SUNDAY, MARCH 9th., 2025 TONE 4
First Sunday of Great Lent
Sunday of Orthodoxy
The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
Please Pray for the Following:
Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin (recovering from hip surgery) & Kyle Shermock, Joann Hopko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan, Stephanie Cadena & Monica (Rosa) Mercado, recovering from neck surgery.
The Synodicon: the Affimation of the Orthodox Faith
Priest only:
As the Prophets beheld, as the Apostles have taught, as th Church has received, as the Teachers have dogmatized, as the universe has agreed, as Grace has shown forth, as Truth has revealed, as falsehood has been dissolved, as Wisdom has presented, as Christ has awarded: thus we declare, thus we assert, thus we preach Christ our true God, and honor His Saints in words, in writings, in thoughts, in sacrifices, in churches, in Holy Icons; on the one hand worshiping & reverencing Christ as God & Lord; and on the other hand honoring them as true servants of the same Lord of all, and accordingly offering them veneration.
This is the Faith of the Apostles; this is the Faith of the Fathers; this is the Faith of the Orthodox; this is the Faith which has established the universe!
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
Open Unto Me, O Lord, the Gates of Repentance
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Open to me the doors of repentance O Lifegiver; for my spirit rises early to pray towards Thy Holy Temple, bearing the temple of my body all defiled. But in Thy Compassion purify me by the loving kindness of Thy Mercy. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Lead me on the paths of Salvation O Mother of God, for I have covered my soul in shameful sins and have wasted my life in lazy acts. But by your intercessions, deliver me from all impurity.
Have mercy on me O God according to Thy Great Mercy and according to the multitude of Thy Compassions blot out my transgressions.
When I think of the many evil things I have done, wretched I am, I tremble at the fearful day of Judgment, but trusting in Thy loving kindness, like David I cry to Thee. Have mercy on me O God, have mercy on me O God, Have mercy on me O God according to Thy great Mercy.
Welcome to our visitors!
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara made a profit of $606.09 from the sale of the Slovac Mushroom Soup, reported by Ludmilla Di Ianni, the Sisterhood treasurer. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make it happen!
This Sunday's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family to honor and to celebrate Abigail Polk on her 3rd birthday, March 10, 2025. Happy Birthday ! Congratulations! Many blessed years.
Dates to Remember:
- Pierogis are on sale; see included flyer
- Sunday, March 30th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour
You can see at the back of the bulletin where the parish contact information is that a QR-code has been inserted. You can use this code to make donations to the parish if you wish. Note, however, that PayPal will charge 3% to the parish if you do. I want to thank Andrew Guertin & Steve Abrams for setting up this facility. Fr. Terence.
Do Baptist Churches Accept Orthodox Christian Beliefs?
Overall, no.
Most Baptists do accept the Nicean Creed but the Roman Church’s formulation of it that includes the ‘filioque.’ There are many other differences, however.
The starting point for the Baptists in regard to scripture is the principle of ‘Solar Scripture’ or Scripture only. Thus, they do not believe that the Holy Spirit continued to work after the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation, was written.
Therefore, they reject :
- The Orthodox Church’s belief that the Holy Spirit continues to work in the Church even to this day.
- The Orthodox belief in Apostolic succession that passes down the truths and canons of Christ’s teachings as expressed in Ecumenical Councils and that we are an Apostolic Church.
- The Orthodox understanding of the continuation of the scriptures from the Old to the New Testaments and the Orthodox inclusion of the Septuagint books because they were written in Greek, not Hebrew
- The Orthodox belief in the Communion of Saints. They do not believe in the saints
- The Orthodox belief in the sacraments. They only accept Baptism as legitimate.
- The Orthodox belief in the Eucharistic Divine Liturgy. They believe that the bread & wine only become symbols, not the Body & Blood of Christ.
- The Orthodox understanding of the hierarchical nature of the Church that includes patriarchs, metropolitans, bishops, priests and deacons.
- The continuation of the priesthood as passed down by the Apostles to this day.
- The Orthodox belief in the use of images (icons) as a means of understanding God’s revelation to us. Note that on this day, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we celebrate icons. They say that our devotion to icons is idolatry.
In other words, no, we are not the same. There are serious differences between us. I have a solemn responsibility to protect my flock from the above Baptist positions creeping into our community.
At the same time, I respect the beliefs of other faiths, including Baptists. In the Orthodox Church we never judge, only teach what we believe was handed down to us by the Apostles. Most people of other faiths are a product of their upbringing and it is not for me to judge how God sees them.
What I am asking is that we do not become involved in their scriptural programs because they will lead us astray from true Orthodox beliefs.
The parish has been renting the hall to a Baptist community in recent years. Its members have been very responsible in fulfilling the parish’s requirements to use the hall. The community puts on events to present themes in the Scriptures about how they view them.
In the past year or two, however, some members of our parish have shown interest and attended these events. The Orthodox Church respects the faith of non-Orthodox believers but we have to remember that the Protestant (Baptists are Protestant) teachings on the Bible are not what the Orthodox Church believes. The Orthodox Church has its own beliefs on the Scriptures that go to the heart of Orthodox Tradition. The two are not the same and there have been many instances in the past where Protestant communities have done a great deal of damage to the Orthodox Church. In the Morning Prayers of the Orthodox Study Bible it says:
“Those who depart from the Orthodox faith, dazzled by destroying heresies, do enlighten by the light of Your holy wisdom, and unite them to Your Holy Apostolic, Catholic Church.”
While this event may seem appealing to some, attending them does the very thing that the above prayer prays for and warns against.
As the priest of this parish, I have a solemn responsibility to uphold the teachings and canons of the Orthodox Church. If there are themes that the parish community wishes to hear about, I can find speakers who can give us presentations. I cannot force anyone not to go but anyone who chooses to do so, remember that this is not the Orthodox Way.
Archpriest Terence Baz, March, 2025
Parish Priest
Holy Assumption Church, Clifton

Cheesefare Sunday (Forgiveness Sunday) –
The Expulsion of Adam from Paradise
Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday
Open Unto Me, O Lord, the Gates of Repentance
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Open to me the doors of repentance O Lifegiver; for my spirit rises early to pray towards Thy Holy Temple, bearing the temple of my body all defiled. But in Thy Compassion purify me by the loving kindness of Thy Mercy. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Lead me on the paths of Salvation O Mother of God, for I have covered my soul in shameful sins and have wasted my life in lazy acts. But by your intercessions, deliver me from all impurity.
Have mercy on me O God according to Thy Great Mercy and according to the multitude of Thy Compassions blot out my transgressions.
When I think of the many evil things I have done, wretched I am, I tremble at the fearful day of Judgment, but trusting in Thy loving kindness, like David I cry to Thee. Have mercy on me O God, have mercy on me O God, Have mercy on me O God according to Thy great Mercy.
Please Pray for the Following:
Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, Joann Hopko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan, Stephanie Cadena & Monica (Rosa) Mercado, recovering from neck surgery.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today, in Memory of:
- Olga Grib, for her 5th Year in repose, requested by daughters, Kathy, Karen, and Krissy
- Annette Swenda, for her 5th Year in repose, & Edward Swenda,requested by their daughter, Cheryl Yaroshefsky together with the Swenda & Yaroshefsky Families; her grandparents Michael & Ella Swenda and Jacob & Emily Hlischinsky; and God Father Charles Swenda.
May their Memories be Eternal!
The Forgiveness Service will follow
I will ask the community for its forgiveness & you respond: “As God forgives, I forgive.” Each person will kiss each other in the Orthodox way on the cheeks 3 times. When it is completed, please return to your seats. As with Holy Communion, come up the middle isle & then return via the side isles.
Dates to Remember:
- Pierogis are on sale; see included flyer
- Saturday, March 2nd: Mushroom Soup Sale; see included flyer
- Sunday, March 30th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
[Beginning of the Lenten Triodion]
Leavetaking of the Meeting of the Lord
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan & Stephanie Cadena.
Open Unto Me, O Lord, the Gates of Repentance
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Open to me the doors of repentance O Lifegiver; for my spirit rises early to pray towards Thy Holy Temple, bearing the temple of my body all defiled. But in Thy Compassion purify me by the loving kindness of Thy Mercy. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Lead me on the paths of Salvation O Mother of God, for I have covered my soul in shameful sins and have wasted my life in lazy acts. But by your intercessions, deliver me from all impurity.
Have mercy on me O God according to Thy Great Mercy and according to the multitude of Thy Compassions blot out my transgressions.
When I think of the many evil things I have done, wretched I am, I tremble at the fearful day of Judgment, but trusting in Thy loving kindness, like David I cry to Thee. Have mercy on me O God, have mercy on me O God, Have mercy on me O God according to Thy great Mercy.
Welcome to our visitors!
Please remember in your prayers Jerome Fejko, the late husband of June Fejko & father of Lori Udina, who passed away last week. Please look up Shook Funeral Homes in Clifton for funeral details.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, February 15th—Sunday, February 16th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael
- Friday, February 21st: Fish & Chips Dinner

32nd Sunday after Pentecost
The Meeting of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple
Sunday of Zacchaeus
Please Pray for the Following:
Father Demitri Olensksy (operation) Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan & Stephanie Cadena.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, after Divine Liturgy, we will have a Memorial Service for:
- Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, on the 2nd Anniversary of her passing, requested by the Polk Family.
- Gregory Betza, on the 3rd Anniversary of his passing, requested by Donna Betza
- Alice Bacik (11th Anniversary) & John Bacik III (9th Anniversary), requested by Deborah Sancenito
- Lois Lozy, who recently passed away, requested by Matushka Barbara Baz
Thank you to everyone who helped make last Sunday’s Divine Liturgy go smoothly despite the flu afflicting a number of people including myself. Many, many thanks!
Thank you to Andrew Guertin who did several maintenance repairs during last week. He has also enabled us to use a QR Code on the parish website for people to give donations to the parish.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara made a profit of $454.00 for the recent Pirogue sale. Thank you to everyone who supported it by making purchases.
Thank you also to Deborah Sancenito, Barbara Polk, Ludmilla DiLanni, June Fejko, Kathy Robinson & Marilyn Wong for helping with the Cabbage Dinner. The profit for was $666.20.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, February 8th: 38th. Annual Beefsteak Dinner in parish hall. SOLD OUT!
- Saturday, February 15th—Sunday, February 16th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael
- Friday, February 21st: Fish & Chips Dinner

SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th., 2025 TONE 5
30th Sunday after Pentecost
Ven. Macarius the Great of Egypt
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan,, Stephanie Cadena & Lois Lozy.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, after Divine Liturgy, we will have a Memorial Service for Margaret, Edward & Richard Mazur; Michael, Albert & Mary Kalinich; Frank & Agnes Mazur; and Rita & Charlie Wormke, requested by Patricia, Pamela & Robert Mazur.
The 2025 Parish Wall Calendars have arrived. Please take one per household. They are in the church vestibule.
Thank you to Andrew Guertin who did several maintenance repairs during last week. He has also enabled us to use a QR Code on the parish website for people to give donations to the parish.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara made a profit of $454.00 for the recent Pirogue sale. Thank you to everyone who supported it by making purchases.
Dates to Remember:
- House Blessings after Theophany continues. Please see attached form to schedule a time for Father Terence to visit.
- Saturday, January 18th: Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-to-go. See included flyer
- Sunday, January 26th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, February 8th: 38th. Annual Beefsteak Dinner in parish hall. See included flyer
- Saturday, February 15th—Sunday, February 16th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael
· Friday, February 21st: Fish & Chips Dinner

29th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Theophany
Sunday After the Theophany
Martyr Tatiana of Rome and those who suffered with her
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi, John Hutnyan, Stephanie Cadena & Lois Lozy.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, after Divine Liturgy, we will have a Memorial Service for those listed on the Memorial Plaque. Also, for James L. Hopko, who recently Fell Asleep in the Lord, requested by the Polk & Hopko families.
The 2025 Parish Wall Calendars have arrived. Please take one per household. They are in the church vestibule.
The Great Blessing of the Waters took place last week. Please bring your own bottles if you wish to in order to take some of the blessed water to your household. An important practice the Orthodox Church is to have a priest come to each household to bless the home. The Orthodox Church strongly believes that in using its priesthood in this way, it brings the presence of God into that house to protect it for the rest of the year. Please contact Father, or fill out the included form & give it to him, to schedule his to visit at this time.
Thank you to Andrew Guertin who did several maintenance repairs during last week.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, after Coffee Hour: Parish Council meeting
- House Blessings to begin after Theophany. Please see attached form to schedule a time for Father Terence to visit.
- Saturday, January 18th: Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-to-go. See included flyer
- Sunday, January 26th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, February 8th: 38th. Annual Beefsteak Dinner in parish hall. See included flyer
- Saturday, February 15th—Sunday, February 16th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael
- Saturday, February 21st: Fish & Chips Dinner
Craig Polk, the Church School Coordinator & the teachers, are truly blessed and grateful for your generous support of our two church school projects. Through your kindness, we were able to make a meaningful impact in our community. Thanks to your contributions, we provided $330.00 worth of gift certificates to Passaic Mental Health and delivered 119 DVDs to the Passaic Women’s Shelter. Your unwavering support reflects the love and compassion that define our parish family. Thank you for helping the church school children make a difference in the lives of others.

28th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Before the Theophany
Eve of the Theophany
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan & Stephanie Cadena.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, after Divine Liturgy, we will have a Memorial Service for Sandra Kensicki, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week, requested by the Shermock Family.
Next Sunday, we will hold a Memorial Service for those listed on the Memorial Plaque.
This Sunday's bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk family in honor of family birthdays in January: John Polk, Sr. the first and John Polk, Jr. the seventh. Happy Birthday. Congratulations & Many Blessed Years!
The 2025 Parish Wall Calendars have arrived. Please take one per household. They are in the church vestibule.
The Great Blessing of the Waters will take place at the end of Divine Liturgy tomorrow at 9:30 AM to celebrate the Theophany or Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist. Please bring your own bottles if you wish to in order to take some of the blessed water to your household. An important practice the Orthodox Church is to have a priest come to each household to bless the home. The Orthodox Church strongly believes that in using its priesthood in this way, it brings the presence of God into that house to protect it for the rest of the year. Please contact Father ,or fill out the included form & give it to him, to schedule his to visit at this time.
Dates to Remember:
- Monday, January 6th @ 9:30AM: Divine Liturgy & Great Blessing of Water for the Theophany
- House Blessings to begin after Theophany. Please see attached form to schedule a time for Father Terence to visit.
- Saturday, January 18th: Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-to-go. See included flyer
- Saturday, February 8th: 38th. Annual Beefsteak Dinner in parish hall. See included flyer
Craig Polk, the Church School Coordinator & the teachers, are truly blessed and grateful for your generous support of our two church school projects. Through your kindness, we were able to make a meaningful impact in our community. Thanks to your contributions, we provided $330 worth of gift certificates to Passaic Mental Health and delivered 119 DVDs to the Passaic Women’s Shelter. Your unwavering support reflects the love and compassion that define our parish family. Thank you for helping the church school children make a difference in the lives of others.

27th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday After the Nativity
Holy Righteous Ones:
Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James the Brother of the Lord
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan & Stephanie Cadena.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, after Divine Liturgy, we will have a Memorial Service to remember those who have given to the parish from their estate after they Fell Asleep in the Lord. They are: Kevin Kohler, Irene Koribanics, John Peregrim, Irene Subtelny, Olga & Michael Grib, Anna & Peter Holick, Nicholas & Sally Telep, Vladimir & Lillian Kopetz, May they forever be remembered in our parish and may their memories be eternal!
The profit from the recent bake sale held by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara was $1.268.00! Many thanks to Deborah Sancenito & those who worked with her: Barbara Polk, Ludmilla Di Lianni, Kathy Robinson, Antony Udina, June Fejko, Marilyn Wong and Marianne Kopetz.
Linda and Gregory Surgent have announced the birth of their fourth Grandchild: Lucas Mark Surgent, son of Kelly & Mark Surgent on December 20, 2024. Lucas joins his siblings Valerie and Jameson. Congratulations & many blessed years!
The 2025 Parish Wall Calendars have arrived. Please take one per household. They are in the church vestibule.
Dates to Remember:
- Monday, January 6th @ 9:30AM: Divine Liturgy & Great Blessing of Water for the Theophany
- House Blessings to begin after Theophany. Please see attached form to schedule a time for Father Terence to visit.
- Saturday, January 18th: Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-to-go
- Saturday, February 8th: 38th. Annual Beefsteak Dinner in parish hall
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Happy New Year!

26th Sunday after Pentecost (14th of Luke)
Sunday before the Nativity
Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan & Stephanie Cadena.
The Nativity Fast continues. Please refer to your Parish Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
Congratulations to Christian Diaz, who was Chrismated on Saturday, December 14th. at Great Vespers! His sponsors were his step-brother Josue Rodriguez & Maria Tlatelpa. Many blessed years! Christian will receive his First Holy Communion this morning at Divine Liturgy. Please allow him to come up first with his Godmother to do so.
The profit from the recent St. Nicholas Dinner was $2,431.99! Thank you very much for the work that the Parish Council & those who helped them put into making this event so successful. The Parish Council also donated all the food that was used to prepare the delicious dinner.
Thank you to Robert & Carol Hruby who have donated towards candles in memory of John & Julia Hruby; also for John Eugene, Joanne D’Arienzo & Elaine Kleine. Memory Eternal!
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
The 2025 Parish Wall Calendars have arrived. Please take one per household. They are in the church vestibule.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, during Coffee Hour, the Annual Church School Yolka will be held. We will also sing Christmas Carols at the end.
- Tuesday, December 24th @ 4:30 PM: Nativity Vigil Service
- Wednesday, December 25th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ
- Monday, January 6th @ 9:30AM: Divine Liturgy & Great Blessing of Water for the Theophany
- Saturday, February 8th: 38th. Annual Beefsteak Dinner in parish hall
Church School Announcement
- Church School Yolka will be held on Sunday, December 22 during Coffee Hour.
- The church school children are collecting monetary donation to support Passaic Mental Health holiday Angle gift card project. Donations can be given to Craig Polk up to Sunday Dec 22
- The church school children are doing a collection of children DVDs to support a Holiday drive for the Passaic Women shelter. This is the same shelter they collected diapers for and did the bake sale last June. DVDs can be brought to the church up to Sunday December 22nd.
Yours, in Christ, Craig Polk
Christ is Born!
Glorify Him!

25th Sunday after Pentecost (13th of Luke)
Sunday of the Holy Forefathers
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi John Hutnyan & Stephanie Cadena.
The Nativity Fast continues. Please refer to your Parish Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
There will be a Memorial Service today for:
- Violet Korbanics, requested by June Fejko
- Susan Mautone, the daughter of Anthony & Joan Ersalesi, requested by Lori & Anthony Udina.
The 2025 Parish Wall Calendars have arrived. Please take one per household. They are in the church vestibule.
Congratulations to Christian Diaz, who was Chrismated yesterday at Great Vespers! His sponsors were his step-brother Josue Rodriguez & Maria Tlatelpa. Please go to the page "News & Events" to see photos of Christian & his family. Many blessed years!
Dates to Remember:
- Today, December 15th during Coffee Hour: Choir Practice
- Saturday, December 21st: Homemade Nut Rolls & et al for a Nativity of Christ fund raiser
- Tuesday, December 24th @ 4:30 PM: Nativity Vigil Service
- Wednesday, December 25th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ

24th Sunday after Pentecost (12th of Luke)
Ven. Patapius of Thebes
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi & John Hutnyan.
The Nativity Fast continues. Please refer to your Parish Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
The 2025 Parish Wall Calendars have arrived. Please take one per household. They are in the church vestibule.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, December 15th during Coffee Hour: Choir Practice
- Saturday, December 21st: Homemade Nut Rolls & et al for a Nativity of Christ fund raiser
- Tuesday, December 24th @ 4:30 PM: Nativity Vigil Service
- Wednesday, December 25th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ
Church School Announcement
- Church School Yolka will be held on Sunday, December 22 during Coffee Hour.
- The church school children are collecting monetary donation to support Passaic Mental Health holiday Angle gift card project. Donations can be given to Craig Polk up to Sunday Dec 22
- The church school children are doing a collection of children DVDs to support a Holiday drive for the Passaic Women shelter. This is the same shelter they collected diapers for and did the bake sale last June. DVDs can be brought to the church up to Sunday December 22nd.
Yours, in Christ, Craig Polk

23rd Sunday after Pentecost (11th of Luke)
Prophet Nahum
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi & John Hutnyan.
The Nativity Fast has begun. Please refer to your Parish Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
Please remember in your prayers Nicholas Telep Sr for his Name Day & Sally Telep, who would have been 101 at this time, requested by their daughter, Joyce Telep.
Thank you to Kevin Shermock who has baked a batch of loaves for the Artoclasia at Memorial Services.
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, December 1st: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, December 7th: Dinner for the Nativity of Christ, hosted by the Parish Council
- Saturday, December 21st: Homemade Nut Rolls & et al for a Nativity of Christ fund raiser

21st Sunday after Pentecost (9th of Luke)
St. Gregory the Wonderworker of Neo-Caesarea
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi, John Hutnyan & Emily Reach.
The Nativity Fast has begun. Please refer to your Parish Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for Deborah Stura, on the 2nd Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Joseph Stura & Family
Thank you to Kevin Shermock who has baked a batch of loaves for the Artoclasia at Memorial Services.
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
The net profit on the Barley-mushroom Soup Sale amounted to $381.36. Thank you to all the members of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara who worked so hard to make the delicious soup!
Dates to Remember:
- Today: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
- Sunday, November 24th: In-house Raffle fund raiser during Coffee Hour
- Sunday, December 1st: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, December 7th: Dinner for the Nativity of Christ, hosted by the Parish Council
- Saturday, December 21st: Homemade Nut Rolls & et al for a Nativity of Christ fund raiser

20th Sunday after Pentecost (8th of Luke)
Apostles of the Seventy: Erastus, Olympas, Rodion,
Sosipater, Quartus, and Tertius
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Anthony Ersalesi & John Hutnyan.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for the deceased members of the parish who served in the Armed Forces.
Next Sunday, November 17th Deborah Stura, on the 2nd Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Joseph Stura & Family.
Congratulations to Matthew & Arleen Russo who had their baby, Sofia, baptized last Sunday, October 27th! Her Godparent was Subdeacon Christopher & Lauren Wells stood in as a Christian Witness.
Thank you to Kevin Shermock who has baked a batch of loaves for the Artoclasia at Memorial Services.
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of family members who are celebrating their birthdays in November: Kayleigh Polk 11/7 & Brad Polk 11/23. Congratulations & Many Blessed Years!
Dates to Remember:
- Monday, November 11th: Veteran's (Remembrance) Day
- Saturday, November 16th: Nativity Fast begins. Check your parish calendar for details
- Sunday, November 17th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
- Sunday, November 24th: In-house Raffle fund raiser during Coffee Hour
- Sunday, December 1st: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, December 21st: Homemade Nut Rolls & et al fund raiser

19th Sunday after Pentecost (7th of Luke)
Martyrs Acepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Presbyter &
Aithalas the Deacon, of Persia
Dedication of the Church of the Greatmartyr George in Lydda
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Victoria Sancenito, Anthony Ersalesi & John Hutnyan.
Welcome to our visitors!
Congratulations to Matthew & Arleen Russo who had their baby, Sofia, baptized last Sunday, October 27th! Her Godparent was Subdeacon Christopher & Lauren Wells stood in as a Christian Witness.
Thank you to Kevin Shermock who has baked a batch of loaves for the Artoclasia at Memorial Services.
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, November 9th: Homemade Beef-Barley-Mushroom Soup fund raiser
- Monday, November 11th: Veteran's (Remembrance) Day
- Saturday, November 16th: Nativity Fast begins. Check your parish calendar for details
- Sunday, November 17th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
- Sunday, November 24th: In-house Raffle fund raiser during Coffee Hour
- Sunday, December 1st: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, December 21st: Homemade Nut Rolls & et al fund raiser

18th Sunday after Pentecost (6th of Luke)
Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Victoria Sancenito & Anthony Ersalesi.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for:
- Lorraine (June’s sister) & Peter Spann, requested by their in-laws, the Fejko & Udina Families
- Letitia Baz, the sister-in-law of Fr. Terence, who passed away last week. She was 87 & leaves behind her husband Rodney & his 8 children
Thank you to Kevin Shermock who has baked a batch of loaves for the Artoclasia at Memorial Services.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Alaskan collections over the previous 3 weeks. The total amount collected was $1,113.00!
Please note that the Livestream has been restored. Our parish was not the only one to encounter a hitch using the Facebook site. In response, the Archdiocesan Web Solutions has added a link to our parish webpage: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/livestream to enable the parish website livestream to work automatically.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, October 27th:
- After Coffee Hour: meeting with the Sisterhood of St. Barbara in the Conference Room
- Baptism for Sophia Marie Russo, the daughter of Matthew & Arleen Russo @ 3:00 PM
- Thursday, October 31st to Friday, November 1st: Diocesan General Assembly hosted by Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, East Meadow, NY
- Sunday, November 10th., after Coffee Hour: Parish Council meeting

17th Sunday after Pentecost (5th of Luke)
Greatmartyr Artemius of Antioch
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Victoria Sancenito & Anthony Ersalesi.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for Doris Keklak, requested by Marge Balrich
Next Sunday, October 27th., for Lorraine & Peter Spann, requested by their in-laws, the Fejko & Udina Families
Thanks to everyone who attended the beautiful Prayer Service in remembrance of St. Anna last Sunday afternoon! Thank you to Reader Luis & his Choir for coming to sing the responses, to Sub-deacon Christopher for serving & to Joyce Telep who, with Father Terence, welcomed Hierodeacon George from St. Tikhon’s Monastery on behalf of the parish. Father Stephen & his family came from Holy Resurrection parish to join us. Also, to those who helped setup the hall for Coffee afterwards, those who brought cakes and other goods for fellowship, those in the kitchen who served coffee and those who helped clean up. Although such events take a lot of hard work, everyone had an enjoyable time.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Alaskan collections over the previous 3 weeks. The total amount collected was $1,083.00!
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, October 27th:
- After Coffee Hour: meeting with the Sisterhood of St. Barbara in the Conference Room
- Baptism for Sophia Russo @ 3:00 PM
- Sunday, November 10th., after Coffee Hour: Parish Council meeting

16th Sunday after Pentecost (4th of Luke)
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Victoria Sancenito & Anthony Ersalesi.
Welcome to our visitors!
Many thanks to:
- Matthew Russo, who resecured the railing of the steps on the left hand side of the church last Sunday.
- Rosa Mecardo & Alexander Salas, who cleaned the candle stand & the glass cups at the front of the church nave.
- Nectarios Bittencourt who cleaned the sanctuary in preparation of the service for the Icon of St. Anna & the hall window sills for the Coffee Hour afterwards.
- Sunday, October 27th:
- After Coffee Hour: meeting with the Sisterhood of St. Barbara in the Conference Room
- Baptism for Sophia Espaillat @ 3:00 PM

15th Sunday after Pentecost (3rd of Luke)
Glorification of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of the Aleuts, and Apostle to the Americas
Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky, Victoria Sancenito & Anthony Ersalesi.
Welcome to our visitors!
At the end of Divine Liturgy, there will be a Memorial Service for the
- Newly departed Archpriest Joseph Chupeck of our diocese
- Late Olga Gribb, on her 93rd. Birthday, requested by her daughters, Karen, Kathy & Krissy .
- Mark Sancenito on his 15th Anniversary of his Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Deborah Sancenito
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family to honor Mikaela Polk as she celebrates her 13th birthday.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, Sunday, October 6th: the third collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Saturday & Sunday, October 12th & 13th: setting up of hall for the visitation of St. Tikhon’s
- Sunday, October 13th @ 4:00 PM visitation by St. Tikhon’s Seminary bringing the Icon of St. Anna
- Sunday, October 27th after Coffee Hour: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting in the Conference Room

14th Sunday after Pentecost (2nd of Luke)
Ven. Cyriacus the Hermit, of Palestine
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto, Helen Pruzinsky & Victoria Sancenito.
Welcome to our visitors!
Thank you Craig Polk and those who helped him setup the tables and cleaned up afterwards for our Annual Parish Picnic; to those who donated food for the barbeque and also to Donna Betza; and those who helped her with the daunting task of cleaning up the church kitchen & distributing the excess food. Everyone who attended had a delightful afternoon basking in the beautiful weather.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, Sunday September 29th: the second collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Sunday, October 6th: the third collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Saturday & Sunday, October 12th & 13th: setting up of hall for the visitation of St. Tikhon’s
- Sunday, October 13th @ 4:00 PM visitation by St. Tikhon’s Seminary bringing the Icon of St. Anna

13th Sunday after Pentecost (1st of Luke)
Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope
Apostle Quadratus of the Seventy
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto & Helen Pruzinsky.
Welcome to our visitors!
Thank you Andrew Guertin and Gregory Focarinofor providing the cake last Sunday to celebrate & congratulate Andrew Guertin&Anthony Focarinowho were baptized &chrismated Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024. Thank you also to Andrew Guertin who fixed the Gospel stand last week.
Next Sunday, Sept. 29th., there will be a Memorial Service for John Peter Koribanicson his 57th Year Anniversary in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, September 22nd:
- The first of three collections for the Alaskan Appeal during Divine Liturgy
- After Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic behind the church
- Wednesday, September 25th. @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council meeting in Conference Room
- Sunday, September 29th: the second collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Sunday, October 6th: the third collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Saturday & Sunday, October 12th & 13th: setting up of hall for the visitation of St. Tikhon’s
· Sunday, October 13th @ 4:00 PM visitation by St. Tikhon’s Seminary bringing the Icon of St. Anna

12th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross
Greatmartyr Nicetas the Goth
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt, Christopher Dadetto & Helen Pruzinsky.
Welcome to our visitors!
Congratulations to Andrew Guertin & Anthony Focarino, who were baptized & chrismated yesterday! Anthony’s God-parents were Allan & Violeta Focarino and he is the grand-child of Gregory & Vera Focarino. Andrew’s God-father is Reader Luis Comacho & his aunt, Diahann Ferreyra Guertin, stood in as a Christian Witness. Please allow these two new converts to come first, with their sponsors, for their First Holy Communion.
Today, Sunday, September 15th., there will be a Memorial Service for:
Anna & George Ward and Katherine & John Zubal, requested by the Fejko & Udina Families
May their Memories be Eternal!
Please take home the flowers from the bouquet surrounding the Cross as you come up for a blessing at the end of the services.
We are happy to announce that our Annual Parish Picnic will happen later this month! We will need people to help Craig Polk setup tables & games if the weather allows us to be outside. Also, any contributions for desserts or donations towards the cost would be very much appreciated. A sign up sheet will be available in the parish hall for you to add your name & contact details. Please speak to Craig or Barbara Polk if you have any questions.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, September 22nd:
- The first of three collections for the Alaskan Appeal during Divine Liturgy
- After Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic behind the church
- Wednesday, September 25th. @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council meeting in Conference Room
- Sunday, September 29th: the second collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Sunday, October 6th: the third collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Saturday & Sunday, October 12th & 13th: setting up of hall for the visitation of St. Tikhon’s
- Sunday, October 13th @ 4:00 PM visitation by St. Tikhon’s Seminary bringing the Icon of St. Anna
- Sunday, October 27th, after Coffee Hour: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting

11th Sunday after Pentecost
The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
Sunday Before the Exaltation of the Cross
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Sebastiao Bittencourt & Christopher Dadetto.
Welcome to our visitors!
Father Terence has written an article for the beginning of the Orthodox Church’s New Year that is being published on our diocesan website. Please go to: nynjoca.org to read it.
Today, Sunday, September 8th there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Subdeacon Peter Eagler, requested by Barbara Polk & Family
- The Honorable John Koribanics for his 22nd Anniversary in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family
- Robert J. Sudol III (Bobby), for his 2nd Year of his falling asleep, requested by Katherine Robinson & on behalf of her family
May their Memories be Eternal!
We are happy to announce that our Annual Parish Picnic will happen later this month! We will need people to help Craig Polk setup tables & games if the weather allows us to be outside. Also, any contributions for desserts or donations towards the cost would be very much appreciated. A sign up sheet will be available in the parish hall for you to add your name & contact details. Please speak to Craig or Barbara Polk if you have any questions.
Dates to Remember:
- Friday, September 13th @ 5:00 PM: Vespers for the Exaltation of the Cross
- Saturday, September 14th:
- Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Exaltation of the Precious & Life Giving Cross @ 9:30 AM
- Baptisms for Andrew Guertin & Anthony Focorino @ 1:00 PM
- The evening Great Vespers will be cancelled
- Sunday, September 22nd:
- The first of three collections for the Alaskan Appeal during Divine Liturgy
- After Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic behind the church
- Wednesday, September 25th. @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council meeting in Conference Room
- Sunday, September 29th: the second collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Sunday, October 6th: the third collection for the Alaskan Appeal
- Saturday & Sunday, October 12th & 13th: setting up of hall for the visitation of St. Tikhon’s
- Sunday, October 13th @ 4:00 PM visitation by St. Tikhon’s Seminary bringing the Icon of St. Anna

10th Sunday after Pentecost
Church New Year (Indiction)
St. Simeon the Stylite (the Elder) and his mother, Ven. Martha
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Rebecca Simchon, Fern Netzky, Sebastiao Bittencourt & Christopher Dadetto.
Church New Year
Commemorated on September 1
The first day of the Church New Year is also called the beginning of the Indiction. The term Indiction comes from a Latin word meaning, “to impose.” It was originally applied to the imposition of taxes in Egypt. The first worldwide Indiction was in 312 when the Emperor Constantine (May 21) saw a miraculous vision of the Cross in the sky. Before the introduction of the Julian calendar, Rome began the New Year on September 1.
According to Holy Tradition, Christ entered the synagogue on September 1 to announce His mission to mankind (Luke 4:16-22). Quoting Isaiah 61:1-2, the Savior proclaimed, “The spirit of the Lord is upon Me; because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to proclaim release to captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord...” This scene is depicted in a Vatican manuscript (Vatican, Biblioteca. Cod. Gr. 1613, p.1).
Tradition says that the Hebrews entered the Promised Land in September.
Welcome to our visitors!
Father Terence has written an article for the beginning of the Orthodox Church’s New Year that is being published on our diocesan website. Please go to: nynjoca.org to read it. https://nynjoca.org/news_240830_2.html
Next Sunday, September 8th there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Subdeacon Peter Eagler, requested by Barbara Polk & Family
- The Honorable John Koribanics for his 22nd Anniversary in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family
- Robert J. Sudol III (Bobby), for his 2nd Year of his falling asleep, requested by Katherine Robinson & on behalf of her family
May their Memories be Eternal!
We are happy to announce that our Annual Parish Picnic will happen later this month! We will need people to help Craig Polk setup tables & games if the weather allows us to be outside. Also, any contributions for desserts or donations towards the cost would be very much appreciated. A sign up sheet will be available in the parish hall for you to add your name & contact details. Please speak to Craig or Barbara Polk if you have any questions.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, September 1st: Indiction Service at the end of Divine Liturgy for the Orthodox Church New Year.
- Friday, September 13th @ 5:00 PM: Vespers for the Exaltation of the Cross
- Saturday, September 14th:
- Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Exaltation of the Precious & Life Giving Cross @ 9:30 AM
- Baptisms for Andrew Guertin & Anthony Focorino @ 1:00 PM
- The evening Great Vespers will be cancelled
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic

9th Sunday after Pentecost
Return of the Relics of the Apostle Bartholomew
from Anastasiopolis to Lipari
Holy Apostle Titus of the Seventy, Bishop of Crete
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Rebecca Simchon, Fern Netzky, Sebastiao Bittencourt & Christopher Dadetto.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today is College Student Sunday. The Assembly of Bishops has designated this Sunday each year to support Orthodox Young Adults who are away from home and at College. Listed below are the students attached to our parish. Please pray for them! It is of great concern to the OCA and all Orthodox jurisdictions within North America for these students to not only succeed in their studies but also to not lose them to the secular world causing them to drift away from Christ and His Body, the Orthodox Church, to never see them again. Here is the list:
Jacob & Luke Michels; Madison & Dana Mautone; Timothy Aybar; Athena Fermin; Demitrius Morais and Josua Rodrigeuz.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, Sunday, August 25th:
- College Student Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s OCF Campus Ministry
- Orthodox Young Adults Pig Roast from mid-afternoon at Holy Resurrection in Wayne
- Wednesday, August 28th @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council Meeting in Conference Room
- Sunday, September 1st: Indiction Service at the end of Divine Liturgy for the Orthodox Church New Year.
- Saturday, September 14th:
- Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Exaltation of the Precious & Life Giving Cross @ 9:30 AM
- Baptisms for Andrew Guertin & Anthony Focorino @ 1:00 PM
- Saturday Great Vespers will be cancelled
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic

8th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Dormition
Martyrs Florus and Laurus of Illyria
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Rebecca Simchon, Fern Netzky, Sebastiao Bittencourt & Christopher Dadetto.
Welcome to our visitors!
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, August 24th from 11:00 AM—4:00 PM: Diocesan Youth Day with barbeque, picnic & games at Christ the Savior Church in Paramus NJ. Vespers will follow at 5:00 PM.
- Sunday, August 25th:
- College Student Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s OCF Campus Ministry
- Orthodox Young Adults Pig Roast from mid-afternoon at Holy Resurrection in Wayne
- Saturday, September 14th:
- The feast of the Exaltation of the Precious & Life Giving Cross
- Baptisms for Andrew Guertin & Anthony Focorino
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
Note: if you look under "Messages from Fr. Terence" you will see a short article on the theology of the Transfiguration & the Dormition.
Special Appeal from Archbishop Michael
Prayers and Financial Assistance Needed:
Hurricane Debby causes catastrophic damage to St. Olympia Orthodox Church
Our northern-most Diocesan church, St. Olympia Mission in Potsdam / Norwood, NY, shares the following urgent message in the aftermath of last week’s devastating storms. Please prayerfully consider a monetary contribution in any amount, to help!
The mayhem caused by Hurricane Debby has damaged St. Olympia Orthodox Church in Norwood, NY. Water overwhelmed the bell tower, came through the ceiling into the nave and continued into the lower level, causing damage to all areas including our resident Norwood Food Pantry. More damage was caused by sewer backup to the kitchen, social hall/Sunday school rooms and bathrooms. One unofficial preliminary assessment now predicts that damages may go to $50,000 or above.
We ask for your prayers and your support.
Your generosity is sincerely appreciated! Checks can be made payable, and sent, to the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, 33 Hewitt Avenue, Bronxville, NY 10708. Please write "St. Olympia Recovery” in the memo line.
If you cannot send a check but wish to contribute, online donations can be offered at the newly posted GoFundMe page:
GoFundMe charges a 3 percent administrative fee in addition to the donation itself.
Thank you for your prayers and your generosity, in this time of crisis for one of our newest Diocesan communities!
With love and prayers,
+ Archbishop Michael

7th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
Holy Martyr and Archdeacon Euplus of Catania
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong, Rebecca Simchon & Fern Netzky.
The Dormition Fast continues. Please refer to your calendars regarding what to refrain from until August 15th.
Welcome to our visitors!
Dates to Remember:
- Today, at the end of Divine Liturgy: the blessing of fruits & grapes to celebrate last Tuesday’s feast of the Transfiguration
- Thursday, August 15th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos.
- Saturday, August 24th from 11:00 AM—4:00 PM: Diocesan Youth Day with barbeque, picnic & games at Christ the Savior Church in Paramus NJ. Vespers will follow at 5:00 PM.
- Sunday, August 25th:
- College Student Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s OCF Campus Ministry
- Orthodox Young Adults Pig Roast from mid-afternoon at Holy Resurrection in Wayne
- Saturday, September 14th:
- The feast of the Exaltation of the Precious & Life Giving Cross
- Baptisms for Andrew Guertin & Anthony Focorino
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic

6th Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Seven Youths (“Seven Sleepers”) of Ephesus
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
The Dormition Fast has begun. Please refer to your calendars regarding what to refrain from until August 15th.
Welcome to our visitors!
Thank you very much to Sub-deacon Christopher & to Reader Luis for assisting Fr. Vassily to serve the Divine Liturgy last Sunday! Thank you to Nectarios Bittemcourt for also serving, the choir member & others who participated, enabling the Liturgy to go smoothly.
Today's bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of family members celebrating birthdays and anniversaries during the month of August; Birthdays: 8/5 Danielle Polk, 8/29 Cecelia Polk; Anniversaries: 8/7 John & Barbara Polk and 8/11 John & Heather Polk. Congratulations & Many Blessed Years.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, August 10th @ 10:00 AM: Deanery Parish Council Conference at St. Gregory Palamas Church in Glen Gardner NJ. Please see attached flyer.
- Thursday, August 15th: the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos. Liturgy time to be announced
- Saturday, August 24th from 11:00 AM—4:00 PM: Diocesan Youth Day with barbeque, picnic & games at Christ the Savior Church in Paramus NJ. Vespers will follow at 5:00 PM.
- Sunday, August 25th:
- College Student Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s OCF Campus Ministry
- Othodox Young Adults Pig Roast from mid-afternoon in Wayne
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic

SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2024 TONE 2
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong & Rebecca Simchon.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service next Sunday, July 14th for:
- Susan Ersalesi Mautone, requested by Donna Betza, for the 4th. Anniversary (July 12th) of her repose
- Mary Minarich-Foster, the Great Aunt of Reader Christopher Minarich & requested by him for the One Year Anniversary of her repose
- Charles & Jennie Ablahani and Cecil Elias & Mary Baz, requested by the Baz Family
- Camille Rizk, who recently Fell Asleep in the Lord
Photos of Timothy Aybar’s baptism & Athena’s Chrismation are posted on the parish website & Instagram pages. Please use the addresses listed on the back page of the bulletin to view them.
Many thanks to Joey & Sharon Koribanics who have purchased, donated & arranged for the installation of a new USA flag to the flag pole on the corner of Huron & Orange Avenues. They have been doing this for many years!
Copies of the latest edition of The Tikhonaire are available to look at in the parish hall. It has photos & news about the staff & seminarians for this year. Please leave them in the hall.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, July 21st., at the end of Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of the Parish Council
- Sunday, July 28th at the Divine Liturgy: Fr. Vasily Yurina will serve as the priest while Fr. Terence he is recovering from his surgery
- Sunday, July 28th: Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry
- Saturday, August 10th @ 10:00 AM: Deanery Parish Council Conference at St. Gregory Palamas Church in Glen Gardner NJ. Please see attached flyer.
- Saturday, August 24th from 11:00 AM—4:00 PM: Diocesan Youth Day with barbeque, picnic & games at Christ the Savior Church in Paramus NJ. Vespers will follow at 5:00 PM.
- Sunday, August 25th: College Student Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s OCF Campus Ministry
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
- Sunday, October 6th after Coffee Hour: meeting of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara
Media Posts on Instagram
Altar Servers Retreat in Wayne & Birthday Celebration in Clifton.
See the Instagram server address on back page.

