Cover artwork create by Kevin Shermock and A.J. Savastinuk
In Joyful Celebration of the 40th. Anniversaryof the Sisterhood of St. Barbara 1979-2019. For their dedication, We honor our Sisters before us and Our current Sisters, for their accomplishments As significant and integral Members of our Church’s Life.
To our future Sisters, may Christ give you guidance as you continue our legacy.
1984 Members
The Life of Saint Barbara
Taken from the Minutes of their First Meeting
Saint Barbara was raised as a heathen by her father (a Greek) Dioscorus. Against her father’s wishes she had secret instructions from a Christian priest and became a Christian, embracing the Faith fervently.
Legend has it that although her father tortured her and confined her to an inaccessible tower she escaped to a nearby mountain. Dioscorus and the imperial soldiers of Emperor Maximianus followed and caught her. She was then beheaded by her own father. As he left the spot he was struck by lightning and killed.
Prayers are offered to Saint Barbara to intercede in sudden death. There are many mining towns in Pennsylvania were named Saint Barbara because she is the patron Saint because of the hazardous conditions of mining.
Its Origins
On March 11, 1979 the ladies of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary met for the purpose of forming an organization. Father Dimitri opened the first meeting with a prayer and a welcome to the members.
The selection of a name for the organization was the first point of order. With a suggestion by Father Dimitri, a Saint’s name would be appropriate and with that, he offered five saints with a summary of their good deeds and righteous characters: Saint Theodora, Saint Catherine, Saint Barbara, Saint Helen and Saint Olga. With a vote by the show of hands the group present selected Saint Barbara. The official title of the organization to be further designated as ‘The Sisterhood of Saint Barbara.’
The purpose and goal of the newly organized Sisterhood of Saint Barbara is first its total commitment to God and the glorification of His Holy Orthodox Church, the propagation of the Orthodox Christian Faith and the promotion of Christian virtues among its members. It will be a fund-raising organization to provide adequate resources towards the improvement and betterment of our Church.
Membership in the Sisterhood is open to all women who are members in good standing of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary Orthodox Church, Clifton, NJ.
The object of the Sisterhood is to bring woman together for mutual camaraderie, fellowship and service to our parish and community. As members of the Body of Christ, we also extend our philanthropy efforts in various charitable outreach programs and to individuals in need.
The Feast Day of the Sisterhood is the Feast of St. Barbara, December 4th. The Feast is to be observed annually by a Molieben for all living members and Parastas for all deceased members with membership in attendance.
First officers of The Sisterhood of Saint Barbara March 11, 1979:
President: Mary Thomas
Vice President: Jean Candela
Secretary: Emily Nosal
Treasurer: Violet Koribanics
In regard to the past four decades, what follows is a synopsis about the importance of the Sisterhood and how it has supported the maintenance of the Church over this span of 40 years through our fund raising efforts that provided financial assistance to help meet the needs of many projects of the Church, the rectory and out-reach programs for here in Clifton and in other communities.
By highlighting the events and the efforts by the Sisterhood through members and current members, we can maintain transparency of the Sisterhood’s main objective, which is maintaining the livelihood of the Church and its spirit.
In 2017, the Sisterhood contributed substantially to the new roof for the Church. Presently, our new project is to earn the funds to repair our Church parking lot; therefore, the proceeds from our fund-raising efforts, going forward, will be earmarked for this cause.
During the first decade 1979 – 1988:
The Sisterhood Guidelines/By-laws-unanimously approved April 1, 1979
Sunshine Ministry and Ways & Means (standing committees).
