Baz

The Vespers service for the Exaltation of the Cross will be livestreamed this evening at 7:00 PM. Please join us.
Fr. Terence Baz

Although the livestream began correctly for the Divine Liturgy yesterday, August 21st., it got cancelled almost immediately. I think I know what the problem was. I will with the technician for Orthodox Web Solutions to make sure that we will be able to livestream okay next week.
Yours, in Christ
Fr. Terence Baz

Great Vespers will be held to celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ from about 5:50 PM. Please note the later time. The service will be livestreamed.
There will be no Divine Liturgy at our parish because there will not be anyone to sing the responses.
Fr. Terence Baz

The weekend services of Saturday Great Vespers and Sunday Diving Liturgy will be livestreamed.
Great Vespers livestream will begin about 4:50 PM today.
Divine Liturgy livestream will begin about 8:50 AM tomorrow, July 25th.
Please join us either here or on Facebook if you are able.
Fr. Terence Baz

This morning's Divine Liturgy for the 4th. Sunday after Pentecost, commemorating the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils on July 18th., 2021, will be livestreamed. Please join us if you would like to.
Fr. Terence Baz

The weekend services for Pentecost Sunday are being livestreamed.
The Livestream for the Divine Liturgy will commence about 8:55 AM.
Fr. Terence Baz

Christ is Ascended!
The services of Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy for the 7th. Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Fathers of the 1st. Ecumenical Council will be livestreamed this weekend.
Great Vespers, from 4:50 PM on Saturday afternoon.
Divine Liturgy from 8:50 PM on Sunday morning.
We hope you can join us!
Fr. Terence Baz

Christ is Risen!
Both Saturday Great Vespers & Sunday Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed. For Vespers, it will commence from 4:50 PM and the Divine Liturgy from 8:50 PM.
Archpriest Terence Baz

Christ is Risen!
Both Saturday Great Vespers & Sunday Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed. For Vespers, it will commence from 5:00 PM and the Divine Liturgy from 8:50 PM.
Archpriest Terence Baz

Both Saturday's Great Vespers and Sunday's Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed.
Vespers: from 4:50 PM onwards.
Divine Liturgy: from 8:50 AM onwards.
Fr. Terence

The Divine Liturgy for tomorrow, Sunday, May 9th., will be livestreamed from 8:50 AM onwards.
Fr. Terence Baz

The Resurrectional Divine Liturgy for Pascha will be livestreamed from 8:50 AM onwards. The Liturgy will start, tomorrow, May 2nd., 2021 at 9:00 AM.
Christ is Risen!
Fr. Terence Baz

This morning's Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil will be livestream from 9:20 AM onwards. The service will begin at 9:30 AM.
Fr. Terence Baz

This evenings service of the Lamentations will be live streamed from 5:00 PM onwards.
Fr. Terence Baz

This morning's Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil will be livestreamed from 9:50 AM onwards. The Liturgy will start at 10:00 AM.
This evening's Service of Christ's Passion with the 12 Gospels will be livestreamed from 4:50 PM onwards the service will begin at 5:00 PM.

This evening's service of the Office of Holy Unction will be live streamed from 5:50 PM onwards. The service will commence at 6:00 PM.
Fr. Terence

The Bridegroom Services for both this evening and Tuesday evening, April 26th. & 27th. will be live streamed from 4:50 PM each day.
Fr. Terence

The Divine Liturgy for the Entrance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday, will be live streamed from 8:50 AM. Please join us if you are unable to attend the Liturgy tomorrow.
Fr. Terence Baz

This morning's Divine Liturgy will be live streamed from 8:50 AM. It is the custom in this parish to pray for deceased members and friends of the parish as we celebrate Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.
If you wish to follow the Liturgical Variables for this morning's Liturgy, please see the bulletin section of this website.

This evening's Presanctified Liturgy will be livestreamed from 4:55 PM.
Fr. Terence Baz

The Presanctified Liturgy will be celebrated and livestreamed this evening at 5:00 PM. My apologies if you tried to watch it on the parish website last week. I can tell you that the glitches have been resolved and that you should be able to watch it here this evening.
Fr. Terence Baz

There will be a Pre-sanctified Liturgy today, April 14th., at 5:00 PM. It will be livestreamed both on our website & our Facebook page.
Fr. Terence Baz

If you would like to watch the Presanctified Liturgy that will be held at 5:00 PM today, please either watch it here at the parish website or on our Facebook page.
It is Archbishop Michael's wish that people start coming back to church services as more of us get vaccinated, especially to weekday services such as the Presanctified when one can receive communion.
Fr. Terence Baz

Today's Pre-sanctified Liturgy will be live streamed at 5:00 PM today. It can be watched either here at this website or, on our parish's Facebook page.
At the same time, I want to point out that it is Archbishop Michael's wish for a many as possible to return to the church services during the season of Great Lent. In our parish of Holy Assumption, the Pre-sanctified Liturgy is being celebrated on Wednesdays and Friday. I encourage anyone who wishes to come to please do so. We also stream the services on the parish website and its Facebook page, if you are not able to come.

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be live streamed today at 5:00 PM. The live stream will begin a few minutes earlier.
Fr. Terence Baz

Divine Liturgy today for the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos & Ever Virgin Mary will be at 10:00 AM, Eastern Daylight Time, USA. The livestream will begin at approximately 9:45 AM.

This evening's Vespers for the Feast of the Annunciation will be live streamed. Tomorrow's Divine Liturgy will only be live streamed if we have a chanter.
Fr. Terence Baz