2nd Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints of America
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong & Rebecca Simchon.
Welcome to our visitors!
Congratulations & Many Years to:
- Athena (Karey) Firmin, who was Chrismated yesterday. Her sponsors are John Slivinsky & June Fejko.
- Timothy (Ryan) Aybar, who was Baptized & Chrismated yesterday. His sponsors are Gregory & Linda Surgent.
Gregory Focarino has kindly setup the baptismal pool.
They will receive their First Communion during today’s Divine Liturgy. Please allow them & their sponsors to come up first.
Photos of these events will soon be posted on the parish Website & Instagram pages. The services were also live streamed on Saturday, July 6th. & are available for viewing.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of family members celebrating their July birthdays: 7/1 Craig Polk, 7/6 Alexandra Polk, 7/16 Barbara Polk; and July anniversary 7/28 Craig & Laura Polk. Congratulations & Many Blessed Years!
Craig Polk & the Sunday School teaching staff would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to each of our parishioners for your great generosity and support towards its recent initiative to aid The Neighborhood Center for Women in Passaic, NJ on Sunday, June 23rd, Pentecost Sunday. Through your kindness, they & the students collected 268 diapers and raised $322.00 during our bake sale! This effort again reflects the spirit of community and compassion that portrays our parish. Thank you once again for your great support and commitment to the Sunday School.
Copies of the latest edition of The Tikhonaire are available to look at in the parish hall. It has photos & news about the staff & seminarians for this year. Please leave them in the hall.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, July 21st., at the end of Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of the Parish Council
- Sunday, July 28th: Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry
- Saturday, August 10th @ 10:00 AM: Deanery Parish Council Conference at St. Gregory Palamas Church in Glen Gardner NJ. Please see attached flyer.
- Saturday, August 24th from 11:00 AM—4:00 PM: Diocesan Youth Day with barbeque, picnic & games at Christ the Savior Church in Paramus NJ. Vespers will follow at 5:00 PM.
- Sunday, August 25th: College Student Sunday, sponsored by the Canonical Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of the USA’s OCF Campus Ministry
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
Media Posts on Instagram
Altar Servers Retreat in Wayne & Birthday Celebration in Clifton.
See the Instagram server address on back page.
There will be a Memorial Service next Sunday, July 14th for:
- Charles & Jennie Ablahani and Cecil Elias & Mary Baz, requested by the Baz Family
- Susan Ersalesi Mautone, requested by Donna Betza, for the 4th. Anniversary (July 12th) of her repose
- Mary Minarich-Foster, the Great Aunt of Reader Christopher Minarich & requested by him for the One Year Anniversary of her repose

SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2024 TONE 8
1st Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong & Rebecca Simchon.
Welcome to our visitors!
This Saturday, July 6th. @ 10:30 AM, our parish will bring two new converts into the Orthodox Church!
- Karey (Athena) Firmin will be chrismated. Her sponsors will be John Slivinsky & June Fejko.
- Ryan (Timothy) Aybar will be baptized. His sponsors will be Gregory & Linda Surgent.
Gregory Focarino has kindly agreed to setup the baptismal pool.
Copies of he latest edition of The Tikhonaire are available to look at in the parish hall. It has photos & news about the staff & seminarians for this year. Please leave them in the hall.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, July 6th, 2024 @ 10:30 AM: Baptism of Ryan (Timothy) Aybar & Chrismation of Karey (Athena) Fermin at Holy Assumption Church
- Sunday, July 7th: First Holy Communion for Timothy (Ryan) Aybar & Athena (Karey) Firmin
- Sunday, July 21st: Swearing in of Parish Council at the end of Divine Liturgy
- Saturday, August 10th @ 10:00 AM: Deanery Parish Council Conference at St. Gregory Palamas Church in Glen Gardner NJ. Please see attached flyer.
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic

SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2024 TONE 8
1st Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong & Rebecca Simchon.
Welcome to our visitors!
This Saturday, July 6th. @ 10:30 AM, our parish will bring two new converts into the Orthodox Church!
- Karey (Athena) Firmin will be chrismated. Her sponsors will be John Slivinsky & June Fejko.
- Ryan (Timothy) Aybar will be baptized. His sponsors will be Gregory & Linda Surgent.
Gregory Focarino has kindly agreed to setup the baptismal pool.
Copies of he latest edition of The Tikhonaire are available to look at in the parish hall. It has photos & news about the staff & seminarians for this year. Please leave them in the hall.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, July 6th, 2024 @ 10:30 AM: Baptism of Ryan (Timothy) Aybar & Chrismation of Karey (Athena) Fermin at Holy Assumption Church
- Sunday, July 7th: First Holy Communion for Timothy (Ryan) Aybar & Athena (Karey) Firmin
- Sunday, July 21st: Swearing in of Parish Council at the end of Divine Liturgy
- Saturday, August 10th @ 10:00 AM: Deanery Parish Council Conference at St. Gregory Palamas Church in Glen Gardner NJ. Please see attached flyer.
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2024 TONE 7
8th Sunday of Pascha
Holy Pentecost – Feast of the Holy Trinity
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
We will have a Memorial Service today after the Pentecost Kneeling Prayers for Mary Slivinsky, on the 2nd Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by her brother John Slivinsky. Memory Eternal!
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, July 6th., 2024 @ 10:30 AM: Baptism of Ryan Aybar & Chrismation of Karey Fermin at Holy Assumption Church
- Saturday, August 10th @ 10:00 AM: Deanery Parish Council Conference at St. Gregory Palamas Church in Glen Gardner NJ. Please see attached flyer.
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
The message below contains some very timely & important advice from His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, on the occasion of the feast of Pentecost. He outlines how the Holy Spirit is working throughout his OCA diocese of New York & New Jersey by bringing in many converts to our parishes. We have witnessed this in our own parish as well. In the past 12 months, we have had two adult baptisms, with a third scheduled for early next month and four adult chrismations, with a fifth also scheduled for early next month. All these people are adults, mostly young, who have studied Orthodoxy and reached out to our parish via the internet. After giving them basic instruction about the Orthodox faith, they have enthusiastically embraced these instructions & have been very happy to join our parish. Please welcome them & pray for them as they embark on their journeys towards the Kingdom of God in the Orthodox Church.
Yours, in Christ,
Father Terence Baz, parish priest
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Dearly Beloved Members of our Diocesan Family: Christ is in our midst! – He is and ever shall be!
“And the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).
On this blessed Pentecost Sunday, I am mindful of how many times I have preached about Evangelism and growing our Holy Orthodox Church in America … and how often I have said how much all of us would wish for a Pentecost moment in our parishes, where 3,000 individuals joined the Faith and were baptized at one time … but that the more frequent experience of the first years of Church history presented in the Acts of the Apostles is of one person, one household, one person, one family, one person at a time … coming to receive Christ, initiated in the holy Mysteries of Baptism, Chrismation and the Eucharist.
However, this Pentecost presents us with a new story to report in our parishes and in the Diocese. New people are coming to our churches, learning about our faith and converting to Orthodoxy in our communities – and not only our parishes and our Diocese, but in all the other Orthodox jurisdictions and in all the other regions of our country. Perhaps not in the thousands – but in the tens and twenties and thirties, to be sure – and in some cases even more! It is, I believe, a record number of inquirers, catechumens and recent converts who are joining themselves to our Faith in this country.
These are sincere people, searching for the True Faith, seeking the True Church, yearning for the life and love of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. As we thank God for this great gift … we must ask ourselves the question, Are we prepared to properly receive them into the Church of undivided Christianity and grow them in the “faith delivered to the Saints once for all” (Jude 3) in our parishes?
On the first Pentecost, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit … they preached the Gospel to everyone they came into contact with. Peter offered a simple, single sermon, and “about three thousand souls were added to them” (Acts 2:41). On this Pentecost 2024, are we filled with the same Spirit, willing to share our faith with anyone we meet, ready to receive everyone the Lord brings to our diocesan churches?
Those now coming to our communities have made a bold decision, traveled a great distance, sometimes visited several traditions before making the choice to embrace the Church whose birthday we celebrate this very day! We must make certain that we offer them permanent membership in the Body of Christ … ours cannot be for them just another “stop” on a never-ending quest. Here lies the challenge.
Many of them have come to Orthodoxy through the internet, from reading books, or from listening to speakers. Most of them know the Scripture, Church history, the teaching of the Holy Fathers and the great councils, and are enthusiastically learning the lives of the Saints. But Orthodoxy is much more than intellectual, academic, scholastic knowledge … it is in the words of Acts “a way” of life – the lived experience of the living God. The early Church was a community which worshipped Christ the Savior, received His Body and His Blood, and offered the same to those who did not yet have these blessings.
Saint Luke provides us this model description of the first community of Orthodox Christians two millennia ago: “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking the Bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:44-47).
This is an account of daily, lived experience – a way of life, not just “head” knowledge of a creed. The converts of the first Pentecost did not have a catechumenate before Peter’s sermon … but they spent the rest of their lives after their Baptism learning and growing in the faith, practicing its precepts and sharing its graces – which is what we know as the ongoing process of “theosis” – becoming like God.
For us Orthodox, this process begins at baptism, even if that happens as an infant. Our Church is the only one that makes our children “full members of the faith” at 40 days old … and they spend the rest of their lives, growing in the faith by experience. Children learn to kiss the icons, bless themselves, or come to Communion by experience. And that experience begins in the parish church and is sustained in the family. Children imitate what they see their parents doing in the parish church and in their home.
This is the Biblical formula of the Old Covenant – children were named (and males circumcised) on the 8th day … presented in the Temple on the 40th day … grew in the faith into adulthood as members of the qahal (the Old Testament church). Such was the experience of our Lord Himself … which is why we embrace it … this is why even whole families … whole households (that included infants and children) were baptized in the early Church (Acts 11:14; 16:15; 16:31-33; 18:8; and I Cor. 1:16).
My point here is this: our new inquirers, catechumens and converts need catechetical instruction in Orthodoxy, to be sure … but that is not enough. They need to experience the faith, live the Way, in the family of the Church. But what if their family at home isn’t Orthodox? Perhaps their biological family is not yet Orthodox, but their parish family is … and it is up to us to give them that experience – by teaching, yes; but even more so by example! The example handed down to us by the Saints, who received it from generations before them … back to the early Church.
Therefore, on this Pentecost Sunday, grateful for the gift of the record number of new members of our diocesan family, I urge all our parishes to ensure a joyful welcome, a smooth transition, and a lifelong commitment for these individuals who have been added to our “family in faith” – by studying and following this checklist:
1) Everyone who comes through the doors of our church is greeted warmly and lovingly and welcomed into the embrace of Our Lord through the care and kindness of all our parish family;
2) A solid presentation of catechism is offered to these new members, teaching them the faith in general and addressing the specific questions and challenges they bring from their previous faith experience;
3) We should learn from each new person their “conversion story” – where they came from and how they got here – and celebrate their adoption into our family of faith;
4) We should also share our story: how we were raised, why we joined, why we stayed, or how we returned if we had strayed … all of us are converts like them, even if we were baptized at 40 days old; and
5) Most importantly, we must guide them in the lived experience of Orthodoxy … by our best possible example; we must teach them the Way of life that our faith embodies – a life of prayer and fasting, attending services and reading Scripture, participating in holydays with processions and prostrations, receiving faithfully and frequently the Sacraments of Confession and Communion, offering our time, talent and treasure to the service of our parish, and helping in any way we can those in need in our family, our neighborhood, our parish or the strangers whom we meet.
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ: we cannot love something we do not know. It is true in friendship … especially true in marriage; but it is also true in the case of our faith. We cannot love the Church unless we know her and revere her … and we get to know her by experience, according to Orthodox Tradition. And as members of the Church, we must be examples to those who join our family of that lived and loved experience – which is a gift of the Holy Spirit, Who brings all who come to Christ to faith in Him.
On this joyous Pentecost, let us all resolve to re-ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit, lit in our hearts on the moment of our Chrismation, and continue to come closer to Christ, following the model of the saints before us, becoming more and more like God … and offering our experience in the Church to those who have come seeking the True Faith in our parishes and missions, and helping them to finally have the home they have sought in our family of faith.
With my humble prayers, my archpastoral blessing and my sincere love,
Archbishop Michael
Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey

SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2024 TONE 6
7th Sunday of Pascha
Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
Afterfeast of the Ascension
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
Congratulations to Andrew Guertin, who was Chrismated today! His God-parents are Peter & Jane Pruzinsky. Please allow Andrew to receive his First Holy Communion first today. Photos will soon be posted.
Susan Shermock wishes to express her heartfelt thanks for all the loving wishes, thoughtful gifts & blessings for the celebration of her 80th birthday on June 2nd at the church hall. She felt overwhelmed and blessed to have such a loving, caring family, parish family and lasting friendships. I was a wonderful day for her & one she will never forget!
Dates to Remember:
Thursday, June 13th @ 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Ascension of our Lord & Savior
Sunday, June 16th:
- Chrismation of Andrew Guertin during the Divine Liturgy. The sponsors will be Peter & Jane Pruzinsky.
- Sunday School awards to be given out by Craig Polk at the end of Divine Liturgy
- Sunday School Bake Sale during Coffee Hour in the Hall. See flyer for details.
- Wednesday, June 16th @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council Meeting in the Conference Room
- Saturday, July 6th., 2024 @ 10:30 AM: Baptism of Ryan Aybar & Chrismation of Karey Fermin at Holy Assumption Church
- Sunday, September 22nd after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic in Church backyard

SUNDAY, JUNE 9 , 2024 TONE 5
6th Sunday after Pascha
Blind Man
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong & Adilson Morais.
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today after Divine Liturgy for Eileen Betza Romeo, the cousin of the late Gregory Betza, requested by Donna Betza. Eileen was 73.
Congratulations to Arleen Espaillat & Matthew Russo, on the birth of their new baby, Sofia Marie Russo on June 6th., 2024. Many blessed years!
Susan Shermock wishes to express her heartfelt thanks for all the loving wishes, thoughtful gifts and blessings for the celebration of her 80th birthday recently at the church hall. She felt overwhelmed and blessed to have such a loving and caring family, parish family and lasting friendships. It was a wonderful day for her and one she will never forget!
Dates to Remember:
Thursday, June 13th @ 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Ascension of our Lord & Savior
Sunday, June 16th:
- Chrismation of Andrew Guertin during the Divine Liturgy. The sponsors will be Peter & Jane Pruzinsky.
- Sunday School awards to be given out by Craig Polk at the end of Divine Liturgy
- Sunday School Bake Sale during Coffee Hour in the Hall. See flyer for details.
- Wednesday, June 26th @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council meeting in the Conference Room

5th Sunday of Pascha
Samaritan Woman
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong & Adilson Morais.
Welcome to our visitors!
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, June 16th:
- Chrismation of Andrew Guertin during the Divine Liturgy. The sponsors will be Peter & Jane Pruzinsky.
- Sunday School awards to be given out by Craig Polk at the end of Divine Liturgy
- Sunday School Bake Sale during Coffee Hour in the Hall

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2024 TONE 3
4th Sunday of Pascha
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics, Pearl Wong & Adilson Morais.
Welcome to our visitors!
A blessed icon will be presented to Alexander Salas, donated by Reader Luis Camacho, to celebrate his Chrismation on April 21st., 2024. Two Orthodox Study Bibles, donated by the parish, will also be presented to him & his mother Monica Mercado for the same occasion. Congratulations & many blessed years!
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of CJ (Craig, Jr.) Polk celebrating his 9th birthday today. Happy birthday! Congratulations! Many blessed years!!

SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024 TONE 2
3rd Sunday of Pascha
Holy Myrrhbearing Women
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
Please remember in your prayers, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, who recently Fell Asleep in the Lord.
Congratulations to Sophia Vitales, the daughter of Michael & Christine, was baptized yesterday! Her Godparents were Sub-deacon Christopher & Barbara Polk. Please allow Sophia to be brought up first for her First Holy Communion. May God grant you & your parents many blessed years!
There will be a Parish Council meeting today after Coffee Hour in the Conference Room

Fifth Sunday of Great Lent
St. Mary of Egypt
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
The fast of Great Lent continues & we not only refrain from meat but also dairy products until Pascha. Please refer to your Orthodox Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for Barbara Cary, John Bacik Jr (late friend & father of Debbie Sancenito) & Mary Baz, (mother of Fr. Terence) whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Congratulations to Monica Mercado (sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Cheryl Yaroshevsky) & Alexander Salas (sponsors: Reader Luis Camacho & Demetrius Morais who were Chrismated into the Orthodox Church and welcomed into our parish last Sunday, April 14th. God’s blessing for many, many years!
Many thanks to Cheryl & Arty Yaroshevsky who have donated the stand for the icon “More Spacious than the Heavens.” It is being placed at the left hand corner in the front as you look to the iconostasis.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family to honor family members celebrating their birthdays in April; Laura Polk (4/5) and Charles Polk (4/22). Congratulations. Happy Birthday. Many blessed years!

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent
St. John Climacus (of the Ladder)
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
The fast of Great Lent continues & we not only refrain from meat but also dairy products until Pascha. Please refer to your Orthodox Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
We are happy to announce that Rosa (Monica of Hippo) Mercado (sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Cheryl Yaroshevsky) & Alejandro (Alexander of Alexandria) Salas (sponsor: Reader Luis Camacho) will be Chrismated into the Orthodox Church and welcomed into our parish during Divine Liturgy next Sunday, April 14th. Congratulations & Many, Many Years!
Many thanks to Cheryl & Arty Yaroshevsky who have donated the stand for the icon “More Spacious than the Heavens.” It is being placed at the left hand corner in the front as you look to the iconostasis.
For those asking about how the solar eclipse went at St. Andrew’s Camp last Monday, please go to our parish website or the diocesan website at: nynjoca.org, which has a lot of nice photos.
After Coffee Hour today, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting for the committees of the parish to give their reports, to discuss the state of the parish & to elect members to the Parish Council. For anyone to vote, they must be in good spiritual and financial standing in the Church. For the former, one must have gone to Confession at least within the past year and for the latter, please speak to our treasurer, Diane Abrams, to see if you need to bring yourself up to date. We would like as many as possible to attend the meeting to make it fruitful.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday April 20th: Paschal Bake Sale; please speak to Deborah Sancenito for details
- Sunday, April 14th., 2024: Parish Annual Meeting
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- St. Andrew’s Camp has listed all the events for 2024. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for the details.

Third Sunday of Great Lent
Veneration of the Cross
Repose of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia,
Enlightener of North America
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
The fast of Great Lent continues & we not only refrain from meat but also dairy products until Pascha. Please refer to your Orthodox Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
Many thanks to Cheryl & Arty Yaroshevsky who have donated the stand for the icon “More Spacious than the Heavens.” It is being placed at the left hand corner in the front as you look to the iconostasis.
We are happy to announce that Rosa (Veronica) Mercado (sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Cheryl Yaroshevsky) & Alejandro (Alexander) Salas (sponsors: Reader Luis Camacho & Demetrius Morais) will be Chrismated into the Orthodox Church and welcomed into our parish during Divine Liturgy next Sunday, April 14th. Congratulations & Many, Many Years!
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, April 13th @ 9:00 AM: Divine Lit. & Trisagion Service for Memorial Saturday
- Saturdays April 13th & 20th: Paschal Bake Sale; please speak to Deborah Sancenito for details
- Sunday, April 14th., 2024: Parish Annual Meeting
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY
- St. Andrew’s Camp has listed all the events for 2024. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for the details.

Second Sunday of Great Lent
St. Gregory Palamas
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
The fast of Great Lent continues & we not only refrain from meat but also dairy products until Pascha. Please refer to your Orthodox Wall Calendars for details.
Please remember in your prayers Madeline Minarich, the late mother of Reader Christopher Minarich, who recently Fell Asleep in the Lord.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today’s Coffee Hour is being sponsored by Peter & Jane Pruzinsky to celebrate the birth of their grandson, Henry Judson Pruzinsky. Congratulations to all the family!
Many thanks to the Parish Council & those who helped them to put on the beautiful supper after the Presanctified Liturgy last Wednesday! Please note that this Wednesday’s Presanctified Liturgy will be at Holy Apostles’ Church in Saddle Brook.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, April 6th: Fish & Chips Dinner; please see the included flyer
- Saturday, April 13th @ 9:00 AM: Divine Lit. & Trisagion Service for Memorial Saturday
- Saturdays April 13th & 20th: Paschal Bake Sale; please speak to Deborah Sancenito for details
- Sunday, April 14th., 2024: Parish Annual Meeting
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY
· St. Andrew’s Camp has listed all the events for 2024. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for the details.

First Sunday of Great Lent
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Forefeast of the Annunciation
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
Open Unto Me, O Lord, the Gates of Repentance
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Open to me the doors of repentance O Lifegiver; for my spirit rises early to pray towards Thy Holy Temple, bearing the temple of my body all defiled. But in Thy Compassion purify me by the loving kindness of Thy Mercy. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Lead me on the paths of Salvation O Mother of God, for I have covered my soul in shameful sins and have wasted my life in lazy acts. But by your intercessions, deliver me from all impurity.
Have mercy on me O God according to Thy Great Mercy and according to the multitude of Thy Compassions blot out my transgressions.
When I think of the many evil things I have done, wretched I am, I tremble at the fearful day of Judgment, but trusting in Thy loving kindness, like David I cry to Thee. Have mercy on me O God, have mercy on me O God, Have mercy on me O God according to Thy great Mercy.
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
The fast of Great Lent continues & we not only refrain from meat but also dairy products until Pascha. Please refer to your Orthodox Wall Calendars for details.=
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for:
- Michael Pruzinsky Jr., the father of Peter Prunzinsky, on the 23rd. anniversary of his repose.
- Marie Stefanelli, recently departed, requested by her friend Helen Dolecheck
For those who grow pussy willows, now might be a good time to harvest them for Palm Sunday (April 28th) given the mild weather.
If anyone would like to contribute to the cost of purchasing a stand for the recently discovered icon of the Theotokos Holding Jesus, Wider than the Heavens, please speak to me. Given its important theological content, the only proper place for it would be on a stand in the left hand corner when facing the iconostasis. The estimated cost is between $150 & $200.00. Fr. Terence
Holy Apostles Church in Saddle Brook is participating in the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower which is coordinated by Orthodox Christians for Life each March in keeping with the Feast of the Annunciation. The parish is accepting donations of diapers, wipes, formula, and baby clothes (no toys, please) throughout the month of March. The parish will donate all items collected to the Lighthouse pregnancy resource center. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for details.
Dates to Remember:
- Today: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
- Monday, March 25th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Annunciation
- Wednesday, March 27th @ 6:00 PM: Pre-sanctified Liturgy; Holy Assumption will host the local parishes
- Saturday, April 6th: Fish & Chips Dinner; please see the included flyer
- Saturday, April 13th @ 9:00 AM: Divine Lit. & Trisagion Service for Memorial Saturday
- Saturdays April 13th & 20th: Paschal Bake Sale; please speak to Deborah Sancenito for details
- Sunday, April 14th., 2024: Parish Annual Meeting
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY
- St. Andrew’s Camp has listed all the events for 2024. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for the details.

Cheesefare Sunday (Forgiveness Sunday) –
The Expulsion of Adam from Paradise
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Tammy Proto, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Today is Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday. If you would like to donate towards this very important work, please use the Q-code included in one of the Assembly of Bishops letters in this bulletin.
Today is also Cheesefare Sunday. From tomorrow onwards, we not only refrain from meat but also dairy products until Pascha. Please refer to your Orthodox Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service next Sunday, March 24th., for Michael Pruzinsky Jr., the father of Peter Prunzinsky, on the 23rd. anniversary of his repose.
Our parish will host the local OCA parishes to join us for a Pre-sanctified Liturgy on Wednesday, March 27th. At 6:00 PM. Refreshments will be offered in the parish hall afterwards. Please feel free to bring baked goods for Coffee Hour if you would like to.
The recent Beefsteak Dinner was a great success! Special thanks to: Tony Ersalesi, Joyce Telep, Greg Focarino, Joan Ersalesi, Barbara Polk, Donna Betza, Diane Abrams, Sharon Koribanics and Kevin Shermock for all their hard work for hosting last week's Beefsteak Dinner. Thanks to all those that donated gift items, and attended the affair which was very successful. The Profit from the Beefsteak was $6,435.25!
For those who grow pussy willows, now might be a good time to harvest them for Palm Sunday (April 28th) given the mild weather.
Holy Apostles Church in Saddle Brook is participating in the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower which is coordinated by Orthodox Christians for Life each March in keeping with the Feast of the Annunciation. The parish is accepting donations of diapers, wipes, formula, and baby clothes (no toys, please) throughout the month of March. The parish will donate all items collected to the Lighthouse pregnancy resource center. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for details.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, March 24th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
- Monday, March 25th: the feast of the Annunciation; Liturgy details to be announced
- Wednesday, March 27th @ 6:00 PM: Pre-sanctified Liturgy; Holy Assumption will host the local parishes
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner; please see the included flyer
- Saturday, April 13th: Memorial Saturday
- Saturdays April 13th & 20th: Paschal Bake Sale; please speak to Deborah Sancenito for details
- Sunday, April 14th., 2024: Parish Annual Meeting
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Today: Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday
- Lenten Women’s Retreat: March 22-24 at St. Andrew’s Camp
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY
- St. Andrew’s Camp has listed all the events for 2024. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for the details.

Meatfare Sunday – Sunday of the Last Judgment
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Tammy Proto, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Today is Meatfare Sunday. From tomorrow onwards, we refrain from meat until Pascha. Please refer to your Orthodox Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors!
Our parish will host the local OCA parishes to join us for a Pre-sanctified Liturgy on Wednesday, March 27th. At 6:00 PM. Refreshments will be offered in the parish hall afterwards. Please feel free to bring baked goods for Coffee Hour if you would like to.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family to honor Abigail Polk celebrating her 2nd birthday TODAY, March 10th. Happy Birthday, Congratulations & Many Blessed Years!
For those who grow pussy willows, now might be a good time to harvest them for Palm Sunday (April 28th) given the mild weather.
The recent Beefsteak Dinner was a great success! Special thanks to: Tony Ersalesi, Joyce Telep, Greg Focarino, Joan Ersalesi, Barbara Polk, Donna Betza, Diane Abrams, Sharon Koribanics and Kevin Shermock for all their hard work for hosting last week's Beefsteak Dinner. Thanks to all those that donated gift items, and attended the affair which was very successful. The Profit from the Beefsteak was $6,435.25!
Holy Apostles Church in Saddle Brook is participating in the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower which is coordinated by Orthodox Christians for Life each March in keeping with the Feast of the Annunciation. The parish is accepting donations of diapers, wipes, formula, and baby clothes (no toys, please) throughout the month of March. The parish will donate all items collected to the Lighthouse pregnancy resource center. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for details.
Dates to Remember:
- Monday, March 25th: the feast of the Annunciation; Liturgy details to be announced
- Wednesday, March 27th @ 6:00 PM: Pre-sanctified Liturgy; Holy Assumption will host the local parishes
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner; please see the included flyer
- Saturday, April 13th: Memorial Saturday
- Saturdays April 13th. & 20th: Paschal Bake Sale; please see the included flyer
- Sunday, April 14th., 2024: Parish Annual Meeting
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday: March 18th
- Lenten Women’s Retreat: March 22-24 at St. Andrew’s Camp
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY
· St. Andrew’s Camp has listed all the events for 2024. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for the details.

39th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Tammy Proto, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
Tomorrow, March 4th., will be the 90th. Anniversary of the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for our parish. Thanks to the dedication of the priests & the hard work of the parishioners over the decades we are still here & thriving. This is truly a milestone to celebrate! Please continue to pray for the parish’s wellbeing both with the community and for the beautiful facilities that we enjoy. Many years to everyone!
There will be a Memorial Service at the end of Divine Liturgy today for:
- Olga Grib, for her 4th. Year Anniversary in repose, requested by her daughters: Karen, Kathy & Krissy
- Edward & Annette Swenda, for her 4th Year Anniversary in repose; also for Charles Swenda, Michael & Ella Swenda and Jacob & Emily Hlischinsky, requested by their family: Cheryl, Arthur & Michael Yaroshefsky and Gregory Swenda; also: Elizabeth Dorco, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week and Gerald Dorco.
The artoklasia was baked by Kevin Shermock.
Memory Eternal!
Thank you to those who gave towards St. Peter’s Haven. We collected $400.00!
Many thanks to Kathy Robinson, Barbara Polk, Debbie Sancenito, June Fejko, Marilyn Wong & all the parishioners who supported last Sunday’s Leap Year Bake Sale either by contributing (& buying) a baked item. The fundraiser made $347.00 for this wonderful event!
Holy Apostles Church in Saddle Brook is participating in the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower which is coordinated by Orthodox Christians for Life each March in keeping with the Feast of the Annunciation. The parish is accepting donations of diapers, wipes, formula, and baby clothes (no toys, please) throughout the month of March. The parish will donate all items collected to the Lighthouse pregnancy resource center. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for details.
Dates to Remember:
- Tomorrow, March 4th., will be the 90th. Anniversary of the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated for our parish
- Sunday, March 10th: Daylight Saving begins. Please move your clocks 1 hour forward
- Monday, March 25th: the feast of the Annunciation; Liturgy details to be announced
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner; please see the included flyer
- Saturdays April 13th. & 20th: Paschal Bake Sale; please see the included flyer
- Sunday, April 14th., 2024: Parish Annual Meeting
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday: March 18th
- Lenten Women’s Retreat: March 22-24 at St. Andrew’s Camp
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY
- St. Andrew’s Camp has listed all the events for 2024. Please see the flyer on the Bulletin Board for the details.

38th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
[Beginning of the Lenten Triodion]
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Tammy Proto, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be no Memorial Service at the end of Divine Liturgy today.
Next Sunday, March 3rd for:
- Olga Grib, for her 4th. Year Anniversary in repose, requested by her daughters: Karen, Kathy & Krissy
- Edward & Annette Swenda, for her 4th Year Anniversary in repose; also for Charles Swenda, Michael & Ella Swenda and Jacob & Emily Hlischinsky, requested by their family: Cheryl, Arthur & Michael Yaroshefsky and Gregory Swenda -
Memory Eternal!
There will be a special collection today for St. Peter’s Haven . If you wish to make your donation by check, kindly make it payable to Holy Assumption Orthodox Church earmark it: 'St. Peter's Haven's donation' One check for the amounts donated & collected will be totaled & sent to St. Peter's Haven.
Thank you to Deborah Sancenito & her team who prepared the soup for the Soup Sale on February 9th. That, together with the sale of the cookies made a profit of $497.16!
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the Parish Council will host the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser. As in the past, it is appealing to the generosity of parishioners to donate gift items ($25.00 and above in value) and/or monetary donations, to purchase gift items for the raffle portion during the dinner. This event is a major fundraiser for the parish. Thank you for your continued support & generosity. Please contact Joyce Telep for more information & questions.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family to honor Heather Polk, who is celebrating her birthday on Feb. 28th. Congratulations! Happy Birthday & Many years!
Dates to Remember:
- Today, February 25th:
- Special collection for St. Peter’s Haven
- Leap Year Bake Sale during Coffee Hour.
- Parish Council Meeting
- Saturday, March 2nd 2024
The 90th. Anniversary of the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated for our parish
- @ 6:00 PM: doors open for the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday: March 18th
- Lenten Women’s Retreat: March 22-24 at St. Andrew’s Camp
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY

37th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of Zacchaeus
St. Leo the Great, Pope of Rome
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Tammy Proto, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a special collection for St. Peter’s Haven on Sunday, February 25th to support their fine work in the community. If you wish to make your donation by check, kindly make it payable to Holy Assumption Orthodox Church earmark it: 'St. Peter's Haven's donation' One check for the amounts donated & collected will be totaled & sent to St. Peter's Haven.
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the Parish Council will host the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser. As in the past, it is appealing to the generosity of parishioners to donate gift items ($25.00 and above in value) and/or monetary donations, to purchase gift items for the raffle portion during the dinner. This event is a major fundraiser for the parish. Thank you for your continued support & generosity. Please contact Joyce Telep for more information & questions.
Help is needed to set-up long tables today after Coffee Hour in the hall for the upcoming bake sale on February 25th If some parishioners are available to help with this task, at the end of coffee hour this morning, your help would be much appreciated. Please see the included flyer to read the details of the sale.
Photos of Archbishop Michael’s Annual Visit at which His Eminence tonsured Luis Camacho to be a Reader & presented a Gromota to the parish for its 90th. Anniversary are on the parish website at: holyassumptionclifton.org. Click onto ‘News & Events’ to see the various posts of the day. Our diocesan website has also posted a photo of the choir with His Eminence & Fr. Terence. There is also a photo of Reader Luis Camacho being tonsured. The diocesan website is: nynjoca.org. After you get to the website, you will need to scroll down past a couple of other posts to see the photos.
Many thanks to Deborah Sancenito & those who helped her from the Sisterhood of St. Barbara for the February 9th Soup Sale! It made a profit of $497.00. They also made a profit of $120.00 for the Cookie Sale that they held. Thus, the event made a total profit of $617.00!
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, February 25th
- Special collection for St. Peter’s Haven
- Leap Year Bake Sale during Coffee Hour
- Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, March 2nd 2024
- The 90th. Anniversary of the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated for our parish
- @ 6:00 PM: doors open for the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday: March 18th
- Lenten Women’s Retreat: March 22-24 at St. Andrew’s Camp
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY

36th Sunday after Pentecost
Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Tammy Proto, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
The Parish Council has decided to take up a special collection for St. Peter’s Haven on Sunday, February 25th to support their fine work in the community. Their mission as a charity is to feed the hungry & help the homeless in Clifton & the local area. Their work includes: providing short-term housing for homeless & at risk families; services for low income families; running a food pantry program that serves over 1500 people a month; health clinics, veteran's services; it advertises job postings, and has established community gardens to share the benefits of gardening.
If you wish to make your donation by check, kindly make it payable to Holy Assumption Orthodox Church earmark it: 'St. Peter's Haven's donation' One check for the amounts donated & collected will be totaled & sent to St. Peter's Haven.
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the Parish Council will host the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser. As in the past, it is appealing to the generosity of parishioners to donate gift items ($25.00 and above in value) and/or monetary donations, to purchase gift items for the raffle portion during the dinner. This event is a major fundraiser for the parish. Thank you for your continued support & generosity. Please contact Joyce Telep for more information & questions.
Photos of Archbishop Michael’s Annual Visit at which His Eminence tonsured Luis Camacho to be a Reader & presented a Gromota to the parish for its 90th. Anniversary are on the parish website at: holyassumptionclifton.org. Click onto ‘News & Events’ to see the various posts of the day.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, February 25th: special collection for St. Peter’s Haven
- Saturday, March 2nd: the 90th. Anniversary of the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the parish
- Saturday, March 2nd 2024 @ 6:00 PM: doors open for the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Lenten Women’s Retreat: March 22-24 at St. Andrew’s Camp
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY

35th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Meeting
Venerable Isidore of Pelusium
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for:
- Matushka Maryann Oselinsky, for the 1st Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara
- Gregory Betza, for his 2nd Anniversary of his Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Donna Betza
- Alice Bacik, for the 10th Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by(daughter) Deborah Sancenito & Family
- John Bacik III, for the 8th Anniversary of his Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by (sister)Deborah Sancenito & Family
- Judy Gardner, who passed away on Jan. 19, 2024, requested by (friend) Deborah Sancenito & Family
The Parish Council has decided to take up a special collection for St. Peter’s Haven on Sunday, February 25th to support their fine work in the community. Their mission as a charity is to feed the hungry & help the homeless in Clifton & the local area. Their work includes: providing short-term housing for homeless & at risk families; services for low income families; running a food pantry program that serves over 1500 people a month; health clinics, veteran's services; it advertises job postings, and has established community gardens to share the benefits of gardening.
If you wish to make your donation by check, kindly make it payable to Holy Assumption Orthodox Church earmark it: 'St. Peter's Haven's donation' One check for the amounts donated & collected will be totaled & sent to St. Peter's Haven.
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the Parish Council will host the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser. As in the past, it is appealing to the generosity of parishioners to donate gift items ($25.00 and above in value) and/or monetary donations, to purchase gift items for the raffle portion during the dinner. This event is a major fundraiser for the parish. Thank you for your continued support & generosity. Please contact Joyce Telep for more information & questions.
Photos of Archbishop Michael’s Annual Visit at which His Eminence tonsured Luis Camacho to be a Reader & presented a Gromota to the parish for its 90th. Anniversary are on the parish website at: holyassumptionclifton.org. Click onto ‘News & Events’ to see the various posts of the day.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, February 10th: Beef Barley Mushroom Soup to go; see included flyer
- Sunday, February 25th: special collection for St. Peter’s Haven
- Saturday, March 2nd 2024 @ 6:00 PM: doors open for the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner
Diocesan Events (Please visit www.nynjoca.org for details):
- Lenten Women’s Retreat: March 22-24 at St. Andrew’s Camp
- Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th. @ 3:15 PM at St. Andrew’s Camp. See Bulletin Board
- Lenten Teen Retreat: April 12-14 at Frost Valley, Claryville NY

34th Sunday after Pentecost
Synaxis of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a Memorial Service today for:
- Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, for the 1st Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by the Parish Council
- Margaret Helen Mazur, requested by Pat Mazur, for her birthday that was on January 20th
- Josephne Billy, requested by Elaine Svendsen, for her birthday on January 21st
- Judy Gardner, requested by Barbara Polk, who passed away on January 19, 2024,
Next Sunday for:
- Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, for the 1st Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara
- Gregory Betza, for his 2nd Anniversary of his Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Donna Betza
- Alice Bacik, for the 10th Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by(daughter) Deborah Sancenito & Family
- John Bacik III, for the 8th Anniversary of his Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by (sister)Deborah Bacik & Family
- Judy Gardner, who passed away on Jan. 19, 2024, requested by (friend) Deborah Sancenito & Family
The Parish Council has decided to take up a special collection for St. Peter’s Haven on Sunday, Feb. 25th to support their fine work in the community. Their mission as a charity is to feed the hungry & help the homeless in Clifton & the local area. Their work includes: providing short-term housing for homeless & at risk families; services for low income families; running a food pantry program that serves over 1500 people a month; health clinics, veteran's services; it advertises job postings, and has established community gardens to share the benefits of gardening.
If you wish to make your donation by check, kindly make it payable to Holy Assumption Orthodox Church earmark it: 'St. Peter's Haven's donation' One check for the amounts donated & collected will be totaled & sent to St. Peter's Haven.
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the Parish Council will host the 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser. As in the past, it is appealing to the generosity of parishioners to donate gift items ($25.00 and above in value) and/or monetary donations, to purchase gift items for the raffle portion during the dinner. This event is a major fundraiser for the parish. Thank you for your continued support & generosity. Please contact Joyce Telep for more information & questions.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, March 2, 2024, at 7 PM: Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser in the parish hall
- Saturday, March 2nd 2024 @ 6:00 PM: 36th Annual Beefsteak Dinner Fundraiser
- Saturday, April 6th., 2024: Fish & Chips Dinner

32nd Sunday after Pentecost
Leavetaking of the Theophany
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
Dates to Remember:
- Today, January 14th:
- Parish Council Meeting after Coffee Hour
- Choir Practice for next Sunday’s Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
- Saturday & Sunday of January 20th. & 21st:
- Annual Visit from Archbishop Michael to celebrate the 90th. Anniversary of the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy held in our parish on March 4th., 1934, by their Graces Bishop Tikhon & Bishop Adam of Blessed Memories
- Tonsuring of Choir Director Luis Camacho, by Archbishop Michael to become a Reader at the beginning of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 21st.
- A celebratory breakfast will be held in the hall after the Liturgy to commemorate His Eminence’s visit, the 90th. Anniversary & Reader Luis’ tonsuring. A suggested donation of $20.00 is being asked to cover the cost
- Saturday, March 2, 2024, at 7 PM: Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser in the parish hall

31st Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday After the Theophany
Afterfeast of the Theophany
Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
The Great Blessing of Water was performed yesterday. The blessed water is available for those who have bottles to bring some home.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family to honor family members celebrating their birthdays in January: John Polk, Sr. January 2nd. and John Polk, Jr., January 7th. Congratulations! Many Blessed Years!
The 2024 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the church vestibule. Please take one per household.
The Annual Christmas Gift Card Charity fundraiser lead by Craig Polk & the Sunday School raised $350.00 in total. $300 for gift cards for the students and $50 to help with supplies for the school. Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser!
The profit from the recent Nut & Prune Roll sale was $849.00! Thank you to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla Di Lanni, Barbara Polk & Katherine Robinson who worked so hard to prepare them. Thank you also to everyone who made donations towards all the ingredients. Those donations enabled the sale to stay cost free. Thank you to everyone who supported the sale.
The profit from our Holiday Dinner was $3,550.57! Thank you again to everyone who helped to put the function on & supported it.
Dates to Remember:
Saturday & Sunday of January 20th. & 21st: Annual Visit from Archbishop Michael
Saturday, March 2, 2024, at 7 PM: Annual Beefsteak Dinner fundraiser in the parish hall

Sunday After the Nativity of Christ
Holy Righteous Ones: Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James the Brother of the Lord
Leavetaking of the Nativity
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Ileana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
There will be a Memorial Service today for:
- Frank Fusco, after his 40th Day in Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Judy Fusco & Family
- Those listed on the Memorial Plaque; see below
Welcome to our visitors!
The 2024 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the church vestibule. Please take one per household.
The profit from our Holiday Dinner was $3,550.57! Thank you again to everyone who helped to put the function on & supported it.
The profit from the recent Nut & Prune Roll sale was $849.00! Thank you to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla Di Lanni, Barbara Polk & Katherine Robinson who worked so hard to prepare them. Thank you also to everyone who made donations towards all the ingredients. Those donations enabled the sale to stay cost free. Thank you to everyone who supported the sale.
Dates to Remember:
Saturday, January 6th 2024 @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Theophany
Saturday & Sunday of January 20th. & 21st: Annual Visit from Archbishop Michael
- Nicholas C. Ligosh 13. Laura Dlholucky
1946 – 2018 1969- 2019
- Mary Krupp 14. Peter & Mary Kohler
1916 – 1997
- Frank & Julia Betza 15. John & Helen Fornazor
- Mary Gogats 16. Michael Pruzinsky JR.
1907 – 1995 1920- 2001
- Kevin Kohler 17. Olga & Michael Grib
- The John Hruby Family 18. Edward & Annette Swenda
- Vera & Michael Makarewicz 19. Susan Ersalesi Mautone
1975- 2020
- Anna Pereviznick 20. Charles & Anne Beres
1884– 1964
- Ward & Zubal Families 21. Patricia Thanasides
- Peter Holick 22. Tina Telep
1923– 2009 1947-2015
- The Bacik Family 23. Nicholas & Sally Telep
- Barbara & Walter Kluck 24. Gregory C Betza
- Vladimir & Lillian Kopetz 26. Anna Holick
1926 - 2022
- Judith Telep 28. Mary Lenkowec Goldbach 1952-2022 1919 – 2017
Christ is Born!
Glorify Him!

29th Sunday after Pentecost (14th of Luke)
Sunday of the Holy Fathers
Sunday Before the Nativity of Christ
Eve of the Nativity of Christ
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
The Nativity of our Lord 2023
To the clergy, monastics, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America, my beloved children in the Lord,
Christ is born! Glorify him!
At the Vigil for today’s feast, we sang with the words of St. Germanus of Constantinople: “Today the Virgin gives birth to the Maker of all. Eden offers a cave and a star discloses Christ, the Sun, to those in darkness” (second sticheron at the aposticha).
In a supreme paradox, the created world today offers shelter to the one who contains all things in the palm of his hand. Coming among us in obscurity, “born of a woman, born under the Law” (Gal. 4:4), in the form of a tiny baby, “in the form of a servant” (Phil. 2:7), hidden in a dark cave, nevertheless he shines his light upon our gloom.
Becoming small, he allows us to touch his greatness. Clothing himself in our weakness, he permits us to rest in his strength. Embracing obscurity, he brings enlightenment to the ends of the earth. Ministering as a servant, he shows his love as our Master, our Lord, and our King.
In our present day, as the gloom waxes and the darkness closes, as “wars and rumors of wars” abound (Mt. 24:6), the icon of the Nativity—Eternity laid as a baby in a crib, Salvation in the form of a newborn child, Redemption in the weakness of infant flesh—is as timely as ever. As an American hymn writer wrote over a century and a half ago, in the dark streets of Bethlehem, “the hopes and fears of all the years” are met together on the night of the Savior’s birth. If we seek an answer, a solution, to the questions of our age and every age, that Answer, the very Word of the Father, can be found lying in a manger, sleeping, yet with his heart awake (Songs 5:2); resting in his tiny human body, but at work as God (Jn. 5:17).
Once the wise men journeyed, not to meet Herod in his court of splendor, nor to seek Caesar on his Roman throne, but to find a Child in his Mother’s arms. Likewise, we do not seek peace, salvation, and joy from the hand and works of “princes and sons of men” (Ps. 145:3), but from the Lord who appears to us in silence, showing us the way of humility, stillness, forgiveness, meekness, and mercy.
Today, as we join the righteous Joseph, the magi, and the shepherds in worshipping the Lord at his Nativity, enthroned in the lap of his Mother, we place our trust in his care, his providence, his justice, which transcend all human comprehension. Setting aside our own righteousness, we repent and embrace the peace and silence of the manger. Setting aside the grand and distracting worries of the world, we concern ourselves with generosity and forbearance towards our brethren and neighbors.
As St. Porphyrius of Kavsokalyvia writes, “Only prayer, silence, and love are effective.” Resting in prayer and silence, through faith and trust we encounter the love of the one who became flesh for our sake, in whom every conflict and battle ceases, the Peace and Power of God, come to reign in our hearts through his Incarnation. May we always accept that love with repentance, humility, and gratitude, and joyfully share it with others, this day and every day.
To Christ our God and Savior, born this Christmas day, be all glory, together with his Father who is without beginning and his All-holy Spirit, unto the endless ages of ages. Amen.
Christ is born! Glorify him!
I remain as ever,
Sincerely yours in the joy of our newborn Lord and God and Savior,
- Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
There will be a Memorial Service today for:
- Susan Mautone, requested by the Undina Family
- Jerry LaPorte, Mary McGovern Appel, William J. Haddock & Maureen J. Leibmann,
requested by their beloved friends, Jack and Debbie Michels
- Kevin Kohler, Irene Koribanics, John Peregrim, Irene Subtelny, Olga & Michael Grib and Anna & Peter Holick whose names are on the Preservation Fund Plaque.
Welcome to our visitors!
The 2024 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the church vestibule. Please take one per household.
The profit from our Holiday Dinner was $3,420.57! Thank you again to everyone who helped to put the function on & supported it.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara expresses its thanks to everyone for their support and participation in the Nut & Lekvar (prune ) Roll fundraiser was held on Saturday, December 16th. The profit will be announced after all the calculations are tallied.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, December 24th @ 4:30 PM: Nocturnes for the Nativity of Christ
- Monday, December 25th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ
Christ is Born!
Glorify Him!