Fund raising efforts:
Cook book sales
Entertainment discount coupon books
Home made quilt raffles
Bus trips to: Atlantic City, Memorial Day to St. Tikhon’s, Theatre plays, etc
Easter chocolate candy sales
Merchandise raffles at Willowbrook (NJ)
Chinese auction
Calendar party
Dinner dances: luau, country, winter wonderland
Projects supported through fund raising:
Carpeting in church carpeting, furnishings, repairs in rectory
Repairs to school roof
Donations to:
Church building fund
St. Tikhons Seminary
St. Vladimir’s Seminary
Diocesan Center Fund
OCA Fellowship of Orthodox Stewards
Mary Thomas Fund
Repairs inside rectory & school roof
Liturgy & Easter Liturgy books for choir
Supported Church/altar needs:
St. Barbara Icon
Communion serving tables,
Baptismal font
Vestments-priest & altar servers
Drapes & altar covers
Various supplies/needs for Church school & kitchen
Presidents 1979 – 1988:
Mary Thomas Alice Ferrer
Jean Zrowka Alexis Vale
Annette Swenda Olga Grib
During the second decade 1989 – 1998:
Sisterhood Guideline amended – Tenure of Office/Elected Office – unanimously approved.
November 30, 1998
Fund raising efforts:
Country dance
Supermarket gift certificates
Holiday/Easter candy
Flea market
Rummage sale
Entertainment discount coupon books
Lenten fish dinner
Projects supported through fund raising:
Church pews repaired/cleaned
Church carpet/red selected
Furniture for rectory
Altar server vestments
donations to:
Church-Christmas & Easter
St. Peter’s Haven/pantry drive:
Presidents 1989 – 1998:
Lorraine Hruby Mary Skiba
Lillian Kopez Jeannette Murin
Joanne D’Arienzo Patricia Thanasides
Joyce Telep
During the third decade 1999 – 2008:
Fund raising efforts:
Entertainment discount coupon books
Supermarket gift certificates
Cookbook sales
Holiday/Easter candy sale
Flea market
Quilt raffle
Tricky tray
Flowering bulb sale
Fish dinner
Projects supported through fund raising:
Donations to:
Church/Christmas & Easter
Alaska Diocese/Spruce Island Restoration
St. Tikhon’s Seminary
St. Vladimir’s Seminary
Russian & Mexico Orphanages
Mental Health Clinic
St. Peter’s Haven/pantry drive
Supported Church/altar needs:
New bell system
Vestments/priest & altar servers
Carpeting in Church vestibule
Carpeting & linoleum in rectory
Fence-back of Church & rectory
Fence front of parking lot
Presidents 1999-2008:
Joyce Telep
Jeannett Murin
Patricia Thanasides
During the fourth decade 2009 – present:
Fund raising efforts:
Tricky tray
Candy & plant sales
Supermarket gift certificates
Rummage sale/raffle
Dinners-to-go/soup & bake sales
St. Nicholas Day Fish Dinners
Projects supported through fund raising:
Donations to:
St. Tikhon’s Seminary
Mexican Orphanage
St. Andrew’s Summer Camp
Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors
St. Peter’s Haven/pantry drive
Parishioner’s missionary work
Church/Christmas & Easter
Parish Beefsteak event
Christmas Tree
Queen mattress/box springs
Contributed to purchase of new refrigerator
Cleaning service (one time)
Supported Church needs
Contributed to purchase of new refrigerator in kitchen
Contributed to refurbish class rooms; paint, carpet, etc.
Provided lunch for grounds cleanup crew
Contributed to purchase equipment for OACT
Contributed substantially to the new roof
2015: Rummage Sale/auspices of the Sisterhood
Re-Established the Sunshine Ministry
Sisterhood of St. Barbara Fund Raising Boutique formed
Memorial Photograph – Irene Subtelny
2016: St. Barbara prayer cards & small icons for females who were Chrismated into the Orthodox Church
First financial audit
2017: Celebrated Sub-deacon Christopher
2018: web-site established: http://stbarbara.assumptionoftheholyvirginchurch.com/
Presidents 2009 - Present
Joyce Telep
June Zachmann
Sharon Koribanics
We wish to extend a special Thank You to the following who worked tirelessly in sharing their talents and time on the preparations for our 40th Anniversary Celebration:
Archpriest Terence Baz, Matushka Barbara Baz, Ludmilla Di Milla, Sharon Koribanics, Barbara Polk, Katherine Robinson, Deborah Sancenito, John Savastinuk, Kevin Shermock, Joyce Telep and Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan. Many thanks to everyone who helped make this anniversary so memorable.
Thank you also to Mrs. Leslie Franciose, Professional Photo Finishing (Pro-Lab), for your generous donation of the frame and your time and talents in the reproduction of the Saint Barbara commemorative artwork.
To all our Sisters that includes a membership of 117 hardworking ladies over the span of 40 years thank you for all of your labors in having built our Sisterhood of Saint Barbara organization over the course of many years. Remembering their names, their life stories, and their contributions is a true gift wich can never be repaid; ‘a cloud of witnesses’ who have already given us a priceless heritage, yet another gift to generations to come.
To our departed Sisters: may their Memories be Eternal!
To our living Sisters: may God grant you many, many years!
Some Treasured Memories
“I was in high school, I think, when Mary Thomas, Jean Candela and other women of the parish decided it was time for women to take a more vocal role in the church. There had been an altar society back in the day, but the women wanted their own organization. That's what I recall of the “birth” of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara. I was too young to join it then, but I did join when I was in college.
Also, in the late 70's, Mary, Jean, and the other women of the parish started something that, up to that point, had been unheard of. They read the Epistle during Sunday Liturgy. At the time, it was revolutionary. joined the list when I joined the choir, in my late teens. The Sisterhood of St. Barbara was, and remains, a hard working part of the parish. God bless the Sisterhood.”
- Daria Chasse (nee Rydzaj)
“After Easter when we had the plants in the church, the members of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara used to deliver them to the people who were sick. They were so happy to receive them. They missed church so much and this gave them comfort.” - Helen Dolocheck
“I remember back when Fr. Oselinsky was our priest. We had our Christmas party in the church hall in the evening before Christmas. It was very nice. I would guess there were around 20-25 women. We each brought a grab bag gift to exchange. There was wine, snacks and food like salads, etc. It was a very festive party, and I still have the “take home” gift that everyone got.
A nice memory.
And remembering Mary Thomas who was such a wonderful person and witnessing her devotion to God and the church was very inspiring!” - Olga Grib
“I was in grade school and went to the Calendar Party with my mother in the Father Olchovy Memorial Hall. I thought it was the greatest thing! was in grade school.
It was exciting to see all the decorated tables overflowing and decorated to the ceiling...Halloween, July 4th, June Bride, Easter, Christmas and so on. Each table made their own food.
I remember Jean Soroka, Jean Candela, Violet and Irene Koribanics, the Telep family, Irene Subtelney, Torres family, Coleson family, Alice Basic, Olga Grib. There were many more, sorry I forgot your names.
I remember this party to this day. It was a great event.
To join the Sisterhood, I was interviewed by Jean Soroka, who was President (30 or more years ago). She said ‘All we do is for the Glory of God’.
The Sisterhood still keeps this tradition alive today. Many Years!” - Pat Mazur
“It was some time ago, I was enjoying my coffee during coffee hour after Divine Liturgy, when Marion Dutkevitch coaxed me to attend a Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting with her. Father Stephen was our new priest. It is more than a decade ago and I'm still here… attending meetings and working alongside some of those same “hardworking dedicated women” who welcomed me to my first meeting. Kudos to you all for your steadfast loyalty as we continue working together with love for our Church. God Bless!” - Barbara Polk
“My first memory is when the Sisterhood ran the Tricky Tray Fundraiser. Although it was a lot of hard work getting donations for the gift baskets to be raffled off, it was always a huge success each year. Joyce Telep always chaired the event and I recall she always managed to get her family members involved to help out, it was always very organized, always a job well done! I recall the hall was filled from one end to the other with gift baskets. People would be lined up outside waiting for the doors to open. I even found an old listing of all the gifts from 2008. Next would be the St. Nicholas Fish Dinner - this event has always been successful. I keep saying they need to charge more for a ticket, given the food items that are prepared. The Sisterhood members also provide the desserts. They always come through with their support for our Parish and they do it with love and dedication.