28th Sunday after Pentecost (13th of Luke)
Sunday of the Forefathers
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
There will be a Memorial Service today for Stephen Weiss, who passed away recently, requested by Joseph & Sharon Korbanics.
The Nativity Fast continues this week. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
The 2024 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the church vestibule. Please take one per household.
Many, many thanks to members of the Parish Council & those who have supported them in regard to last night’s Holiday Dinner! Also for the food donated by the Portuguese restaurant: Manny from Pic-nic.
Thanks also to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla Di Lanni, June Fejko & others who helped to prepare the beautiful soup last week. The sales made a profit of $160.00.
The Parish School Yolka will be on Sunday December 17th .
The School will also be collecting monetary donations to provide Christmas Gift Cards for Passaic Mental Health. Please contact Craig Polk for more information or, would like to make a donation.
Welcome to our visitors!
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara expresses its thanks to everyone for their support and participation in the Nut & Lekvar (prune ) Roll fundraiser was held on Saturday, December 16th. The profit will be announced after all the calculations are tallied.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, December 17th: the Parish School Yolka after Coffee Hour
- Sunday, December 24th @ 4:30 PM: Nocturnes for the Nativity of Christ
- Monday, December 25th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ

27th Sunday after Pentecost (12th of Luke)
Martyrs Means, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus, of Alexandria
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Those who wish to go to Confession on Saturday, please come before Great Vespers, no later than 4:00 PM, because I have a class afterwards.
The Nativity Fast continues this week. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
The 2024 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the church vestibule. Please take one per household.
Many, many thanks to members of the Parish Council & those who have supported them in regard to last night’s Holiday Dinner! Also for the food donated by the Portuguese restaurant: Manny from Pic-nic.
Thanks also to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla Di Lanni, June Fejko & others who helped to prepare the beautiful soup last week. The sales made a profit of $160.00.
There will be a Parish School Christmas Lunch on Saturday December 16th .
The Parish School Yolka will be on Sunday December 17th .
The School will also be collecting monetary donations to provide Christmas Gift Cards for Passaic Mental Health. Please contact Craig Polk for more information or, would like to make a donation.
Welcome to our visitors!
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, December 16th:
- Nut & Levkar Roll fundraiser. Please see included flyer for details.
- School Christmas Lunch
- Sunday, December 17th: the Parish School Yolka after Coffee Hour
- Sunday, December 24th @ 4:30 PM: Nocturnes for the Nativity of Christ
- Monday, December 25th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ

26th Sunday after Pentecost (11th of Luke)
Prophet Zephaniah
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
The Nativity Fast continues this week. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
The 2024 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the church vestibule. Please take one per household.
There will be a Memorial Service today in memory of:
- Helen Bartko, Great Grandmother of Gregory Focarino on his mother’s side, requested by the Focarino Family, on the 35th. Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord
- The Departed Members of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara
Please also keep in your prayers the hard working members of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara. May God grant them many more years as they continue their service to the Church. We celebrate the feast of St. Barbara tomorrow & St. Nicholas on Wednesday.
Many, many thanks to members of the Parish Council & those who have supported them in regard to last night’s Holiday Dinner! Also, for the food donated by the Portuguese restaurant: Manny from Pic-nic.
There will be a Parish School Christmas Lunch on Saturday December 16th
The Parish School Yolka will be on Sunday December 17th
The School will also be collecting monetary donations to provide Christmas Gift Cards for Passaic Mental Health. Please contact Craig Polk for more information or, would like to make a donation.
Welcome to our visitors!
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, December 16th:
- Nut & Levkar Roll fundraiser. Please see included flyer for details.
- School Christmas Lunch
- Sunday, December 17th: the Parish School Yolka after Coffee Hour

23rd Sunday after Pentecost (8th of Luke)
St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria
Ven. Nilus the Faster, of Sinai
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Please remember in your prayers Frank Fusco, who Fell Asleep in the Lord, this past week.
The Nativity Fast will begin this Wednesday, November 15th. & will continue until December 24th. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
The 2024 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the church vestibule. Please take one per household.
Welcome to our visitors!
For the upcoming Holiday Dinner on December 2nd, we are looking for volunteers to help make this evening a success. We need people to assist with set up, clean up and selling raffles for example. There will be a sign up sheet available at coffee hours or see Joyce Telep.
Also we are asking for monetary donations to support our Super Raffle.
There will be a Parish School Christmas Lunch on Saturday December 16th .
The Parish School Yolka will be on Sunday December 17th .
The School will also be collecting monetary donations to provide Christmas Gift Cards for Passaic Mental Health. Please contact Craig Polk for more information or, would like to make a donation.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, November 12th after Coffee Hour: Parish Council meeting
- Saturday, December 2nd: St. Nicholas/Barbara Christmas Dinner
- Saturday, December 16th: School Christmas Lunch
- Sunday, December 17th: the Parish School Yolka

21st Sunday after Pentecost (6th of Luke)
Martyr Anastasia the Roman
Ven. Abramius the Recluse
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for Lorraine & Peter Spann, requested by the Fejko & Udina Families.
Dates to Remember:
Thursday-Friday, November 2nd & 3rd: Annual Diocesan Assembly meeting in South River
Sunday, November 12th after Coffee Hour: Parish Council meeting
Saturday, December 2nd: St. Nicholas/Barbara Christmas Dinner

20th Sunday after Pentecost (5th of Luke)
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Abercius,
Bishop and Wonderworker of Hieropolis
The Holy Seven Youths (“Seven Sleepers”) of Ephesus
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, there will be a 40 Day Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for Kristina Lindholm.
Next Sunday (29th), for: Lorraine & Peter Spann, requested by the Fejko & Udina Families
Dates to Remember:
Thursday-Friday, November 2nd & 3rd: Annual Diocesan Assembly meeting in South River
Sunday, November 12th after Coffee Hour: Parish Council meeting
Saturday, December 2nd: St. Nicholas/Barbara Christmas Dinner

19th Sunday after Pentecost (4th of Luke)
Ven. Euthymius the New, of Thessalonica, Monk of Mt. Athos
Martyr Lucian the Presbyter of Antioch
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
There will be a 40 Day Memorial Service for Kristina Lindholm on Sunday, October 22nd
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, October 15th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
Thursday-Friday, November 2nd & 3rd: Annual Diocesan Assembly meeting in South River

18th Sunday after Pentecost (3rd of Luke)
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service after the Divine Liturgy for:
- Mark Sancenito, requested by Deborah Sancenito & family for his 15th Year in Repose
- families
- Josephine Gaeta, recently deceased, requested by Deborah Sancenito
The latest edition of the diocesan magazine, Jacob’s Well, has arrived. Please take one from the church vestibule or, in the parish hall.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family to honor Mikaela Polk celebrating her birthday Oct. 12th and Brad & Danielle Polk, celebrating their wedding anniversary Oct. 23rd. Congratulations! Many blessed years!
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, October 15th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
Thursday-Friday, November 2nd & 3rd: Annual Diocesan Assembly meeting in South River

17th Sunday after Pentecost (2nd of Luke)
The Protection of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
[Ven. Romanus the Melodist]
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong.
This Sunday, as we remember Romanus the Melodist, is Choir Appreciation Sunday.
The Choir & Chanters will be acknowledged during the Divine Liturgy
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service after the Divine Liturgy for:
- Olga Grib, for her 92nd Birthday requested by her daughters Kathy, Karen, Krissy & their families
Next Sunday:
- Mark Sancenito, requested by Deborah Sancenito & family for his 15th Year in Repose
- Josephine Gaeta, recently deceased, requested by Deborah Sancenito
We all had a very enjoyable afternoon last Sunday at our Annual Parish Picnic! Thank you to Craig Polk who organized it, to those who donated or cooked food and to those who helped him setup and cleanup afterwards.
Thank you to Gregory & Vera Focarino who took photos for the 3 beautiful events we had on Sunday: the Churching of Sophia Vitales, the blessing & presentation of the Icon of St. Mary of Egypt to Mary Daniel and in the parish hall, the Annual Parish Picnic. To view these photos please go to the parish website at: holyassumptionclifton.org; or, the parish Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/HolyAssumptionClifton/
The latest edition of the diocesan magazine, Jacob’s Well, has arrived. Please take one from the church vestibule or, in the parish hall.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.

16th Sunday after Pentecost (1st of Luke)
Holy New Martyrs of Alaska, Hieromonk Juvenaly and Peter the Aleut
Protomartyr and Equal of the Apostles Thekla
Commemorated on September 24
The Holy Protomartyr and Equal of the Apostles Thekla was born in the city of Iconium. She was the daughter of rich and illustrious parents, and she was distinguished by extraordinary beauty. At eighteen years of age they betrothed her to an eminent youth. But after she heard the preaching of the holy Apostle Paul about the Savior, Saint Thekla with all her heart came to love the Lord Jesus Christ, and she steadfastly resolved not to enter into marriage, but rather to devote all her life to preaching the Gospel.
Saint Thekla’s mother was opposed to her daughter’s plans and insisted that she marry her betrothed. Saint Thekla’s fiancé also complained to the prefect of the city about the Apostle Paul, accusing him of turning his bride against him. The prefect locked up Saint Paul in prison.
During the night Saint Thekla secretly ran away from her house, and she bribed the prison guards, giving them all her gold ornaments, and so made her way into the prison to the prisoner. For three days she sat at the feet of the Apostle Paul, listening to his fatherly precepts. Thekla’s disappearance was discovered, and servants were sent out everywhere looking for her. Finally, they found her in the prison and brought her home by force.
At his trial Saint Paul was sentenced to banishment from the city. Again they urged Saint Thekla to consent to the marriage, but she would not change her mind. Neither the tears of her mother, nor her wrath, nor the threats of the prefect could separate Saint Thekla from her love for the Heavenly Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Her mother in a insane rage demanded from the judges a death sentence against her unyielding daughter, and Saint Thekla was sentenced to be burned. Without flinching, the holy martyr went into the fire and made the Sign of the Cross over herself. At this moment the Savior appeared to her, blessing her present deed, and inexpressible joy filled her holy soul.
The flames of the fire shot up high, but the martyr was surrounded by a light and the flames did not touch her. Thunder boomed, and a strong downpour of rain and hail extinguished the fire. The torturers scattered in fear. Saint Thekla, kept safe by the Lord, left the city and with the help of a certain Christian youth, searched for the Apostle Paul. The holy apostle and his companions, among whom was Saint Barnabas, were hidden in a cave not far from the city, praying fervently, that the Lord would strengthen Saint Thekla in her sufferings.
After this, Saint Thekla went with them preaching the Gospel in Antioch. In this city she was pursued by a certain dignitary named Alexander, who was captivated by her beauty. Saint Thekla refused his offer of marriage, and so she was condemned to death for being a Christian. Twice they set loose hungry wild animals upon her, but they would not touch the holy virgin. Instead, they lay down meekly and licked her feet.
The Providence of God preserved the holy martyr unharmed through all her torments. Finally, they tied her to two oxen and began to chase her with red-hot rods, but the strong cords broke asunder like cobwebs, and the oxen ran off, leaving Saint Thekla unharmed. The people began shouting, “Great is the God of the Christians!” The prefect himself became terrified, realizing that the holy martyr was being kept safe by the Almighty God, Whom she served. He then gave orders to set free the servant of God Thekla.
With the blessing of the Apostle Paul, Saint Thekla then settled in a desolate region of Isaurian Seleucia and dwelt there for many years, constantly preaching the Word of God and healing the sick through her prayer. Saint Thekla converted many pagans to Christ, and the Church appropriately names her as “Equal-to-the-Apostles.” Even a pagan priest, trying to assault her purity and punished for his impudence, was brought by her to holy Baptism. More than once the Enemy of the race of man tried to destroy Saint Thekla through people blinded by sin, but the power of God always preserved this faithful servant of Christ.
When Saint Thekla was already a ninety-year-old woman, pagan sorcerers became incensed at her for treating the sick for free. They were unable to comprehend that the saint was healing the sick by the power of the grace of Christ, and they presumed that the virgin-goddess Artemis was her special helper. Envious of Saint Thekla, they sent their followers to defile her. When they came near her, Saint Thekla cried out for help to Christ the Savior, and a rock split open and hid the holy virgin, the bride of Christ. Thus did Saint Thekla offer up her holy soul to the Lord.
The holy Church glorifies the Protomartyr Thekla as “the glory of women and guide for the suffering, opening up the way through every torment.” From of old many churches were dedicated to her, one of which was built at Constantinople by the holy Equal of the Apostles Constantine (May 21). The Protomartyr Thekla, a prayerful intercessor for ascetics, is also invoked during the tonsure of women into monasticism.
Martyr Juvenal of Alaska
Commemorated on September 24
Saint Juvenal, the Protomartyr of America, was born in 1761 in Nerchinsk, Siberia. His secular name was John Feodorovich Hovorukhin, and he was trained as a mining engineer. In a letter to Abbot Nazarius of Valaam (December 13, 1819), Saint Herman says that Saint Juvenal “had been an assistant at our monastery and was a former officer.”
After his wife died in 1791, John entered a monastery at Saint Petersburg (Saint Herman’s Letter of December 13, 1819) and was tonsured with the name Juvenal. Three years later, he went to Alaska as a missionary.
During 1794, the hieromonks Juvenal and Macarius spent two months in the area around Kodiak teaching the inhabitants about Christ and baptizing them. They traveled in small boats of hide in all sorts of weather, dividing up the territory among themselves. In 1795, Father Juvenal baptized over 700 Chugatchi at Nushek, then he crossed Kenai Bay and baptized the local people there. In 1796, according to native oral tradition, Saint Juvenal came to the mouth of the Kuskokwim near the present village of Quinahgak, where he was killed by a hunting party. (There is a forged diary attributed to Ivan Petroff which gives a slanderous version of Father Juvenal’s death, and alleges that he was martyred at Lake Iliamna.)
The precise reason for Saint Juvenal’s murder by the natives is not known. However, they later told Saint Innocent something about his death. They said that Saint Juvenal did not try to defend himself when attacked, nor did he make any attempt to escape. After being struck from behind, he turned to face his attackers and begged them to spare the natives he had baptized.
The natives told Saint Innocent that after they had killed Saint Juvenal, he got up and followed them, urging them to repent. The fell upon him again and gave him a savage beating. Once more, he got to his feet and called them to repentance. This happened several times, then finally the natives hacked him to pieces. Thus, the zealous Hieromonk Juvenal became the first Orthodox Christian in America to receive the crown of martyrdom. His unnamed guide, possibly a Tanaina Indian convert, was also martyred at the same time.
It is said that a local shaman removed Saint Juvenal’s brass pectoral cross from his body and attempted to cast a spell. Unexpectedly, the shaman was lifted up off the ground. He made three more tries with the same result, then concluded that there was a greater power than his own at work here. Years later, a man showed up at the Nushagak Trading Post wearing a brass pectoral cross exactly like the one worn by Saint Juvenal.
A column of light arose from his holy relics and reached up to Heaven. It is not known how long this phenomenon continued.
Saint Juvenal, in his tireless evangelization of the native peoples of Alaska, served the Church more than all the other missionaries combined.
Martyr Peter the Aleut
Commemorated on September 24
Saint Peter the Aleut is mentioned in the Life of Saint Herman of Alaska (December 13). Simeon Yanovsky (who ended his life as the schemamonk Sergius in the Saint Tikhon of Kaluga Monastery), has left the following account:
“On another occasion I was relating to him how the Spanish in California had imprisoned fourteen Aleuts, and how the Jesuits (actually Franciscans) were forcing all of them to accept the Catholic Faith. But the Aleuts would not agree under any circumstances, saying, ‘We are Christians.’ The Jesuits argued, ‘That’s not true, you are heretics and schismatics. If you do not agree to accept our faith then we will torture all of you to death.’ Then the Aleuts were placed in prisons two to a cell. That evening, the Jesuits came to the prison with lanterns and lighted candles. Again they tried to persuade two Aleuts in the cell to accept the Catholic Faith. ‘We are Christians,’ the Aleuts replied, ‘and we will not change our Faith.’ Then the Jesuits began to torture them, at first the one while his companion was a witness. They cut off one of the joints of his feet, and then the other joint. Then they cut the first joint on the fingers of his hands, and then the other joint. Then they cut off his feet, and his hands. The blood flowed, but the martyr endured all and firmly repeated one thing: ‘I am a Christian.’ He died in such suffering, due to a loss of blood. The Jesuit also promised to torture his comrade to death the next day.
“But that night an order was received from Monterey stating that the imprisoned Aleuts were to be released immediately, and sent there under escort. Therefore, in the morning all were sent to Monterey with the exception of the dead Aleut. This was related to me by a witness, the same Aleut who had escaped torture, and who was the friend of the martyred Aleut. I reported this incident to the authorities in Saint Petersburg. When I finished my story, Father Herman asked, ‘What was the name of the martyred Aleut?’ I answered, ‘Peter. I do not remember his family name.’ The Elder stood reverently before an icon, made the Sign of the Cross and said, ‘Holy New Martyr Peter, pray to God for us!’”
We know very little about Saint Peter, except that he was from Kodiak, and was arrested and put to death by the Spaniards in California because he refused to convert to Catholicism. The circumstances of his martyrdom recall the torture of Saint James the Persian (November 27).
Both in his sufferings and in his steadfast confession of the Faith, Saint Peter is the equal of the martyrs of old, and also of the New Martyrs who have shone forth in more recent times. Now he rejoices with them in the heavenly Kingdom, glorifying God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, throughout all ages.
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman, Joseph Korbanics & Pearl Wong
Welcome to our visitors!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service after the Divine Liturgy for Anna Holick, on the First Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by her sister, Lovey Kopetz. May her memory be eternal!
Next week, October 1st for:
- Mark Sancenito, requested by Deborah Sancenito & family for his 15th Year in Repose
- Olga Grib, for her 92nd Birthday requested by her daughters Kathy, Karen, Krissy & their families
This morning's Coffee Hour is being sponsored by Lovey Kopetz, in loving memory of her late sister Anna Holick, on her first year anniversary in repose. Memory Eternal!
Our Annual Parish Picnic will be held at Holy Assumption Church beginning at Noon, on Sunday, September 24, 2023, in the back yard of the church or, if it rains, in the parish hall. Any help, especially from our younger members, to help set up the tables after Coffee Hour would be much appreciated. Please speak to Craig Polk. Thank you in advance to anyone who has contributed food and other items to make it the enjoyable meal that it always is.
Thank you to those who helped at our parish’s site at the Van Houten Street Fair last Sunday, especially to the parishioner who donated to the cost of renting the space, to Gregory Focarino who brought & set up the canopy, tables & chairs and to those who helped to represent our parish at it: Barbara Polk, Diane & Steve Abrams, Ludmilla Di Ianni, Sharon & Joseph Koribanics and helped to break-down & return the canopy.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.

14th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Before the Exaltation of the Cross
Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos
Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora, at Nicomedia
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman & Joseph Korbanics.
There will be a special collection today, immediately after the regular collection for OCF. Please see the attached flyers for details.
Congratulations to the Newly Illuminated members of our parish: Nectarios (Guilherme Bittencourt), Sponors: Subdeacon Christopher & Michael Vitales. Mary (Nia Daniel); Sponsors: Gregory & Vera Focarino. Demetrius Samuel Morais: Sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Maria Tlatelpa.
Thank you to the sponsors, those who attended the services last weekend & especially to:
- Gregory & Vera Focarino. who prepared the baptismal font & removed it afterwards for the Vespers & Divine Liturgy that followed;
- Luis Camacho who sang the responses;
- Vera Focarino & Michael Vitales for taking the photos that have been posted on the parish website (holyassumptionclifton.org) & the parish Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/HolyAssumptionClifton/);
- Donna Betza for organizing the Sunday Brunch.
Today Sunday, September 10th., there will be a Memorial Service at the end of Liturgy for:
- Robert John Sudol III - 1st Anniversary in repose, requested by Kathleen Robinson
- Anna & George Ward and Katherine & John Zubal, requested by Fejko & Udina Families
- Josephine Billy, requested by her daughter, Elaine Svendsen
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Our Annual Parish Picnic will be held at Holy Assumption Church beginning at Noon, on Sunday, September 24, 2023, in the back yard of the church or, if it rains, in the parish hall. A sign-up sheet is available in the hall if you would please consider donating food (a favorite covered dish), beverages, dessert, paper products or misc supplies, etc. Monetary donations are also very much welcomed. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Craig Polk email at: polk.craig@gmail.com or during coffee hour. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Dates to Remember:
- Today: a second Special Collection for OCF, taken up immediately after the regular collection. See attached flyers for details
- Sunday, September 24th:
- Youth & Young Adult Ministry Awareness Sunday
- Annual Parish Picnic after Coffee Hour

13th Sunday after Pentecost
Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia; Ven. Theoctistus
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman & Joseph Korbanics.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Congratulations to:
- Nectarios of Aegina (Guilherme Bittencourt); Sponors: Subdeacon Christopher & Michael Vitales
- Mary of Egypt (Nia Daniel); Sponsors: Gregory & Vera Focarino
- Demetrius of Thessaloniki (Samuel Morais); Sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Maria Tlatelpa,
Who are receiving their First Holy Communion today! Please allow them & their sponsors to come up to receive first.
A Celebratory Brunch will be held in the parish hall after service for the new members of our parish
Next Sunday, September 10th., there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Robert John Sudol III - 1st Anniversary in repose, requested by Kathleen Robinson
- Anna & George Ward and Katherine & John Zubal, requested by Fejko & Udina Families
- Josephine Billy, requested by her daughter, Elaine Svendsen
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Kevin Shermock is looking for Volunteers to help clean up the Church backyard. He set a date for Saturday, Sept 9th with a rain date of September 16th. Anyone that can help with the cleanup, please see Kevin. The more help we get, the better.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, September 9th: Church backyard cleanup day.
- Sunday, September 10th: a second Special Collection for OCF. See above.
- Sunday, September 24th: Annual Parish Picnic after Coffee Hour

12th Sunday after Pentecost
Ven. Pimen the Great
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, the Child Roman & Joseph Korbanics.
Today is College Student Sunday. A special collection will be taken up to support the Orthodox Christian Fellowship Campus Ministry, the body that facilitates Orthodox student groups on campus.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Today, there will be a:
- 40 Day Memorial Service for Leonard Brodsky, requested by his brother, Dr. James Brodsky
- Memorial Service for Michael Pruzinsky Jr. for his anniversary, requested by Peter Pruzinsky & Family
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Kevin Shermock is looking for Volunteers to help clean up the Church backyard. He set a date for Saturday, Sept 9th with a rain date of September 16th. Anyone that can help with the cleanup, please see Kevin. The more help we get, the better.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, September 2nd. @ 11:00 AM: Baptism & Chrismation for:
- Guilherme Bittemcourt; Sponors: Subdeacon Christopher & Michael Vitales
- Nia Daniel; Sponsors: Gregory & Vera Focarino
- Sunday, September 3rd., during the Divine Liturgy:
- Chrismation for Samuel Morais; Sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Maria Tlatelpa
- First Holy Communion for the 3 people above. Please allow them & their sponsors to come up to receive first.
- A Celebratory Brunch will be held in the parish hall after service for the new members of our parish
- Saturday, September 9th: Church backyard cleanup day.
- Sunday, September 17th: a second Special Collection for OCF. See attached flyers for details.
- Sunday, September 24th: Annual Parish Picnic after Coffee Hour

11th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Dormition
Prophet Samuel
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales, the Child Roman & Joseph Korbanics.
Congratulations to Michael & Christine Vitales, on the birth of their new baby daughter, Sophia Ame, on Tuesday, August 15th., the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos!
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, August 22nd @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council meeting
- Saturday, September 2nd: Baptism & Chrismation for:
- Guilherme Bittemcourt; Sponors: Subdeacon Christopher & Michael Vitales
- Nia Daniel; Sponsors: Gregory & Vera Focarino
- Sunday, September 3rd., during the Divine Liturgy:
- Chrismation for Samuel Morais; Sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Maria Tlatelpa
- First Holy Communion for the 3 people above. Please allow them & their sponsors to come up to receive first.
- Saturday, September 9th: Church backyard cleanup day.
- Sunday, September 24th: Annual Parish Picnic after Coffee Hour.
Kevin Shermock is looking for Volunteers to help clean up the Church backyard. He set a date for Saturday, Sept 9th with a rain date of September 16th. Anyone that can help with the cleanup, please see Kevin. The more help we get, the better.

10th Sunday after Pentecost
Leavetaking of the Transfiguration
St. Tikhon, Bishop of Vorónezh, Wonderworker of Zadónsk & All Russia
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales, the Child Roman & Joseph Korbanics.
There will be a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy today for Richard Mazur, the beloved brother of Edward, Pam & Patricia.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
The Dormition Fast continues until August 15th. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Today’s bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk Family to honor family celebrations during August: birthdays: 8/5, Danielle Polk, 8/29, Cecelia Polk; anniversaries: 8/7, John & Barbara Polk, 8/11, John & Heather Polk.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, August 15th @ 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Parish Feast of the Dormition with blessing of flowers
- Tuesday, August 22nd @ 6:00 PM: Parish Council meeting
- Saturday, September 2nd: Baptism & Chrismation for:
- Guilherme Bittemcourt; Sponors: Subdeacon Christopher & Michael Vitales
- Nia Daniel; Sponsors: Gregory & Vera Focarino
- Sunday, September 3rd., during the Divine Liturgy:
- Chrismation for Samuel Morais ; Sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Maria Tlatelpa
- First Holy Communion for the 3 people above. Please allow them & their sponsors to come up to receive first.
- Saturday, September 9th: Church backyard cleanup day.
- Sunday, September 24th: Annual Parish Picnic after Coffee Hour
The new stove in the kitchen, that cost about $5,000.00, has been paid for! Thank you very much to those who donated towards it. Thank you also to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara who contributed half of the cost. If you wish to get a receipt for your donation for tax purposes, please speak to our Treasurer, Diane Abrams.
Kevin Shermock is looking for Volunteers to help clean up the Church backyard. He set a date for Saturday, Sept 9th with a rain date of September 16th. Anyone that can help with the cleanup, please see Kevin. The more help we get, the better.

9th Sunday after Pentecost
The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales, the Child Roman & Joseph Korbanics.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
The Dormition Fast has begun & will continue until August 15th. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
The new stove in the kitchen, that cost about $5,000.00, has been paid for! Thank you very much to those who donated towards it. Thank you also to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara who contributed half of the cost. If you wish to get a receipt for your donation for tax purposes, please speak to our Treasurer, Diane Abrams.
Kevin Shermock is looking for Volunteers to help clean up the Church backyard. He set a date for Saturday, Sept 9th with a rain date of September 16th. Anyone that can help with the cleanup, please see Kevin. The more help we get, the better.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, September 2nd: Baptism & Chrismation for:
- Guilherme Bittemcourt; Sponors: Subdeacon Christopher & Michael Vitales
- Nia Daniel; Sponsors: Gregory & Vera Focarino
- Sunday, September 3rd., during the Divine Liturgy:
- Chrismation for Samuel Morais ; Sponsors: Kevin Shermock & Maria Tlatelpa
- First Holy Communion for the 3 people above. Please allow them & their sponsors to come up to receive first.
- Saturday, September 9th: Church backyard cleanup day.
- Sunday, September 24th: Annual Parish Picnic after Coffee Hour

8th Sunday after Pentecost
Apostles Silas and Silvanus of the Seventy, and those with them
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales, the Child Roman & Joseph Korbanics.
Please remember in your prayers, Mary Minarich-Foster, the late Grand Aunt of
Reader Christopher Minarich, who recently Fell Asleep in the Lord.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
The Dormition Fast will begin this Tuesday, August 1st., until the 15th. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
There will be Vespers this Saturday, August 5th., for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Thank you to Gregory Swenda, Kevin Shermock & Pauline Rydzak for restoring electrical power to the exit signs in the boiler room recently.
If you wish to donate towards the new stove that cost almost $5,000.00 please write a check to Holy Assumption Church & earmark it: “Stove Project.” You will also see a poster downstairs with a basket if you prefer to make a cash donation.
Kevin Shermock is looking for Volunteers to help clean up the Church backyard. He set a date for Saturday, Sept 9th with a rain date of September 16th. Anyone that can help with the cleanup, please see Kevin. The more help we get, the better.
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, July 25th. @ 6:30 PM: Parish Council meeting on
- Saturday, September 9th: Church backyard cleanup day
- Sunday, September 24th: Annual Parish Picnic after Coffee Hour
“… all things come from Thee, and we have only given back what is Thine already”.
(I Chronicles 29:13-15)
You are cordially invited to attend a New Jersey Deanery Appreciation Dinner
for the 2022 Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors
of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey
hosted with gratitude by
His Eminence, Archbishop MICHAEL
Sunday, October 8, 2023, at 5:00 in the evening
at Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, 605 Washington Avenue, Manville, NJ
RSVP by Monday, September 25, to Fr. James Parsells email frjames@ssppoc.org phone (906) 685-1452
~You are encouraged to bring family members and parish guests~

7th Sunday after Pentecost
Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus, and 13 others in Lycia
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales, the Child Roman, Mary Diamano, Roy Peppard, Tony Russo & Rita.
There will be a Memorial Service today for Kenneth Shermock Sr., the late husband of Susan Shermock, requested by Kevin Shermock. He Fell Asleep in the Lord 16 years ago.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be no weekday Divine Liturgy until Tuesday, August 15th., for the Feast of the Dormition.
There will be no Saturday Vespers during the summer until Saturday, August 5th., for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
Thank you to Gregory Swenda, Kevin Shermock & Pauline Rydzag for restoring electrical power to the exit signs in the boiler room.
If you wish to donate towards the new stove that cost almost $5,000.00 please write a check to Holy Assumption Church & earmark it: “Stove Project.” You will also see a poster downstairs with a basket if you prefer to make a cash donation.
Kevin Shermock is looking for Volunteers to help clean up the Church backyard. He set a date for Saturday, Sept 9th with a rain date of September 16th. Anyone that can help with the cleanup, please see Kevin. The more help we get, the better.
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, July 25th. @ 6:30 PM: Parish Council meeting on
- Saturday, September 9th: Church backyard cleanup day.

6th Sunday after Pentecost
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Please remember in your prayers, Leonard Brodsky, the late brother of James Brodsky, who passed away recently. The funeral was held last week. The family lives in the Catskills.
There will be a Memorial Service today for Susan Mautone, the late daughter of Anthony & Joan Ersalesi, requested by Donna Betza. She Fell Asleep in the Lord 3 years ago.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be no weekday Divine Liturgy until Tuesday, August 15th., for the Feast of the Dormition.
There will be no Saturday Vespers during the summer until Saturday, August 5th., for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
The parish has a new stove for the church kitchen! Thank you the Parish Council members who researched & organized to select a suitable replacement & to those who spent time, especially Donna Betza, to be available to allow the old one to be removed & the new one to be delivered. Some parts of the kitchen & toilet floor areas were also given a very good cleaning!
If you wish to donate towards the new stove that cost almost $5,000.00 please write a check to Holy Assumption Church & earmark it: “Stove Project.” You will also see the poster (see photo) downstairs with a basket if you prefer to make a cash donation. Thank you to Barbara Polk who put the poster together.
Date to Remember: Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, July 25th. @ 6:30 PM.

5th Sunday after Pentecost
Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina in Sicily
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be no weekday Divine Liturgy until Tuesday, August 15th., for the Feast of the Dormition.
There will be no Saturday Vespers during the summer until Saturday, August 5th., for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
The parish has a new stove for the church kitchen! Thank you the Parish Council members who researched & organized to select a suitable replacement & to those who spent time, especially Donna Betza, to be available to allow the old one to be removed & the new one to be delivered. Some parts of the kitchen & toilet floor areas were also given a very good cleaning!
If you wish to donate towards the new stove that cost almost $5,000.00 please write a check to Holy Assumption Church & earmark it: “Stove Project.” You will also see the poster downstairs with a basket if you prefer to make a cash donation. Thank you to Barbara Polk who put the poster together.

4th Sunday after Pentecost
Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos at Blachernae
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be no weekday Divine Liturgy until Tuesday, August 15th., for the Feast of the Dormition.
There will be no Saturday Vespers during the summer until Saturday, August 5th., for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
Today’s Bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk Family for the following celebrations:
- Birthdays: Craig Polk, July 1; Alexandra Polk, July 7; Barbara Polk, July 16th.
- Anniversary: Craig & Laura Polk, July 28.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
The parish has a new stove for the church kitchen! Thank you the Parish Council members who researched & organized to select a suitable replacement & to those who spent time, especially Donna Betza, to be available to allow the old one to be removed & the new one to be delivered. Some parts of the kitchen & toilet floor areas were also given a very good cleaning!

3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Forerunner
Virgin-Martyr Febronia of Nisibis
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
There will be a 1 Year Memorial Service for Mary Slavinsky, requested by her brother, John Slavinsky.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
The fast for the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29th.) continues. Please refer to your Lectionary Wall Calendar for details.
There will be no weekday Divine Liturgy until Thursday, June 29th. @ 9:30 AM for the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul. Please note that it will be held on the Thursday, not Friday, as I announced at the end of the Liturgy.
The next weekday Liturgy will be held on Tuesday, August 15th., for the Feast of the Dormition.
There will be no Saturday Vespers during the summer until Saturday, August 5th., for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.

2nd Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints of America
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
There will be a 40 Day Memorial Service for Barbara Evanina, the late mother of Fr. Stephen Evanina, who recently Fell Asleep in the Lord. We will also pray for all the late fathers of our parish as we commemorate Father’s Day.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
The fast for the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29th.) continues. Please refer to your Lectionary Wall Calendar for details.
Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist will be held at St. John’s Church in Passaic on Saturday, June 24th., @ 9:30 AM. Archbishop Michael will preside. All welcome.
There will be no weekday Divine Liturgy until Thursday, June 29th. @ 9:30 AM for the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul. The next weekday Liturgy will be held on Tuesday, August 15th., for the Feast of the Dormition.
There will be no Saturday Vespers during the summer until Saturday, August 5th., for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
There will be a Parish Council meeting this Tuesday, June 20th., at 6:00 PM.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Holy Assumption parish would like to congratulate all of the children that have completed the 2022-2023 Church School Program. They are receiving books to further help their studies in the faith. We would also like to thank our teaching staff; Craig Polk, Pauline Rydzaj & Subdeacon Christopher Chasse for their dedication in instructing the children of the parish. Lastly, we would like to thank all of the parents and parishioners that have supported our program in any way throughout the year.
Happy Father’s Day!
6/23 Dennis Dutkevitch
6/26 James Sheridan

1st Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
The fast for the feast of Sts. Peter & Paul (June 29th.) begins tomorrow. Please refer to your Lectionary Wall Calendar for details.
There will be Divine Liturgy at the Church on Wednesday, June 7th. @ 9:30AM. All welcome!
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Many thanks to Kevin Shermock who donated a new laptop computer to the church office! It is a nice machine. Thank you also to Gregory Forcarino who helped to set it up. We also used for the first time this Sunday incense that Kevin donated to the parish & that we will be able to use for some time.
Many thanks to those who worked very hard to do a spring cleaning for the church hall in this past week. They include Barbara Polk, Pauline Rydzaj, Gregory Focarino, Donna Betza & Anthony Ersalesi.
The Church School would like to thank all of the people that baked and purchased goods for our big sale. We realized a profit of $377. This money is being donated to the holy Assumption Church School program in the Sitka Diocese of Alaska. As part of the Alaskan learning program the children and our church are doing, we have connected with the school in Alaska and are writing to them as our pen pals. The children of our church school have decided to donate directly to this parish, specifically to help with their June youth camp.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara would like to thank everyone who helped and supported the recent jewelry sale. The project, run by Sharon Koribanics & Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan, raised a profit for $205 & will go towards a future project that the Church needs. Your generous donations & purchases were heart warming, encouraging them to move forward with other projects. They wish to thank you all again as it is always a pleasure to have you their lives.

8th Sunday of Pascha
Holy Pentecost – Feast of the Holy Trinity
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be Divine Liturgy at the Church on Wednesday, June 7th. @ 9:30AM. All welcome!
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Many thanks to Kevin Shermock who donated a new laptop computer to the church office! It is a nice machine. Thank you also to Gregory Forcarino who helped to set it up. We also used for the first time this Sunday incense that Kevin donated to the parish & that we will be able to use for some time.
Many thanks to those who worked very hard to do a spring cleaning for the church hall in this past week. They include Barbara Polk, Pauline Rydzaj, Gregory Focarino, Donna Betza & Anthony Ersalesi.
The church school would like to thank all of the people that baked and purchased goods for our big sale. We realized a profit of $377. This money is being donated to the holy Assumption Church School program in the Sitka Diocese of Alaska. As part of the Alaskan learning program the children and our church are doing, we have connected with the school in Alaska and are writing to them as our pen pals. The children of our church school have decided to donate directly to this parish, specifically to help with their June youth camp.

7th Sunday of Pascha
Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
Afterfeast of the Ascension
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.

6th Sunday of Pascha: the Blind Man
Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine
and his mother, Helen
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendsen, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will be held this week on Thursday, May 25th. at 9:30 AM for the feast of the Ascension of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
There will be a Parish Council meeting today after Coffee Hour.
The Church School Children of our parish will be running a Bake Sale today, Sunday, May 21st., during Coffee Hour. The proceeds of the sale will be going to support children of a church in Alaska. The church school has been learning about the different churches and situation in Alaska during the Great Lent season.
In regard to the appeal for the Diocese of Alaska that we held during Great Lent & Pascha, members of our parish gave a total of $1,488.00! Thank you for your generosity! The money will be forwarded to our diocesan chancery.
Today’s bulletin is being sponsored by Barbara Polk in honor of Craig Jr. (CJ) Polk who will celebrate his 8th. Birthday this Friday. Congratulations & many blessed years!

5th Sunday of Pascha
Samaritan Woman
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendson, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky, Christine Vitales & the Child Roman.
Congratulations to His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, who celebrated his consecration as a bishop of 14 years this past week!
There will be a Memorial Service today for all the deceased mothers of the parish, for Mother’s Day.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will be held on Wednesday at 9:00 AM
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
There will be a Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour next Sunday, May 21st.
The Church School Children of our parish will be running a Bake Sale on Sunday, May 21st., during Coffee Hour. The proceeds of the sale will be going to support children of a church in Alaska. The church school has been learning about the different churches and situation in Alaska during the Great Lent season.
We are in need of parishioners to volunteer in baking an item for the sale. You can sign up by emailing polk.craig@gmail.com or filling out one of the sign up forms on Sunday. Thank you very much for your support of our church school charity project.
In regard to the appeal for the Diocese of Alaska that we held during Great Lent & Pascha, members of our parish gave a total of $1,488.00! Thank you for your generosity! The money will be forwarded to our diocesan chancery.
Happy Mother’s Day!

4th Sunday of Pascha: the Paralytic
Repose of St. Alexis Toth,
Confessor and Defender of Orthodoxy in America
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendson, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky & Christine Vitales.
Please remember in your prayers Barbara Evanina, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. She is the late mother of Archpriest Steven Evenina, the parish priest in Wayne NJ.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will be held on Tuesday at 9:30 AM
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
The Church School Children of our parish will be running a Bake Sale on Sunday, May 21st., during Coffee Hour. The proceeds of the sale will be going to support children of a church in Alaska. The church school has been learning about the different churches and situation in Alaska during the Great Lent season.
We are in need of parishioners to volunteer in baking an item for the sale. You can sign up by emailing polk.craig@gmail.com or filling out one of the sign up forms on Sunday. Thank you very much for your support of our church school charity project.
In regard to the appeal for the Diocese of Alaska that we held during Great Lent & Pascha, members of our parish gave a total of $1,488.00! Thank you for your generosity! The money will be forwarded to our diocesan chancery.

3rd Sunday of Pascha
Holy Myrrhbearing Women
Holy Apostle James, the brother of St. John the Theologian
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendson, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky & Christine Vitales.
Today, after Divine Liturgy, we will have a 4th Year Anniversary Memorial Service for Ioan Filip, the late father of Olivia Filip. May his memory be eternal.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will be held this Wednesday at 9:00 AM.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Congratulations to Luis Comacho, our Choir Director, who graduated with a Master’s Degree in Data Analytics from Western Governors University in Washington DC this past weekend. May you receive many blessings from your hard work!
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is very happy to announce the profit from our 2023 Lenten Fund Raiser of Babka and Assorted Rolls is $ 1,786.60! Many thanks to all our parishioners, families and friends for your support, cooperation and participation in making this fund raiser so successful. Special thanks are expressed towards Deborah Sancenito for leading her team of bakers. They include: Dorothy Andrusko, Sub-Deacon Christopher Chasse, Ludmilla Di Ianni, Arleen Espaillat, June Fejko, Olivia Filip, Patricia Mazur, Barbara Polk, Katherine Robinson, Elaine Svendsen, Maria Tlatelpa & Marilyn Wong. Thank you so much for all the time and hard work you put into this fundraising event. We could not have done this without you.
The Church School Children of our parish will be running a Bake Sale on Sunday, May 21st., during Coffee Hour. The proceeds of the sale will be going to support children of a church in Alaska. The church school has been learning about the different churches and situation in Alaska during the Great Lent season.
We are in need of parishioners to volunteer in baking an item for the sale. You can sign up by emailing polk.craig@gmail.com or filling out one of the sign up forms on Sunday. Thank you very much for your support of our church school charity project.

2nd Sunday of Pascha
St. Thomas Sunday
Holy Glorious Greatmartyr, Trophy-bearer
and Wonderworker, George
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendson, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky & Christine Vitales.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
If the weather permits, Father will bless the graves of deceased parishioners after Coffee Hour today.
Divine Liturgy will be held this Wednesday at 9:00 AM.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday at 6:00 PM.
The Newly Elected Parish Council Members were sworn in at the end of Divine Liturgy last Sunday. They are: Gregory Focarino, President, Anthony Ersalesi, Vice-President, Diane Abrams, Treasurer, Donna Betza, Secretary, Joan Ersalesi, Barbara Polk, Kevin Shermock, Sharon Korbanics & Joyce Telep. Congratulations & thank you for your time & dedication!
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is very happy to announce the profit from our 2023 Lenten Fund Raiser of Babka and Assorted Rolls is $ 1,786.60! Many thanks to all our parishioners, families and friends for your support, cooperation and participation in making this fund raiser so successful. Special thanks are expressed towards Deborah Sancenito for leading her team of bakers. They include: Dorothy Andrusko, Sub-Deacon Christopher Chasse, Ludmilla Di Ianni, Arleen Espaillat, June Fejko, Olivia Filip, Patricia Mazur, Barbara Polk, Katherine Robinson, Elaine Svendsen, Maria Tlatelpa & Marilyn Wong. Thank you so much for all the time and hard work you put into this fundraising event. We could not have done this without you.