More recently - the Sisterhood made a substantial donation towards the new Church roof in 2017. Without their generous contribution, we wouldn't have been [able] to pay for the roof without. withdrawing funds from our investment account.
In closing, we are a better parish because of the many members of the Sisterhood, past and present, their love and dedication for this Church is undeniable and we are so blessed to have them!” - Donna Betza
Letters from Past Presidents
Annette Swenda
As one of the original founders and past President of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, I remember nothing but fun and laughter, and good times. One of the most fun times we used to have Theme Dances one a year, with theme decorations. We had a Hawaiian Luau, Winter Wonderland, and a country western even with a jail someone built. I remember painting the back- drops for each theme that were hung up behind the band. It was a large canvas from almost one side of the stage wall to the other, not quite but also from ceiling to floor. The night of the dance there were flood lights on the floor shinning up on the canvas. Entrance to the hall had decorations, table decorations. We not only planned the food menu for the affair..we cooked all the food and served all the food. After the guests all left, we cleaned the hall and the kitchen before we left. As I look back, I have nothing but happy memories.
Happy 40th !!
God grant you many years.
Olga Grib
Congratulations to all the members in the Sisterhood of Saint Barbara!
Happy 40th anniversary.
It has been a pleasure to be involved with such a wonderful family of Sisters.
May the Sisterhood of Saint Barbara continue to grow and do good works.
With love and prayers.
Joyce Telep
It has been my extreme honor to serve as President of the Sisterhood of Saint Barbara for many years.
I honor all the past members who were my inspiration and had set an example of dedication and devotion. I often think about all the beautiful women I have had the honor to work with and I hold them so close to my heart. My enthusiasm and devotedness grew from the love I feel for all my Sisters and especially my faith in God. Saint Barbara’s life guides my passions and taught me how to serve our Church, our families and community. I am heartfully grateful that I have had the opportunity to serve.
June Zachmann
My time as President brought me much joy and I continue to support the wonderful women of our Parish. One of the best memories I have was planning and putting on our first Annual Tricky Tray. It was a time that I discovered what wonderful and dedicated women there were in the Sisterhood. I pay reverence to my Sisters who have passed away and acknowledge all the current members. Congratulations on 40 years to the Sisterhood of Saint Barbara.
2010 Members
2019 Members

The last collective document summarizing the birth and life of the Assumption of the Holy Orthodox Church in Clifton, New Jersey is the 75th Anniversary booklet. (1935 - 2010). Using Internet technology that document can be expanded to include source documents and oral history from the members of the parish. Each Orthodox church has the the physical presence with Icons and alter. Each church has the rich heritage of the Liturgy and Holy days. Each parish has a persona - what makes that personality? The Community?
The information here is collected by A. John Savastinuk (AJ <aj@ImageJournalismcom>)
and Christopher Chasse (Sub-Deacon). This work was done 2020and 2021.
Father Lucas Olchovy (1935-1962)
July 31st and August 10th: Meetings where held at the home of George and Anna Durkos where a petition was drawn to
Most Reverend Metropolitan Platon (Rozhdestvensky) of New York requesting the appointment of Archpriest Lucas Olchovy to Clifton, New Jersey in order to organize a parish. The request was granted.
The first Divine Liturgy was served in the Durkos home (the present-day Shook Funeral Home) on Van Houten Avenue by Father Lucas Olchovy with twelve people in attendance.
December 10th: The Clifton School Board gave approval for services to be conducted in School Number 13, As A result, membership increased.
[caption id="attachment_23" align="alignnone" width="300"] Clifton School Number 13[/caption]
21 |
Priest Lucas Olchovy |
22 |
Matushka Alexandra |
January 20th: A resolution was passed at a parish meeting to charter the parish as the "Russian Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary".
March 4th: The first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was con-celebrated by Their Graces, Bishop TIKHON and Bishop ADAM.