SUNDAY: APRIL 9th., 2023
The Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem (Sunday of Palms)
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendson, Carol Hruby, Cheryl Yaroshefsky & Christine Vitales.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Congratulations to Linda & Gregory Surgent on the birth of their grandchild, Jameson Surgent, who is the second son of Kelly & Mark and younger brother to Valerie Rose, born on April 1st., 2023!
Congratulations to Marilyn Wong on the birth of her new grand daughter, Lilian Reach, the daughter of Emily Addis Reach on Sunday, April 2nd!
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is having a Spring Costume Jewelry Clearance Sale on Sundays during Coffee Hour on March 26 and April 2nd & 9th, 2023. We have jewelry from past Rummage Sales and we aim to share them with you. We will accept any monetary donation for anything you want to buy. Our aim is to clear out the inventory. We have watches, necklaces, bracelets, etc. We have small bags and scarves as well as other “girlie” items. Please take a look; see you soon!
They will accept cash or check donations (payable to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.) & will be much appreciated. Please contact Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan or Sharon Koribanics for information.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is happy to announce that our 2023 Lenten Babka Bread & Assorted Rolls Fund Raiser is underway led by Deborah Sancenito and her team of bakers. Certain pre-ordered items were baked this past Friday & Saturday and the remaining pre-ordered items will be baked next Friday (4/7) & Saturday (4/8). We are working very hard to fill everyone's order and you will be contacted with the date & times for pick up. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation and we greatly appreciate your participation.
Thank you very much to Kevin Shermock, who donated a new laptop computer to the parish office.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, April 9th: the 2nd of 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 16th:
- the last of the 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska during the Pashcal Divine Liturgy. Please see the included letter from Archbishop Michael
- Swearing in of newly elected Parish Council members at the end of Liturgy
Please use your phone to copy the image below to listen the presentation explaining why the Orthodox Church in Alaska is in great need today:
- The Presbyterian Minister, Sheldon Jackson engendered the Federal US Government to ‘Americanize’ the Orthodox Alaskan natives after the state was sold to the USA. It destroyed the Orthodox Christians practice & culture.
- The Bolshevik revolution stopped the financial support given to all Orthodox Churches by the Czar
- In the early 2000’s, cultural insensitivity & bigotry from some OCA hierarchs crushed the faith of the natives by treating their clergy very harshly, demoralizing many of the remaining faithful.
- Many today suffer from alcoholism & drug addiction because of the abuse referred to above
To access the video using the QR code, go to the camera icon on your phone & allow the phone to view it. Do NOT take a photo of it but when you see the message: Lead me to it, click yes, & the video will come up.
Please give generously to their acute need.

Fifth Sunday of Great Lent
St. Mary of Egypt
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendson, Carol Hruby & Cheryl Yaroshefsky.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
The season of Great Lent with the Great Fast has begun. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Today's Bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk Family in honor and to celebrate family birthdays in April: Laura Polk 4/5 and Charles Polk 4/22. Happy Birthday. Congratulations and Many blessed years!
Thank you very much to everyone who made last Sunday’s Mission Vesper’s Service so beautiful: the altar servers, the choir, those who helped prepare the hall for supper, those who served it and those who cleaned up afterwards as well as those who brought desserts! It has been at least 3 years since we last hosted this service & everyone was very pleased to catch up.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is having a Spring Costume Jewelry Clearance Sale on Sundays during Coffee Hour on March 26 and April 2nd & 9th, 2023. We have jewelry from past Rummage Sales and we aim to share them with you. We will accept any monetary donation for anything you want to buy. Our aim is to clear out the inventory. We have watches, necklaces, bracelets, etc. We have small bags and scarves as well as other “girlie” items. Please take a look; see you soon!
They will accept cash or check donations (payable to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.) & will be much appreciated. Please contact Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan or Sharon Koribanics for information.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is happy to announce that our 2023 Lenten Babka Bread & Assorted Rolls Fund Raiser is underway led by Deborah Sancenito and her team of bakers. Certain pre-ordered items were baked this past Friday & Saturday and the remaining pre-ordered items will be baked next Friday (4/7) & Saturday (4/8). We are working very hard to fill everyone's order and you will be contacted with the date & times for pick up. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation and we greatly appreciate your participation.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, Sunday, April 2nd:
- the 1st of 3 special collections to be taken up for the Diocese of Alaska
- the Annual Parish Meeting in the parish hall after Coffee Hour
- Wed., April 5th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Passaic. Arch. Michael to preside.
- Sunday, April 9th: the 2nd of 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 16th: the last of the 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska during the Pashcal Divine Liturgy. Please see the included letter from Archbishop Michael

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent: St. John Climacus
Leavetaking of the Annunciation
Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svendson, Carol Hruby & Cheryl Yaroshefsky.
The season of Great Lent with the Great Fast has begun. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
There is food left over from last Wednesday’s supper & is for sale. Haluski for $5.00 per quart & Vegetable Soup for $7.00 per quart. Please speak to Debbie Sancenito regarding purchasing.
This evening at 5:00 PM, we will be joined by Archbishop Michael for the Lenten Mission Vespers at our Church. Please join us for this beautiful devotional service and for fellowship afterwards in the parish hall for supper, catered by Pennellas of Passaic. The Parish Council has requested for people to bring desserts to compliment the supper. The council members will also need help to clean up & rearrange tables for the following weekend.
Today’s Bulletin & Coffee Hour are being sponsored by the Dolocheck, Michel & Proto Families in honor of Helen Dolocheck, who will celebrate her birthday on Wednesday, March 29th. May God grant her many blessed years!
We will be holding our Annual Parish Meeting next Sunday, April 2nd., after Coffee Hour. Committee heads, please have your reports ready to be presented.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is having a Spring Costume Jewelry Clearance Sale on Sundays during Coffee Hour on March 26 and April 2nd & 9th, 2023. We have jewelry from past Rummage Sales and we aim to share them with you. We will accept any monetary donation for anything you want to buy. Our aim is to clear out the inventory. We have watches, necklaces, bracelets, etc. We have small bags and scarves as well as other “girlie” items. Please take a look; see you soon!
They will accept cash or check donations (payable to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.) & will be much appreciated. Please contact Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan or Sharon Koribanics for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, March 26th @ 5:00 PM: St. John Climacus Vespers at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, April 2nd:
- the 1st of 3 special collections to be taken up for the Diocese of Alaska
- the Annual Parish Meeting in the parish hall after Coffee Hour
- Wed., April 5th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Passaic. Arch. Michael to preside.
- Sunday, April 9th: the 2nd of 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 16th: the last of the 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska during the Pashcal Divine Liturgy. Please see the included letter from Archbishop Michael

Third Sunday of Great Lent
Veneration of the Cross
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svenson, Carol Hruby & Cheryl Yaroshefsky.
The season of Great Lent with the Great Fast has begun. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
We had a beautiful Pre-sanctified Liturgy last Wednesday evening. Many thanks to those who helped with the evening:
- The clergy who joined in to concelebrate the service were Fr. Maryan from Passaic, Fr. John from Paramus & Fr. Deacon David from Paramus. Sub-deacon Christopher and Michael Vitales served. Fr. Jacob from Saddle Brook & his family attended.
- Thank you to the choir members who came from the other local parishes to help our Reader Christopher Minarich with the singing.
- Many thanks to Gregory Focarino, Maria Tlatelpa, Deborah Sancenito, her helpers & those who brought & cooked food & desserts for the supper our parish hosted after the Presanctified Liturgy last Wednesday. Food was also kindly donated by the owner, Manny Galhofo, of the Portuguese Restaurant, “Pic-Nic”, at 224 Grant Avenue, East Newark NJ. We all very much enjoyed the great food provided for supper afterwards!
- Thank you to Gregory Focarino, Tony Ersalesi & other parish members who served food & cleaned up the hall at the end.
- There is food left over from the supper & is for sale. Haluski for $5.00 per quart & Vegetable Soup for $7.00 per quart. Please speak to Debbie Sancenito if you would like to purchase any.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
You will see in the Church Vestibule on the left-hand side, that a family name has been added to the Preservation Fund List. We wish to express heartfelt thanks to Susan & Erik Golbek, Judith Whalen & Marianne Kopetz, who have contributed to this fund in Memory of their parents, Vladimir & Lillian Koptetz, who have Fallen Asleep in the Lord.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is having a Spring Costume Jewelry Clearance Sale on Sundays during Coffee Hour on March 26 and April 2nd & 9th, 2023. We have jewelry from past Rummage Sales and we aim to share them with you. We will accept any monetary donation for anything you want to buy. Our aim is to clear out the inventory. We have watches, necklaces, bracelets, etc. We have small bags and scarves as well as other “girlie” items. Please take a look; see you soon!
They will accept cash or check donations (payable to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.) & will be much appreciated. Please contact Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan or Sharon Koribanics for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Wednesday, March 15th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, March 19th: Veneration of the Cross Vespers at Trenton
- Wednesday, March 22nd @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Saddle Brook
- Sunday, March 26th @ 5:00 PM: St. John Climacus Vespers at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, April 2nd:
- the 1st of 3 special collections to be taken up for the Diocese of Alaska
- the Annual Parish Meeting in the parish hall after Coffee Hour
- Wed., April 5th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Passaic. Arch. Michael to preside.
- Sunday, April 9th: the 2nd of 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 16th: the last of the 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska during the Pashcal Divine Liturgy. Please see the included letter from Archbishop Michael
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second Sunday of Great Lent
St. Gregory Palamas
The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svenson & Carol Hruby.
The season of Great Lent with the Great Fast has begun. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
We will be welcoming the local OCA parishes to the Pre-sanctified Liturgy that we will hold at Holy Assumption on March 15th. Maria Tlatelpa (201-738-1146)will be organizing a light supper after the service & Gregory Focarino will look after the preparation & cleanup. If anyone would like to help Maria to serve the food & breverages or, make a dessert for the supper, it would be much appreciated. Gregory would also be grateful for any help to set up & clean up the hall.
Today's coffee hour is sponsored by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara in loving memory of our beloved Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky. May her memory be eternal!
Dates to Remember:
- Wednesday, March 8th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Paramus. Arch. Michael to preside
- Sunday, March 12th: St. Gregory Palamas Vespers at Wappinger Falls
- Wednesday, March 15th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, March 19th: Veneration of the Cross Vespers at Trenton
- Wednesday, March 22nd @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Saddle Brook
- Sunday, March 26th @ 5:00 PM: St. John Climacus Vespers at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, April 2nd: the 1st of 3 special collections to be taken up for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 2nd after Coffee Hour: the Annual Parish Meeting in the parish hall
- Wed., April 5th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Passaic. Arch. Michael to preside.
- Sunday, April 9th: the 2nd of 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 16th: the last of the 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska during the Pashcal Divine Liturgy. Please see the included letter from Archbishop Michael
You will see in the Church Vestibule on the left-hand side, that a family name has been added to the Preservation Fund List. We wish to express heartfelt thanks to Susan & Erik Golbek, Judith Whalen & Marianne Kopetz, who have contributed to this fund in Memory of their parents, Vladimir & Lillian Koptetz, who have Fallen Asleep in the Lord.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second Sunday of Great Lent
St. Gregory Palamas
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer, Elaine Svenson & Carol Hruby.
The season of Great Lent with the Great Fast has begun. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
We will be welcoming the local OCA parishes to the Pre-sanctified Liturgy that we will hold at Holy Assumption on March 15th. Maria Tlatelpa will be organizing a light supper after the service & Gregory Focarino will look after the preparation & cleanup. If anyone would like to help Maria to serve the food & breverages or, make a dessert for the supper, it would be much appreciated. Gregory would also be grateful for any help to set up & clean up the hall.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, March 5th:
- Parish Council Meeting after Coffee Hour in the Conference Room
- @ 4:00 PM: Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at South River, NJ
- Wednesday, March 8th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Paramus. Arch. Michael to preside
- Sunday, March 12th: St. Gregory Palamas Vespers at Wappinger Falls
- Wednesday, March 15th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, March 19th: Veneration of the Cross Vespers at Trenton
- Wednesday, March 22nd @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Saddle Brook
- Sunday, March 26th @ 5:00 PM: St. John Climacus Vespers at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, April 2nd: the 1st of 3 special collections to be taken up for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 2nd after Coffee Hour: the Annual Parish Meeting in the parish hall
- Wed., April 5th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Passaic. Arch. Michael to preside.
- Sunday, April 9th: the 2nd of 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska
- Sunday, April 16th: the last of the 3 collections for the Diocese of Alaska during the Pashcal Divine Liturgy. Please see the included letter from Archbishop Michael
Liturgies of the Presanctified Gifts for Local Parishes
- Wednesday, March 8th: Christ the Savior Church in Paramus with Archbishop Michael
- Wednesday, March 15th: Holy Assumption Church in Clifton
- Wednesday, March 22nd: Holy Apostle Church in Saddle Brook
- Wednesday, April 5th: St. John the Baptist Church in Passaic with Archbishop Michael

Cheesefare Sunday (Forgiveness Sunday) –
The Expulsion of Adam from Paradise
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodi Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer & Elaine Svenson.
There will be Today is Forgiveness Sunday. The following services will take place after today’s Divine Liturgy:
- A Prayer for Joanna Moreno will be given as she prepares for a long operation early this week
- A Memorial Service today for Demetri Velonas, for his 2nd. Year Anniversary in repose, requested by his daughter, Joanna Moreno & Family
- A blessing for the celebrations during the Month of March
- The Forgiveness Service will then take place when each person in the congregation will come forward and ask for forgiveness for any wrongs they have done. The respondent will say, “God forgives” & then ask the same of the next person.
- We will all then leave the Church & those who wish to can join us for Coffee Hour
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Photos of Archbishop Michael’s visit to our parish have been posted on our parish website at: holyassumptionclifton.org; on the parish Facebook page & also on the diocesan website at: nynjoca.org. Please take a look & enjoy!
We will be welcoming the local OCA parishes to the Pre-sanctified Liturgy that we will hold at Holy Assumption on March 15th. Maria Tlatelpa will be organizing a light supper after the service & Gregory Focarino will look after the preparation & cleanup. If anyone would like to help Maria to serve the food & breverages or, make a dessert for the supper, it would be much appreciated. Gregory would also be grateful for any help to set up & clean up the hall.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, February 26th: Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Sunday (see flyer on bulletin board)
- Sunday, March 5th @ 4:00 PM: Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at South River, NJ
- Wednesday, March 8th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Paramus. Arch. Michael to preside
- Sunday, March 12th: St. Gregory Palamas Vespers at Wappinger Falls
- Wednesday, March 15th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, March 19th: Veneration of the Cross Vespers at Trenton
- Wednesday, March 22nd @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Saddle Brook
- Sunday, March 26th @ 5:00 PM: St. John Climacus Vespers at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Wednesday, April 5th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Passaic. Arch. Michael to preside.
Please note that in the February/March Lenten Schedule, that we will hold the Memorial Saturday for the dead on March 11th., not on Lazarus Saturday. If you consult your Liturgical Wall Calendars, you will see that the above date is the one designated for this purpose.
Today's Bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk Family to honor and celebrate Heather Polk on her birthday, Feb. 28th. Congratulations and Many blessed years!

Meatfare Sunday – Sunday of the Last Judgment
"Lord I Call..." Tone 3
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodi Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak, Suzanne Bauer & Elaine Svenson.
There will be no Memorial Service today for:
- Olga Grib, for her 3rd. Year Anniversary in repose, requested by her daughters: Karen, Kathy & Krissy
- Edward & Annette Swenda, for her 3rd Year Anniversary in repose; also for Charles Swenda, Michael & Ella Swenda and Jacob & Emily Hlischinsky, requested by her family: Cheryl, Arthur & Michael Yaroshefsky and Gregory Swenda
Next week for: Demetri Velonas, for his 2nd. Year Anniversary in repose, requested by his daughter, Joanna Moreno & family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
The profit from the Beefsteak dinner was $5,251.94! Thanks to all those that donated gifts, money and who attended the dinner. It was a great evening and our Parishioners really stepped up to help make this fundraiser a success!
Thank you to everyone who helped prepare for last Sunday’s visit by Archbishop Michael & his assistants for what turned out to be a beautiful Divine Liturgy & breakfast that followed. Congratulations to Anthony Ersalesi who was given a diocesan award for his efforts to rectify issues with the church & rectory buildings. Thank you to everyone as well as him who stepped up to contribute towards the costs of these matters which totaled about $35,000.00 over & above what was budgeted last year.
Thank you to Vera Focarino who took the photos of last Sunday’s visit by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael. The photos can be found on our website at: holyassumptionclifton.org.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, February 26th: Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Sunday (see flyer)
- Sunday, March 5th @ 4:00 PM: Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at South River, NJ
- Wednesday, March 8th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Paramus. Arch. Michael to preside
- Sunday, March 12th: St. Gregory Palamas Vespers at Wappinger Falls
- Wednesday, March 15th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Sunday, March 19th: Veneration of the Cross Vespers at Trenton
- Wednesday, March 22nd @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Saddle Brook
- Sunday, March 26th @ 5:00 PM: St. John Climacus Vespers at Holy Assumption, Clifton
- Wednesday, April 5th @ 6:00 PM: Presanctified Liturgy at Passaic. Arch. Michael to preside.

35th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Please welcome, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Archbishop Michael, for his Annual Archpastoral Visit to our parish! His assistants are Deacon Stephan Karlgut, Subdeacon Matthew Ortiz & Zachary Parisi.
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodie Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak & Suzanne Bauer.
There will be no Memorial Service this week.
Next Sunday, February 19th., for:
- Olga Gribb, for her 3rd. Year Anniversary in repose, requested by her daughters: Karen, Kathy & Krissy
- Edward & Annette Swenda, for her 3rd Year Anniversary in repose; also for Charles Swenda, Michael & Ella Swenda and Jacob & Emily Hlischinsky, requested by her family: Cheryl, Arthur & Michael Yaroshefsky and Gregory Swenda
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
There will be a Celebratory Breakfast after Divine Liturgy this morning instead of Coffee. Please see the included flyer for details.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, February 26th: Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Sunday (see flyer on bulletin board)
- Sunday, March 5th @ 4:00 PM: Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at South River, NJ
- Sunday, March 12th: St. Gregory Palamas Vespers at Wappinger Falls
- Sunday, March 19th: Veneration of the Cross Vespers at Trenton
- Sunday, March 26th: St. John Climacus Vespers at Holy Assumption, Clifton

34th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
Afterfeast of the Meeting
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodi Camacho, Paul Dolocheck, Doris Rusyniak & Suzanne Bauer.
Congratulations to Eve Sancenito-Payton, who was baptized this past Friday, January 3rd., 2023, at Holy Assumption Church. She is the daughter of Victoria Sancenito & grand daughter of Deborah Sancenito. Her sponsors were Nicholas Sancenito & Christine Gaccione. She will receive her First Communion at the Divine Liturgy today so, please allow Eve & Victoria to approach first. Fr. Terence was joined for the baptism yesterday by Victoria’s uncle, Fr. Lawrence Bacik.
Please remember in your prayers, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. She & her husband, Archpriest Dimitri, served in this parish for 28 years. She was 77.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, requested by Anthony & Joan Ersalesi on behalf of the Parish Council
- Gregory Betza, on the 1st. Anniversary of his Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Donna Betza & Family
- Deborah Stura, requested by Diane & Steve Abrams
Coffee Hour is being sponsored today by Donna Betza, in Memory of her dear husband, Gregory, for his 1st. Anniversary in repose.
There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Thank you very much to the Parish Council & all those who helped prepare, organize & cleanup for last evening’s Annual Beefsteak Dinner! Also, to those who donated prizes for the raffles & those who attended the event. The profits for the fundraiser will be announced when all its finances are finalized.
It is customary for people to have their houses blessed with the newly blessed water from the Feast of the Theophany. If you would like you house blessed after, please fill out the attached form & hand it in to Father.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael
- Sunday, February 26th: Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Sunday
Archbishop Michael’s Anniversary
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Appeal
Dear Brothers in Christ, Very Reverend and Reverend Clergy of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey:
Christ is in our midst!
Please join me in celebrating and honoring His Eminence, Archbishop Michael on the 50th Anniversary of his ordination as a priest in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church!
On February 4th, His Eminence, The Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, and Rector of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of his ordination. We all know that, despite facing unimaginable loss early in his ministry, Archbishop Michael has dedicated his life to serving our Orthodox community, and remained unwavering in his commitment, paving a path for hundreds of Orthodox clergy.
When asked how our Seminary community might celebrate and honor his milestone 50th Anniversary of Priesthood, Archbishop Michael humbly asked that we help him continue doing what he has been doing all of these years: supporting Orthodox students at St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Please consider making a prayerful and meaningful gift in honor of Archbishop Michael, share this with anyone you think may be interested, and help us to support His Eminence Archbishop Michael and the essential work of St. Tikhon's Seminary. Your generosity will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students and faculty, and will help to ensure that the next generation of clergy and lay leaders are trained in the rich traditions of the Orthodox Church.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. John Parker
St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary

33rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of Zacchaeus
Translation of the Relics of Hieromartyr Ignatius the Godbearer
Please Pray for the Following:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodi Camacho & Paul Dolocheck.
There will be no Divine Liturgies on Wednesdays during January & February in order to save on heating costs. There will be Bible Study this Thursday at 6:00 PM
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for Anna Holick & Deborah Stura, requested by the Polk Family.
Next Sunday for:
- Gregory Betza, on the 1st. Anniversary of his Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Donna Betza & Family
- Deborah Stura, requested by Diane & Steve Abrams
It is customary for people to have their houses blessed with the newly blessed water from the Feast of the Theophany. If you would like you house blessed after, please fill out the attached form & hand it in to Father.
Reservations now being taking for our February 4, 2023 Beefsteak Dinner. Limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or, email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com for information. Please see the updated attached flyer.
The Beefsteak Dinner Committee needs of gifts for the raffle portion of our upcoming Dinner on February 4th. It would be very grateful for anyone who could donate a gift (of a inimum monetary amount of $25) or donate an item or items that could be put together to make a Gift Basket. Donations of any monetary value are always welcomed & appreciated. Please see Tony Ersalesi or contact him @ 973-610-9944 for information. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, February 4th:
- Divine Liturgy to honor Archbishop Michael’s 50th. Anniversary as a priest at Christ the Savior Church, Paramus @ 10:00 AM. See flyer on Bulletin Board for details
- Annual Beefsteak Dinner at the Parish Hall @ 7:00 PM. See included flyer
- Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael
- Sunday, February 26th: Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) Sunday

32nd Sunday after Pentecost
Synaxis of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
Sanctity of Life Sunday for the OCA
Sanctity of Life Sunday
To the Clergy, Monastics, and Faithful of the Orthodox Church in America,
My Beloved Children in the Lord,
From the earliest times, Christians have been at variance with the world because of their reverence toward sexuality, marriage, and human life at all its stages. In the post-apostolic Epistle to Diognetus, very possibly from the pen of St. Polycarp, the disciple of St. John the Theologian, we read that Christians ‘marry, as do all others; they beget children; but they do not destroy their offspring. They have a common table, but not a common bed. They are in the flesh, but they do not live after the flesh’ (ch. 5).
Rather than viewing pleasure and fleeting happiness as the supreme good, Christians know that virtue, a rightly-ordered relationship with God and the world which he created, is what leads up toward true goodness, which is God himself. Another word for this right relationship with the Creator is life.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God and incarnate Word came to tear down the dividing wall of hostility between God and man and restore us to our friendship with the Divinity, which friendship had eroded because of sin (Eph. 2:14). Thus he is revealed to be the Life and Light of the world (Jn. 8:12, 11:25, 14:6), the one in whom and through whom we enter into a rightly-ordered relationship with existence and the Source of existence, and who shows us what that relationship—virtue—is, and where it leads—eternal life, eternal relationship with the Lord and his saints.
Life, for Christians, means far more than biological life. And yet this deeper and broader conception of life should only increase our reverence for biological life. For, in Christ, we understand that every human being is created in the image of God, and that every human life is a free gift of the Father, from whom comes every good and perfect gift (Gen. 1:27, Jam. 1:17).
Thus, we understand that there is no opposition between reverence for life and true human flourishing. Or, to cast the matter more bluntly, we can never accept abortion and infanticide as a solution for other human ills. Rather, we must see the sins of abortion and infanticide as manifestations of the same evils that underlie other social injustices.
This year, Sanctity of Life Sunday has taken on a new meaning. The Supreme Court has undone, as far as lies in its power, the injustice wrought by its decision in the case of Roe v. Wade. But this means that our work in defense and promotion of life is only just beginning.
We know that, as soon as Christians gained a voice in the Roman Empire, that used that voice to speak against the enormities that the Empire committed against human dignity: slavery, gladiator and beast fights, and, yes, abortion and infanticide. As long as we Orthodox Christians have some voice in this pluralistic, democratic society, it is right that we use this voice to defend the weakest among us, including especially the unborn children who still lie under threat of legalized abortion in many jurisdictions.
But we must never, ever allow ourselves to become focused solely on political, and much less partisan and ideological, pursuits. Instead, the defense and promotion of life must start and end with our personal commitment: in our hearts, in our families, in our parishes, in our communities, with alms of time and treasure and talent and effort. With whatever resources God may give us, we must promote true human flourishing, starting with the right to life for all people, at all stages of life. And we must do what we can to orient our life toward God through virtuous living, encouraging the same in our brethren and neighbors wherever and however it is possible. In so doing, we might hope to attain to the everlasting life and bountifulness of the heavenly kingdom, where Christ the Lord reigns with his Father and his All-holy and life-giving Spirit.
Yours in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
At the Litany of Fervent Supplication (p. 38 in the Green Books):
—Again we pray that You will grant to the people of this nation the will to do good, to flee from evil, and to practice all righteousness, making us respectful of life and sharers of Your blessings, caring for one another in mercy and truth.
—Again we pray that You will banish all evil from our hearts and wickedness from our laws, enabling us to be servants of Your holy will and performers of Your love.
—Again we pray that You will kindle in our hearts the will to care for the needy, to show kindness to the poor, to aid the homeless and help the helpless.
For the sick:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman, Jodi Camacho & Paul Dolocheck.
Before the Dismissal:
Priest: Let us pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: O Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son, Who are in the bosom of the Father, True God, source of life and immortality, Light of Light, Who came into the world to enlighten it: You were pleased to be conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary for the salvation of our souls by the power of Your All-Holy Spirit. O Master, Who came that we might have life more abundantly, we ask You to enlighten the minds and hearts of those blinded to the truth that life begins at conception and that the unborn in the womb are already adorned with Your image and likeness; enable us to guard, cherish, and protect the lives of all those who are unable to care for themselves. For You are the Giver of Life, bringing each person from non-being into being, sealing each person with divine and infinite love. Be merciful, O Lord, to those who, through ignorance or willfulness, affront Your divine goodness and providence through the evil act of abortion. May they, and all of us, come to the light of Your Truth and glorify You, the Giver of Life, together with Your Father, and Your All-Holy and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
There will be no Divine Liturgies on Wednesdays during January & February in order to save on heating costs.
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Anna Holick, requested by her sister, Lovey Kopetz, in memory of her birthday on January 24th
- The countless millions of babies who have lost their lives through abortion
Next week for Anna Holick & Deborah Stura, requested by the Polk Family.
It is customary for people to have their houses blessed with the newly blessed water from the Feast of the Theophany. If you would like you house blessed after, please fill out the attached form & hand it in to Father.
Today, Coffee Hour is being sponsored by Lovey Kopetz in loving memory of her beloved sister Anna Holick for what would have been her birthday on January 24th.
Reservations now being taking for our February 4, 2023 Beefsteak Dinner. Limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or, email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com for information. Please see the updated attached flyer.
The Beefsteak Dinner Committee needs of gifts for the raffle portion of our upcoming Dinner on February 4th. It would be very grateful for anyone who could donate a gift (of a inimum monetary amount of $25) or donate an item or items that could be put together to make a Gift Basket. Donations of any monetary value are always welcomed & appreciated. Please see Tony Ersalesi or contact him @ 973-610-9944 for information. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, February 4th:
- Divine Liturgy to honor Archbishop Michael’s 50th. Anniversary as a priest at Christ the Savior Church, Paramus @ 10:00 AM. See flyer on Bulletin Board for details
- Annual Beefsteak Dinner at the Parish Hall @ 7:00 PM. See included updated flyer
- Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

31st Sunday after Pentecost
Ven. Paul of Thebes
Ven. John Calabytes (the Hut-Dweller)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman & Jodi Camacho.
There will be no Divine Liturgies on Wednesdays during January & February in order to save on heating costs. Bible Study will continue on Thursday evenings at 6:00 PM.
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Deborah Stura, for whom there will be a 40th Day Memorial Service, requested by her husband, Joseph Stura
- Anna Holick, requested by Diane & Steve Abrams
It is customary for people to have their houses blessed with the newly blessed water from the Feast of the Theophany. If you would like you house blessed after, please fill out the attached form & hand it in to Father.
Reservations now being taking for our February 4, 2023 Beefsteak Dinner. Limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or, email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com for information. Please see the updated attached flyer.
The Beefsteak Dinner Committee needs of gifts for the raffle portion of our upcoming Dinner on February 4th. It would be very grateful for anyone who could donate a gift (of a inimum monetary amount of $25) or donate an item or items that could be put together to make a Gift Basket. Donations of any monetary value are always welcomed & appreciated. Please see Tony Ersalesi or contact him @ 973-610-9944 for information. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, February 4th:
- Divine Liturgy to honor Archbishop Michael’s 50th. Anniversary as a priest at Christ the Savior Church, Paramus @ 10:00 AM. See flyer on Bulletin Board for details
- Annual Beefsteak Dinner at the Parish Hall @ 7:00 PM. See included updated flyer
- Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

30th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Theophany
Sunday After the Theophany
Ven. George the Chozebite
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman & Jodi Camacho.
There will be no Divine Liturgies on Wednesdays during January & February in order to save on heating costs.
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service:
- In Memory of those who have left a bequest to the parish for its Preservation Fund: Irene Subtelney, John M. Peregrim, Irene T. Korbanics, Kevin Kohler, Olga & Michael Gribb and Nicholas & Sally Telep.
- For Joanne D'Arienzo, for the 5th Anniversary of her Falling Asleep in the Lord, requested by Robert & Carol Hruby
- For Anna Holick, requested by Peter & Virginia Eagler.
Next Sunday, January 15th, for:
- Deborah Stura, for whom there will be a 40th Day Memorial Service, requested by husband, Joseph Stura
- Anna Holick, requested by Diane & Steve Abrams
The two candles on the table before the Royal Doors are being lit in Memory of Joanne D'Arienzo as well as this Sunday's bulletin and coffee hour are being sponsored by Robert & Carol Hruby, in Memory of Joanne D'Arienzo for her 5th Anniversary in repose. May her memory be eternal!
It is customary for people to have their houses blessed with the newly blessed water from the Feast of the Theophany. If you would like you house blessed after, please fill out the attached form & hand it in to Father.
Reservations now being taking for our February 4, 2023 Beefsteak Dinner. Limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or, email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com for information. Please see the updated attached flyer.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, February 4th:
- Divine Liturgy to honor Archbishop Michael’s 50th. Anniversary as a priest at Christ the Savior Church, Paramus @ 10:00 AM. See flyer on Bulletin Board for details
- Annual Beefsteak Dinner at the Parish Hall @ 7:00 PM. See included updated flyer
- Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

29th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Before the Theophany
The Circumcision of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman & Jodi Camacho.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Happy New Year!
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & fellowship.
Great Vespers will be held on Thursday, January 5th @ 5:00 PM for the Theophany of Christ. (No Bible Study that evening.) The Great Blessing of the Waters will take place at the end of Great Vespers. Please bring your bottles or containers to be able to take home the blessed water.
Divine Liturgy will held this Friday, January 6th. @ 9:30 AM, for the feast of the Theophany of Christ.
It is customary for people to have their houses blessed with the newly blessed water from the Feast of the Theophany. If you would like you house blessed after, please fill out the attached form & hand it in to Father.
Reservations now being taking for our February 4, 2023 Beefsteak Dinner. Limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or, email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com for information. Please see the updated attached flyer.
Dates to Remember:
- Thursday, January 5th @ 5:00 PM: Great Vespers for the Theophany of Christ
- Friday, January 6th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Theophany of Christ; followed by a Memorial Service for the donors of the Memorial Plaque.
- Saturday, February 4th:
- Divine Liturgy to honor Archbishop Michael’s 50th. Anniversary as a priest at Christ the Savior Church, Paramus @ 10:00 AM. See flyer on Bulletin Board for details
- Annual Beefsteak Dinner at the Parish Hall @ 7:00 PM. See included updated flyer
- Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

The Nativity according to the Flesh of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ
Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch, Ann Hinman & Jodi Camacho.
Christmas Offering envelopes are available in the vestibule of the Church for those who would like to support the flowers and other decorations to celebrate the Nativity of Christ.
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for the Nativity Breakfast, coffee & fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will held this Wednesday, December 28th. @ 9:30 AM.
The next Bible Study will take place on Thursday, December 29th. @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome.
Many thanks to Craig Polk, Sub-deacon Christopher, those who helped set up the crib for the Yolka, the students & staff who participated, the parents who supported it as well as those who attended it. It was very enjoyable!
Reservations now being taking for our February 4, 2023 Beefsteak Dinner. Limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or, email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com for information. Please see the updated attached flyer.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, December 25th: Nativity Breakfast in Parish Hall following Divine Liturgy
- Wednesday, December 28th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy
- Thursday, December 29th @ 6:00 PM: Bible Study. The Gospel of St. John
- Friday, January 6th @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Theophany of Christ; followed by a Memorial Service for the donors of the Memorial Plaque.
- Saturday, February 4th:
- Divine Liturgy to honor Archbishop Michael’s 50th. Anniversary as a priest at Christ the Savior Church, Paramus @ 10:00 AM. See flyer on Bulletin Board for details
- Annual Beefsteak Dinner at the Parish Hall @ 7:00 PM. See included updated flyer
- Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

27th Sunday after Pentecost (13th of Luke)
Sunday Before the Nativity
Sunday of the Holy Fathers
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch & Ann Hinman.
The Nativity Fast continues. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Christmas Offering envelopes are available in the vestibule of the Church for those who would like to support the flowers and other decorations to celebrate the Nativity of Christ.
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will held this Wednesday, December 21st. @ 9:30 AM.
The next Bible Study will take place on Thursday, December 22nd @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome.
The Church School will again be doing the Christmas Gift Project for the Mental Health Offices. Craig Polk is looking to collect gift cards, or collect monetary donations towards gift cards. Please contact him by email at polk.craig@gmail.com if you wish to contribute towards this worthwhile project.
Many thanks to the Parish Council who hosted the recent Pasta Buffet. They also personally covered the cost of the food & the raffles. Thank you also to those who supported the event. It made a profit of $1,500.00!
This past week was a busy one for our parish. The hall was rented out twice recently & a film group rented the hall for a few days to use as an administrative base. Thank you to Anthony Ersalesi & Gregory Focarino for their time in organizing & communicating with the renters to cater for their needs. His Eminence, Archbishop Michael, extends his heartfelt thanks to those who worked & supported all the recent functions.
Reservations now being taking for our February 4, 2023 Beefsteak Dinner. Limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or, email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com for information. Please see the updated attached flyer.

26th Sunday after Pentecost (12th of Luke)
Sunday of the Forefathers
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock, Linda Petrovitch & Ann Hinman.
Today, we will hold a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for:
- Dorothy Nalesnik, for a 40 Day Service, requested by Gregory Nalesnic & Lorraine Gassior & Families
- Robert John Sudol III, requested by the Fejko & Udina Families
May their memories be eternal!
The Nativity Fast continues. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will NOT be held this Wednesday but will be held on December 21st. @ 9:30 AM.
The next Bible Study will take place on Thursday, December 15th @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome.
The Church School will again be doing the Christmas Gift Project for the Mental Health Offices. Craig Polk is looking to collect gift cards, or collect monetary donations towards gift cards. Please contact him by email at polk.craig@gmail.com if you wish to contribute towards this worthwhile project.
The 2023 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived & are in the vestibule as you enter. Please take one per family.
Many thanks to the Parish Council who hosted the recent Pasta Buffet. They also personally covered the cost of the food & the raffles. Thank you also to those who supported the event. It made a profit of $1,500.00!
Many thanks to Katie & Steve Molkenbur, who have donated the beautiful Christmas Tree! Thank you also to Greg Focarino & Carl Stramiello removed the old tree & set up the donated tree.
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, December 18th: Annual Sunday School Yolka pageant after Coffee Hour
Saturday, February 4th: Annual Beefsteak Dinner
Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

25th Sunday after Pentecost (11th of Luke)
Greatmartyr Barbara and Martyr Juliana, at Heliopolis in Syria
Ven. John of Damascus
Glorification of New Hieromartyr Protopresbyter Alexander Hotovitzky, missionary in America
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock & Linda Petrovitch.
Today, we will hold a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for the dearly departed members of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.
Next Sunday, December 11th., for:
- Dorothy Nalesnik, for a 40 Day Service, requested by Gregory Nalesnic & Lorraine Gassior & Families
- John Sudol III, requested by the Fejko & Udina Families
May their memories be eternal!
The Nativity Fast continues. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Divine Liturgy will be held this Wednesday, December 7th @ 9:30 AM and the following Wednesdays.
The next Bible Study will take place on Thursday, December 8th @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome.
The Church School will again be doing the Christmas Gift Project for the Mental Health Offices. Craig Polk is looking to collect gift cards, or collect monetary donations towards gift cards. Please contact him by email at polk.craig@gmail.com if you wish to contribute towards this worthwhile project.
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, December 18th after Coffee Hour: Sunday School Yolka or Christmas Pagent
Saturday, February 4th: Annual Beefsteak Dinner
Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

23rd Sunday after Pentecost (9th of Luke)
Forefeast of the Entrance into the Temple
Ven. Gregory of Decapolis
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock & Linda Petrovitch.
Today has been designated by the Assembly of Canonical Bishops of the USA & Canada as International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Sunday. Please see attached letter written by the bishops. I want to thank the parish for its support of this important organization. We have hosted a Wine Tasting Event here & given to particular causes when asked by it to help. Almsgiving is an important element in the life of the Orthodox Church.
The Nativity Fast has begun. Please refer to your Liturgical Wall Calendars for details.
The Choir Director, Luis Camacho, encourages you to join in with the responses as much as you can.
We have returned to the traditional way of distributing communion, using a red cloth instead of paper napkins. Our parish was the last parish in our diocese to do away with two spoons for the distribution of Holy Communion. It has also been pointed out that no one in the whole archdiocese ever contracted Covid-19 during the pandemic by partaking of the holy gifts. As we say in the prayer right before being called up to receive these gifts: “For the healing of soul and body.”
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
There will be no Divine Liturgy this Wednesdays. It will be held on November 30th and the following Wednesdays.
The next Bible Study will take place on Thursday, December 8th @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome.
In regard to requests for Memorial Services, please contact Father Terence first & after that, Barbara Polk, to schedule. We are supposed to do these services any day except Sunday but because many work during the week & some families come from out of town, we do most of these services on Sunday after Divine Liturgy. They are kept short so that the congregation can stay to pray for the family before going to Coffee Hour. At this time, a Divine Liturgy service is being held on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM & some Memorial Services will be done at the end of that Liturgy.
Many thanks to Debbie Sancenito and her team, Ludmilla Di Ianni, June Fejko, Olivia Filip, Patricia Mazur, Barbara Polk, Elaine Svendsen and Dorothy Andrusko (a friend of the parish), who helped prepare last week's Soup & Sandwich fund raiser. On behalf of the of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, we extend our thanks and appreciation to our parishioners, their family & friends for participating and supporting this fund raiser. We are happy to announce the profit of $692.46 that is being donated to the ' Rectory Boiler Replacement Appeal.'
The Church School will again be doing the Christmas Gift Project for the Mental Health Offices. Craig Polk is looking to collect gift cards, or collect monetary donations towards gift cards. Please contact him by email at polk.craig@gmail.com if you wish to contribute towards this worthwhile project.
Dates to Remember:
Saturday, December 3rd: Pasta Buffet, from 5:00-7:00 PM, hosted by the Parish Council
Saturday, February 4th: Annual Beefsteak Dinner
Saturday/Sunday, February 11th & 12th: Archpastoral Visit by Archbishop Michael

22nd Sunday after Pentecost (8th of Luke)
St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock & Linda Petrovitch.
The Choir Director, Luis Camacho, encourages you to join in with the responses as much as you can.
We have returned to the traditional way of distributing communion, using a red cloth instead of paper napkins. Our parish was the last parish in our diocese to do away with two spoons for the distribution of Holy Communion. It has also been pointed out that no one in the whole archdiocese ever contracted Covid-19 during the pandemic by partaking of the holy gifts. As we say in the prayer right before being called up to receive these gifts: “For the healing of soul and body.”
The Nativity Fast begins this Tuesday, November 15th. Please refer to your Wall Liturgical Calendars for details.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Sally Telep, on the anniversary of her passing, requested by Joyce Telep & Family
- Robert Sudol, requested by Steve & Diane Abrams
- Deceased Veterans of the parish
Divine Liturgy is held in the church on Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM. All welcome.
The next Bible Study will take place on Thursday, December 8th @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome.
In regard to requests for Memorial Services, please contact Father Terence first & after that, Barbara Polk, to schedule. We are supposed to do these services any day except Sunday but because many work during the week & some families come from out of town, we do most of these services on Sunday after Divine Liturgy. They are kept short so that the congregation can stay to pray for the family before going to Coffee Hour. At this time, a Divine Liturgy service is being held on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM & some Memorial Services will be done at the end of that Liturgy.
Many thanks to Debbie Sancenito and her team, Ludmilla Di Ianni, June Fejko, Olivia Filip, Patricia Mazur, Barbara Polk, Elaine Svendsen and Dorothy Andrusko (a friend of the parish), who helped prepare last week's Soup & Sandwich fund raiser. On behalf of the of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, we extend our thanks and appreciation to our parishioners, their family & friends for participating and supporting this fund raiser. We are happy to announce the profit of $692.46 that is being donated to the ' Rectory Boiler Replacement Appeal.'
Dates to Remember:
Today, November 13th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
Saturday, November 19th: Open Mic, hosted by Michael Vitales. Please see flyer for details.
Saturday, December 3rd: Pasta Buffet, from 5:00-7:00 PM, hosted by the Parish Council

21st Sunday after Pentecost (7th of Luke)
St. Paul the Confessor, Archbishop of Constantinople
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, & Jacquie Shermock.
The Choir Director, Luis Camacho, encourages you to join in with the responses as much as you can.
We have returned to the traditional way of distributing communion, using a red cloth instead of paper napkins. Our parish was the last parish in our diocese to do away with two spoons for the distribution of Holy Communion. It has also been pointed out that no one in the whole archdiocese ever contracted Covid-19 during the pandemic by partaking of the holy gifts. As we say in the prayer right before being called up to receive these gifts: “For the healing of soul and body.”
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for Anna Holick, requested by Donna Betza.
Next week, for Robert Sudol, requested by Steve & Diane Abrams.
Divine Liturgy is held in the church on Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM. All welcome.
Bible Study takes place every second Thursday evenings @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. The next one will be November 10th. All welcome.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of family birthday celebrations during the month of November: Kayleigh Polk - Nov. 7th and Brad Polk - Nov. 23rd. Happy Birthday and Many blessed years!
Pirogies are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
In regard to requests for Memorial Services, please contact Father Terence first & after that, Barbara Polk, to schedule. We are supposed to do these services any day except Sunday but because many work during the week & some families come from out of town, we do most of these services on Sunday after Divine Liturgy. They are kept short so that the congregation can stay to pray for the family before going to Coffee Hour. At this time, a Divine Liturgy service is being held on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM & some Memorial Services will be done at the end of that Liturgy.
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, November 13th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
Saturday, November 19th: Open Mic, hosted by Michael Vitales. Please see flyer for details.
Saturday, December 3rd: Pasta Buffet, hosted by the Parish Council

20th Sunday after Pentecost (6th of Luke)
Hieromartyr Zenobius and his sister Zenobia, of Aegae in Cilicia
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, & Jacquie Shermock.
The Choir Director, Luis Camacho, encourages you to join in with the responses as much as you can. Reader Christopher Minarich will be singing the responses today.
We have returned to the traditional way of distributing communion, using a red cloth instead of paper napkins. Our parish was the last parish in our diocese to do away with two spoons for the distribution of Holy Communion. It has also been pointed out that no one in the whole archdiocese ever contracted Covid-19 during the pandemic by partaking of the holy gifts. As we say in the prayer right before being called up to receive these gifts: “For the healing of soul and body.”
Please remember in your prayers, Dorothy Nalesnic, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. Prayers for the Calling Hours will be today, Sunday 30th., at Shook Funeral Home in Clifton at 4:00 PM. The funeral will be at Holy Assumption Church at 10:30 AM.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Today, there will be a 40 Day Memorial Service for:
- Anna Holick, requested by Lovey Kopetz
- Robert John Sudol III, requested by Katherine Robinson
- Lorraine & Peter Spann, (not a 40 Day) requested by The Fejko & Udina Families
Next week, November 6th: for Anna Holick, requested by Donna Betza.
Divine Liturgy is held in the church on Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM. All welcome.
Coffee Hour is being sponsored today by Lovey Kopetz, in memory of her late sister, Anna Holick, who recently Fell Asleep in the Lord. Memory Eternal!
Bible Study takes place every second Thursday evenings @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. The next one will be November 10th. All welcome!
Pirogies are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
In regard to requests for Memorial Services, please contact Father Terence first & after that, Barbara Polk, to schedule. We are supposed to do these services any day except Sunday but because many work during the week & some families come from out of town, we do most of these services on Sunday after Divine Liturgy. They are kept short so that the congregation can stay to pray for the family before going to Coffee Hour. At this time, a Divine Liturgy service is being held on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM & some Memorial Services will be done at the end of that Liturgy.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, November 5th: Soup & Sandwich Dinner-to-go. Please see attached flyer for details.
- Sunday, November 6th @ 2:00 AM: Daylight Saving ends. An extra hour of sleep!
- Sunday, November 13th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, November 19th: Open Mic, hosted by Michael Vitales. Please see flyer for details.
- Saturday, December 3rd: Pasta Buffet, hosted by the Parish Council

19th Sunday after Pentecost (5th of Luke)
Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock & Dorothy Nalesnic.
The Choir Director, Luis Camacho, encourages you to join in with the responses as much as you can.
We have returned to the traditional way of distributing communion, using a red cloth instead of paper napkins. Our parish was the last parish in our diocese to do away with two spoons for the distribution of Holy Communion. It has also been pointed out that no one in the whole archdiocese ever contracted Covid-19 during the pandemic by partaking of the holy gifts. As we say in the prayer right before being called up to receive these gifts: “For the healing of soul and body.”
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Next week, October 30th., there will be a 40 Day Memorial Service for:
- Anna Holick, requested by Lovey Kopetz
- Robert John Sudol III, requested by Katherine Robinson
- Lorraine & Peter Spann, (not 40 Day) requested by The Fejko & Udina Families
Divine Liturgy is held in the church on Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM. All welcome.
Bible Study takes place on Thursday evenings @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome
Pirogies are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
The profit from last week’s Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-to-go fundraiser was $967.09! The Sisterhood of St. Barbara would like to thank all those who prepared the dinners (3 days of cooking!) as well as to everyone who supported it.
In regard to requests for Memorial Services, please contact Father Terence first & after that, Barbara Polk, to schedule. We are supposed to do these services any day except Sunday but because many work during the week & some families come from out of town, we do most of these services on Sunday after Divine Liturgy. They are kept short so that the congregation can stay to pray for the family before going to Coffee Hour. At this time, a Divine Liturgy service is being held on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM & some Memorial Services will be done at the end of that Liturgy.
Dates to Remember:
Saturday, November 5th: Soup & Sandwich Dinner-to-go. Please see attached flyer for details.
Sunday, November 19th: Parish Council meeting after Coffee Hour
Saturday, November 19th: Open Mic, hosted by Michael Vitales. Please see flyer for details.
Saturday, December 3rd: Pasta Buffet, hosted by the Parish Council

18th Sunday after Pentecost (4th of Luke)
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock & Dorothy Nalesnic.
From this Sunday onwards, we will return to the traditional way of distributing communion, using a red cloth instead of paper napkins.
At the end of Divine Liturgy, we will bless the icon of St. Nicholas, donated by the Telep Family, in memory of Nicholas & Sally Telep, who have Fallen Asleep in the Lord. It will be placed on the back wall of the church on the right hand side as you enter it.
Welcome to our visitors. Please feel free to join us downstairs after the service for coffee & for fellowship.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Judith Telep, for her 40th. Day since passing away, requested by the Telep Family
- Peter & Mary Kumka, requested by Patricia Torkos
- Warren Beck for his 40th. Day, requested by Elaine Svenson
Next Sunday, for Anna Holick, requested by Donna Betza.
Divine Liturgy is held in the church on Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM. All welcome.
Bible Study takes place on Thursday evenings @ 6:00 PM in the conference room. All welcome.
Pirogies are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
The profit from last week’s Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-to-go fundraiser was $967.09! The Sisterhood of St. Barbara would like to thank all those who prepared the dinners as well as to everyone who supported it.
The Parish Beefsteak Dinner scheduled for October 22nd has been POSTPONED. It is being rescheduled for Saturday, February 4th 2023. More information will be provided when details are figured out.