July 25th: State authoritative in Trenton, New Jersey approved the charter. The names of the founders on this charter were as follows:
- John Gaydosh
- Paul Zwier
- John Krehel
- Michael Kalinich
- Michael Ligos
- Joseph Zachok
- Peter Miketzuk
- Peter Prigoditz
- and John Stachak
September 1st: Two lots were bought at 42 Orange Avenue in Clifton for $850.00. These lots are the present-day site of the church. An earnest attempt at fund-raising began and lasted for an entire year.
* Not confirmed:1934 Sergei Glavlev (Annette Swenda'S father) was first choir director.
September 29th: Blessing of the lots.
October 18th: Excavation of the property and beginning of church construction. After completing their daily jobs at various factories, the parishioners themselves spent the evening erecting the church.
Construction of church
Archpriest Lucas Olchovy and Matushka Alexandra
[caption id="attachment_12" align="alignnone" width="237"] Our original church, circa 1937[/caption]
May 17th: The church bell, donated by St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in Singac, NJ is blessed.
May 24th: Hs Grace Bishop ADAM blessed the cornerstone. Construction was completed that summer.
January 31st: His Eminence Metropolitan VITALY served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and blessed the icon of The Holy Resurrection which adorns the Holy Altar.
October 16th: A Boy Scout group was chartered at the church. Michal Gogats served as scoutmaster
January: Anna Housen, Anna Rabada, Mary Chopie, Mary Sabol, and Tekla Kluck are elected to serve on the first church council.
November 19th: The stained glass windows in the nave of the church are blessed by local clergy of the New Jersey Deanery headed by Fr. John Adamiak.
* Not confirmed: Sergei Glavlev (Annette Swenda'S father) was first choir director.
Father Steven Kachur (1962-1978)
Third parcel of property on Orange Avenue purchased. Present sight of parish parking lot.
Parish institutes General Confession. From this comes a substantial increase of weekly participants at Holy Communion during liturgies.
Pre-sanctified Liturgies served for the first time during the Lenten season.
Under the direction of Peter and Doris Vanish, the parish supported its first trip to Florida. Success of trip leads to others in the future and donations from these excursions go to church beautification endeavors.
October 28th: The 10th Diocesan Assembly of the NY/NJ Diocese is held at Holy Assumption.
January: The home and property adjacent to the church is purchased. Harry and Mary Kowalako move in.
Frank Massa contracted to write the frescoes for parish's interior walls.
March 9th: Mitered Archpriest Lucas Olchovy reposes. He is buried at St. Tikhon's monastery in South Caanan, PA three days later.
August 13th: Archpriest Stephen Kachur retires from active parish ministry and moves to Tuscon, AZ with wife M. Elizabeth.
October 7th: Priest Dimitri Oselinsky succeeds Fr. Stephen as parish pastor.
Father Dimitri Oslinski (1978-2006)
March 11th: Under the guidance of Mary Thomas and Jean Candela, the Sisterhood of St. Barbara is organized.
September 16th: At a Hierarchical Devine Liturgy served by His Beatitude Metropolitan THEODOSIOUS, the icons and front doors of the church are blessed, and the hall is officially dedicated to the memory of Mitered Archpriest Lucas Olchovy.
October 1st: Parish officially adopts the "new" calendar for the commemoration of all feast days.
April 13: Priest Dimitri Oslinksy elevated to the rank of Archpriest in a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy by His Grace Bishop PETER.
October 19th: Mortgage burning celebration for the Fr. Lucas Memorial Hall and school were celebrated. His Beatitude Metropolitan THEODOSIOUS officiated at ceremonies.
Great Lent: Church adopts Parish Outreach program. Results and beneficiaries are as follows
OCA Diocese of the South:
- 25 Baptismal Kits
- 1 set of Festal Icons
- 1 Zeon set and metal candle
- 2 sets of Altar Coverings
- 1 wooden and hand written Processional Cross
- Marriage Crowns
- One complete Chalice Set
- Two sets of Priestly Vestments
Fr. Sergei Glagolev:
- Monetary donations after losing home in a fire
Holy Annunciation, Brick:
- Monetary donations for construction of Parish Hall
- Chairs and Desks for church school
February 17th: His Beatitude Metropolitan THEODOSIUS selects Holy Assumption to host the Extraordinary Diocesan Assembly of the Diocese of NY/NJ. Assembly nominates PETER (L'Huillier) as the first Bishop of New York and the Diocese of NY/NJ.