17th Sunday after Pentecost (3rd of Luke)
Glorification of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Enlightener of North America
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Mark Sancenito, for his 14th Anniversary, requested by Deborah Sancenito
- Jennie Ablahani, requested by Matushka Barbara, for her 20th. Anniversary
- Olga Grib, in honor of her birthday, October 5th requested by her loving daughters: Karen, Kathy & Kris
Next Sunday, October 16th., for Peter & Helen Kumka, requested by Patricia Torkas.
We are happy to announce that Divine Liturgy will be offered in the church every Wednesday @ 9:30 AM. Michael Vitales will sing the responses. Bible Study will take place on Thursday evenings @ 6:00 PM.
Many thanks to Deborah Sancenito & her team, June Fejko, Barbara Polk, Elaine Svendsen, Maria Tlatelpa & Marilyn Wong, who helped prepare for yesterday’s Stuffed Cabbage fund raiser, without whom, it would not have been possible. On behalf of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, we extend our thank you and appreciation to our parishioners, their families & friends for participating and supporting this fund raiser. As soon as the figures are calculated, the profit will be announced.
Pirogies are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
The Parish Beefsteak Dinner scheduled for October 22nd., has been POSTPONED. It is being rescheduled for Saturday, February 4th., 2023. More information will be provided when details are figured out.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, October 9th., after Coffee Hour, Parish Council meeting

16th Sunday after Pentecost (2nd of Luke)
Hieromartyr Cyprian, Virgin-Martyr Justina,
and Martyr Theoctist, of Nicomedia
Church Musician Sunday
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
We are happy to announce that Divine Liturgy will be offered in the church every Wednesday @ 9:30 AM. Michael Vitales will sing the responses. Bible Study will take place on Thursday evenings @ 6:00 PM.
Next Sunday, there will be a Memorial Service for Olga Grib, in honor of her birthday, October 5th requested by her loving daughters: Karen, Kathy & Kris
Thank you to Craig Polk everyone who helped setup & cleanup for our Annual Parish Picnic & Barbeque last Sunday, as well as all those who attended. Everyone had a very enjoyable time!
On behalf of the church school, as a parent, and a parishioner of the church I wanted to thank all of the people that donated their time talent, and treasure for a successful annual picnic. It was a great event and it would have not been possible without your monetary, food, and donations of skill in preparing dishes as well as set up and clean up. Thank you to Father Terence for his support, and singing ability, as well as the church council for their continued support. We look forward to having a great church school year and are excited as we start our winter projects and school activities.
Best regards in Christ,
Craig Polk
Church School Coordinator
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, October 8th: Stuffed Cabbage Dinner. Please see attached flyer for details
- Sunday, October 2nd., after Coffee Hour, Parish Council meeting
- Saturday, October 22nd: Holy Assumption of Clifton’s Beefsteak Dinner. Please contact Barbara Polk for details

15th Sunday after Pentecost (1st of Luke)
Repose of Ven. Sergius,
Abbot and Wonderworker of Rádonezh and All Russia
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
Please remember in your prayers, Anna Holick, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. Her funeral will be at Holy Assumption Church, tomorrow, Monday, September 26th., @ 10:00 AM. Please check Shook Funeral Home’s website for more details.
We are happy to announce that Divine Liturgy will be offered in the church every Wednesday @ 9:30 AM. Michael Vitales will sing the responses. Bible Study will take place on Thursday evenings @ 7:00 PM.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Thank you to those who help man the Holy Assumption tent last Sunday. Members of the public donated $123.00 towards the parish but more importantly, they noted our presence amoung the Clifton community.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, September 25th after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
- Sunday, October 2nd., after Coffee Hour, Parish Council meeting
- Saturday, October 8th: Stuffed Cabbage Dinner. Please see attached flyer for details
- Saturday, October 22nd: Holy Assumption of Clifton’s Beefsteak Dinner. Please contact Barbara Polk for details
Our Annual Parish Picnic will be held at Holy Assumption Church beginning at Noon, on Sunday, September 25, 2022, in the back yard of the church or, if it rains, in the parish hall. A sign-up sheet is available in the hall if you would please consider donating food (a favorite covered dish), beverages, dessert, paper products or misc supplies, etc. Monetary donations are also very much welcomed. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Craig Polk, email at: polk.craig@gmail.com or during coffee hour. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

14th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross
St. Eumenes, Bishop of Gortyna
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock.
A Special Collection will be taken up immediately after the regular collection for the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Project that His Eminence, Archbishop Michael has asked all parishes of the diocese to support. See attached letter for details.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
Thank you to everyone who helped make the visit of the Icon of St. Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery such a blessed & enjoyable occasion.
Thank you also to those who have helped to set up our parish table for the Clifton Street Fair. Specifically to Joseph Koribanics, for obtaining and sponsoring a site & table for our Church. Help is always welcomed at the site. Please see Gregory Focarino if you would like to. We usually remain until mid afternoon.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, September 18th:
- The final collection for St. Tikhon’s during the Divine Liturgy
- Commencement of Church School for students during Coffee Hour
- The Van Houten Street Fair
- Sunday, September 25th after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
- Oct. 8th - Stuffed Cabbage Dinner. Please contact Debbie Sancenito for details
- Saturday, October 22nd: Holy Assumption of Clifton’s Beefsteak Dinner. Please contact Barbara Polk for details
Our Annual Parish Picnic will be held at Holy Assumption Church beginning at Noon, on Sunday, September 25, 2022, in the back yard of the church or, if it rains, in the parish hall. A sign-up sheet is available in the hall if you would please consider donating food (a favorite covered dish), beverages, dessert, paper products or misc supplies, etc. Monetary donations are also very much welcomed. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Craig Polk, email at: polk.craig@gmail.com or during coffee hour. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross
Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos
Ven. Theodora of Alexandria
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock Anna Hollick.
A Special Collection will be taken up immediately after the regular collection for the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Project that His Eminence, Archbishop Michael has asked all parishes of the diocese to support. See attached letter for details.
A Memorial Service will be held at the end of Divine Liturgy for:
- Katherine & John Zubal, requested by The Fejko & Udina Families
- For the victims of the September 11th. attacks in 2001 (21Anniversary). Memory Eternal!
Please pray for: Metropolitan Herman of Blessed Memory & Judith Telep who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. Also, for Metropolitan Kallistos Ware who Fell Asleep in the Lord on August 24th.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
The parish is seeking your help for baked or bought items for refreshments for the September 11th. Icon of St. Anna event at our church. Any donations will be gratefully accepted. Please see Donna Betza or Barbara Polk during Coffee Hour.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, September 11th:
- the second of the 3 special collections during the Divine Liturgy for St. Tikhon’s building program See letter at the end of the bulletin for details.
- the Icon of St. Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery: @ 4:00 PM. Donations such as cakes & desserts for the refreshments downstairs afterwards would be gratefully received
- Wednesday, September 14th. @ 9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Exaltation of the Cross
- Saturday, September 17th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM: Fish & Chips Dinner
- Sunday, September 18th:
- The final collection for St. Tikhon’s during the Divine Liturgy
- Commencement of Church School for students during Coffee Hour
- The Van Houten Street Fair
- Sunday, September 25th after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
- Saturday, October 22nd: Holy Assumption of Clifton’s Beefsteak Dinner

12th Sunday after Pentecost
Hieromartyr Babylas, Bishop of Antioch
Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Jacquie Shermock.
A Special Collection will be taken up immediately after the regular collection for the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Project that His Eminence, Archbishop Michael has asked all parishes of the diocese to support. See attached letter for details.
A Memorial Service will be held at the end of Divine Liturgy for:
- John Peter Koribanics for his 55th Anniversary in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family
- Warren Beck,recently passed, requested by Elaine Svendsen
- 40 Day Service for Joseph Strus, requested by Donna Betza
Next Sunday, September 11th. For:
Katherine & John Zubal, requested by The Fejko & Udina Families
For the victims of the September 11th. attacks in 2001 (21Anniversary). Memory Eternal!
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
The parish is seeking your help for baked or bought items for refreshments for the September 11th. Icon of St. Anna event at our church. Any donations will be gratefully accepted. Please see Donna Betza or Barbara Polk during Coffee Hour.
On behalf of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, Deborah Sancenito and Marilyn Wong would very much like to plan for a St. Nicholas & St. Barbara a Take-Out Fish Dinner on December 3, 2022. Before moving forward with thoughts on planning this event, however, we appeal to you, our parishioners-women and men, if you could please consider to give some of your time and talents [out of your already busy lives] to help with tasks, prior, during or after, for this fund raiser to be successful for our parish. Information on tasks to be performed will be posted in the future. Although the date seems to be far-off, time quickly goes by with much to plan for and without your 'helping hands' it is not likely this event will happen. We greatly appreciate it if you would like to help, please contact Barbara Polk during coffee hour or email at: polk_barbara@yahoo.com or, call/text 973-452-1233. Thank you very much for your consideration. Your kindness, generosity and support are always appreciated. Please note that this fundraiser is different from the Fish & Chips event shown in the flyer at the end of the bulletin.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, September 4th: the first of 3 special collections during the Divine Liturgy to be taken for the St. Tikhon’s monastery building program, requested by Archbishop Michael. See letter at the end of the bulletin for details.
- Sunday, September 11th:
- the second of the 3 special collections during the Divine Liturgy for St. Tikhon’s building program
- the Icon of St. Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery: @ 4:00 PM. Donations such as cakes & desserts for the refreshments downstairs afterwards would be gratefully received
- Wednesday, September 14th: the Exaltation of the Cross; time for Liturgy to be determined
- Saturday, September 17th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM: Fish & Chips Dinner
- Sunday, September 18th:
- The final collection for St. Tikhon’s during the Divine Liturgy
- Commencement of Church School for students during Coffee Hour
- The Van Houten Street Fair
- Sunday, September 25th after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
- Saturday, October 22nd: Holy Assumption of Clifton’s Beefsteak Dinner

11th Sunday after Pentecost
Venerable Moses the Ethiopian
Uncovering of the Relics of Ven. Job,
Abbot and Wonderworker of Pochaev
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury. Anastasia St. Peter, & Jacquie Shermock.
Congratulations to Arleen Espaillat, who is being Chrismated at the time of the Creed during the Divine Liturgy. Her Sponsors will be Steve & Diane Abrams. Arleen will also receive her First Communion & will be escorted by her Sponsors to receive Holy Communion first.
A 40 Day Memorial Service will be held at the end of Divine Liturgy for
- Michael Pruzinsky, Jr. & Gregory C. Betza, requested by The Pruzinsky Family
- Anna & George Ward,requested by The Fejko & Udina Families
Next Sunday, September 4th, for Joseph Strus, requested by Donna Betza
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
This evening and tomorrow, in commemoration of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, is a fasting day. Please refer to your Church Wall Calendars for details.
The parish is seeking your help for baked or bought items for refreshments for the September 11th. Icon of St. Anna event at our church. Any donations will be gratefully accepted. Please see Donna Betza or Barbara Polk during Coffee Hour.
The Spring/Summer edition of Jacob’s Well has been sent to our parish. Copies of it can be found in the church vestibule & the hall.
On behalf of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, Deborah Sancenito and Marilyn Wong would very much like to plan for a St. Nicholas & St. Barbara a Take-Out Fish Dinner on December 3, 2022. Before moving forward with thoughts on planning this event, however, we appeal to you, our parishioners-women and men, if you could please consider to give some of your time and talents [out of your already busy lives] to help with tasks, prior, during or after, for this fund raiser to be successful for our parish. Information on tasks to be performed will be posted in the future. Although the date seems to be far-off, time quickly goes by with much to plan for and without your 'helping hands' it is not likely this event will happen. We greatly appreciate it if you would like to help, please contact Barbara Polk during coffee hour or email at: polk_barbara@yahoo.com or, call/text 973-452-1233. Thank you very much for your consideration. Your kindness, generosity and support are always appreciated. Please note that this fundraiser is different from the Fish & Chips event shown in the flyer at the end of the bulletin.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, August 28th: Chrismation of convert Arleen Espaillat
- Tomorrow, August 29th: Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Deacon John Holeduek at Holy Apostles’ Church @ 9:30 AM, in Saddlebrook, NJ by His Eminence Archbishop Michael
- Sunday, September 4th: the first of 3 special collections during the Divine Liturgy to be taken for the St. Tikhon’s monastery building program, requested by Archbishop Michael. See letter at the end of the bulletin for details.
- Sunday, September 11th:
- the second of the 3 special collections during the Divine Liturgy for St. Tikhon’s building program
- the Icon of St. Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery: @ 4:00 PM. Donations such as cakes & desserts for the refreshments downstairs afterwards would be gratefully received
- Wednesday, September 14th: the Exaltation of the Cross; time for Liturgy to be determined
- Saturday, September 17th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM: Fish & Chips Dinner
- Sunday, September 18th:
- The final collection for St. Tikhon’s during the Divine Liturgy
- Commencement of Church School for students during Coffee Hour
- The Van Houten Street Fair
- Sunday, September 25th after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
- Saturday, October 22nd: Holy Assumption of Clifton’s Beefsteak Dinner

10th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Dormition
Apostle Thaddaeus of the Seventy
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury & Anastasia St. Peter.
A 40 Day Memorial Service will be held today for Randi Howard, recently departed, requested by Elaine Svendsen.
Next Sunday, August 28th for:
- Michael Pruzinsky, Jr., requested by The Pruzinsky Family
- Anna & George Ward,requested by The Fejko & Udina Families
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you.
The Spring/Summer edition of Jacob’s Well has been sent to our parish. Copies of it can be found in the church vestibule & the hall.
On behalf of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, Deborah Sancenito and Marilyn Wong would very much like to plan for a St. Nicholas & St. Barbara a Take-Out Fish Dinner on December 3, 2022. Before moving forward with thoughts on planning this event, however, we appeal to you, our parishioners-women and men, if you could please consider to give some of your time and talents [out of your already busy lives] to help with tasks, prior, during or after, for this fund raiser to be successful for our parish. Information on tasks to be performed will be posted in the future. Although the date seems to be far-off, time quickly goes by with much to plan for and without your 'helping hands' it is not likely this event will happen. We greatly appreciate it if you would like to help, please contact Barbara Polk during coffee hour or email at: polk_barbara@yahoo.com or, call/text 973-452-1233. Thank you very much for your consideration. Your kindness, generosity and support are always appreciated. Please note that this fundraiser is different from the Fish & Chips event shown in the flyer at the end of the bulletin.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, August 28th: Chrismation of convert Arleen Espaillat. Steve & Diane Abrams will be her sponsors
- Saturday, September 3rd: hall is being rented out in the evening
- Sunday, September 4th: the first of 3 special collections during the Divine Liturgy to be taken for the St. Tikhon’s monastery building program, requested by Archbishop Michael. See letter at the end of the bulletin for details.
- Sunday, September 11th:
- the second of the 3 special collections during the Divine Liturgy for St. Tikhon’s building program
- the Icon of St. Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery: @ 4:00 PM. Donations such as cakes & desserts for the refreshments downstairs afterwards would be gratefully received
- Wednesday, September 14th: the Exaltation of the Cross; time for Liturgy to be determined
- Saturday, September 17th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM: Fish & Chips Dinner
- Sunday, September 18th:
- The final collection for St. Tikhon’s during the Divine Liturgy
- Commencement of Church School for students during Coffee Hour
- The Van Houten Street Fair
- Sunday, September 25th after Coffee Hour: Annual Parish Picnic
- Saturday, October 1st: Beefsteak Dinner being held by Holy Apostles’ Church of Saddlebrook at our hall
- Saturday, October 22nd: Holy Assumption of Clifton’s Beefsteak Dinner

8th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Transfiguration
Martyr Dometius of Persia
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Peter Pruzinsky & Randy Howard.
The Dormition Fast has begun. Please refer to your parish wall calendars for details of what to refrain from for this fast.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for Josephine Billy for her 4th Year Anniversary in repose, requested by daughter Elaine Svendsen - Memory Eternal!
Today's bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk Family in honor and to celebrate family events during the month of August: Danielle Polk - birthday 8/5; John & Barbara Polk - anniversary 8/7; John & Heather - anniversary 8/11; and Cecelia Polk - birthday 8/29. Congratulations! Many blessed years!
The Spring/Summer edition of Jacob’s Well has been sent to our parish. Copies of it can be found in the church vestibule & the hall.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.

3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Martyr Hyacinth of Caesarea
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Peter Pruzinsky & Randy Howard.
There will be no Great Vespers Services during the month of July but there will be Divine Liturgy each Sunday at 9:00 AM. The Liturgies will not be streamed, however.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for Mary Slyvinsky, requested by Susan Mercado & Family.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family, in honor and to celebrate family events during the month of July: Birthdays: Craig Polk -7/1, Alexandra Polk-7/6, Barbara Polk-7/16; Anniversary: Craig & Laura Polk-7/28. Congratulations! Many blessed years!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Hello Sisterhood of St. Barbara Members and all parishioners:
We held our Sisterhood meeting on Sunday, 5/22/2022 and wanted to update you as to the current leadership situation.
Time flies and the members in the leadership positions have ended their terms but the current people have politely continued in their roles to keep the Sisterhood active and engaged with the church.
But the time has come now where new leadership must be accepted as outlined in our bylaws that we follow.
Every female member of the church is automatically a member of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.
Some are more active and participating than others but this then gives everyone the opportunity and chance to participate now and in the future as all are welcomed.
Following are the leadership positions that need to be filled for a 2 year term:
Vice President
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is a strong organization that has been built over many years by previous members and leaders and continues to thrive. We follow in their footsteps as the organization takes it to another level of support to the Church.
We are asking all female congregates to consider accepting a position of leadership that you choose as you will find it very fulfilling as others before have found as well.
All are here to support the new leadership and welcome you to ask for our advice and direction in your new role.
We thank you ahead for your time and consideration in directing this organization in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell # (973-333-1015) if you have any questions. Thank you.
In Christ,
Sharon Koribanics
President – Sisterhood of St. Barbara

2nd Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints of America
At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 35)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Peter Pruzinsky & Randy Howard.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Elija Espaillat will receive his First Communion this morning. Please allow him & his sponsor, Barbara Polk, to come up first.
Synaxis of the Saints of North America
Commemorated on June 26
On the second Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church in America remembers the saints of North America on this day.
Saints of all times, and in every country are seen as the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem fallen humanity. Their example encourages us to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us” and to “run with patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). The saints of North America also teach us how we should live, and what we must expect to endure as Christians
Although it is a relatively young church, the Orthodox Church in America has produced saints in nearly all of the six major categories of saints: Apostles (and Equals of the Apostles); Martyrs (and Confessors); Prophets; Hierarchs; Monastic Saints; and the Righteous. Prophets, of course, lived in Old Testament times and predicted the coming of Christ.
The first Divine Liturgy in what is now American territory (northern latitude 58 degrees, 14 minutes, western longitude 141 degrees) was celebrated on July 20, 1741, the Feast of the Prophet Elias, aboard the ship Peter under the command of Vitus Bering. Hieromonk Hilarion Trusov and the priest Ignatius Kozirevsky served together on that occasion. Several years later, the Russian merchant Gregory I. Shelikov visited Valaam monastery, suggesting to the abbot that it would be desirable to send missionaries to Russian America.
On September 24, 1794, after a journey of 7,327 miles (the longest missionary journey in Orthodox history) and 293 days, a group of monks from Valaam arrived on Kodiak Island in Alaska. The mission was headed by Archimandrite Joasaph, and included Hieromonks Juvenal, Macarius, and Athanasius, the Hierodeacons Nectarius and Stephen, and the monks Herman and Joasaph. Saint Herman of Alaska (December 13, August 9), the last surviving member of the mission, fell asleep in the Lord in 1837.
Throughout the Church’s history, the seeds of faith have always been watered by the blood of the martyrs. The Protomartyr Juvenal was killed near Lake Iliamna by natives in 1799, thus becoming the first Orthodox Christian to shed his blood for Christ in the New World. In 1816, Saint Peter the Aleut was put to death by Spanish missionaries in California when he refused to convert to Roman Catholicism.
Missionary efforts continued in the nineteenth century, with outreach to the native peoples of Alaska. Two of the most prominent laborers in Christ’s Vineyard were Saint Innocent Veniaminov (March 31 and October 6) and Saint Jacob Netsvetov (July 26), who translated Orthodox services and books into the native languages. Father Jacob Netsvetev died in Sitka in 1864 after a life of devoted service to the Church. Father John Veniaminov, after his wife’s death, received monastic tonsure with the name Innocent. He died in 1879 as the Metropolitan of Moscow.
As the nineteenth century was drawing to a close, an event of enormous significance for the North American Church took place. On March 25, 1891, Bishop Vladimir went to Minneapolis to receive Saint Alexis Toth (May 7) and 361 of his parishioners into the Orthodox Church. This was the beginning of the return of many Uniates to Orthodoxy.
Saint Tikhon (Bellavin), the future Patriarch of Moscow (April 7, October 9), came to America as bishop of the diocese of the Aleutians and Alaska in September 1898. As the only Orthodox bishop on the continent, Saint Tikhon traveled extensively throughout North America in order to minister to his widely scattered and diverse flock. He realized that the local church here could not be a permanent extension of the Russian Church. Therefore, he focused his efforts on giving the American Church a diocesan and parish structure which would help it mature and grow.
Saint Tikhon returned to Russia in 1907, and was elected as Patriarch of Moscow ten years later. He died in 1925, and for many years his exact burial place remained unknown. Saint Tikhon’s grave was discovered on February 22, 1992 in the smaller cathedral of Our Lady of the Don in the Don Monastery when a fire made renovation of the church necessary.
Saint Raphael of Brooklyn (February 27) was the first Orthodox bishop to be consecrated in North America. Archimandrite Raphael Hawaweeny was consecrated by Bishop Tikhon and Bishop Innocent (Pustynsky) at Saint Nicholas Cathedral in New York on March 13, 1904. As Bishop of Brooklyn, Saint Raphael was a trusted and capable assistant to Saint Tikhon in his archpastoral ministry. Saint Raphael reposed on February 27, 1915.
The first All American Council took place March 5-7, 1907 at Mayfield, PA, and the main topic was “How to expand the mission.” Guidelines and directions for missionary activity, and statutes for the administrative structure of parishes were also set forth.
In the twentieth century, in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, countless men, women, and children received the crown of martyrdom rather than renounce Christ. Saints John Kochurov (October 31) and Alexander Hotovitzky (December 4 and August 7) both served the Church in North America before going back to Russia. Saint John became the first clergyman to be martyred in Russia on October 31, 1917 in Saint Petersburg. Saint Alexander Hotovitzky, who served in America until 1914, was killed in 1937.
In addition to the saints listed above, we also honor those saints who are known only to God, and have not been recognized officially by the Church. As we contemplate the lives of these saints, let us remember that we are also called by God to a life of holiness.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
The Parish Council will be sworn in at the end of Divine Liturgy. We thank them for their dedication and service to the parish.
There will be a 40 Day Memorial Service today for Marilyn Ortmann, requested by her daughters & Son-in-law, Erica Ortmann & Vanessa & Michael Sabbagh.
We continue the fast of Sts. Peter & Paul until June 29th. Please check your church wall calendars for details.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, June 26th at the end of Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of the Parish Council
- Sunday, June 26th @ 6:00 PM: Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors at Holy Trinity Church, Randolph, NJ. Please see Bulletin Board or the Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.
- Tuesday, June 28th. @ :
- 6:00 PM Vespers for Sts. Peter & Paul
- 7:00 PM: Parish Council meeting in the Conference Room
- Wednesday, June 29th @ 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for Sts. Peter & Paul
- Sunday, July 3rd.—Friday, July 8th: Family Week for St. Andrew’s Diocesan Camp. Please see Bulletin Board & Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.

1st Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter, Peter Pruzinsky & Randy Howard.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Please remember in your prayers, Mary Ellen Slivinsky, who Fell Asleep in the Lord on June 10th., 2022.
We are very happy to announce that three children were baptized yesterday. They & their Godparents were:
- Elijah Espaillat. Godparents: Barbara & Craig Polk
- Mary (Mya) Russo. Godparents: Gregory & Vera Focarino
- Matthew Russo. Godparents: Kevin Shermock & June Fejko
They will receive their First Communions today with their Godparents. Please allow them to receive first. They are the children of Matthew & Arleen Russo. Congratulations & many blessed years!
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
We begin the fast of Sts. Peter & Paul tomorrow. Please check your wall calendars for details.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
We are happy to announce that a new fence has replaced the former one on the eastern side of the parish parking lot. The fence was paid for by the next door neighbors. Thank you to those members of Parish Council who coordinated with them to enable the work to be done.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, June 19th during Divine Liturgy: First Communion of Elijah, (Mary) Mya & Matthew Russo.
- Sunday, June 26th at the end of Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of the Parish Council
- Sunday, June 26th @ 6:00 PM: Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors at Holy Trinity Church, Randolph, NJ. Please see Bulletin Board or the Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.
- Tuesday, June 28th. @ :
- 6:00 PM Vespers for Sts. Peter & Paul
- 7:00 PM: Parish Council meeting in the Conference Room
- Wednesday, June 29th @ 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for Sts. Peter & Paul
- Sunday, July 3rd.—Friday, July 8th: Family Week for St. Andrew’s Diocesan Camp. Please see Bulletin Board & Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.
Hello Sisterhood of St. Barbara Members and all parishioners:
We held our Sisterhood meeting on Sunday, 5/22/2022 and wanted to update you as to the current leadership situation.
Time flies and the members in the leadership positions have ended their terms but the current people have politely continued in their roles to keep the Sisterhood active and engaged with the church.
But the time has come now where new leadership must be accepted as outlined in our bylaws that we follow.
Every female member of the church is automatically a member of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.
Some are more active and participating than others but this then gives everyone the opportunity and chance to participate now and in the future as all are welcomed.
Following are the leadership positions that need to be filled for a 2 year term:
Vice President
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is a strong organization that has been built over many years by previous members and leaders and continues to thrive. We follow in their footsteps as the organization takes it to another level of support to the Church.
We are asking all female congregates to consider accepting a position of leadership that you choose as you will find it very fulfilling as others before have found as well.
All are here to support the new leadership and welcome you to ask for our advice and direction in your new role.
We thank you ahead for your time and consideration in directing this organization in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell # (973-333-1015) if you have any questions. Thank you.
In Christ,
Sharon Koribanics
President – Sisterhood of St. Barbara

8th Sunday of Pascha
Holy Pentecost – Feast of the Holy Trinity
At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 35)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy continue to be live-streamed.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Thank you to those Parish Council members who set up & attended the recent Diocesan Parish Council Conference that we hosted. They were: Gregory Focarino, Donna Betza & Barbara Polk. Thank you also to Ludmilla Di Lanni & Joyce Telep who help with the food.
Pirogis are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
We are very happy to announce that three children will be baptized this Saturday, June 18th. They & their Godparents are:
- Elijah Espaillat. Godparents: Barbara & Craig Polk
- Mary (Mya) Russo. Godparents: Gregory & Vera Focarino
- Matthew Russo. Godparents: Kevin Shermock & June Fejko
There will be a rehearsal on Friday Evening @ 7:00 PM. Please speak to Father Terence if this time is not suitable.
Thank you to Anthony Ersalesi and Donna Betza for the research and procurement, and oversight of the installation, inspection, and certification of our new fire alarm system. They both spent many hours communicating with city officials and the vendor, and coming to the church numerous times to allow access. Special thanks to Joseph Koribanics for your efforts to ensure the necessary inspectors were responsive to our time constraints, as not to impair our tenant’s ability to utilize the space. More importantly, all your efforts will mitigate catastrophic fire damage to our beloved Church, and most importantly, they will help to keep its occupants safer. May God bless you and grant you many years!
Hello Sisterhood of St. Barbara Members and all parishioners:
We held our Sisterhood meeting on Sunday, 5/22/2022 and wanted to update you as to the current leadership situation. Time flies and the members in the leadership positions have ended their terms but the current people have politely continued in their roles to keep the Sisterhood active and engaged with the church. But the time has come now where new leadership must be accepted as outlined in our bylaws that we follow.
Every female member of the church is automatically a member of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.
Some are more active and participating than others but this then gives everyone the opportunity and chance to participate now and in the future as all are welcomed.
Following are the leadership positions that need to be filled for a 2 year term:
Vice President
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is a strong organization that has been built over many years by previous members and leaders and continues to thrive. We follow in their footsteps as the organization takes it to another level of support to the Church.
We are asking all female congregates to consider accepting a position of leadership that you choose as you will find it very fulfilling as others before have found as well. All are here to support the new leadership and welcome you to ask for our advice and direction in your new role.
We thank you ahead for your time and consideration in directing this organization in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell # (973-333-1015) if you have any questions. Thank you.
In Christ,
Sharon Koribanics
President – Sisterhood of St. Barbara
Dates to Remember:
- Wednesday, June 15th @ 7:00 PM: Bible Study
- Saturday, June 18th @ 10:30 AM: Baptism of Elijah (11), Mya (5) & Matthew (4) Russo in Church
- Sunday, June 19th during Divine Liturgy: First Communion of Elijah, Mya & Matthew Russo
- Sunday, June 19th after Divine Liturgy: recognition of church school students & teachers
- Sunday, June 26th at the end of Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of the Parish Council
- Sunday, June 26th @ 6:00 PM: Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors at Holy Trinity Church, Randolph, NJ. Please see Bulletin Board or the Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.
- Tuesday, June 28th @ 6:30 PM: Parish Council meeting in the Conference Room
- Sunday, July 3rd.—Friday, July 8th: Family Week for St. Andrew’s Diocesan Camp. Please see Bulletin Board & Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.

7th Sunday of Pascha
Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
Afterfeast of the Ascension
At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 35)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy.Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sister Cecila (New Skete; Covid) Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy.
Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Statement on the tragic school shooting in Texas
Metropolitan Tikhon. Wednesday, May 25th., 2022
Yesterday, we witnessed, once again, another instance of terrible and absurd evil perpetrated against the most vulnerable of God’s beloved people: our children. We are filled with sadness and grief at the death of the many children, teachers, as well as those wounded in this tragic shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
I exhort all the monastics, clergy, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America to keep all those affected by this horrible event in their fervent prayers invoking our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ to grant comfort and peace to the afflicted families. It is in these especially tragic moments that we see more clearly why our Savior comes to us as the suffering servant, “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3). Our Lord suffers with us so that He can also give us comfort and hope.
Although the young man who committed this atrocious act seems to have acted alone, we must acknowledge that any manifestation of violence is also a product of a world which all too often cherishes violence in its many forms. As Christians, we must always oppose any and all forms of violence giving instead that example that our Lord Himself gives us; one of meekness, gentleness, self-sacrifice, love, and patience.
There is no more heart-wrenching occasion than for a parent to lose one’s child. I pray that our merciful Lord gives strength and hope to those parents who are now facing their darkest hour. May all who are grieving look towards the great day of the Lord when Christ will “wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away” (Rev 21:4).
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Thank you to those Parish Council members who set up for yesterday’s Diocesan Parish Council Conference that we hosted. Thank you also to those who attended.
Pirogues are back on sale! Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, June 18th 10:30 AM: Baptism of Elijah (11), Mya (5) & Matthew (4) Russo in Church
- Sunday, June 19th during Divine Liturgy: First Communion of Elijah, Mya & Matthew Russo.
- Sunday, June 26th at the end of Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of the Parish Council
- Tuesday, June 28th @ 6:30 PM: Parish Council meeting in the Conference Room
- Sunday, July 3rd.—Friday, July 8th: Family Week for St. Andrew’s Diocesan Camp. Please see Bulletin Board & Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.
- Sunday, June 26th @ 6:00 PM: Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors at Holy Trinity Church, Randolph, NJ. Please see Bulletin Board or the Diocesan Website (nynjoca.org) for details.
Hello Sisterhood of St. Barbara Members and all parishioners:
We held our Sisterhood meeting on Sunday, 5/22/2022 and wanted to update you as to the current leadership situation.
Time flies and the members in the leadership positions have ended their terms but the current people have politely continued in their roles to keep the Sisterhood active and engaged with the church.
But the time has come now where new leadership must be accepted as outlined in our bylaws that we follow.
Every female member of the church is automatically a member of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara.
Some are more active and participating than others but this then gives everyone the opportunity and chance to participate now and in the future as all are welcomed.
Following are the leadership positions that need to be filled for a 2 year term:
Vice President
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is a strong organization that has been built over many years by previous members and leaders and continues to thrive. We follow in their footsteps as the organization takes it to another level of support to the Church.
We are asking all female congregates to consider accepting a position of leadership that you choose as you will find it very fulfilling as others before have found as well.
All are here to support the new leadership and welcome you to ask for our advice and direction in your new role.
We thank you ahead for your time and consideration in directing this organization in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell # (973-333-1015) if you have any questions. Thank you.
In Christ,
Sharon Koribanics
President – Sisterhood of St. Barbara

6th Sunday after Pascha
Blind Man
At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 35)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sister Cecila (New Skete; Covid) Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Statement on the tragic school shooting in Texas
Metropolitan Tikhon. Wednesday, May 25th., 2022
Yesterday, we witnessed, once again, another instance of terrible and absurd evil perpetrated against the most vulnerable of God’s beloved people: our children. We are filled with sadness and grief at the death of the many children, teachers, as well as those wounded in this tragic shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
I exhort all the monastics, clergy, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America to keep all those affected by this horrible event in their fervent prayers invoking our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ to grant comfort and peace to the afflicted families. It is in these especially tragic moments that we see more clearly why our Savior comes to us as the suffering servant, “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3). Our Lord suffers with us so that He can also give us comfort and hope.
Although the young man who committed this atrocious act seems to have acted alone, we must acknowledge that any manifestation of violence is also a product of a world which all too often cherishes violence in its many forms. As Christians, we must always oppose any and all forms of violence giving instead that example that our Lord Himself gives us; one of meekness, gentleness, self-sacrifice, love, and patience.
There is no more heart-wrenching occasion than for a parent to lose one’s child. I pray that our merciful Lord gives strength and hope to those parents who are now facing their darkest hour. May all who are grieving look towards the great day of the Lord when Christ will “wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away” (Rev 21:4).
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice by losing their lives when serving in the U.S. military. Memory Eternal! See attached plaque. Thank you to John Opuda & those who helped him compile their names.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, May 22nd: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara Meeting will be held in the Conference Room after Coffee Hour.
- Wednesday, June 1st @ 6:00 PM: Great Vespers for the Ascension. Bible Study to follow
- Thursday, June 2nd @ 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Ascension
- Saturday, June 4th: Diocesan Parish Council Conference hosted by Holy Assumption parish. Please see flyer on Bulletin Board for details.

5th Sunday of Pascha
Samaritan Woman
At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 35)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Metropolitan Tikhon (Covid), Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for: Gregory Betza, requested by Lori Udina & Family.
Next Sunday, May 29th in Memory of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice by losing their lives when serving in the U.S. military. Memory Eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of CJ (Craig, Jr.) Polk who will celebrate his 7th birthday this Thursday, May 26th. Happy Birthday! May God grant you many blessed years!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, May 22nd: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara Meeting will be held in the Conference Room after Coffee Hour.
- Wednesday, May 25th: re-commencement of weekly Bible Study
- Saturday, June 4th: Diocesan Parish Council Conference hosted by Holy Assumption parish

SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2022 TONE 3
4th Sunday of Pascha
Sunday of the Paralytic
At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 35)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Next Sunday, there will be a Memorial Service for: Gregory Betza, requested by Lori Udina & Family.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, May 15th.: the Annual Parish Meeting in the Parish Hall after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, May 21st @ 7:00 PM: IOCC’s charity event: A Taste of North Jersey at our Parish Hall, preceded by Great Vespers @ 6:00 PM. Please flyer on Bulletin Board for details.
- Sunday, May 22nd: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara Meeting will be held in the Conference Room after Coffee Hour.
- Wednesday, May 25th: re-commencement of weekly Bible Study
- Saturday, June 4th: Diocesan Parish Council Conference hosted by Holy Assumption parish

3rd Sunday of Pascha
Holy Myrrhbearing Women
Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 35)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for:
- Peter Subtelny, requested by Matthew Subtelny
- Gregory Betza, requested by Peter & Jane Pruzinsky
- Olga Mulick, and Olga Surgent from Linda and Gregory Surgent and family.
- Douglas Davids (the Step-Father of Margarite Remsey) requested by the friends of Margarite at Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church
- All our deceased mothers, grandmothers & great-grandmothers
May their Memories be Eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
This morning's Coffee Hour is sponsored by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara in honor of all the mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, step-mothers, aunts and all the women in our lives this Mother's Day. Hope you can join us at coffee hour and fellowship.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
We are happy to announce that the profit for the Lenten Fund Raiser has been revised up to $1,407.53, thanks to a recent addition. Thank you, again, to everyone who helped, supported and participated in this fund raiser.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, May 14th @ 10:30 AM: blessing of graves at East Ridgelawn Cemetary
- Sunday, May 15th.: the Annual Parish Meeting in the Parish Hall after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, May 21st @ 7:00 PM: IOCC’s charity event: A Taste of North Jersey at our Parish Hall, preceded by Great Vespers @ 6:00 PM. Please flyer on Bulletin Board for details.
- Sunday, May 22nd: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara Meeting will be held in the Conference Room after Coffee Hour.
- Wednesday, May 25th: re-commencement of weekly Bible Study
- Saturday, June 4th: Diocesan Parish Council Conference hosted by Holy Assumption parish

SUNDAY, MAY 1st., 2022 TONE 1
2nd Sunday of Pascha
St. Thomas Sunday
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury, Anastasia St. Peter & Peter Pruzinsky.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service for
- Gregory Betza, requested by the Polk Family.
- Peter Subtelny, requested by Matthew Subtelny
May their Memories be Eternal!
Next Sunday, Mother’s Day: for all the departed mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, aunts, etc., and all the women in our lives.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Craig Polk is happy to announce that there will be an Easter Egg Hunt this morning during Sunday School. Enjoy!
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, May 1st: Annual Easter Egg Hunt
- Saturday, May 14th @ 10:30 AM: blessing of graves at East Ridgelawn Cemetary
- Sunday, May 15th.: the Annual Parish Meeting in the Parish Hall after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, May 21st @ 7:00 PM: IOCC’s charity event: A Taste of North Jersey at our Parish Hall, preceded by Great Vespers @ 6:00 PM. Please flyer on Bulletin Board for details.
- Sunday, May 22nd: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara Meeting will be held in the Conference Room after Coffee Hour.

At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 37-38)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Mary Ann Oselinsky, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury & Anastasia St. Peter.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
Statement on Ukraine
By the OCA Synod of Bishops
Witnessing the war of aggression waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the consequent humanitarian crisis developing there, no Christian can remain impartial or lukewarm in the face of the suffering or remain silent when confronted with such evils as are being perpetrated. As such, we, the bishops of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America, condemn the war which is causing death and devastation affecting millions of innocent people. We particularly grieve the killing and violence committed by Orthodox Christians against other Orthodox Christians.
Orthodox Christians abhor all forms of aggression, repeating the condemnation of the holy prophets against all those who “make haste to shed innocent blood” (Is. 59:7). Joining our voice to that of other Christian leaders, who also decry the invasion of Ukraine, we call on the Russian authorities to end the hostilities. Furthermore, we exhort the international community to condemn the war against Ukraine and use all diplomatic means to achieve an expeditious resolution.
We proclaim our solidarity with the suffering Orthodox Christian brethren of Ukraine, with the entire Ukrainian people, and the civil and religious leaders who bear the responsibility of caring for their people at this time. In particular, we express our continuing support for His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv and the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
We call the faithful of the Orthodox Church in America to join us in interceding on behalf of Ukraine, praying to our merciful God for an end to bloodshed, beseeching Him to comfort the afflicted, the displaced and wounded. We also beseech Him to bless Ukraine with peace, healing, and rebuilding. We are mindful of the hardships being borne by the people of Russia, many of whom oppose this war, and who are suffering the loss of loved ones sent to the front, economic ruin, and social damage.
The Holy Synod of Bishops affirms the letter sent by Metropolitan Tikhon to Patriarch Kirill, imploring His Holiness to do whatever possible to end the war in Ukraine and the suffering and death of countless victims.
As we celebrate this Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Exaltation of the Cross, which is the only weapon of peace, we beseech our flock and all people of goodwill to do whatever lies within their power to aid the suffering and war-displaced. Those to whom God has given the means: we urge you to make material contributions to assist those affected by the war, especially refugees, who now number in the millions. Finally, we remind all of the words of the Lord who tells us that, though we may have tribulation, we always find our peace in him who has overcome the world (John 16:33).
In the love of Jesus Christ, who is the Peace and Power of God,
The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for: Gregory Betza, requested by Anthony & Joan Ersalesi.
Next week for Gregory Betza, requested by Jerome & June Fejko & Family.
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin is being sponsored by the Polk Family, in honor of family birthdays to be celebrated this month: for Laura Polk on April 5th and Charles Polk on April 22nd. Congratulations & Many Blessed Years!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Because of the popularity of the Lenten Fund Raiser Babka Bread & Nut Rolls, a second round of baking was held yesterday; Saturday, April 2nd. If you are picking up your order this morning, please see Debbie Sancenito after Diving Liturgy during coffee hour. Thank you to all those who helped, supported and participated in this fund raiser for our parish. The profit will be announce as soon as all the figures are calculated.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara made a charitable donation of $200 to the OCA Financial Appeal for the Ukrainian Refugee Relief this past week.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday @ 10:00 AM. Note also that Pussy Willows will need to be collected before then for Palm Sunday.

At the Prayer of Fervent Supplication (Green Liturgical Books pp. 37-38)
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Marie Khoury & Anastasia St. Peter.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer of St. Ephrem
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for:
- Gregory Betza, requested by Helen Dolocheck & Family.
- Fred Ortmann, requested by Marilyn Ortmann
Next Sunday for Gregory Betza, requested by Anthony & Joan Ersalesi.
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
The Tomato Basil w/Rice Soup & Haluski fund raiser, held on March 19, 2022, to support our parish was very successful realizing a profit of $586.03. Thank you Debbie Sancenito for making another Dinner-To-Go meal. Many thanks also to Millie Di Ianni, June Fejko, Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan, Kathie Rolbinson, Elaine Svendsen & Maria Tlatelpa who helped with the event; last but not least, to all who supported & participated in this fund raiser.
In regard to the Lenten Fund Raiser, if you are picking up your ordered Babak and/or Nut Roll this morning, please see Debbie Sancenito after Divine Liturgy during coffee hour. We especially thank Matushka Lola Carroll for sharing her talent on how to make Babka. Thank you to all those who supported, helped and participated in this fund raiser for our parish. The profit will be announced as soon as all the figures are calculated.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara made a charitable donation of $200 to the OCA Financial Appeal for the Ukrainian Refugee Relief this past week.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday @ 10:00 AM. Note also that Pussy Willows will need to be collected before then for Palm Sunday.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep & Marie Khoury.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, there will be a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for:
- Gregory Betza, requested by Steve & Diane Abrams
- Edward J Mazur, for his 36th. year in repose;
Margaret Helen Mazur, for her 5th. year in repose;
Richard Mazur, for his 13th. year in repose;
Frank & Agnes Mazur;
Michael & Mary Kalinich; and
Albert Kalinich, requested by Patricia, Pamela & Edward Mazur.
Next week for: Gregory Betza, requested by Helen Dolocheck & Family.
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin and this morning's Coffee Hour is being sponsored by Donna Betza in loving memory of Gregory Betza. Memory Eternal!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Notes from the Sisterhood of St. Barbara:
- We arehappy to announce that the Hungarian Goulash Dinner-To-Go fund raiser held on Saturday Feb. 12, 2022 to support our parish, was very successful realizing a profit of $787.29. Thank you to all those who supported, helped & participated in this fund raiser
2, Thank you Debbie Sancenito for shopping and making the Tomato Basil w/Rice Soup, Haluski, & Dessert Dinner-To-Go fund raiser, March 19, 2022.
If you are picking up your meal this morning, please see Debbie (after Divine Liturgy) during coffee hour. The profit will be announced as soon as all the figures are finalized. Thank you to all those who helped in the preparation of the meals and we are grateful for the support of those who participated in this fund raiser for our parish.
- Lenten (2022) Fund Raiser (Babka & Nut Rolls) is being planned for March 26, 2022. Please see the flier attached.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday @ 10:00 AM. Note also that Pussy Willows will need to be collected before then for Palm Sunday.

First Sunday of Great Lent
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep & Marie Khoury.
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy.(3)
Priest: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Father:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon
Makes Urgent Financial Appeal for Ukrainian Refugee Relief
Dear beloved children in the Lord,
It is with profound pain and sorrow that we see the situation unfolding in Ukraine. The invasion of Russian troops has already caused death and destruction in many areas of the country and, as the battle progresses, the human cost continues to rise. It is heartbreaking to see the images of destroyed buildings, homes, and traffic jams as refugees flee the cities for their safety.
As Orthodox Christians we are expected to help those who are suffering and give comfort to the afflicted. The Apostle James asks us “If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit?” (Jas. 2:16). We cannot turn a blind eye to the material needs of our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.
Therefore, I am making a special appeal for donations from the individual parishioners of the Orthodox Church in America from February 28th through March 7th. These donations will be collected by the Orthodox Church in America and sent on to ELEOS, the humanitarian agency of the Polish Orthodox Church, and registered with the Polish government, who is dealing directly with the unfolding refugee crisis and needs support as soon as possible. Donations will go towards refugee relief, their housing, and meeting basic needs.
This collaboration is being done with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of the Polish Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church in America and the Polish Orthodox Church have long historical ties and these ties have enabled this collaboration to come together so quickly. Monitory donations can be made at oca.org/relief.
Furthermore, I again ask that fervent prayers be made for a swift end to this senseless violence. As we approach the beginning of Lent, we will soon hear the words of the Psalmist at the Presanctified Liturgy: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity. It is like the precious oil upon the head running down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon which falls on the mountains of Zion. For the Lord has commanded the blessing, life for evermore!” (Ps. 132).
I pray that we, and all Orthodox Christians around the world, aspire to live according to these words.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Assumption of the
Holy Virgin Orthodox Church
35 Orange Avenue, Clifton NJ 07013 Phone: 973-777-2906
Archpriest Terence Baz, D. Min.
March 6, 2022
Dearly Beloved:
Christ is in our midst!
I was very happy to announce on Sunday, February 27th that, thanks to the combined contributions of the Parish Council, the Sisterhood of St. Barbara and the parish Couples Club, we have undertaken to replace the floor carpet in the altar sanctuary area and also the floor tiles in the rectory kitchen, both of which have deteriorated.
Even with these combined contributions, however, the cost is still greater.
We call upon your generosity, to contribute to these two projects. Such contributions will, of course, be tax deductible.
More importantly, our parish community has had a long history of keeping the church and other buildings in beautiful shape. Every visitor remarks how beautiful the parish facilities are!
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, as priest, I say in the prayer before the Ambo,
“Sanctify those who love the beauty of Thy house; glorify them in return by Thy divine power and forsake us not who put our hope in Thee.”
Our desire to keep the parish facilities beautiful is motivated by our desire to reflect the beauty of the Trinity that rests within us.
Please know that you are fervently in our prayers. This has been a difficult year for everyone and our parish community will do everything it can to support your spiritual needs.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, Gregory Focarino
Parish Priest Parish Council President
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, there will be a 40 Day Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for Gregory Betza, requested by Donna Betza and the Betza Family.
Next week, March 20th., for:
- Gregory Betza, requested by Steve & Diane Abrams
- Edward J Mazur, for his 36th. year in repose; Margaret Helen Mazur, for her 5th. year in repose; Richard Mazur, for his 13th. year in repose; Frank & Agnes Mazur; Michael & Mary Kalinich; and Albert Kalinich, requested by Patricia, Pamela & Edward Mazur.
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin and this morning's Coffee Hour is being sponsored by Donna Betza in loving memory of Gregory Betza. Memory Eternal!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Very grateful thanks to:
- Gregory Focarino, members of the Parish Council & those who assisted at last Sunday’s Divine Liturgy with Archbishop Michael to make it go so smoothly.
- Those who helped setup the hall for the brunch and cleanup afterwards
- Those who took care of the donations for the function. It was the first time that we have held a parish function in two years!
- Those of you who paid to attend the brunch. We had 40 adults attended apart from His Eminence’s attendants & families.
- Those who brought desserts.
- The Church School for the presentation of the flowers to His Eminence
- Vera Focarino, who took photos of the weekend’s celebration.
- Those photos can be seen on the parish website: holyassumptionclifton.org or the parish Facebook page for you to enjoy. The photos should also soon be posted on the diocesan website: nynjoca.org, to view. The livestream of the Divine Liturgy was also posted on Facebook.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
During this past week, the carpet floor in the sanctuary area was replaced with a durable vinyl floor. I want to thank the Parish Council, the Sisterhood of St. Barbara & the Couple’s Club who all donated to this project. I want to thank those who helped clear the altar area and helped return the altar to its proper state after the work was done. Thank you to Anthony Ersalesi who spent considerable time communicating with the company, Floor Vision, to make sure the right decisions were made about the flooring & that the project proceeded smoothly. Gregory Swenda painted the bases of the altar cross & cherubs gold & also painted the floor rim from white to beige. If you would like to donate towards this please read the letter included in this bulletin. The Rectory kitchen floor will be done next week.
Yours, in Christ, Fr. Terence.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, March 19, 2022: a Tomato Basil Soup & Haluski Fund Raiser. Read the included flyer.
- Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday @ 10:00 AM. Note also that Pussy Willows will need to be collected before then for Palm Sunday.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep & Marie Khoury.
Deacon: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, and salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of violence in Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Deacon: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for those who are suffering, wounded, grieving, or displaced because of the war in Ukraine. Again we pray for a cessation of the hostilities against Ukraine, and that reconciliation and peace will flourish there, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy. Response: Lord, have mercy. (3)
Concluding Prayer by Archbishop Michael:
O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Ruler of heaven and earth, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the peoples of Ukraine in this painful hour of conflict and suffering. Deliver them from all enemies both visible and invisible. As the Supreme Ruler and source of all justice and truth, grant protection to all. Guide and enlighten those in authority; bestow the desire for peace and fraternal love in the hearts of all citizens; sprinkle with love the withered hearts of those bearing the thorns of pride, hatred, malice, enmity, cunning and other iniquities. May all grow with a burning love for Thee, and for one another, desiring to live in peace and concord. Grant consolation and comfort to those uprooted from their homes and suffering untold tribulations. May guardian angels watch over all soldiers as they perform their sacred duty. Grant the peace that comes from up above to Thy Church and to the Orthodox Christians of Russia and Ukraine and to all peoples in this time of grievous affliction. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning and Thine All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon
Makes Urgent Financial Appeal for Ukrainian Refugee Relief
Dear beloved children in the Lord,
It is with profound pain and sorrow that we see the situation unfolding in Ukraine. The invasion of Russian troops has already caused death and destruction in many areas of the country and, as the battle progresses, the human cost continues to rise. It is heartbreaking to see the images of destroyed buildings, homes, and traffic jams as refugees flee the cities for their safety.
As Orthodox Christians we are expected to help those who are suffering and give comfort to the afflicted. The Apostle James asks us “If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what does it profit?” (Jas. 2:16). We cannot turn a blind eye to the material needs of our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.
Therefore, I am making a special appeal for donations from the individual parishioners of the Orthodox Church in America from February 28th through March 7th. These donations will be collected by the Orthodox Church in America and sent on to ELEOS, the humanitarian agency of the Polish Orthodox Church, and registered with the Polish government, who is dealing directly with the unfolding refugee crisis and needs support as soon as possible. Donations will go towards refugee relief, their housing, and meeting basic needs.
This collaboration is being done with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of the Polish Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church in America and the Polish Orthodox Church have long historical ties and these ties have enabled this collaboration to come together so quickly. Monitory donations can be made at oca.org/relief.
Furthermore, I again ask that fervent prayers be made for a swift end to this senseless violence. As we approach the beginning of Lent, we will soon hear the words of the Psalmist at the Presanctified Liturgy: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity. It is like the precious oil upon the head running down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon which falls on the mountains of Zion. For the Lord has commanded the blessing, life for evermore!” (Ps. 132).
I pray that we, and all Orthodox Christians around the world, aspire to live according to these words.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Assumption of the
Holy Virgin Orthodox Church
35 Orange Avenue, Clifton NJ 07013 Phone: 973-777-2906
Archpriest Terence Baz, D. Min.
March 6, 2022
Dearly Beloved:
Christ is in our midst!
I was very happy to announce on Sunday, February 27th that, thanks to the combined contributions of the Parish Council, the Sisterhood of St. Barbara and the parish Couples Club, we have undertaken to replace the floor carpet in the altar sanctuary area and also the floor tiles in the rectory kitchen, both of which have deteriorated.
Even with these combined contributions, however, the cost is still greater.
We call upon your generosity, to contribute to these two projects. Such contributions will, of course, be tax deductible.
More importantly, our parish community has had a long history of keeping the church and other buildings in beautiful shape. Every visitor remarks how beautiful the parish facilities are!
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, as priest, I say in the prayer before the Ambo,
“Sanctify those who love the beauty of Thy house; glorify them in return by Thy divine power and forsake us not who put our hope in Thee.”
Our desire to keep the parish facilities beautiful is motivated by our desire to reflect the beauty of the Trinity that rests within us.
Please know that you are fervently in our prayers. This has been a difficult year for everyone and our parish community will do everything it can to support your spiritual needs.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, Gregory Focarino
Parish Priest Parish Council President
Today is Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday. Please read the included letter.
Please welcome Archbishop Michael, who has blessed us by making his Annual Archpastoral Visit today; please also welcome his attending clergy: Deacon Stephan, Sub-deacon Mark & Sub-deacon Matthew.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
There will be no Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy today. Next Sunday, March 13th, the will be a 40 Day Memorial Service for Gregory Betza, requested by Donna Betza and the Betza Family.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
After Divine Liturgy today, a Celebratory Breakfast is being planned in honor of His Eminence by the Parish Council. For reservations, please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1222 or, email: polk_barbara@ yahoo.com. Please see the enclosed flier for information.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is happy to announce that the Mushroom Soup & Potato Pancake fund raiser held on Saturday Feb. 26, 2022, was very successful, realizing a profit of $615. 36. Thank you to everyone who supported & helped with it.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
During this past week, the carpet floor in the sanctuary area was replaced with a durable vinyl floor. I want to thank the Parish Council, the Sisterhood of St. Barbara & the Couple’s Club who all donated to this project. I want to thank those who helped clear the altar area and helped return the altar to its proper state after the work was done. Thank you to Anthony Ersalesi who spent considerable time communicating with the company, Floor Vision, to make sure the right decisions were made about the flooring & that the project proceeded smoothly. Gregory Swenda painted the bases of the altar cross & cherubs gold & also painted the floor rim from white to beige. If you would like to donate towards this please read the letter included in this bulletin. Yours, in Christ, Fr. Terence.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, March 6th:
- Cheesefare Sunday
- the Annual Archpastoral Visit by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael
- Forgiveness Sunday Service at the end of Divine Liturgy
- Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday
- Saturday, March 19, 2022: a Tomato Basil Soup & Haluski Fund Raiser. Read the included flyer.
- Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday @ 10:00 AM. Note also that Pussy Willows will need to be collected before then for Palm Sunday.

Meatfare Sunday – Sunday of the Last Judgment
Repose of St. Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn
Statement on war in Ukraine
Dearly beloved children in the Lord,
In light of the distressing developments in Ukraine affecting millions of innocent people in the region, I wholeheartedly urge you to pray for peace and the well-being of our brothers and sisters who are enduring this tragic moment.
I ask that the hostilities be ceased immediately and that President Putin put an end to the military operations. As Orthodox Christians, we condemn violence and aggression.
I offer my support and prayers to my brother and concelebrant, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy, who has the most difficult task of leading his beloved flock in this time of pain and anxiety. I also assure my prayers to the other religious leaders serving in Ukraine who have the delicate task of leading their communities in these difficult times.
To our beloved Ukrainian brothers and sisters, as well to all of you who are certainly troubled and concerned about these recent developments, I offer the words that the Lord Himself offers to us through His Psalmist: “The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace (Ps 29:11).”
May we fervently offer our petition to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to have mercy on us “for the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy churches of God, and for the union of all.”
Yours in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep & Marie Khoury.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Edward & Annette Swenda (Annette's 2nd Year Anniversary In Repose); Charles Swenda; Michael & Ella Swenda; Jacob & Emily Hlischinsky; and Dorothy Dubowchick.
- Olga Grib, requested byCheryl, Arthur & Michael Yaroshefsky & Gregory Swenda.
- Holly Surgent Bland, for her Anniversary, requested by her brother, Gregory Surgent & Family.
Next week, to be held after Great Vespers on the Saturday:
- Demetrios Velonas, for the 1st Anniversary of his Repose, requested byJoanna Moreno
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family, in honor of Heather Polk, celebrating her birthday tomorrow, Feb. 28th. Congratulations and Many Blessed Years!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
His Eminence Archbishop Michael will be visiting our parish on Sunday, March 6, 2022. In his honor, a Celebratory Breakfast is being planned by the Parish Council. For reservations, please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1222 or, email: polk_barbara@ yahoo.com. Please see the enclosed flier for information.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, March 6th:
- Cheesefare Sunday
- the Annual Archpastoral Visit by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael
- Forgiveness Sunday Service at the end of Divine Liturgy
- Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday
- Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday @ 10:00 AM. Note also that Pussy Willows will need to be collected before then for Palm Sunday.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Church. A sign-up sheet is available in the parish hall if you can help with cleaning the church. Please contact Donna Betza (973-303-7911) for information.
Many thanks to Debbie Sancenito for shopping & making the Slovak Mushroom Soup & Potato Pancake fundraiser. Thanks also to Millie Di Ianni, June Fejko, Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan, Barbara Polk, Kathie Robinson, Elaine Svendsen & Maria Tlatelpa for helping. If you are picking up your order today, please see Debbie Sancenito this morning during coffee hour. The profit will be announced as soon as all the figures are final. With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser for our parish.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank, Judy & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep & Marie Khoury.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Sally Telep, requested by Steve & Diane Abrams.
- Alice Bacik,the late mother of Deborah Sancenito, on her 8th Year in Repose, requested by Deborah Bacik Sancenito & Family. John Bacik III, the late brother of Deborah Sancenito, on his 6th Year in Repose, requested by Deborah Bacik Sancenito & Family.
- Olga Grib, on her 2nd Year Anniversary in Repose and requested by her loving daughters & spouses: Karen & Greg, Kathy & Dan, and Krissy & John.
Next Sunday, February 27th., for:
- Edward & Annette Swenda (Annette's 2nd Year Anniversary In Repose); Charles Swenda; Michael & Ella Swenda; Jacob & Emily Hlischinsky; and Dorothy Dubowchick.
- Olga Grib, requested byCheryl, Arthur & Michael Yaroshefsky & Gregory Swenda.
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today’s Coffee Hour is being donated & sponsored by Deborah Bacik Sancenito in memory of Alice Bacik and John Bacik III.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
A Slovak Mushroom Soup & Potato Pancake Dinner-To-Go fund raiser is being planned for Saturday, February 26th sponsored by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara. Please see the included flier for information and to contact Debbie Sancenito by Tuesday, February 22nd if you wish to place an order. Thank you for your continued help & support.
Dates to Remember:
- Today after Coffee Hour: special Parish Council meeting
- Tuesday, February 22nd: the deadline to order the Sisterhood Slovak Dinner-to-Go
- Saturday, February 26th: Slovak Mushroom Soup & Potato Pancake Dinner-To-Go fund raiser
- Sunday, March 6th: Chesefare Sunday & the Annual Archpastoral Visit by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep & Marie Khoury.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Sally Telep, requested by Janet Dhlolucky & Tony Russo
- Gregory Betza, requested by the Parish Council
Next Sunday, February 20th for:
- Sally Telep, requested by Steve & Diane Abrams
- Alice Bacik, for her 8th Year in Repose & her brother John Bacik III, for his 6th. Year in Repose
- Olga Grib, on her 2nd Year Anniversary in Repose and requested by her loving daughters & spouses: Karen & Greg, Kathy & Dan, and Krissy & John.
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Coffee Hour will be held today. Please take the proper precautions such as wearing a mask & social distancing when possible. The new variant of the virus is still out there & dangerous!
We offer a special Thank You to Debbie Sencenito for shopping & making the Hungarian Goulash Dinner-to-Go yesterday; also, many thanks to Millie Di Ianni, Joan & Tony Ersalesi, June Fejko, Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan, Barbara Polk, Kathie Robinson, Elaine Svendsen and Maria Tlatelpa for helping.
If you are picking up your meal today, please see Joan or Tony Ersalesi this morning during
coffee hour. The profit will be announced as soon as all the figures are final. With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser for our parish.
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, March 6th: Chesefare Sunday & the Annual Archpastoral Visit by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep & Marie Khoury.
Please remember in your prayers Gregory Betza, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. The viewing will be on Sunday, Feb 6th from 2:00 -6:00 PM & the funeral will be on Monday, Feb 7th at 10:00 AM at our Church. Please look at the Shook Funeral Home website for funeral details.
Father Terence will pray for Joanne Moreno at the end of the Divine Litugy. She will be undergoing surgery tomorrow.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Sally Telep, requested by Peter & Virginia Eagler
- Robert McCarron, requested by the Polk Family
Next week, February 13th., for:
- Sally Telep, requested by Janet Dhlolucky & Tony Russo
- Gregory Betza, requested by the Parish Council
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
A Hungarian Goulash Dinner-To-Go fund raiser is being planned for Saturday, Feb. 12, 2022 to support our parish. Please see the included flier for information and to contact Debbie Sancenito by Tuesday, February 8th, if you wish to place an order.
Coffee Hour will be held today. Please take the proper precautions such as wearing a mask & social distancing when possible. The new variant of the virus is still out there & dangerous!
Dates to Remember:
- Please note that Fr. Terence has decided to allow Coffee Hour to recommence on February 6th. As has been said previously, only come if you are comfortable about doing so.
- Saturday, February 12th: Hungarian Goolash Dinner-to-go. See included flyer for details.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley, Judith Telep, Gregory Betza & Marie Khoury.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Water from the Great Blessing of the Theophany is available in the vestibule of the church. If you have a bottle, you are welcome to take some home. Also, if you wish to have your house blessed this year, please fill out the attached form and give it to Father so that he can schedule a time.
The 2022 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived. Please collect one for each family as you leave church after a service.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for Sally Telep, requested by Matushka Lola Carroll.
Next Sunday, Feb. 6th: for Robert McCarron - requested by the Polk Family.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Coffee Hour will NOT be held today, due to the current increased case numbers of the Coronavirus. We will recommence Coffee Hour next Sunday, February 6th.
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, February 1st. @ 5:30 PM: Vespers for the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the temple.
- Sunday, Feburary 6th after Coffee Hour: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting in the conference room: CANCELLED.
- Please note that Fr. Terence has decided to allow Coffee Hour to recommence on February 6th. As has been said previously, only come if you are comfortable about doing so.
- Saturday, February 12th: Hungarian Goolash Dinner-to-go. See the flyer under the "Upcoming Events" section for details.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley,Judith Telep & Gregory Betza.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Water from the Great Blessing of the Theophany is available in the vestibule of the church. If you have a bottle, you are welcome to take some home. Also, if you wish to have your house blessed this year, please fill out the attached form and give it to Father so that he can schedule a time.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for Robert McCarron, requested by Diane & Steve Abrams.
Next week for: Sally Telep, requested by Matushka Lola Carroll.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Coffee Hour will NOT be held on Sunday, January 23rd or January 30th due to the current increased case numbers of the Coronavirus. The situation will be reviewed after then.
The 2022 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived. Please collect one for each family as you leave church after a service.
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, Feburary 6th after Coffee Hour: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting in the conference room: CANCELLED.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley,Judith Telep & Gregory Betza.
Sanctity of Life Sunday Announced for 2022
To the Clergy, Monastics, and Faithful of the Orthodox Church in America,
Dear Beloved Children in the Lord,
As we witness our society becoming increasingly polarized and divided, we approach the anniversary of one of the most bitter of these divisions: the legalization of abortion in the United States of America. We grieve on this anniversary for the many lives cut short, the emotional and psychological devastation done to so many women, the numerous wounded families, and the persistent hostility embittering our society.
The Orthodox Church continues to hold fast to its ancient belief that all human life, from conception in the womb to our very last moment, is sacred to God. For the Holy Scripture tells us that “God did not make death, and He does not delight in the death of the living. For He created all things that they might exist” (Wis 1:13–14). So we say, humbly but firmly, that the willful destruction of a person in the womb is an evil act and a rejection of a gift of God.
For Orthodox Christians, the darkness of abortion transcends the political. It extends even beyond morality and ethics. It cuts to the heart of our faith in the Resurrection. On that bright morning of Great and Holy Pascha, Christ forever destroyed death, the last enemy of mankind (cf. 1 Cor 15:26). The empty tomb ennobles humanity and transforms us into a people forever dedicated to life, utterly opposed to death in all its forms. All people, even those still unborn, are created for eternity with God, and it is our unshakable conviction in the Risen Christ which makes the thought of the termination of a child unimaginable.
We also know that the unequivocal message of the New Testament is that followers of Christ are to “love one another” with the same self-sacrifice with which Christ loved us (cf. Jn 13:34). I encourage all Orthodox Christians to show that Christ-like, self-sacrificial love in the face of this darkness. I ask that we assist mothers in every way possible to relieve them of the temptation to abortion. Likewise, support the fathers as they step up to embrace their new and blessed family responsibility.
As we “speak the truth in love” (Eph 4:15) we must not condemn others but leave judgment to the Lord. Our call is a call to repentance, beginning with ourselves, so that we might restore the likeness of God and become bright mirrors reflecting the light of Christ to a wounded, confused, and anxious people. Let the only thing that our society sees in us be overflowing love, piety, and forgiveness to all. We remember with gratitude that the Lord always gives us, personally and as a nation, a path out of our sin through repentance—even sin as devastating and horrific as abortion. Let our parishes and communities become beacons of that divine love and forgiveness, where all human life is valued as deeply as Christ values it, as we forever speak with a Paschal voice: “Christ is risen and life reigns.”
May the Holy Spirit, whom we confess in the Creed as “the Lord, the Giver of life,” ever inspire us with love, humility, and conviction as we speak to this issue.
Yours in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Water from the Great Blessing of the Theophany is available in the vestibule of the church. If you have a bottle, you are welcome to take some home. Also, if you wish to have your house blessed this year, please fill out the attached form and give it to Father so that he can schedule a time.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for Robert McCarron, requested by Helen Dolocheck & Family.
Next week for Robert McCarron, requested by Diane & Steve Abrams.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
Coffee Hour will NOT be held on Sunday, January 23rd or January 30th due to the current increased case numbers of the Coronavirus. The situation will be reviewed after then.
The 2022 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived. Please collect one for each family as you leave church after a service.
The US Armed Forces Memorial Plaque (dated May 2012) that is on the left hand side of the Parish Hall Vestibule & originally commissioned by John Opuda has five new names added, thanks to the research of Sub-deacon Christopher & the workmanship of Gregory Swenda, who added the newly engraved plates. The five new names are:
- Alexander Kopsel (1920-2016),
- Helene Lenkowec (1922-2021),
- Helen Cichon (1923-2008),
- John Seyka (1924-2012),
- Charles Evanina (1928-2016).
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, Feburary 6th after Coffee Hour: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting in the conference room: CANCELLED.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley & Judith Telep.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Water from the Great Blessing of the Theophany is available in the vestibule of the church. If you have a bottle, you are welcome to take some home. Also, if you wish to have your house blessed this year, please fill out the attached form and give it to Father so that he can schedule a time.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for Robert McCarron, requested by his loving sister Donna Betza & family. May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, Jan. 16th, for Robert McCarron, requested by Helen Dolocheck & Family.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin is being sponsored by Donna Betza & Family, in loving memory of her brother, Robert McCarron. May his memory be Eternal!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
The 2022 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived. Please collect one for each family as you leave church after a service.
The US Armed Forces Memorial Plaque (dated May 2012) that is on the left hand side of the Parish Hall Vestibule & originally commissioned by John Opuda has five new names added, thanks to the research of Sub-deacon Christopher & the workmanship of Gregory Swenda, who added the newly engraved plates. The five new names are:
- Alexander Kopsel (1920-2016),
- Helene Lenkowec (1922-2021),
- Helen Cichon (1923-2008),
- John Seyka (1924-2012),
- Charles Evanina (1928-2016).
Dates to Remember:
Sunday, Feburary 6th after Coffee Hour: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting in the conference

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley & Judith Telep.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Joanne D'Arienzo, on her 4th Year in repose, requested byRobert & Carol Hruby
- Those listed on the Memorial Fund Plaque
- Robert McCarron(late brother of Donna Betza) requested by the Parish Council
Next week, In Memory of Robert McCarron, requested by his loving sister Donna Betza & family. May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Please feel free to take home the poinsettia plants at the end of the Divine Liturgy.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of family members celebrating their birthday in January: John Polk, Sr. (today, Jan. 2nd) and John Polk, Jr. (Jan. 7th). Congratulations and Many Blessed Years!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
The 2022 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived. Please collect one for each family as you leave church after a service.
If you wish to have your house blessed this year, please fill out the attached form and give it to Father so that he can schedule a time.
Dates to Remember:
- Wednesday, January 5th @ 5:00 PM: Great Vespers & Blessing of the Waters for the Theophany of Christ

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri, John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams, Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong, Keith Oakley & Judith Telep.
We continue the Nativity Fast at this time.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for: Nadia Carroll, requested by Matushka Anna (Lola) Carroll & Family. Note: Mat. Anna will provide sweetened wheat that will be blessed at the service.
Next Sunday, Dec. 26th, for:
- Kevin Kohler, Irene T. Koribanics, John M. Peregrim, Irene Subtelny, Olga & Michael Grib. Family members of these much loved deceased members of our parish have given a portion of their estate to our parish. Please see the plaque listing their names as you enter the church. Memory Eternal!
- Joanne D'Arienzo, on her 4th Year in repose, requested byRobert & Carol Hruby.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
The Church School will be doing the YOLKA (Christmas pageant) again this year & will be held on Sunday, December 19th. in the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy, performed by our Church School children and staff.
This year the Church School is running the Christmas Angel Gift Program for the Mental Health Clinic of Passaic which operates out of the offices on the 2nd floor of our parish. The church school children are in need of donations to support this effort in the form of gift cards to Barnes & Nobles or a monetary donation. If you would like to assist the children in reaching their charity goal for the Christmas season, please see us during coffee hour or email Craig Polk at holy.assumption.church.school@gmail.com. If you have already taken an Angel card, all gifts and donations must be received by December 19th. Thank you for your support.
The 2022 Liturgical Wall Calendars have arrived. Please collect one for each family as you leave church after a service.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday December 19th, Yolka during coffee hour
- Friday, December 24th. @ 4:30 PM: Nocturnes for the Nativity of Christ
- Saturday, December 25th. @ 9:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ. Please note that there will be no Vespers service on Saturday evening.
- Sunday, December 26th: Divine Liturgy @ 9:00 AM as usual. After the Divine Liturgy, a Memorial Service will be held for the donors of the Preservation Fund.

We continue the Nativity Fast at this time.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Humberto Tlatelpa,for his 20th Anniversary in Repose (late husband of Maria Tlatelpa)
- Pedro Tlatelpa, for his 1st year in repose (late father-in-law of Maria Tlatelpa) requested by Maria & Peter Tlatelpa
- Demetrios Velonas for his 9th month in repose (late father of Joanna Moreno) requested by: Joanna Moreno
- Antonia Teixeira, for his 5th Anniversay in Repose, requested by Gregory & Vera Focarino (late mother of Vera Focarino)
Next Sunday for Matushka Nadia Carroll, requested by Matushka Anna (Lola) Carroll & Family
Memory Eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today’s Bulletin & Coffee Hour are being sponsored by Maria & Peter Tlatelpa in loving memory of: Humberto Tlatelpa & Pedro Tlatelpa. Memory eternal!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and Barbara in regard to Coffee.
The Church School will be doing the YOLKA (Christmas pageant) again this year & will be held on Sunday, December 19th. in the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy, performed by our Church School children and staff.
This year the Church School is running the Christmas Angel Gift Program for the Mental Health Clinic of Passaic which operates out of the offices on the 2nd floor of our parish. The church school children are in need of donations to support this effort in the form of gift cards to Barnes & Nobles or a monetary donation. If you would like to assist the children in reaching their charity goal for the Christmas season, please see us during coffee hour or email Craig Polk at holy.assumption.church.school@gmail.com. If you have already taken an Angel card, all gifts and donations must be received by December 19th. Thank you for your support.
The next meeting for the Sisterhood of St. Barbara will be today after Divine Liturgy in the Conference Room.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is very happy to announce that the Manhattan Clam Chowder Soup sale, held on Saturday December 4th, was very successful realizing a profit of $470.00! Thank you to all those who supported, helped & participated in this fund raiser.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, December 12th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting
- Sunday Dec 12th, Yolka practice during coffee hour and decorating the hall Christmas tree
- Saturday Dec 18th, Yolka dress rehearsal and pizza lunch in the hall. Noon-2pm
- Saturday, December 18th. @ 4:00 PM, Great Vespers
- Saturday, December 18th from 5-7 PM: Pasta Dinner hosted by the Parish Council. Please see flyer for details.
- Sunday December 19th, Yolka during coffee hour
- Friday, December 24th. @ 4:30 PM: Nocturnes for the Nativity of Christ
- Saturday, December 25th. @ 9:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ. Please note that there will be no Vespers service on Saturday evening.
- Sunday, December 26th: Divine Liturgy @ 9:00 AM as usual. After the Divine Liturgy, a Memorial Service will be held for the donors of the Preservation Fund.

We continue the Nativity Fast at this time. Because of today’s feast, however, we are allowed to eat fish.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today’s Bulletin is being sponsored by:
Sponsored by Pam, Pat, & Edward Jr., In loving memory of:
Edward Sr., & Margaret Helen Mazur (Margaret's 5th year in repose)
Richard Mazur
Frank & Agnes Mazur
Michael & Mary Kalinich
Albert Kalinich
Memory Eternal!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
The Church School will be doing the 'Christmas Angel Project' this holiday season to support the children of the Passaic County Mental Health. The children's names will be available this Sunday, after Liturgy in the parish hall, if you wish to participate in this wonderful time of giving. Please speak to Craig Polk or, contact him at: 201-303-5627, if you have any questions.
The Church School will also be doing the YOLKA (Christmas pageant) again this year & will be held on Sunday, Dec. 19th., after Divine Liturgy, performed by our church school children and staff.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara wishes to express its grateful thanks to everyone who helped support St. Peter's Haven's Thanksgiving Event Food Drive and Toiletries Care Drive. Because of your generosity, our parish donated several boxes of non-perishable foods, produce items and 5 turkeys to help their cause. Also, several boxes of toiletries for men and women were donated to St. Peter's Haven.
Please note:
- The profit will be announced from last Sunday's 'Bake Sale' as soon as all the figures are final.
- This Sunday, the 'Nut Roll' orders will be distributed. The profit will be announced as soon as all the figures are final.
- The next meeting for the Sisterhood of St. Barbara will be Sunday, Dec. 12th after Divine Liturgy in the Conference Room.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, December 4th : Manhattan Clam Chowder soup fundraiser hosted by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara. See flyer for details.
- Sunday, December 5th: Parish Council Meeting after Coffee Hour in the Confenence Room
- Sunday, December 12th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting
- Saturday, December 18th @ 4:00 PM: Great Vespers in church
- Saturday, December 18th @ 5:00 PM: Pasta Dinner hosted by the Parish Council. Please see flyer for details.
- Sunday, December 19th. After Coffee: Church School Yolka

We continue the Nativity Fast at this time. Because of today’s feast, however, we are allowed to eat fish.
Today’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy today for:
Edward Sr. & Margaret Helen Mazur (Margaret's 5th year in repose)
Richard Mazur
Frank & Agnes Mazur
Michael & Mary Kalinich
Albert Kalinich
Requested by Pam, Pat and Edward Jr. Memory Eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Many thanks to Anthony & Joan Ersalesi who donated the red cone that is currently in the hall vestibule & is intended to be used in the parish parking lot during the winter to guide cars to park correctly near the neighboring front driveway.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is sponsoring the St. Peter's Haven Thanksgiving Food & Toiletry Care Drive. Today is the final day to help with this project. Please have your prepared items ready to be given to Barbara Polk after Divine Liturgy to enable her to pass them on to St. Peter’s Haven. Please talk to Barbara if you have any questions.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, November 21st. is IOCC Sunday
- Today, November 21st: Sisterhood of St. Barbara Fall Bake Sale. Please see Kathie Robinson for information.
- Saturday, November 27th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara Nut Rolls Bake Sale. See flyer below.
- Sunday, December 5th: Parish Council Meeting after Coffee Hour in the Confenence Room
- Saturday, December 18th: Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the Parish Council. Details to follow.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno, Kevin Abrams & Marilyn Hutnyan-Wong.
Tomorrow commences the Nativity Fast. Please refer to your Parish Wall Calendars to see the details.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Please remember Sally Telep, the mother of Joyce, Judith & June, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Sally Telep, requested by the Parish Council.
- Our Veterans.
Memory Eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Many thanks to Anthony & Joan Ersalesi who donated the red cone that is currently in the hall vestibule & is intended to be used in the parish parking lot during the winter to guide cars to park correctly near the neighboring front driveway.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara will be sponsoring the St. Peter's Haven Thanksgiving Food Drive over the next few weeks until November 21st:
Food: If you would like to:
- Participate, containers will be available in the parish hall for donations of: non-perishable foods (please check the expiration date) or produce (ie; bags of apples, oranges, sweet potatoes-usually in a box).
- If you wish to donate a frozen turkey or turkey breast, please either take it directly to St. Peter's Haven, 380 Clifton Ave., Clifton by: Friday November 19th from 9am to 3pm; Saturday Nov. 20th from 9am to 3pm or Sunday Nov. 21st from 11am to 5pm (flier on the bulletin board) or,
- You may bring your frozen turkey or turkey breast to church on Sunday Nov. 21st where it will be kept frozen for pick-up or delivery later that day to St. Peter's Haven.
Please contact Barbara Polk if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support; it is greatly appreciated!
Toiletry Care Items:
New/unopened toiletries for the needy-male & female. Containers will be available in the parish hall for donations of new/unopened toiletry items for the homeless; male & female. St. Peter's Haven's staff will put-together individual (care) packages for the needy. Please contact Barbara Polk if you have any questions.
Fall Bake Sale: Sunday:
A Bake Sale will also be held to support the Sisterhood of St. Barbara on November 21, 2021.
- Please also consider donating a homemade baked item such as cookies, cakes, breads, cupcakes. If you won’t be able to bake, monetary donations (cash or check payable to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara) would be much appreciated.
- On Sunday, October 31st, a sign-up sheet will be available in the church hall where you can indicate if you will bake or make a monetary donation. It would be most helpful if you could have your items wrapped and ready for sale.
- If you would like to share your recipe, index cards will be available at the sign-up sheet for you to take & record your recipe & include with your baked items.
- Please bring your baked items to church before Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November 21st or, on Saturday, November 20th., before Vespers between 4:00 pm & 5:00 pm and place in the kitchen refrigerator.
Please contact Kathie Robinson at 973-778-9017 or email at: chaachaa1@gmail.com if you have any questions. Please see flyer for more details.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, November 14th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting in the Conference Room, after Coffee Hour.
- Sunday, November 21st: IOCC Sunday
- Sunday, November 21st: Sisterhood of St. Barbara Fall Bake Sale. Please see Kathie Robinson for information.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno & Kevin Abrams.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
The third of the three collections of the appeal for those impacted by Hurricane Ida requested by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael will be taken up today. It will take place immediately after the regular parish collection. Please see his letter included in the bulletin for details.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy for:
- Jennie Ablahani, for her 20th. Anniversary & for Charles Ablahani for his 37th. Anniversary, requested by Matushka Barbara.
- Ilona Fejko, the late sister of Jerry Fejko, requested by Jerry & June Fejko.
- Geraldine Udovich, for her 5th. Anniversary, requested by her daughter Jennifer Udovich
Next week for: Lorraine & Peter Spann, requested by The Fejko & Udina Families.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
In regard to James Gaccione, the young man that our parish raised money for last Christmas, they finally approved the ramp which will be installed for him soon.
Thank you very much to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, especially Deborah Sancenito for shopping and making the Soup & Sandwich-To-Go meals; also to Ludmilla DiIanni, June Fejko, Olivia Filip, Barbara Polk, Katherine Robinson, Maria Tlatelpa, & Marilyn Wong-Hutnyan for your help with this fund raiser; finally to our supporters, thank you for participating in this fund raiser. The profit will be announced as soon as the figures are finalized. If you are picking up your Soup & Sandwich Meal this morning during coffee hour, please see Sharon Koribanics.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara will be sponsoring the St. Peter's Haven Thanksgiving Food Drive over the next few weeks until November 21st:
Food: If you would like to:
- Participate, containers will be available in the parish hall for donations of: non-perishable foods (please check the expiration date) or produce (ie; bags of apples, oranges, sweet potatoes-usually in a box).
- If you wish to donate a frozen turkey or turkey breast, please either take it directly to St. Peter's Haven, 380 Clifton Ave., Clifton by: Friday November 19th from 9am to 3pm; Saturday Nov. 20th from 9am to 3pm or Sunday Nov. 21st from 11am to 5pm (flier on the bulletin board) or,
- You may bring your frozen turkey or turkey breast to church on Sunday Nov. 21st where it will be kept frozen for pick-up or delivery later that day to St. Peter's Haven.
Please contact Barbara Polk if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support; it is greatly appreciated!
Toiletry Care Items:
New/unopened toiletries for the needy-male & female. Containers will be available in the parish hall for donations of new/unopened toiletry items for the homeless; male & female. St. Peter's Haven's staff will put-together individual (care) packages for the needy. Please contact Barbara Polk if you have any questions.
Fall Bake Sale: Sunday, :
A Bake Sale will also be held to support the Sisterhood of St. Barbara on November 21, 2021.
- Please also consider donating a homemade baked item such as cookies, cakes, breads, cupcakes. If you won’t be able to bake, monetary donations (cash or check payable to the Sisterhood of St. Barbara) would be much appreciated.
- On Sunday, October 31st, a sign-up sheet will be available in the church hall where you can indicate if you will bake or make a monetary donation. It would be most helpful if you could have your items wrapped and ready for sale.
- If you would like to share your recipe, index cards will be available at the sign-up sheet for you to take & record your recipe & include with your baked items.
- Please bring your baked items to church before Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November 21st or, on Saturday, November 20th., before Vespers between 4:00 pm & 5:00 pm and place in the kitchen refrigerator.
Please contact Kathie Robinson at 973-778-9017 or email at: chaachaa1@gmail.com if you have any questions. Please see flyer for more details.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, immediately after the regular collection, a special collection for those impacted by Hurricane Ida will be taken up. See accompanying letter on next page.
- Sunday, October 31st: Swearing in of the remainder of Parish Council
- Sunday, October 31st through Sunday, November 21st: St Peter's Haven Thanksgiving Food Drive
- Sunday, October 31st through Sunday, November 21st: St. Peter's Haven 'Care Items' (toiletries for the needy)
- Sunday, November 21st: Sisterhood of St. Barbara Fall Bake Sale. Please see Kathie Robinson for information.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno & Kevin Abrams.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
The second of the three collections of the appeal for those impacted by Hurricane Ida requested by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael will be taken up today. It will take place immediately after the regular parish collection. Please see his letter included in the bulletin for details.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy for:
- Robert & Anna Wisenbaker, the late father & mother of Deborah Stura, requested by her & her family
- Barbara Bogert, requested by Robert & Carol Hruby
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Deborah Stura is bringing a birthday cake today for Coffee Hour to celebrate her grandson, Andrew's birthday. All parishioners are invited to join in celebrating this happy occasion in our parish hall!
In regard to James Gaccione, the young man that our parish raised money for last Christmas, they finally approved the ramp which will be installed for him soon.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, immediately after the regular collection, a special collection for those impacted by Hurricane Ida will be taken up
- Sundays October 10th., 17th. & 24th: Special Collections for destruction from Hurricane Ida. See accompanying letter on next page.
- Today, after Coffee Hour: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting
- Saturday, October 23rd : A Soup and Sandwich-to-go fund raiser will be held. Please see the attached flier for details & to contact Debbie Sancenito
- Sunday, October 31st: Swearing in of the remainder of Parish Council