Metropolitan THEODOSIUS serves final Hierarchical Divine Liturgy as Bishop of New York, assumes title of "Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada."
Bishop Peter installed as Bishop of New York at Christ the Saviour Church in Paramus.
Year long parish rectory renovation project begins. Sisterhood of St. Barbara makes substantial contributions to project.
New carpeting installed courtesy of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara
Church interior repainted and cleaned, Frank Massa once again contacted to write frescoes for church interior.
November 4th: Holy Assumption celebrates 50th Anniversary. Metropolitan THEODOSIUS and Bishop PETER concelebrated a hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Matushka Alexandra Olchovy receives a Gramota for years of dedicated service to the parish.
Holy Assumption hosts 18th Diocesan Assembly.
Archpriest Dimitri Oslinsky celebrates 20th Anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.
Renovations to rectory are completed. Two new bathrooms installed, roof repaired, and siding on third floor.
Parish facilities undergo renovation. Roofs replaced on church and parish hall, AC installed, and new windows installed in rectory as well as house adjacent to church
Holy Assumption participates in Field Study program with St. Vladimir's Seminary.
First Annual Beefsteak held
January 5th: Matushka Alexandra Olchovy reposes.
Rectory undergoes renovation with new front door steps, office entrance, and wooden backyard patio.
Sisterhood of St. Barbara celebrates 10th Anniversary.
Father Dimitri 25th Anniversary to the ordination of Priesthood celebrated in a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy presided by Archbishop PETER.
"The Couples Club" is organized.
Holy Assumption celebrates the Bicentennial Celebration of Orthodoxy in America
Holy Assumption hosts the 27th Diocesan Assembly
Repairs of Flower Boxes and Sidewalks in front of church and rectory
Removal of the Obednitsa (Prayer Service) from regularly scheduled Divine Services by decision of Archbishop PETER
Father Sophrony Royer received into the OCA from the Russian Orthodox Church. Attached to Holy Assumption before being assigned to the St. Gregory Palamas mission in Flemington, NJ
More repairs and upgrades of parish including the resealing of stained glass windows, installation of carpeting in parish office, and repainting of hall, kitchen, stairwells, classrooms and parish office.
"The Couples Club" changes name to "The Couples and Friends Club".
November: Holy Assumption hosts one of the NJ Deanery's Nativity Lenten Lectures
December: Holy Assumption hosts a successful Community Open House
October 25th: Church dues increase to $100 per year for every parishioner 18+
November 1: Divine Liturgy pushed from 8:30 to 9am.
Father Dimitri begins a Bible Study program.
October 1: Parish dispenses with annual church dues, implements a minimum fair share financial commitment of $520.00 minimum per adult parishioner in its place.
October 31: Church calendar year (January-December) adopted over old fiscal calendar year (October-September). Furthermore, annual parish meeting moved to first Sunday of February from last Sunday in October.
November 14: Testimonial dinner held in honor of Harry Kowalako and Peter Vanish for their forty years of dedicated service to the Holy Assumption parish.
December: Start time for Liturgy pushed back to 8:30.
Victor Gorodenchuk, choir director, marries Anastasia Vernak, daughter of Archpriest David and Matushka Miriam Vernak of the Annunciation Church in Brick, NJ.
April 1: Victor Gorodenchuk tonsured a reader, the first step of Holy Orders in the Orthodox Church.
July 19: Fr. Stephen Kachur reposes. Like his predecessor, he too is interred at St. Tikhon's Monastery (For a complete biography of Father Kachur, check out this tribute put together by his son Paul).
October: Split-up start times of Divine Liturgy go into effect; 9am (EST), 8:30 (Daylight Savings)
Via the efforts of Gregory Swenda, a large commercial ice machine is donated to parish hall.