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez, Joanna Moreno & Kevin Abrams.
Congratulations to the newly baptized Michael Vitales, who was baptized in the name of the Trinity yesterday via the Orthodox faith, its teachings and its Church! He will receive his First Communion this morning. Please allow him to come forward first with his sponsor, Marilyn Wong. Sub-deacon Christopher will be helping me minister Holy Communion. May God continue to bless grant him many years!
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
The first of the three collections of the appeal for those impacted by Hurricane Ida requested by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael will be taken up today. It will take place immediately after the regular parish collection. Please see his letter included in the bulletin for details.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy for:
- Olga Surgent, the late mother of Gregory, in honor of her birthday, requested by Gregory & Linda Surgent
- Holly Surgent Bland, the late sister of Gregory, in honor of her birthday, requested by Gregory & Linda Surgent
- Matthew Kaznica, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week, requested by Subdeacon Christopher Chasse. Matthew was the son of Father Stephen Kaznica, the Rector at Sts. Peter & Paul’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Passaic.
Next week for:
- Robert & Anna Wisenbaker, the late father & mother of Deborah Stura, requested by her & her family
- Barbara Bogert, requested by Robert & Carol Hruby
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Familiy in honor of Mikaela Polk, who will be celebrating her 10th birthday on Tuesday, October 12th; also, in honor of Brad & Danielle Polk, who will be celebrating their wedding anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 23th. Congratulations and Many blessed years!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
The Sisterhood of St. Barbara is very happy to announce that the Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-to-go fund raiser held on September 25th was a huge success realizing a profit of $1,208.22! With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, immediately after the regular collection, a special collection for those impacted by Hurricane Ida will be taken up
- Today, for Coffee Hour, a special cake & mimosas will be included to celebrate the Baptism, Chrismation and First Holy Communion of Michael Vitales. Please join us!
- Sundays October 10th., 17th. & 24th: Special Collections for destruction from Hurricane Ida. See accompanying letter on next page.
- Sunday, October 17th., after Coffee Hour: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting
- Saturday, October 23rd : A Soup and Sandwich-to-go fund raiser will be held. Please see the attached flier for details & to contact Debbie Sancenito

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Mark Sancenito, for his 13th year in repose, requested by his wife, Deborah & her family
- Olga Grib, the most beloved mother, in honor of her 90th birthday (Oct. 5th), of Karen, Kathy and Krissy
- Barbara Bogert, requested by her beloved Cousins of the Evanina Family
Next week, for:
- Olga Surgent, the late mother of Gregory, in honor of her birthday, requested by Gregory & Linda Surgent
- Holly Surgent Bland, the late sister of Gregory, in honor of her birthday, requested by Gregory & Linda Surgent
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, October 9th. @ 12:00 Noon: baptism of Catechumen Michael Vitales
- Sundays October 10th., 17th. & 24th: Special Collections for destruction from Hurricane Ida. See accompanying letter on next page.
- Sunday, October 17th., after Coffee Hour: a Sisterhood of St. Barbara meeting

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- John Peter Koribanics, for his 54th year in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family
- Honorable John Koribanics, requested by the Koribanics Family
Next week, for:
- Mark Sancenito, for his 13th year in repose, requested by his wife, Deborah & family
- Olga Grib, the most beloved mother, in honor of her 90th birthday (Oct. 5th), of Karen, Kathy and Krissy
- Barbara Bogert, requested by her beloved Evanina Cousins
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
A very special Thankyou to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla DiIanni, Katherine Robinson, Marilyn Hutnyan & Barbara Polk for making the Stuffed Cabbage Dinners-To-Go fund raiser for the Sisterhood of St. Barbara. If you are picking up your dinner this morning, please see Marilyn Hutnyan during coffee hour. The profit will be announced as soon as the figures are finalized. Thank you also to all those who are supporting in this fund raiser.
Dates to Remember:
- Saturday, October 9th. @ 12:00 Noon: baptism of Catechumen Michael Vitales
- Sundays October 10th., 17th. & 24th: Special Collections for destruction from Hurricane Ida. See accompanying letter on next page.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Barbara Bogert, requested by: Greg & Donna Betza.
- Santina T. Folchi, requested by Marilyn Labat Ortmann
Next Sunday, September 26th., for:
- John Peter Koribanics, for his 54th year in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family
- The Honorable John Koribanics, requested by the Koribanics Family
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Today, we will re-commence our in-person Church School program. We have not done so for 18 months! We extend a warm welcome to all our returning students and to those new to our school community. Our Church School program will resume this morning after Divine Liturgy. Welcome Back! Yours, in Christ, Craig Polk, Coordinator and Church School Teachers.
Thank you to those parents who have responded to Craig’s emails to join the Program and to those whom have offered to help. Fr. Terence.
Dates to Remember:
- Today, after Liturgy, Orientation Day for parents & students for the Sunday School program
- Saturday, September 25th: Dinners-to-go cooked sponsored by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara. Please see the included flyer for details or, speak to Debbie Sancenito.
- Saturday, October 9th. @ 12:00 Noon: baptism of Catechumen Michael Vitales

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend. Next weekend, September 5th., Divine Liturgy only.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for Anna & George Ward, requested by the Fejko & Udina Families.
Next Sunday, a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Katherine & John Zubal, requested by the Fejko & Udina Families.
- Demetre Velonas for his sixth month in repose, requested by his daugher Joanna Moreno.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, September 12th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara will hold a meeting after Coffee Hour
- Saturday, October 2nd: baptism of Catechumen Michael Vitales

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy is being live-streamed this weekend. Next weekend, September 5th., Divine Liturgy only.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Sunday's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of Cecelia Polk, celebrating her 13th birthday, today, Aug. 29th. Happy Birthday! Congratulations! Many blessed years!
Thank you very much to our Council President, Gregory Focarino and the Parish Council for securing another two year rental contract for the Passaic County Mental Health Clinic School Program.
In preparation for the commencement of the school program, some ladies have been helping to clean the classroom. Donna Betza & Barbara Polk cleaned last weekend and yesterday, Saturday the 28th., Ludmilla Di Lanni, Olivia Filip, Katherine Robertson & Maria Tlatelpa also helped. Thank you very much for making the time & effort to get this work done so that teachers can walk right into their classrooms seeing that they are clean.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Wednesday, September 1st: the Orthodox Church New Year. On this day we pray for all of God’s creation.
- Sunday, September 12th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara will hold a meeting after Coffee Hour

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Thank you very much to our Council President, Gregory Focarino and the Parish Council for securing another two year rental contract for the Passaic County Mental Health Clinic School Program.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, September 12th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara will hold a meeting after Coffee Hour.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary
After the Ascension of the Lord, the Mother of God remained in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian, and during his journeys She lived at the home of his parents, near the Mount of Olives. She was a source of consolation and edification both for the Apostles and for all the believers. The reverence of the Apostles for the Most Holy Virgin was extraordinary. After the receiving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the Apostles remained at Jerusalem for about ten years attending to the salvation of the Jews, and wanting moreover to see the Mother of God and hear Her holy discourse. Many of the newly-enlightened in the Faith even came from faraway lands to Jerusalem, to see and to hear the All-Pure Mother of God. During the persecution initiated by King Herod against the young Church of Christ (Acts 12:1-3), the Most Holy Virgin and the Apostle John the Theologian withdrew to Ephesus in the year 43.
The circumstances of the Dormition of the Mother of God were known in the Orthodox Church from apostolic times. Already in the first century, the Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite wrote about Her “Falling-Asleep.” In the second century, the account of the bodily ascent of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Heaven is found in the works of Meliton, Bishop of Sardis. In the fourth century, Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus refers to the tradition about the “Falling Asleep” of the Mother of God. In the fifth century, Saint Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem, told the holy Byzantine Empress Pulcheria: “Although there is no account of the circumstances of Her death in Holy Scripture, we know about them from the most ancient and credible Tradition.” This tradition was gathered and expounded in the Church History of Nikēphóros Callistus during the fourteenth century.
At the time of Her blessed Falling Asleep, the Most Holy Virgin Mary was again at Jerusalem. Day and night She spent her time in prayer. The Most Holy Theotokos went often to the Holy Sepulchre of the Lord, and here She offered up fevent prayer. More than once, enemies of the Savior sought to hinder Her from visiting her holy place, and they asked the High Priest for a guard to watch over the Grave of the Lord. The Holy Virgin continued to pray right in front of them, yet unseen by anyone.
In one such visit to Golgotha, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Her and announced Her approaching departure from this life to eternal life. In pledge of this, the Archangel gave Her a palm branch. With these heavenly tidings the Mother of God returned to Bethlehem with the three girls attending Her (Sepphora, Abigail, and Jael). She summoned Righteous Joseph of Arimathea and other disciples of the Lord, and told them of Her impending Repose.
The Most Holy Virgin prayed also that the Lord would have the Apostle John come to Her. The Holy Spirit transported him from Ephesus, setting him in that very place where the Mother of God lay. After the prayer, the Most Holy Virgin offered incense, and John heard a voice from Heaven, closing Her prayer with the word “Amen.” The Mother of God took it that the voice meant the speedy arrival of the Apostles and the Disciples and the holy Bodiless Powers.
The faithful, whose number by then was impossible to count, gathered together, says Saint John of Damascus, like clouds and eagles, to listen to the Mother of God. Seeing one another, the Disciples rejoiced, but in their confusion they asked each other why the Lord had gathered them together in one place. Saint John the Theologian, greeting them with tears of joy, said that the time of the Virgin’s repose was at hand.
Going in to the Mother of God, they beheld Her lying upon the bed, and filled with spiritual joy. The Disciples greeted Her, and then they told her how they had been carried miraculously from their places of preaching. The Most Holy Virgin Mary glorified God, because He had heard Her prayer and fulfilled Her heart’s desire, and She began speaking about Her imminent end.
During this conversation the Apostle Paul also appeared in a miraculous manner together with his disciples Dionysius the Areopagite, Saint Hierotheus, Saint Timothy and others of the Seventy Apostles. The Holy Spirit had gathered them all together so that they might be granted the blessing of the All-Pure Virgin Mary, and more fittingly to see to the burial of the Mother of the Lord. She called each of them to Herself by name, She blessed them and extolled them for their faith and the hardships they endured in preaching the Gospel of Christ. To each She wished eternal bliss, and prayed with them for the peace and welfare of the whole world.
Then came the third hour (9 A.M.), when the Dormition of the Mother of God was to occur. A number of candles were burning. The holy Disciples surrounded her beautifully adorned bed, offering praise to God. She prayed in anticipation of Her demise and of the arrival of Her longed-for Son and Lord. Suddenly, the inexpressible Light of Divine Glory shone forth, before which the blazing candles paled in comparison. All who saw it took fright. Descending from Heaven was Christ, the King of Glory, surrounded by hosts of Angels and Archangels and other Heavenly Powers, together with the souls of the Forefathers and the Prophets, who had prophesied in ages past concerning the Most Holy Virgin Mary.
Seeing Her Son, the Mother of God exclaimed: “My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God My Savior, for He hath regarded the low estate of His Handmaiden” (Luke 1:46-48) and, rising from Her bed to meet the Lord, She bowed down to Him, and the Lord bid Her enter into Life Eternal. Without any bodily suffering, as though in a happy sleep, the Most Holy Virgin Mary gave Her soul into the hands of Her Son and God.
Then began a joyous angelic song. Accompanying the pure soul of the God-betrothed and with reverent awe for the Queen of Heaven, the angels exclaimed: “Hail, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art Thou among women! For lo, the Queen, God’s Maiden comes, lift up the gates, and with the Ever-Existing One, take up the Mother of Light; for through Her salvation has come to all the human race. It is impossible to gaze upon Her, and it is impossible to render Her due honor” (Stikherion on “Lord, I Have Cried”). The Heavenly gates were raised, and meeting the soul of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Cherubim and the Seraphim glorified Her with joy. The face of the Mother of God was radiant with the glory of Divine virginity, and from Her body there came a sweet fragrance.
Miraculous was the life of the All-Pure Virgin, and wondrous was Her Repose, as Holy Church sings: “In Thee, O Queen, the God of all hath given thee as thy portion the things that are above nature. Just as in the Birth-Giving He did preserve Thine virginity, so also in the grave He did preserve Thy body from decay” (Canon 1, Ode 6, Troparion 1).
Kissing the all-pure body with reverence and in awe, the Disciples in turn were blessed by it and filled with grace and spiritual joy. Through the great glorification of the Most Holy Theotokos, the almighty power of God healed the sick, who with faith and love touched the holy bed.
Bewailing their separation from the Mother of God, the Apostles prepared to bury Her all-pure body. The holy Apostles Peter, Paul, James and others of the Twelve Apostles carried the funeral bier upon their shoulders, and upon it lay the body of the Ever-Virgin Mary. Saint John the Theologian went at the head with the resplendent palm-branch from Paradise. The other saints and a multitude of the faithful accompanied the funeral bier with candles and censers, singing sacred songs. This solemn procession went from Sion through Jerusalem to the Garden of Gethsemane.
For three days they did not depart from the place of burial, praying and chanting Psalms. Through the wise providence of God, the Apostle Thomas was not to be present at the burial of the Mother of God. Arriving late on the third day at Gethsemane, he lay down at the tomb and with bitter tears asked that he might be permitted to look once more upon the Mother of God and bid her farewell. The Apostles out of heartfelt pity for him decided to open the grave and permit him the comfort of venerating the holy relics of the Ever-Virgin Mary. Having opened the grave, they found in it only the grave wrappings and were thus convinced of the bodily ascent of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Heaven.
As can be read in the scriptures, the Risen Christ often appeared to the disciples during a meal. The Apostles, therefore, in memory of all that Christ had done for them, would leave an empty space with a cushion on it at the table. On the cushion, they laid a piece of the bread they were eating from for the Lord Jesus, as though He were present among them. At the end of the supper, they would pray and take that piece of bread and give thanks and lift it high as they said:
“Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Great is the Name of the Holy Trinity. The Lord is Risen.”
These were the words they used from Pascha to Ascension and after Ascension, they would say:
“Great is the Name of the Holy Trinity. O Lord Jesus Christ, help us.”
On the evening of the same day they found her tomb empty, when the Apostles had gathered at a house to strengthen themselves with food, they started saying the same prayer to the Trinity but instead, the Mother of God appeared to them and said:
“Rejoice! I am with you all the days of your lives.”
This so gladdened the Apostles and everyone with them, that they took a portion of the bread that was set aside at the meal in memory of the Savior (“the Lord’s Portion”), and they exclaimed :
“Most Holy Theotokos, save us”.
This marks the beginning of the rite of offering up the “Panagia” (“All-Holy”), a portion of bread in honor of the Mother of God, which is done at monasteries to the present day.
Some say that when they opened the Virgin’s tomb it also had a fragrance of flowers and herbs. For this reason, the Orthodox Church continues the practice of blessing flowers and herbs on this day.
Saturday’s Great Vespers & Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
This morning, on the feast of our Church, a blessing of herbs and flowers will be done before the end of Divine Liturgy. Please bring your flowers and herbs to the table near the solea to blessed by Father.
At the end of the Liturgy, Gregory & Vera Focarino, as well as their children Monica & Mariana, will be given a blessing for their safe travels to Portugal next weekend. Please keep them in your prayers.
Thank you very much to our Council President, Gregory Focarino and the Parish Council for securing another two year rental contract for the Passaic County Mental Health Clinic School Program.
Thank you very much to Kevin Shermock and Carl Stramiello (friend of Greg Focarino), for their teamwork in removing the sumac shrub in front of our rectory and completing other yard work. Also to Greg Swenda and Tony Ersalesi, at the ladies request, for improving the safety of the stairs to the church lavatories by installing rubber treads on them as well as for conducting the annual inspection and maintenance of the emergency lights. God bless you!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, August 15th. Sunday, September 12th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara will hold a meeting afterCoffee Hour.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein, Frank Sanchez & Joanna Moreno.
Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
We continue the Dormition Fast until next Sunday.
This morning a Parastas (Memorial Service) will be held in Loving Memory of Josephine Broda Billy, on her 3rd. Anniversary, requested by Elaine Svendsen. May her memory be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Dates to Remember:
- Sunday, August 15th. On the feast of our Church, a blessing of herbs and flowers will be done before the end of Divine Liturgy. Please bring your flowers and herbs to the table near the solea to blessed by Father.
- Sunday, Septempber 12th: Sisterhood of St. Barbara will hold a meeting afterCoffee Hour.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein.
Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today is the beginning of the Dormition Fast.
This morning a Parastas (Memorial Service) will be held in Loving Memory of
- Irene Koribanics for her 4th Year in repose, requested by The Koribanics Family
- Constantina Velonas for her 25th Year in repose, requested by her daughter Joanna Morano. May their memories be eternal!
- Nicholas Telep Snr., for his 19th Year in repose, requested by Joyce Telep & the Telep Family.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of family celebrations during the month of August for birthdays of Danielle (Aug. 5th) and Cecelia (Aug. 29th); and anniversaries of John & Barbara (Aug.7th) and John Jr. & Heather (Aug. 11th).
Congratulations. May God grant you many blessed years!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Given that most of us have now been vaccinated & life is starting to return to normal, it would be good to set up the cleaning schedule for the church again. The Parish Council will set up a roster to help you schedule dates. For the past 16 months, Donna Betza & Tony Ersalesi have been cleaning the church on their own. It would be good to lighten their cleaning duties. Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to help.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.
Dates to Remember:
- Thursday, August 5th. @ 6:00 PM: Great Vespers for the Transfiguration of Christ. We will also bless grapes & fruit at the end of Vespers.
- Sunday, August 15th. On the feast of our Church, a blessing of herbs and flowers will be done before the end of Divine Liturgy. Please bring your flowers and herbs to the table near the solea to blessed by Father.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein.
Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy are being live-streamed this weekend.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
This morning a Parastas (Memorial Service) for Susan Ersalesi Mautone has been requested by Donna & Greg Betza, in Loving Memory of her first year in repose. Memory be eternal!
Today's bulletin is being sponsored Donna & Greg Betza in Loving Memory of Susan Ersalesi Mautone's first year in repose. Memory eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Help is Needed from able-bodied individuals to help move furniture and appliances from the church kitchen and other areas in preparation for a floor cleaning and polishing project that is scheduled for Wednesday, July 21st, 2021. Please see Gregory Focarino after Divine Liturgy if you can help with this effort either after coffee hour this Sunday (7/18), or late-afternoon on Tuesday (7/20). Any assistance would be deeply appreciated.
Given that most of us have now been vaccinated & life is starting to return to normal, it would be good to set up the cleaning schedule for the church again. The Parish Council will set up a roster to help you schedule dates. For the past 16 months, Donna Betza & Tony Ersalesi have been cleaning the church on their own. It would be good to lighten their cleaning duties. Please speak to Donna Betza if you would like to help.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.

Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy continue to be live-streamed.
Welcome to our visitors and to those who are returning for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It is good to see you!
Today, a Memorial Service will be held for all the Fathers, Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers, God Fathers and all the men in our lives for Father’s Day. May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Today marks the last day for the season of Sunday School . Thank you very much to Craig Polk for his dedication and creativity in striving to continue the work of educating our children in the faith during this pandemic. He was able to create Zoom classes almost without interruption and recently attended a diocesan workshop about how to better engage the students in class. He wants to use some of the initiatives for the new liturgical year and cycle.
Reader Christopher Minarich has agreed to assist in beginning the process of reinstating the choir. We will hold a rehearsal today, Sunday, June 20, after Coffee Hour in the choir loft, to assess the current state of the choir, and to look at an appropriate timeline. CDC guidelines instruct non-vaccinated people to wear masks and continue social distancing. Because we will be singing without masks, and there is inadequate space in the choir loft for the (extra) social distancing while singing, we are unfortunately limited to having vaccinated singers in the choir loft. God willing, this will be a short-term situation while we transition out of the pandemic.
The Spring/Summer edition of our diocesan magazine Jacob’s Well has been sent to us. Copies of it are in our Fr. Lucas Memorial Hall downstairs. Please take one home.
No date has yet been given for the pick up of the items in the parish hall for the St. Basil’s Charitable Project.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.
Dates to Remember
- Today, is the last day of our Church school year 2020 - 2021.
Happy Father’s Day!

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein.
Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy continue to be live-streamed.
Today, a 3 Month Memorial Service will be held after the Divine Liturgy, for Dimitrios Velonas, the late father of Joanna Moreno.
Next Sunday, a Memorial Service will be held for all the Fathers, Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers, God Fathers and all the men in our lives for Father’s Day.
May their memories be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today’s bulletin is sponsored by Benedict and Joyce Focarino in honor of their son Gregory being installed as the Parish Council President, along with all the recently elected Council members.
Today's coffee hour is sponsored by Today’s coffee hour is sponsored by Vera Focarino in honor of the installation of the recently elected Parish Council, including her husband Gregory as the Parish Council President. Many Blessings that their efforts build on the work of those before, to grow our loving communion and share and maintain this beautiful church.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Archbishop Michael wrote recently to give his blessing to the elected member of Parish Council. As such, they will take the Oath of Office after today’s Memorial Service and be blessed to take up their positions and responsibilities on the Council.
Reader Christopher Minarich has agreed to assist in beginning the process of reinstating the choir. We will hold an initial rehearsal today, Sunday, June 13, after Coffee Hour in the choir loft, to assess the current state of the choir, and to look at an appropriate timeline. CDC guidelines instruct non-vaccinated people to wear masks and continue social distancing. Because we will be singing without masks, and there is inadequate space in the choir loft for the (extra) social distancing while singing, we are unfortunately limited to having vaccinated singers in the choir loft. God willing, this will be a short-term situation while we transition out of the pandemic.
No date has yet been given for the pick up of the items in the parish hall for the St. Basil’s Charitable Project.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.
Dates to Remember
- Sunday, June 13th., at the end of the Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of newly elected PC

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein.
Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy continue to be live-streamed.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held after the Divine Liturgy, for
Elaine Klein, requested by Helen Dolocheck, Greg and Donna Betza.
Next Sunday (June 13th.), a 40 Day Memorial Service will be held for Dimitrios Velonas, the late father of Joanna Moreno.
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
Today's coffee hour is sponsored by Carol & Bob Hruby in loving memory of Elaine Klein. May her memory be eternal!
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
The results of the election of the Parish Council at the Annual Meeting:
President: Gregory Focarino; Vice President: Anthony Ersalesi; Secretary: Donna Betza; Treasurer: Diane Abrams.
The other Members of the Council are: Joyce Telep, Barbara Polk, Joan Ersalesi, Sharon Korbanics and Kevin Shermock. Congratulations to all of you!
Thank you very much to Joyce Telep for her tireless and dedicated work as President of the Council for the past 4 years and especially during these last very difficult 12 months.
Peter Pruzinsky also asked to retire from the Council. Thank you to him as well for his many years of service to the Council.
No date has yet been given for the pick up of the items in the parish hall for the St. Basil’s Charitable Project.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.
Dates to Remember
- Wednesday, June 9th. @ 5:00 PM: Great Vespers for the Ascension of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Please note that for the Divine Liturgy the next morning, I will go to St. John’s in Passaic because there is no one in our parish to do the responses. Please feel welcome to join me there.
- Sunday, June 13th., at the end of the Divine Liturgy: Swearing in of newly elected Parish Council.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein.
Saturdays Great Vespers and Sunday’s Divine Liturgy continue to be live-streamed.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held after the Divine Liturgy, for Elaine Klein, requested by some members of the Parish Council. May her memory be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
The results of the election of the Parish Council at the Annual Meeting:
President: Gregory Focarino
Vice President: Anthony Ersalesi
Secretary: Donna Betza
Treasurer: Diane Abrams
The other Members of the Council are: Joyce Telep, Barbara Polk, Joan Ersalesi, Sharon Korbanics and Kevin Shermock.
Thank you very much to Joyce Telep for her tireless and dedicated work as President of the Council for the past 4 years and especially during these last very difficult 12 months.
Peter Pruzinsky also asked to retire from the Council. Thank you to him as well for his many years of service to the Council.
Marilyn Wong has kindly accepted to be Parish Auditor along with Debbie Sancenito.
You would have heard in the news that the CDC and the State of New Jersey are loosening the requirement for masks for anyone who has been fully vaccinated. Please see the included new Diocesan Guidelines regarding mask wearing, social distancing and the distribution of Holy Communion. Candles may now be lit for devotional purposes.
No date has yet been given for the pick up of the items in the parish hall for the St. Basil’s Charitable Project.
Our Choir Director, Susan Savastinuk, has decided to resign. Her last Sunday Liturgy with us will be next Sunday, May 30th., when a light brunch will be held to send her off. We wish her and her husband A.J. every blessing for the future.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.

Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan & Emily Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert & Barry Hruby, Susan, Kevin & Kyle Shermock, James & Joann Hopko, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Frank & Kelly Fusco, Martha Hvizdash, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri and John Stein.
Thanks to the commitment of Sub-deacon Christopher, I will be able to hold Great Vespers each Saturday at 5:00 PM. For those who attend this service regularly, please keep a lookout for any last minute cancellations due to bad weather or other unexpected events. I will contact you by Saturday afternoon if needed to let you know.
The Divine Liturgy will continue to be streamed.
Next Sunday (May 30th, after Divine Liturgy), a Memorial Service will be held for:
Elaine Klein, requested by our Parish Family. May her memory be eternal!
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
Today's bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family, in honor of CJ (Craig , Jr) Polk celebrating his 6th birthday on May 26th. Congratulations! Many Blessed Years!
Today’s Coffee Hour will be sponsored by the Parish Council to thank Joyce Telep for her tireless and dedicated work as the President of the Parish Council.
After Coffee Hour today, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting. It is significant because it is the first one we have held in two years! Please see the included flyer for the meeting’s agenda. Reports will be given and elections will be held for Parish Council. Please join us.
No date has yet been given for the pickup of the items in the parish hall for the St. Basil’s Charitable Project.
You would have heard in the news that the CDC is loosening the requirement for masks for anyone who has been fully vaccinated. Until the Archdiocese issues new directives on this we should continue to use masks and also maintain the Social Distancing and sanitizing practices that we have been instructed to do. We will continue to give Communion in the same way. It will be some time off before these safeguards will be lifted. Please also use caution during Coffee Hour. We have not had any infectious spread through our church and we want to keep it that way! Please get vaccinated if you have not already done so. Our bishops encourage us to.
Because of the pandemic, we are currently asked by the archdiocese to not light candles in the church. Given, however, that the large red candles are light by Father up at the iconostasis and on the altar, if you would like to sponsor one for a loved one who has passed away or is sick that you would like to pray for, please speak to Donna Betza to give her the name and she will pass it along to Father. That candle will be left alight until it burns out during the week. They cost $7.00.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.
- Sunday, May 23: After Divine Liturgy & Coffee: Annual Parish Meeting in the Parish Hall.

2nd Sunday of Pascha
St. Thomas Sunday
Please pray for the following servants of God:
Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki,Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Barry Hruby, KevinShermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, BridgetMcLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck,Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD, Gregory Pusateri.
After Divine Liturgy a Memorial Service will be held for:
- Anna Parahus (in commemoration of her 100th birthday, Monday May 10th), requested by great nephew Sub Deacon Christopher Chasse
- All the deceased Mothers, Grandmothers, Great-grandmothers, etc., God Mothers and all the women in our lives.
May their memories be eternal!
St. Andrew’s Camp Fundraiser
Today, we will have the third and last collection for St. Andrew's Camp Fundraiser, twhere we have our diocesan camp for our youth of New York and New Jersey. Archbishop Michael has asked us to give to this most worthy project to improve the Camp’s kitchen and dining facilities. We call upon your generosity to support this project. Anyone making a donation by check, to please make the check payable to Holy Assumption but earmarking it: St. Andrew’s Project.
St. Basil’s Charitable Project
With the blessing and encouragement of Archbishop Michael, we have been asked to participate in the St. Basil Charitable project in Trenton, NJ. Our parish has cancelled its regularly scheduled Rummage Sale because of the virus but if you would like to donate clothing or canned food, please bring them to the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy on a Sunday during Great Lent. This will be a Lenten Charitable Project for our parish. Please read below what the St. Basil's committee is asking for. After Coffee Hour today is the last opportunity to bring your items.
The volunteers of St. Basil’s House have shared the following list of particular needs. I ask that each parish undertake a Charity Drive for these types of items. Your pastor will coordinate with the local Dean for the transportation of these items to St. Basil’s House:
- CLOTHING, clean and in good condition. We ask that one person in each parish take responsibility for collecting the clothing, storing it until it can be picked up, and working with your priest to coordinate transportation of the donations.
- CANNED FOOD, which will be used to stock the cupboards from which we provide meals for our neighbors. Again, one parishioner should oversee collecting and storing the food and assist your priest in arranging its transportation.
- VOLUNTEERS, from neighboring parishes, to help out at St. Basil’s House in Trenton, with preparing the take-out meals that are offered, and to help with cooking, serving, cleaning and hosting, once normal post-pandemic services resume.
Because of the pandemic, we are currently asked by the archdiocese to not light candles in the church. Given, however, that the large red candles are light by Father up at the iconostasis and on the altar, if you would like to sponsor one for a loved one who has passed away or is sick that you would like to pray for, please speak to Donna Betza to give her the name and she will pass it along to Father. That candle will be left alight until it burns out during the week. They cost $7.00.
The Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America is now allowing its parishes to use the Divine Liturgy Books and paper Bulletins for our Sunday’s Services because most parish members in its parishes have been vaccinated. Please continue to use masks and also maintain the Social Distancing and sanitizing practices that we have been instructed to do. We will continue to give Communion in the same way. It will be some time off before these safeguards will be lifted. Please also use caution during Coffee Hour. We have not had any infectious spread through our church and we want to keep it that way! Please get vaccinated if you have not already done so. Our bishops encourage us to.
Memorial Services or Parastases
When requesting a Memorial Service, please speak to Father Terence first and then contact Barbara Polk to give her the details so that they can be placed accurately in the Bulletin. If the list of names is long, please call Father to explain the order in which you would like them.
If you wish to sponsor the Bulletin or Coffee Hour, please contact Barbara Polk for the Bulletin and both Donna Betza and her in regard to Coffee.
The cones outside the church on Orange Ave. are intended for the re-pavement of the parking lot when it commences.
The Divine Liturgy will continue to be streamed.
Perogies are still for sale. Please speak to Donna Betza if you wish to purchase some.
- Sunday, May 9th: Mother’s Day
- Third Special collection for St. Andrew’s Camp Building Project
- Sunday, May 9th: Donations received by this date will be prepared for transportation to St.Basil’s, Trenton, NJ
- Saturday, May 15th: Dinners –To-Go Fundraiser May 15, 2021. Bangers(sausage) & Potatoes dinner. See attached flyer.
- Sunday, May 23: After Divine Liturgy & Coffee: Annual Parish Meeting in the Parish Hall.
Happy mother’s day!

Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem—Palm Sunday
At the end of the Hours: the Blessing of the Palms:
Please go to the vestibule of the Church where the blessing will take place.
Priest: Let us pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: O Lord our God, who sits up on the Cherubim; you have reaffirmed your power & sent out your Lonely-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to save the world through his Cross, Burial & Resurrection. When he had com to Jerusalem for his voluntary Passion, the people that sat in darkness & the shadow of death took, as tokens of victory, boughs of trees & branches of palms, thus foretelling his Resurrection. Do you yourself, O Master, keep & preserve us also, who, following their example on the eve of the feast, carry in our hands palms & branches and who like the crowds & the children cry to you, ‘Hosanna!” With hymns & spiritual songs count us worthy to attain the life-giving Resurrection on the third day: through Jesus Christ our Lord, with whom you are blessed, together with you most holy, good & life-giving Spirit, now & ever & unto ages of ages.
Response: Amen.
The priest then sprinkles the palms & brances with holy water thrice, saying each time:
These palms are sanctified throught sprinkling of this holy , in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the Divine Liturgy
The First Antiphon
I love the Lord because He has heard the voice of my supplication. (Ps.114:1)
Refrain:Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us!
Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live. (Ps.114:2)(Refrain)
The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of hell laid hold on me.(Ps.114:3) (Refrain)
I suffered distress and anguish, then I called on the Name of the Lord. (Ps.114:4a)(Refrain)
I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.(Ps.114:9)(Refrain)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen. (Refrain)
The Second Antiphon
I kept my faith, even when I said, “I am greatly afflicted.”(Ps.115:1)
Refrain:O Son of God, seated on the colt of an ass, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!
What shall I render to the Lord for all the things He has given me?(Ps.115:3)(Refrain)
I will receive the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord. (Ps.115:4)(Refrain)
I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people. (Ps.115:5)(Refrain)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
“Only-begotten Son and immortal Word of God… “
The Third Antiphon
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever. (Ps.117:1)
Tone 1 Troparion
By raising Lazarus from the dead before Your Passion,
You confirmed the universal resurrection, O Christ God.
Like the children with the palms of victory,
we cry out to You, O Vanquisher of Death:
“Hosanna in the highest!//
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord.”
Let the house of Israel say that He is good; for His mercy endures forever.
Troparion of the Feast
Let the house of Aaron say that He is good; for His mercy endures forever. (Ps.117:3)
Troparion of the Feast
Let those who fear the Lord say that He is good; for His mercy endures forever. (Ps.117:4)
Troparion of the Feast
Entrance Verse
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord.God is the Lord and He has revealed Himself to us.(Ps.117:25b-26)
Tone 1 Troparion
By raising Lazarus from the dead before Your Passion,
You confirmed the universal resurrection, O Christ God.
Like the children with the palms of victory,
we cry out to You, O Vanquisher of Death:
“Hosanna in the highest!//
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord.”
Tone 4 Troparion
When we were buried with You in baptism, O Christ God,
we were made worthy of eternal life by Your Resurrection.
Now we praise You and sing:
“Hosanna in the highest!//
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord!”
Tone 6 Kontakion
Sitting on Your throne in Heaven,
carried on a foal on earth, O Christ God,
accept the praise of angels and the songs of children, who sing://
“Blessed is He Who comes to recall Adam!”
The Trisagion is sung.
Tone 4 Prokeimenon
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord. / God is the Lord and has revealed Himself to us. (Ps. 117:26b, 27b)
V.O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever. (Ps.117:1)
(247) Philippians 4:4-9
Tone 1
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things!(Ps.97:1)
V.All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.(Ps. 97:5)
(41) John 12:1-18
Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing:
God is the Lord and has revealed Himself to us!
Celebrate the feast and come with gladness!
Let us magnify Christ with palms and branches,
singing: “Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord, our Savior!”
Communion Hymn
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord. God is the Lord and has revealed Himself to us. (Ps. 117:26b, 27b)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Lazarus Saturday
Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning
Tone 1 Troparion
By raising Lazarus from the dead before Your Passion,
You confirmed the universal resurrection, O Christ God.
Like the children with the palms of victory,
we cry out to You, O Vanquisher of Death:
“Hosanna in the highest!//
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord.”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 2 Kontakion
Christ, the Joy, the Truth, and the Light of all,
the Life of the world, and the Resurrection,
has appeared in His goodness to those on earth.
He has become the Image of our Resurrection,//
granting divine forgiveness to all.
Instead of the Trisagion, we sing:
As many as have been baptized into Christ,
have put on Christ. Alleluia.
Tone 3 Prokeimenon
The Lord is my Light and my Savior! / Whom shall I fear?(Ps. 26:1)
V.The Lord is the defender of my life! Of whom shall I be afraid?(Ps. 26:2)
(333-ctr) Hebrews 12:28-13:8
Tone 5
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty.(Ps. 92:1a)
V.For He has established the world so that it shall never be moved.(Ps. 92:2)
(39) John 11:1-45
Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing:
Come, all people, let us honor the pure Theotokos!
She conceived the divine Fire within her womb, yet was not consumed.
Let us magnify her in song!
Communion Hymn
Out of the mouths of babes and infants, You have fashioned perfect praise.
(Ps. 8:2a)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William, Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Barry Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD,
As We Orthodox Christians continue the Great Fast, please do your best to refrain from meat, fish, dairy products and animal fats. Seafood without bones is permissible as well as grains, fruits and vegetables. Please consult your Lectionary Wall Calendar for those days when there are exceptions. Please be careful about undertaking the fast if you have medical conditions.
Liturgical Services for Great Lent 2021
- Because of Covid-19, there will be no shared services between parishes this year.
- The Diocese of NY & NJ has given our parish guidelines to follow in order to minimize the
- risk of its spread. It will mean some changes to the services, the wearing of masks and
- keeping social distancing where possible.
- Every attempt will be made to streamline all of them during the season of Great Lent.
- The Lenten Weekday Services will be open to everyone. There will be a door keeper to verify
- that those coming are healthy & take down the names of the attendees.
- I will continue to post my daily scriptural messages on the parish website & Facebook.
- Attached is the calendar for the Liturgical Services for Great Lent 2021
- The schedule for Holy Week is included on the attached calendar.
St. Andrew’s Camp
Dearly Beloved Parishioners and Friends:
Christ is in our midst!
His Eminence, Archbishop Michael has begun a fund raiser for St. Andrew's Camp, the diocesan camp for our diocese of New York and New Jersey.
He has asked us to take up 3 collections for this most worthy project for the youth of our diocese. The Parish Council and I have decided on the dates for these collections:
- Sunday, April 18th. The 5th. Sunday of Great Lent.
- Sunday, April 25th. Palm Sunday.
- Sunday, May 9th. Mother's Day.
We call upon your generosity to support this project.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz
Holy Assumption Church
Clifton NJ
St. Basil Charitable Project
With the blessing and encouragement of Archbishop Michael, we have been asked to participate in the St. Basil Charitable project in Trenton, NJ. Our parish has cancelled its regularly scheduled Rummage Sale because of the virus but if you would like to donate clothing or canned food, please bring them to the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy on a Sunday during Great Lent. This will be a Lenten Charitable Project for our parish. Please read below what the St. Basil's committee is asking for.
The volunteers of St. Basil’s House have shared the following list of particular needs. I ask that each parish undertake a Charity Drive for these types of items. Your pastor will coordinate with the local Dean for the transportation of these items to St. Basil’s House:
- CLOTHING, clean and in good condition. We ask that one person in each parish take responsibility for collecting the clothing, storing it until it can be picked up, and working with your priest to coordinate transportation of the donations.
- CANNED FOOD, which will be used to stock the cupboards from which we provide meals for our neighbors. Again, one parishioner should oversee collecting and storing the food and assist your priest in arranging its transportation.
- VOLUNTEERS, from neighboring parishes, to help out at St. Basil’s House in Trenton, with preparing the take-out meals that are offered, and to help with cooking, serving, cleaning and hosting, once normal post-pandemic services resume.
Dates To Remember:
- Sunday, April 18th: The 5th. Sunday of Great Lent. First Special collection for St. Andrew’s Camp Building Project
- Saturday, April 24th: 9:00 AM - Lazarus Saturday – Memorial Saturday. The names on the Memorial & Preservation plaques will be included in this service.
- Sunday, April 25th: Palm Sunday Second Special collection for St. Andrew’s Camp Building Project
- Saturday, May 8th: 5:00 PM Great Vespers
- Sunday, May 9th: Mother’s Day. Third Special collection for St. Andrew’s Camp Building Project
- Sunday, May 9th: Donations received by this date will be prepared for transportation
- to St.Basil’s, Trenton, NJ
- Saturday, May 15th: SAVE THE DATE: Dinners –To-Go Fundraiser Bangers(sausage) & Potatoes. Details to be announced
- Saturday, May 15th: 12:00 NOON – The donated items we collect for the St. Basil
- Charitable project will be picked up and transported to St. Basil’s in Trenton, NJ

Fifth Sunday of Great Lent
St. Mary of Egypt
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 4 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the women disciples of the Lord learned from the angel the joyous message of Your Resurrection, they cast away the ancestral curse and elatedly told the apostles: “Death is overthrown! Christ God is risen,// granting the world great mercy!”
Tone 8 Troparion (St. Mary of Egypt)
The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Mother, for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh for it passes away; but to care instead for the soul, for it is immortal.// Therefore your spirit, O holy Mother Mary, rejoices with the angels.
Tone 4 Kontakion (Resurrection)
My Savior and Redeemer as God rose from the tomb and delivered the earth-born from their chains. He has shattered the gates of hell, and as Master,// He has risen on the third day!
Tone 3 Kontakion (St. Mary of Egypt)
Having been a sinful woman, you became through repentance a bride of Christ.
Having attained angelic life, you defeated demons with the weapon of the Cross.//
Therefore, O most glorious Mary, you are a bride of the Kingdom.
Tone 4 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
O Lord, how manifold are Your works; / in wisdom have You made them all.
(Ps. 103:26)
- V. Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord, my God, You are very great! (Ps. 103:1)
Tone 4 God is wonderful in His saints, / the God of Israel. (Ps. 67:35a)
(321-ctr) Hebrews 9:11-14
Tone 4
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. Go forth, prosper and reign, for the sake of meekness, righteousness and truth! (Ps. 44:3b)
- V. For You love righteousness, and hate iniquity. (Ps. 44:6)
Tone 1
- V. I waited patiently for the Lord; He attended to me and heard my supplication.(Ps. 39:1)
(47) Mark 10:32-45
Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing the following:
Hymn to the Theotokos
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace: the assembly of angels and the race of men. O sanctified temple and spiritual paradise, the glory of virgins, from whom God was incarnate and became a Child – our God before the ages. He made your body into a throne, and your womb He made more spacious than the heavens. All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace. Glory to you!
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance! He shall not fear evil
tidings! (Ps. 111:6)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent
St. John Climacus (of the Ladder)
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 3 Troparion (Resurrection)
Let the heavens rejoice!
Let the earth be glad!
For the Lord has shown strength with His arm.
He has trampled down death by death.
He has become the first born of the dead.
He has delivered us from the depths of hell,
and has granted to the world//
Tone 1 Troparion (St. John Climacus)
O dweller of the wilderness and angel in the body,
you were a wonderworker, O our God-bearing Father John.
You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil and prayer,
healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith.
Glory to Him Who gave you strength!
Glory to Him Who granted you a ^crown!//
Glory to Him Who grants healing to all!
Tone 3 Kontakion (Resurrection)
On this day You rose from the tomb, O Merciful One,
leading us from the gates of death.
On this day Adam exults as Eve rejoices;
with the Prophets and Patriarchs//
they unceasingly praise the divine majesty of Your power.
Tone 4 Kontakion (St. John Climacus)
The Lord truly set you on the heights of abstinence,
to be a guiding star, showing the way to the universe,//
O our father and teacher John.
Tone 3 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
Sing praises to our God, sing praises! /Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
- V. Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy! (Ps. 46:1)
Tone 7 Prokeimenon (St. John Climacus)
Let the saints exult in glory; / let them sing for joy on their couches! (Ps. 149:5)
(314) Hebrews 6:13-20
Tone 3
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.In You, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be put to shame! (Ps. 30:1a)
V.Be a God of protection for me, a house of refuge in order to save me!(Ps. 30:2b)
Tone 4
V.They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. (Ps. 91:12)
(40) Mark 9:17-31
Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing the following:
Hymn to the Theotokos
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace:
the assembly of angels and the race of men.
O sanctified temple and spiritual paradise,
the glory of virgins,
from whom God was incarnate and became a Child –
our God before the ages.
He made your body into a throne,
and your womb He made more spacious than the heavens.
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace.
Glory to you!
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance! He shall not fear evil
tidings! (Ps. 111:6)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William
Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, Alphonsus ‘Rick’ Doerr, Jr., MD
Today, a memorial service will be held in loving memory of
- John Bacik, Jr. - 34th year in repose
requested by: (daughter) Deborah Bacik Sancenito & Family
May his memory be eternal!
As We Orthodox Christians continue the Great Fast, please do your best to refrain from meat, fish, dairy products and animal fats. Seafood without bones is permissible as well as grains, fruits and vegetables. Please consult your Lectionary Wall Calendar for those days when there are exceptions. Please be careful about undertaking the fast if you have medical conditions.
Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church
Liturgical Services for Great Lent 2021
- Because of Covid-19, there will be no shared services between parishes this year.
- The Diocese of NY & NJ has given our parish guidelines to follow in order to minimize the risk of its spread. It will mean some changes to the services, the wearing of masks and keeping social distancing where possible.
- Every attempt will be made to streamline all of them during the season of Great Lent.
- The Lenten Weekday Services will be open to everyone. There will be a door keeper to verify that those coming are healthy & take down the names of the attendees.
- I will continue to post my daily scriptural messages on the parish website & Facebook.
- The schedule for Holy Week will be posted closer to that time.
- Fr. Terence Baz March 2021
With the blessing and encouragement of Archbishop Michael, we have been asked to participate in the St. Basil Charitable project in Trenton, NJ. Our parish has cancelled its regularly scheduled Rummage Sale because of the virus but if you would like to donate clothing or canned food, please bring them to the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy on a Sunday during Great Lent. This will be a Lenten Charitable Project for our parish. Please read below what the St. Basil's committee is asking for. Please make sure any donations are brought by Palm Sunday, April 25th. More details will follow.
Fr. Terence
The volunteers of St. Basil’s House have shared the following list of particular needs. I ask that each parish undertake a Charity Drive for these types of items. Your pastor will coordinate with the local Dean for the transportation of these items to St. Basil’s House:
- CLOTHING, clean and in good condition. We ask that one person in each parish take responsibility for collecting the clothing, storing it until it can be picked up, and working with your priest to coordinate transportation of the donations.
- CANNED FOOD, which will be used to stock the cupboards from which we provide meals for our neighbors. Again, one parishioner should oversee collecting and storing the food and assist your priest in arranging its transportation.
- VOLUNTEERS, from neighboring parishes, to help out at St. Basil’s House in Trenton, with preparing the take-out meals that are offered, and to help with cooking, serving, cleaning and hosting, once normal post-pandemic services resume.
Because of the pandemic, we are currently asked by the archdiocese to not light candles in the church. Given, however, that the large red candles are light by Father up at the iconostasis and on the altar, if you would like to sponsor one for a loved one who has passed away or is sick that you would like to pray for, please speak to Donna Betza to give her the name and she will pass it along to Father. That candle will be left alight until it burns out during the week. They cost $7.00. Fr. Terence Baz
Saturday, April 24th: 9:00 AM - Lazarus Saturday – Memorial Saturday
Please complete the attached form if you wish to have
loved ones included in this service.
If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, please contact Fr. Terence and Barbara Polk. To sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact only Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Pierogies for Sale! Please see Donna Betza during coffee hour for information.
Today’s bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor and in celebration of family birthdays in April; Laura Polk, the 5th and Charles Polk, the 22nd. Congratulations and Many Blessed Years!