This in recognition of the Father Stephen’s years of faithful service to God’s Holy Church and in appreciation of his work not only on behalf of St. Tikhon’s but also for his tireless efforts for those entrusted to his car
Holy Assumption donates $3k to Natalia, a woman in Ukraine suffering from a brain tumor. Donation enables her to undergo surgery.
Archpriest Dimirti Oselinsky celebrates 35th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.
September 21: Harry Kowalako, president of the parish council for four decades, reposes.
Parish Council President Vladimir Kopetz establishes a rental procedure for parish hall.
April 2: His Beatitude Metopolitan THEODOSIUS submits petition of retirement. His successor Metropolitan HERMAN (born Joseph Swaiko) elected at the OCA's Thirteenth All-American Council in Orlando, FL and formally enthroned on September 8th in Washington DC.
The Couples and Friends Club donates funds needed to renovate parish hall and create a modern conference room.
A memorial contribution made in memory of the Honorable John Koribanics toward parish library.
Holy Assumption receives bequest in the form of stock from the estates of Elizabeth and Olga Taton.
Victor Gorodenchuk ordained to the Holy Diaconate.
Monies were appropriated for repairs to the house adjacent to the church in preparation for its sale; house was sold in fall.
Second floor classrooms in the parish hall rented for a three year lease to Passaic County Mental Health.
A smoke-free environment instituted for all church facilities
March 28: Liturgical services for the 5th Sunday of Great Lent concelebrated with Metropolitan HERMAN.
May 2: Deacon Victor Gorodenchuk ordained to the Priesthood.
www.dormitionnj.org established as domain of parish website (changed to www.holyassumptionclifton.org the following October)
Archbishop PETER announces retirement and the Diocese of NY/NJ comes under the control of the Metropolitan until 2009.
May: Fr. Dimitri formally announces his departure from the parish after twenty-seven years of dedicated service. He and Matushka Mary Ann relocate to Bethlehem, PA where he begins service as the rector of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church.
Father Steven Evanina (2005-2015)
August 1: Holy Assumption welcomes Father Stephen Evanina, Matushka Jessica, and children Jacob and Julia. He serves first liturgy a week later.
September 4: First annual Holy Assumption church picnic.
October 23: Archpastoral visit from His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN.
November 1: Father Stephen officially appointed rector of Holy Assumption.
Donation Committee formed to create new ways to improve fundraising
February 12: Holy Assumption hosts first annual Maslenitsa (Pre-Lenten dairy festival)
An increase in membership was seen.
March 18: Archpastoral visit/Deanery Lenten Mission Vespers by His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN and the St. Tikhon's Seminary choir (Photo Credits: Reader Martin Paluch).
Plans to form a 75th Anniversary begin in preparation for the Holy Assumption Diamond Jubilee.
Fundraisers for the year including the Beefsteak Dinner, Maslenitsa, and St. Nicholas Fish Dinner continue to be a major source of income to the church.
Floor in Parish Hall refinished. New rugs and kitchen floor installed in parish rectory.
Hall of roof damaged due to severe storm.
November 19: Retired Archbishop PETER reposes.
Major sources of income for the church include rental of hall and classrooms
In an attempt to reduce heating expenses, several capital renovations were made to parish facilities. These include replacement of original boiler and upgrade of circulating systems in hall and parish offices.
April 13: Archpastoral visit by His Beatitude Metropoltian HERMAN. Fr. Stephen awarded the Kamilavka.
May 16: First annual Tricky Tray held.
November 12: Bishop JONAH Paffhausen of Forth Worth, TX was elected to replace His Beatitude HERMAN as Metropolitan of the OCA at the 15th All-American Council in Pittsburgh. The election of Metropolitan JONAH was an extraordinary occurrence in the history of the OCA, as he was the newest bishop at the time (having been enthroned as Bishop of Fort Worth on November 1st). He was formally enthroned on December 28th in Washington DC.
Father Terence Baz (2015-Present)