Third Sunday of Great Lent
Veneration of the Cross
(Before the vigil, the celebrant transfers the precious Cross to the Holy Altar Table, accompanied by the singing of the Troparion, “O Lord, save Your people…”, and the Kontakion, “Now the flaming sword…”)
"Lord I Call..." Tone 2
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Hear me, O Lord!
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Receive the voice of my prayer,
when I call upon You!//
Hearme, O Lord!
Let my prayer arise
in Your sight as incense,
and let the lifting up of my hands
be an evening sacrifice!//
Hearme, O Lord!
- V. (10)Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to Your name!
Tone 2 (for the Resurrection)
Come, let us worship the Word of God
begotten of the Father before all ages,
and incarnate of the Virgin Mary!
Having endured the Cross,
He was buried as He Himself desired.//
And having risen from the dead, He saved me, an erring man.
- V. (9) The righteous will surround me; for You will deal bountifully with me.
Christ our Savior
nailed to the Cross the bond against us,
He voided it and destroyed the dominion of death.//
We fall down before His Resurrection on the third day.
- V. (8) Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!
With the Archangels
let us praise the Resurrection of Christ!
He is our Savior, our Redeemer.
He is coming with awesome glory and mighty power//
to judge the world which He made.
- V. (7) Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!
(Resurrection stichera by Anatolius)
The Angel proclaimedYou,
the crucified and buried Master.
He told the women: “Come, see the place where He lay!
He is risen as He said,
for He is almighty.”
We worship You, O only immortal One.//
Have mercy on us, O Christ, the Giver of life!
- V. (6)If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You.
By Your Cross, You destroyed the curse of the tree.
By Your burial You destroyed the dominion of death.
By Your rising, You enlightened the race of man.//
O Benefactor, Christ our God, glory to You!
- V. (5)For Your Name’s sake I wait for You, O Lord.My soul has waited for Your word; my soul has hoped on the Lord.
The gates of death opened to You from fear, O Lord.
When the guards of hell saw You they were afraid,
for You demolished the gates of brass and smashed the iron chains.//
You have led us from the darkness and shadows of death, and have broken our bonds.
- V. (4) From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, let Israel hope on the Lord!
Tone 5[*] (from the Lenten Triodion) (Rejoice, O Life-giving Cross)
Shine, O Cross of the Lord!
Illumine the hearts of those who honor you!
With love inspired by God, we embrace you,
for you are the only hope of the world.
Through you our tears are wiped away,
the snares of death are sprung,
and we pass over into everlasting joy.
Through the Cross reveal Your beauty to us, O Lord!
Help Your servants who ask for mercy in faith!//
Bestow upon us the fruits of abstinence!
- V. (3) For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
Rejoice, O life-bearing Cross:
bright paradise of the Church, the tree of incorruption!
You have obtained for us the joy of everlasting glory.
Through you, the hosts of demons are driven out;
the choirs of angels are amazed and rejoice;
the company of the faithful gathers in celebration.
O unconquerable weapon, unbroken stronghold,
triumph of Orthodox Christians and pride of priests,//
by following you may we witness the Passion and Resurrection of Christ our God!
- V. (2) Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise Him, all peoples!
Rejoice, O life-bearing Cross:
invincible triumph of godliness,
gate of Paradise, and protection of the faithful!
The Cross is the might of the Church,
through which corruption is abolished,
through which the power of death is crushed.
and we are raised from earth to heaven.
O invincible weapon, the adversary of demons,
the glory of martyrs, the true adornment of ven’rable saints,
and the haven of salvation,//
which grants the world great mercy.
- V. (1) For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Come, O Adam and Eve, our first father and mother,
who fell from divine glory
through the envy of the murderer of man!
Bitter was the pleasure of the Tree of old;
but see, the honored Tree of the Cross draws near!
Run with haste and embrace it in joy,
crying out with faith:
“You are our help, O most-precious Cross!
We eatyour fruit and gain incorruption!//
We are restored again to Eden, having received great mercy!”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
Tone 3 (from the Lenten Triodion)
Wishing to restore all men to life,
You accepted crucifixion, O Christ our God.
Burning with boundless love for man,
You took the quill of the Cross in Your hand;
dipping it in ink of royal crimson,
You signed our release with blood-stained fingers.
Though temptations assault us,
may we never forsake You again!
Have mercy on Your despairing people,
O long-suffering Master!//
Arise and fight Your enemies in Your almighty power!
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 2 (Theotokion – Dogmatikon)
The shadow of the Law passed when grace came;
as the Bush burned, yet was not consumed,
so the Virgin gave birth, yet remained a Virgin.
The Righteous Sun has risen instead of a pillar of flame.//
Instead of Moses, Christ, the Salvation of our souls.
Tone 2 (for the Resurrection)
Your Resurrection, O Christ our Savior,
has enlightened the whole universe,
recalling Your creation.//
Glory to You, O almighty Lord!
- V. The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty!
By the Tree You destroyed the curse of the Tree, O Savior.
By Your burial You mortified the majesty of death.
You have enlightened our race by Your Resurrection.//
O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!
- V. For He has established the world, so that it shall never be moved.
When You were seen nailed to the Cross, O Christ,
You restored the beauty of Your creatures.
The soldiers showed their inhumanity when they pierced Your side with a spear.
The Hebrews, not knowing Your power,
asked that Your tomb might be sealed,
but through the mercy of Your compassion,
You accepted the tomb
and rose on the third day!//
O Lord, glory to You!
- V. Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, forevermore!
O Christ, the Giver of life,
for the sake of the dead You voluntarily endured death,
descending into hell as the Mighty One
to save those who awaited Your coming,
granting them the life of paradise instead of hell.
Grant also to us who glorify Your Resurrection on the third day//
cleansing of our sins and great mercy!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 4 (from the Lenten Triodion)
The humble David
defeated his enemies by Your help, O Lord.
Now come to the aid of Your Orthodox people;
show us Your power as You did of old,
and our adversaries will know that You are God!
And we will be victorious, for we hope in You.
Through the constant intercessions of Your all-pure Mother,//
grant us Your great mercy!
At Great Vespers
Tone 2 Troparion (Resurrection)
When You descended to death, O Life Immortal,
You slew hell with the splendor of Your Godhead.
And when from the depths You raised the dead,
all the powers of heaven cried out://
“O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
Tone 1 Troparion of the Cross
O Lord, save Your people,
and bless Your inheritance!
Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians
over their adversaries;
and by virtue of Your Cross,//
preserve Your habitation!
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 1 ResurrectionalDismissal Theotokion
When Gabriel announced to you, O Virgin, saying “Rejoice!”
with that word the Master of all was incarnate in ^you,
the holy Ark, spoken of by the righteous David!
Your womb became more spacious than the heavens,
for you carried your Creator.
Glory to Him Who took abode in you!
Glory to Him Who came ^forth from you!//
Glory to Him Who freed us by being born of you!
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 2 Troparion (Resurrection)=
When You descended to death, O Life Immortal,
You slew hell with the splendor of Your Godhead.
And when from the depths You raised the dead,
all the powers of heaven cried out://
“O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!”
Tone 1 Troparion of the Cross
O Lord, save Your people,
and bless Your inheritance!
Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians
over their adversaries;
and by virtue of Your Cross,//
preserve Your habitation!
Tone 7 Kontakion (Cross)
Now the flaming sword no longer guards the gates of Eden;
it has been mysteriously quenched by the wood of the Cross.
The sting of death and the victory of hell have been vanquished;
for You, O my Savior, have come and cried to those in hell://
“Enter again into Paradise!”
Tone 6 Prokeimenon (Cross)
O Lord, save Your people, / and bless Your inheritance! (Ps. 27:9a)
- V. To You, O Lord, will I call. O my God, be not silent to me! (Ps. 27:1a)
(311) Hebrews 4:14-5:6
Tone 8[†]
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.Remember Your congregation, which You have purchased of old! (Ps. 73:2)
- V. God is our King before the ages; He has worked salvation in the midst of theearth! (Ps. 73:13)
(37) Mark 8:34-9:1
Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing the following:
Hymn to the Theotokos
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace:
the assembly of angels and the race of men.
O sanctified temple and spiritual paradise,
the glory of virgins,
from whom God was incarnate and became a Child –
our God before the ages.
He made your body into a throne,
and your womb He made more spacious than the heavens.
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace.
Glory to you!
Communion Hymn
The light of Your countenance has shone on us, O Lord. (Ps. 4:7a)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
[*]Music for the Veneration of the Cross from the Department of Liturgical Music and Translations can be downloaded at www.oca.org.
[†]The Slavonic Triodion indicates that the Alleluia is sung in Tone 1.
The Slavonic “Apostol” indicates that the Alleluia is sung in Tone 8.
The Greek Triodion indicates that the Alleluia is sung in Tone 2.

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, William Hartmann
Next Sunday, a parastas will be held in loving memory of
- John Bacik, Jr. - 34th year in repose
requested by: (daughter) Deborah Bacik Sancenito & Family
May his memory be eternal!
We as Orthodox Christians continue the Great Fast, please do your best to refrain from meat, fish,dairy products and animal fats. Seafood without bones is permissible as well as grains, fruits and vegetables. Please consult your Lectionary Wall Calendar for those days when there are exceptions. Please be careful about undertaking the fast if you have medical conditions.
A few Sundays past was Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday (OCMC). Please pray for those who are laboring to plant the seed of the Word of God in the name of the Orthodox Church to those who have not heard Christ's teachings and those of His apostles throughout the world. Please see the bulletin board to read about their work.
- Saturday, April 3rd: 5:00 PM – Great Vespers
- Saturday, April 24th: 9:00 AM - Lazarus Saturday – Memorial Saturday
Please complete the attached form if you wish to have
loved ones included in this service.
Pierogies for Sale! Please see Donna Betza during coffee hour for information.
We are very happy to announce the profit from last week’s Vegetable Soup & Oven Baked Panko-Crusted Cod fish dinners-to-go fund raiser for our parish is $818.18. Thank you Debbie Sancenito for another delicious meal. With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
With the blessing and encouragement of Archbishop Michael, we have been asked to participate in the St. Basil Charitable project in Trenton, NJ. Our parish has cancelled its regularly scheduled Rummage Sale because of the virus but if you would like to donate clothing or canned food, please bring them to the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy on a Sunday during Great Lent. This will be a Lenten Charitable Project
for our parish. Please read below what the St. Basil's committee is asking for. Please make sure any donations are brought by Palm Sunday, April 25th. More details will follow.
Fr. Terence
The volunteers of St. Basil’s House have shared the following list of particular needs. I ask that each parish undertake a Charity Drive for these types of items. Your pastor will coordinate with the local Dean for the transportation of these items to St. Basil’s House:
• CLOTHING, clean and in good condition. We ask that one person in each parish take responsibility for collecting the clothing, storing it until it can be picked up, and working with your priest to coordinate transportation of the donations.
• CANNED FOOD, which will be used to stock the cupboards from which we provide meals for our neighbors. Again, one parishioner should oversee collecting and storing the food and assist your priest in arranging its transportation.
• VOLUNTEERS, from neighboring parishes, to help out at St. Basil’s House in Trenton, with preparing the take-out meals that are offered, and to help with cooking, serving, cleaning and hosting, once normal post-pandemic services resume.
Because of the pandemic, we are currently asked by the archdiocese to not light candles in the church.

Second Sunday of Great Lent
St. Gregory Palamas
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 1 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the stone had been sealed by the Jews,
while the soldiers were guarding Your most pure body,
You rose on the third day, O Savior,
granting life to the world.
The powers of heaven therefore cried to You, O Giver of Life:
“Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ!
Glory to Your Kingdom!//
Glory to Your dispensation, O Lover of mankind!”
Tone 8 Troparion (St. Gregory Palamas)
O light of Orthodoxy, teacher of the Church, its confirmation,
O ideal of monks and invincible champion of theologians,
O wonderworking Gregory, glory of Thessalonica and preacher of grace,//
always intercede before the Lord that our souls may be saved!
Tone 8 Kontakion (St. Gregory Palamas)
Holy and divineinstrument of wisdom,
joyful trumpet of theology,
together we sing your praises, O God-inspired Gregory.
Since you now stand before the Original Mind, guide our minds to Him,
O Father,//
so that we may sing to you: “Rejoice, preacher of grace!”
Tone 4 Kontakion (from the Lenten Triodion)
Now is the time for action!
Judgment is at the doors!
So let us rise and fast,
offering alms with tears of compunction and crying:
“Our sins are more in number than the sands of the sea;
but forgive us, O Master of all,//
so that we may receive the incorruptible crowns!”
Tone 5 Prokeimenon
You, O Lord, shall protect us / and preserve us from this generation forever.
(Ps. 11:7)
- V. Save me, O Lord, for there is no longer any that is godly! (Ps. 11:1a)
Tone 1 Prokeimenon (St. Gregory Palamas)
My mouth shall speak wisdom; / the meditation of my heart shall be
understanding.(Ps. 48:3)
(304) Hebrews 1:10-2:3
Tone 1
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
V.God gives vengeance unto me, and subdues people under me. (Ps. 17:48)
V.He magnifies the salvation of the King and deals mercifully with David, His anointed, and his seed forever. (Ps. 17:51)
Tone 2
- V. The mouth of the righteous shall meditate wisdom, and his tongue shall speak of judgment. (Ps. 36:31)
(7) Mark 2:1-12
Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing the following:
Hymn to the Theotokos
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace:
the assembly of angels and the race of men.
O sanctified temple and spiritual paradise,
the glory of virgins,
from whom God was incarnate and became a Child –
our God before the ages.
He made your body into a throne,
and your womb He made more spacious than the heavens.
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace.
Glory to you!
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance! He shall not fear evil
tidings! (Ps. 111:6)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William
Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, William Hartmann
We as Orthodox Christians, began the Great Fast last week. Please do your best to refrain from meat, fish,dairy products and animal fats. Seafood without bones is permissible as well as grains, fruits and vegetables. Please consult your Lectionary Wall Calendar for those days when there are exceptions. Please be careful about undertaking the fast if you have medical conditions.
Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church
Liturgical Services for Great Lent 2021
- Because of Covid-19, there will be no shared services between parishes this year.
- The Diocese of NY & NJ has given our parish guidelines to follow in order to minimize the risk of its spread. It will mean some changes to the services, the wearing of masks and keeping social distancing where possible.
- Every attempt will be made to streamline all of them during the season of Great Lent.
- The Lenten Weekday Services will be open to everyone. There will be a door keeper to verify that those coming are healthy & take down the names of the attendees.
- I will continue to post my daily scriptural messages on the parish website & Facebook.
- The schedule for Holy Week will be posted closer to that time.
- Attached is the calendar for the Liturgical Services for Great Lent 2021
- Terence Baz March 2021
A very special thanks to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla DiIanni and Barbara Polk for making the Vegetable Soup & Oven Baked Panko-Crusted Cod fish dinners-to-go fund raiser for our parish. If you are picking up your dinner this morning, please contact Debbie during coffee hour. The profit will be announced as soon as the figures are finalized. With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
Because of the pandemic, we are currently asked by the archdiocese to not light candles in the church. Given, however, that the large red candles are light by Father up at the iconostasis and on the altar, if you would like to sponsor one for a loved one who has passed away or is sick that you would like to pray for, please speak to Donna Betza to give her the name and she will pass it along to Father. That candle will be left alight until it burns out during the week. They cost $7.00. Fr. Terence Baz
If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, please contact Fr. Terence and Barbara Polk. To sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact only Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Today, Sunday, a parastas will be held in memory of
- Matushka Sonya Tuttko, who recently fell asleep in the Lord
sponsored by: Deborah & Joseph Stura and
Nadine (sister of Mat. Sonya) & Frank Decarlo
May her memory be eternal!
- Saturday, April 3rd: 5:00 PM – Great Vespers
- Saturday, April 24th: 9:00 AM - Lazarus Saturday – Memorial Saturday
Please complete the attached form if you wish to have
loved ones included in this service.

First Sunday of Great Lent
Sunday of Orthodoxy
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 8 Troparion (Resurrection)
You descended from on high, O Merciful One!
You accepted the three day burial to free us from our sufferings!//
O Lord, our Life and Resurrection, glory to You!
Tone 2 Troparion (Sunday of Orthodoxy)
We venerate Your most pure image, O Good One;
and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ our God.
Of Your own will You were pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh
and deliver Your creatures from bondage to the Enemy.
Therefore with thankfulness we cry aloud to You:
“You have filled all with joy, O our Savior,//
by coming to save the world.”
Tone 8 Kontakion (Sunday of Orthodoxy)
No one could describe the Word of the Father;
but when He took flesh from you, O Theotokos, He accepted to be described,
and restored the fallen image to its former state by uniting it to divine beauty.//
We confess and proclaim our salvation in words and images.
Tone 4 Prokeimenon (Song of the Fathers)
Blessed areYou, O Lord God of our fathers, / and praised and glorified is
YourName forever! (Song of the three Holy Children, v. 3)
V.For You are just in all that You have done for us! (v. 4)
(329-ctr) Hebrews 11:24-26; 32-12:2
Tone 4
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. Moses and Aaron were among His priests; Samuel also was among those who called on His Name. (Ps. 98:6)
- V. They called to the Lord and He answered them. (Ps. 98:7a)
(5) John 1:43-51
(Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing the following)
Hymn to the Theotokos:
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace:
the assembly of angels and the race of men.
O sanctified temple and spiritual paradise,
the glory of virgins,
from whom God was incarnate and became a Child –
our God before the ages.
He made your body into a throne,
and your womb He made more spacious than the heavens.
All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace.
Glory to you!
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; praise befits the just! (Ps. 32:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
The Procession of the Holy Icons
Because of the pandemic, only the Priest and the altar servers will carry icons and only in front of the royal doors and around the iconastasis icons, after Divine Liturgy. The choir will sing the Apolytikion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy in Tone 2.
Thy pure image do we venerate, O good One, asking forgiveness of our sins, O Christ our God; for by Thine own will Thou did ascend the Cross in Thy body, to save Thy creatures from the bondage of the enemy. Thou has verily filled all with joy, since Thou didst come, O our Savior, to save the world.
When completed, the priest will stand at the solea where he will recite the small Litany.
Small Litany
Priest: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great mercy, we pray Thee, hearken & have mercy. Choir: Lord, have mercy. 3X
Priest: Again, we pray for all pious & Orthodox Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. 3X
Priest: Help us save us & have mercy on us. Choir: Lord, have mercy. 3X
Priest: For Thou art a merciful God & love mankind and unto Thee we ascribe glory: to the Father & to the Son & to the Holy Spirit; now & ever and unto ages of ages. Choir: Amen.
The Synodicon: the Affimation of the Orthodox Faith Priest only:
As the Prophets beheld, as the Apostles have taught, as th Church has received, as the
Teachers have dogmatized, as the universe has agreed, as Grace has shown forth, as Truth has revealed, as falsehood has been dissolved, as Wisdom has presented, as Christ has awarded: thus we declare, thus we assert, thus we preach Christ our true God, and honor His Saints in words, in writings, in thoughts, in sacrifices, in churches, in Holy Icons; on the one hand worshiping & reverencing Christ as God & Lord; and on the other hand honoring them as true servants of the same Lord of all, and accordingly offering them veneration.
This is the Faith of the Apostles; this is the Faith of the Fathers; this is the Faith of the Orthodox; this is the Faith which has established the universe!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William
Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, William Hartmann
For the Forgiveness Service after Divine Liturgy today, when you come up for Father's blessing, instead of saying "Christ is in our midst!" he will say: "Please forgive me." You will respond: "God forgives." If you have the space and wish to ask others the same, please feel free to do so.
We begin tomorrow as Orthodox Christians, the Great Fast. Please do your best to refrain from meat, fish,dairy products and animal fats. Seafood without bones is permissible as well as grains, fruits and vegetables. Please consult your Lectionary Wall Calendar for those days when there are exceptions. Please be careful about undertaking the fast if you have medical conditions.
Today is Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday (OCMC). Please pray for those who are laboring to plant the seed of the Word of God in the name of the Orthodox Church to those who have not heard Christ's teachings and those of His apostles throughout the world. Please see the bulletin board to read about their work."
Thanks, Fr. Terence
Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church
Liturgical Services for Great Lent 2021
- Because of Covid-19, there will be no shared services between parishes this year.
- The Diocese of NY & NJ has given our parish guidelines to follow in order to minimize the risk of its spread. It will mean some changes to the services, the wearing of masks and keeping social distancing where possible.
- Every attempt will be made to streamline all of them during the season of Great Lent.
- The Lenten Weekday Services will be open to everyone. There will be a door keeper to verify that those coming are healthy & take down the names of the attendees.
- I will continue to post my daily scriptural messages on the parish website & Facebook.
- The schedule for Holy Week will be posted closer to that time.
- Attached is the calendar for the Liturgical Services for Great Lent 2021
- Father Terence Baz March 2021
A Vegetable Soup & Oven Baked Panko-Crusted Cod dinners-to-go fund raiser is being planned for Friday, March 19, 2021. Your love and your support of these fund raisers for our parish are greatly appreciated. Thank you. Please see the attached flyer with contact person, phone number and information.
If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, please contact Fr. Terence and Barbara Polk. To sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact only Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Next Sunday, March 21st, a parastas will be held in memory of
- Matushka Sonya Tuttko, who recently fell asleep in the Lord
sponsored by: Deborah & Joseph Stura and
Nadine (sister of Mat. Sonya) & Frank Decarlo
- Sunday, March 14th: 9:00 AM - Forgiveness Sunday
- Sunday, March 14th: Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday
- Saturday, April 24th: 9:00 AM - Lazarus Saturday – Memorial Saturday

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Matushka Sonya Tuttko, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, William Hartmann
A very special thanks to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla Di Ianni and Barbara Polk for making the soup & sandwich--Borscht & Roast Pork Sandwich--dinners-to-go fund raiser for our parish last weekend. The profit realized from this fund raiser is $ 582.98. With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
- Sunday, March 14th: Daylight savings time – set clocks ahead 1 hr Saturday evening
- Sunday, March 14th: Forgiveness Sunday
- Sunday, March 14th: Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday
- Saturday, April 24th: Lazarus Saturday – Memorial Saturday
The Church School Class charity project.
Fellow parishioners, I wanted to share the outcome of the church school charity project as well as a thank you from James Gaccione, which is below.
This year's project raised a total of $905.
- $150 was raised directly on the GoFundMe page
- while $755 was collected through donations at the church.
Subdeacon Christopher will be presenting James with a check for $755 as well as some well wishes created by the students of the Sunday school class.
The children were very happy that our small class was able to help James with his need and bring some smiles and joy.
On behalf of myself, Subdeacon Christopher and the church school class, we would like to offer our thanks to Father Terence, the church council, all the parishioners, family and friends for the success of this project.
Best regards,
Craig Polk
Holy Assumption Church School Coordinator
Thank you so much for all of your help, and your contribution! Once the weather breaks, there will be a ramp being put in! Thank you again and may the Lord continue to bless you!!
- James Gaccione

Meatfare Sunday – Sunday of the Last Judgment
"Lord I Call..." Tone 6
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Hear me, O Lord!
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Receive the voice of my prayer,
when I call upon You!//
Hear me, O Lord!
Let my prayer arise
in Your sight as incense,
and let the lifting up of my hands
be an evening sacrifice!//
Hear me, O Lord!
- V. (10)Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to Your name!
Tone 6 (for the Resurrection)
Possessing victory over hell, O Christ,
since You are free among the dead,
You ascended the Cross
raising with Yourself those who sat in the shades of death.//
Drawing life from Your light, O almighty Savior, have mercy on us!
- V. (9) The righteous will surround me; for You will deal bountifully with me.
Today Christ tramples on death,
for He is risen as He said!
Let us all sing this song,
for He has granted joy to the world:
O Light unapproachable, O Fountain of life!//
O Savior almighty, have mercy on us!
- V. (8) Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!
Where shall we sinners flee from You, Who are in all creation?
In heaven You dwell!
In hell You trampled on death!
In the depths of the sea?
Even there is Your hand, O Master!
To You we flee, and falling before You, we pray://
O You Who rose from the dead, have mercy on us!
- V. (7) Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!
(Resurrection stichera by Anatolius)
In Your Cross, we glory, O Christ.
We sing and glorify Your Resurrection.
For You are our God,//
and we know no other than You.
- V. (6)If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You.
We will always bless the Lord
by singing of His Resurrection!
For He endured the Cross,//
trampling down death by death.
- V. (5)For Your Name’s sake I wait for You, O Lord.My soul has waited for Your word; my soul has hoped on the Lord.
Glory to Yourmight, O Lord,
for You overthrew the prince of death,
by Your Cross renewing us,//
granting us life and incorruption.
- V. (4) From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, let Israel hope on the Lord!
Tone 6[1] (from the Lenten Triodion) (Having placed all their hope)
O Righteous Judge of all mankind,
You will come, enthroned in glory and escorted by angels,
to judge the living and the dead.
Every man will stand in fear before You,
trembling at the river of fire flowing past Your throne,
as each one waits to hear the sentence he deserves.
On that awesome day have mercy on us as well, O Christ;
count us worthy of salvation,
for, worthless as we are, we turn to You in faith,//
O compassionate and merciful Lord!
- V. (3) For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
The books will be opened, and the works of all men laid bare;
the vale of tears will echo with the gnashing of teeth;
the sinners will mourn in vain, as they depart to eternal damnation.
Your judgments are just, O Lord Almighty!
We beg You, O Master full of goodness and compassion,//
take pity on us who sing to You, O most merciful One!
- V. (2) Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise Him, all peoples!
The trumpet shall sound, and the graves shall be opened;
all mankind will arise in trembling;
the righteous will rejoice, as they receive their reward,
but the wicked will depart to eternal fire with wailing and horror.
O Lord of Glory, have mercy on us!
Number us with those who love You,//
for You alone are good, O Master!
V. (1) For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
I shudder in terror when I think of that dreadful day;
I weep as I consider the darkness that will never see light:
there the worm shall not cease, or the fire be quenched;
the pain of those who reject You will never end.
Save me, Your most worthless servant, O Righteous Judge,//
for Your mercy and compassion are my only hope!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
Tone 8 (from the Lenten Triodion)
When the thrones are set in place and the books are opened,
then God will take His place on the judgment seat.
Oh, what a fearful sight!
The angels stand in fear, and the river of fire flows by.
What shall we do, who are already condemned by our many sins,
as we hear Christ call the righteous to His Father’s Kingdom,
and send the wicked to eternal damnation?
Who among us can bear that terrible verdict?
Hasten to us, O Lover of man and King of the universe;
grant us the grace of repentance before the end,//
and have mercy on us!
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 6 (Theotokion – Dogmatikon)
Who will not bless you, O most holy Virgin?
Who will not sing of your most pure childbearing?
The only-begotten Son shone timelessly from the Father,
but from you He was ineffably incarnate.
God by nature, yetMan for our sake,
not two persons, but one known in two natures.
Entreat Him, O pure and all-blessed Lady,//
to have mercy on our souls!
Tone 6 (for the Resurrection)
Your Resurrection, O Christ our Savior,
the Angels in heaven sing!
Enable us on earth//
to glorify You in purity of heart!
- V. The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty!
Destroying the gates of hell,
breaking the chains of death,
You resurrected the fallen human race as almighty God!//
O Lord, Who rose from the dead, glory to You!
- V. For He has established the world, so that it shall never be moved.
Desiring to return us to Paradise,
Christ was nailed to the Cross and placed in a tomb.
The Myrrhbearing Women sought Him with tears, crying,
“Woe to us, O Savior!
How do You deign to descend to death?
What place can hold Your life bearing body?
Come to us as You promised!
Take away our wailing and tears!”
Then the Angel appeared to them:
“Stop your lamentations!
Go, proclaim to the Apostles:
‘The Lord is risen,//
granting us purification and great mercy!’”
- V. Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, forevermore!
Having been crucified as You willed,
by Your burial You captured death, O Christ,
rising on the third day as God in glory,//
granting the world unending life and great mercy!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
Tone 8 (from the Lenten Triodion)
Woe, to you, O my darkened soul!
Your life is stained by depravity and laziness;
your folly makes you shun all thought of death.
How complacent you remain!
How can you flee the awesome thought of Judgment Day?
When will you change your way of life?
On that day your sins will rise against you.
What will your answer be then?
Your acts will condemn you; your deeds will expose you.
The time is at hand, O my soul.
Turn to the good and loving Savior!
Beg Him to forgive your malice and weakness, as you cry in faith:
“I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against You,
but I know Your love for all mankind.//
O good Shepherd, call me to enjoy Your lasting presence on Your right hand!”
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 8 (Theotokion)
O unwedded Virgin,
who ineffably conceived God in the flesh,
O Mother of God most high,
accept the cries of your servants, O blameless One!
Grant cleansing of transgressions to all!//
Receive our prayers and pray to save our souls!
At Great Vespers
Tone 6 Troparion (Resurrection)
The Angelic Powers were at Your tomb;
the guards became as dead men.
Mary stood by Your grave,
seeking Your most pure body.
You captured hell, not being tempted by it.
You came to the Virgin, granting life.
O Lord, Who rose from the dead,//
glory to You.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 6 Resurrectional Dismissal Theotokion
You Who called Your Mother blessed,
came of Your own will to the Passion.
Shining on the Cross, desiring to recall Adam, You said to the Angels:
“Rejoice with me for the lost coin has been found.”
You Who have ordered all things in wisdom//
our God, glory to You!
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 6 Troparion (Resurrection)
The Angelic Powers were at Your tomb;
the guards became as dead men.
Mary stood by Your grave,
seeking Your most pure body.
You captured hell, not being tempted by it.
You came to the Virgin, granting life.
O Lord, Who rose from the dead,//
glory to You.
Tone 1 Kontakion (from the Lenten Triodion)
When You, O God, shall come to earth with glory,
all things shall tremble,
and the river of fire shall flow before Your judgment seat;
the books shall be opened, and the hidden things disclosed;
then deliver me from the unquenchable fire,//
and make me worthy to stand at Your right hand, O Righteous Judge!
Tone 3 Prokeimenon (from the Lenten Triodion)
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power, / His understanding is beyond
measure. (Ps. 146:5)
- V. Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God! (Ps.146:1)
(140) 1 Corinthians 8:8-9:2
Tone 8
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. Come, let us rejoice in the Lord! Let us make a joyful noise to God our
Savior! (Ps. 94:1)
V.Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise.(Ps. 94:2)
(106) Matthew 25:31-46
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia
[1]Music for the Sunday of the Last Judgment from the Department of Liturgical Music and Translations can be downloaded at www.oca.org.

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, William Hartmann
"Fr. Terence would like to thank everyone involved in the events for last Sunday's Archpastoral Visit by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael: the servers, the chanters, the door keeper, those who attended or watched the services that were streamed; also to those who helped plan for the breakfast and helped to clean up afterwards. The food was great and it was enjoyed by everyone. The only disappointment was that the streaming cut out half way through the Liturgy. Hopefully this will have been solved by the time of today's service.
This Sunday, Father will also show parishioners the new Antimensium that Archbishop Michael has given to the parish. It sits on the altar underneath where the liturgical vessels (paten and chalice) are placed. It has a relic in it from a martyr who died in Russia during the Bolshevic Revolution."
A very special thanks to Deborah Sancenito, Ludmilla Di Ianni and Barbara Polk for making the soup & sandwich--Borscht & Roast Pork Sandwich--dinners-to-go fund raiser for our parish. If you haven’t already picked up your order, please see Debbie Sancenito this morning during coffee hour. The profit will be announced as soon as all the figures are calculated. With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
Because of the pandemic, we are currently asked by the archdiocese to not light candles in the church. Given, however, that the large red candles are light by Father up at the iconostasis and on the altar, if you would like to sponsor one for a loved one who has passed away or is sick that you would like to pray for, please speak to Donna Betza to give her the name and she will pass it along to Father. That candle will be left alight until it burns out during the week. They cost $7.00. Fr. Terence Baz
Today’s bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of Heather Polk celebrating her birthday today. Congratulations and Many Blessed Years!
If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, please contact Fr. Terence and Barbara Polk. To sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact only Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Today, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of
- their loving mother Annette Swenda, for her first anniversary in repose
requested by: Cheryl, Arthur & Michael Yaroshefsky and Gregroy Swenda
- Deacon James Kelly, who fell asleep in the Lord, Friday Feb. 26th.
requested by The Shermock Family
May their memories be eternal!
The family of Annette Swenda would like to Thank the following people for today's 1 Year memorial
Service: Ann Holick, Ann Omelczuk,. Gisela and Michael Horvzy, Greg Holowich, Gloria Antoniuk, Pauline Rydzaj, June and Jerome Fejko, Lori and Anthony Udina.
- Saturday, March 6th: Vespers 5PM
- Saturday, March 6th: Holy Apostles Church fund raiser dinner (see attached flyer)
- Sunday, March 14th: Daylight savings time – set clocks ahead 1 hr Saturday evening
- Sunday, March 14th: Forgiveness Sunday
- Sunday, March 14th: Orthodox Christian Mission Sunday
The Church School Class is asking for your support through February 28th of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
- Make a donation in the church poor box (cash or checks payable to the church with a note in the memo part of your check –James Gaccione.
On behalf of the church school class, I would like to offer my thanks for all the prayers and continued support of our program.
Best regards,
Craig Polk (Church School Coordinator)
Scam Requests
A couple of parishioners recently got a message supposedly from me (with the wrong phone number & my last name was misspelled) requesting that they donate $300.00 towards a cancer charity. The request was a scam!
I want everyone to know that it would be most unprofessional in my position to make any personal requests soliciting money. I would therefore never make such a request, nor do I intend to in the future.
Any request for donations, such as the one Craig Polk has undertaken, are either done through the American Assembly of Orthodox Canonical Bishops, the OCA, the Diocese of New York & New Jersey through Archbishop Michael or, through our parish of Holy Assumption. If I would make such a request, I would seek both Archbishop Michael's endorsement and the Parish Council's.
In other words, if you get a text, an email or any other message using my name asking for money, please ignore it.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, pastor.

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, William Hartmann
"Please welcome His Eminence, Archbishop Michael and his attendants to our parish today for his Annual Archpastoral Visit. After the Divine Liturgy, he will be present in the hall for the Parish Breakfast. Please feel welcome to say hello if you would like to."
A very special thanks to Deborah Sancenito and Barbara Polk for making the Hungarian Goulash dinners-to-go fund raiser for our parish. This fund raiser was a huge success realizing a profit of $ 643.72. Congratulations Debbie and thank you for your delicious cooking and for your dedication to our church. With grateful appreciation to our supporters, we thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
A Soup n Sandwich fund raiser is being planned for Friday, Feb. 26, 2021: Russian Borscht & Roast
Loin of Pork sandwich. Please see the attached flyer for information.
- Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021: Annual Archpastoral visit from Archbishop Michael
- Friday, Feb. 26th: Soup & Sandwich fund raiser (see attached flyer)
- Saturday, March 6th: Vespers 5PM
- Saturday, March 6th: Holy Apostles Church fund raiser dinner (see attached flyer)
The Church School Class is asking for your support through February 28th of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
- Make a donation in the church poor box (cash or checks payable to the church with a note in the memo part of your check –James Gaccione.
On behalf of the church school class, I would like to offer my thanks for all the prayers and continued support of our program.
Best regards,
Craig Polk (Church School Coordinator)
Scam Requests
A couple of parishioners recently got a message supposedly from me (with the wrong phone number & my last name was misspelled) requesting that they donate $300.00 towards a cancer charity. The request was a scam!
I want everyone to know that it would be most unprofessional in my position to make any personal requests soliciting money. I would therefore never make such a request, nor do I intend to in the future.
Any request for donations, such as the one Craig Polk has undertaken, are either done through the American Assembly of Orthodox Canonical Bishops, the OCA, the Diocese of New York & New Jersey through Archbishop Michael or, through our parish of Holy Assumption. If I would make such a request, I would seek both Archbishop Michael's endorsement and the Parish Council's.
In other words, if you get a text, an email or any other message using my name asking for money, please ignore it.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, pastor.

37th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
[Beginning of the Lenten Triodion]
"Lord I Call..." Tone 4
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Hear me, O Lord!
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Receive the voice of my prayer,
when I call upon You!//
Hearme, O Lord!
Let my prayer arise
in Your sight as incense,
and let the lifting up of my hands
be an evening sacrifice!//
Hearme, O Lord!
- V. (10)Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to Your name!
Tone 4 (for the Resurrection)
We glorify Your Resurrection on the third day, O Christ God,
by always honoring Your life-creating Cross;
by it You have renewed the corrupted nature of man,
O almighty One.
By it You have renewed our entrance to heaven,//
for You are good and the Lover of man.
- V. (9) The righteous will surround me; for You will deal bountifully with me.
You loosed the Tree's verdict of disobedience, O Savior,
by being voluntarily nailed to the tree of the Cross.
By descending to hell, O almighty God,
You broke the bonds of death.
Therefore, we adore Your Resurrection from the dead, singing in joy://
“Glory to You, O all powerful Lord!”
- V. (8) Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!
You smashed the gates of hell, O Lord,
and by Your death You demolished the kingdom of death.
You delivered the race of men from corruption,//
granting the world life, incorruption and great mercy.
- V. (7) Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!
(Resurrection stichera by Anatolius)
Come, O people,
let us sing of the Savior's Resurrection on the third day!
By it, we have been freed from the unbreakable bonds of hell.
By it, we have received life and incorruption.
Save us by Your Resurrection!//
Life-creating and almighty Savior, glory to You!
- V. (6)If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You.
Angels and men sing of Your Resurrection on the third day, O Savior.
By it, the ends of the earth have been illumined.
By it we have been delivered from bondage to the Enemy.
Save us by Your Resurrection!//
O life-creating and almighty Savior, glory to You!
- V. (5)For Your Name’s sake I wait for You, O Lord.My soul has waited for Your word; my soul has hoped on the Lord.
You have shattered the gates of brass
and destroyed the chains of death, O Christ God.
You have raised the fallen human race.//
O Lord, risen from the dead, glory to You!
- V. (4) From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, let Israel hope on the Lord!
O Lord, Your begetting from the Father is timeless and everlasting.
Your incarnation from the Virgin is beyond words and understanding.
Your descent into hell is terrible for the Devil and his Angels.
You have trampled on death,
rising on the third day,//
and granting men incorruption and great mercy.
- V. (3) For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
Tone 1[*] Idiomela (from the Lenten Triodion)
Brothers, let us not pray like the Pharisee!
He who exalts himself will be humbled.
Let us prepare to abase ourselves by fasting;
let us cry aloud with the voice of the Publican://
“O God, forgive us sinners!”
- V. (2) Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise Him, all peoples!
(Repeat: “Brothers, let us not pray like the Pharisee…”)
- V. (1) For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
The Pharisee went up to the temple with a proud and empty heart;
the Publican bowed himself in repentance.
They both stood before You, O Master:
the one, through boasting, lost his reward,
but the other, with tears and sighs, won Your blessing:
Strengthen me, O Christ our God, as I weep in Your presence,//
since You are the Lover of man!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
Tone 8 (from the Lenten Triodion)
I know the value of tears, O almighty Lord:
they delivered Hezekiah from the gates of death,
and rescued the harlot from repeated sins.
Tears justified the Publican instead of the Pharisee.
I prayYou, O Lord://
“Number me with the former, and have mercy on me!”
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 4 (Theotokion – Dogmatikon)
The Prophet David was a father of the Lord through you,O Virgin.
He foretold in songs the One Who worked wonders in you:
“At Your right hand stood the Queen,”
Your Mother, the mediatrix of life,
since God was freely born of her without a father.
He wanted to renew His fallen image, made corrupt in passion,
so He took the lost sheep upon His shoulder
and brought it to His Father, joining it to the heavenly powers.//
Christ Who has great and rich mercy has saved the world, O Theotokos.
Tone 4 (for the Resurrection)
By ascending the Cross, O Lord,
You have annulled our ancestral curse.
By descending to hell, You have freed the eternal prisoners,
granting incorruption to the human race.//
Therefore in songs we glorify Your life-creating and saving Resurrection.
- V. The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty!
By hanging upon the tree, O only powerful Lord,
You shook all of creation.
By being laid in the tomb You have raised those who dwelt in the tombs,
granting life and incorruption to the human race.//
Therefore in songs we glorify Your rising on the third day.
- V. For He has established the world, so that it shall never be moved.
The lawless people, O Christ,
handed You over to Pilate, condemned to be crucified,
thus proving themselves ungrateful before their Benefactor.
But voluntarily You endured burial,
rising by Your own power on the third day as God,//
granting us life everlasting and great mercy.
- V. Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, forevermore!
With tears the women reached Your tomb,
searching for You, but not finding You.
They wept with wailing and lamented:
“Woe to us! Our Savior, King of all,
how were You stolen?
What place can hold Your life-bearing body?”
An Angel replied to them:
“Do not weep but go and proclaim that the Lord is risen,//
granting us joy as the only compassionate One!”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
Tone 5 (from the Lenten Triodion)
The weight of my transgressions burdens mine eyes:
I cannot lift my gaze to the heights of heaven, O Lord.
Accept me in repentance, as You accepted the Publican;//
have mercy on me, O Savior!
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 5 (Theotokion)
O most precious Virgin,
you are the gate, the temple,
the palace, the throne of the King.
From you, my Redeemer, Christ the Lord,
appeared to those asleep in darkness.
He is the Sun of Righteousness,
Who desired to enlighten His image, whom He had created.
Since you possess motherly boldness before Him, O all praised Lady,//
pray unceasingly that our souls may be saved!
At Great Vespers)
Tone 4 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the women disciples of the Lord
learned from the angel the joyous message of Your Resurrection,
they cast away the ancestral curse
and elatedly told the apostles:
“Death is overthrown!
Christ God is risen,//
granting the world great mercy!”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 4 Resurrectional Dismissal Theotokion
The mystery of all eternity,
unknown even by Angels,
through you, Theotokos, is revealed to those on earth:
God incarnate by union without confusion.
He voluntarily accepted the Cross for us,
by which He resurrected the first-created man,//
saving our souls from death.
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 4 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the women disciples of the Lord
learned from the angel the joyous message of Your Resurrection,
they cast away the ancestral curse
and elatedly told the apostles:
“Death is overthrown!
Christ God is risen,//
granting the world great mercy!”
Tone 4 Kontakion (from the Lenten Triodion)
Let us flee from the pride of the Pharisee!
Let us learn humility from the Publican's tears!
Let us cry to our Savior:
“Have mercy on us,//
O only merciful One!”
Tone 4 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
O Lord, how manifold are Your works; / in wisdom have You made them all.
(Ps. 103:26)
- V. Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord, my God, You are very great! (Ps. 103:1)
(296) 2 Timothy 3:10-15
Tone 4
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. Go forth, prosper and reign, for the sake of meekness, righteousness and truth! (Ps. 44:3b)
- V. For You love righteousness, and hate iniquity. (Ps. 44:6)
(89) Luke 18:10-14
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, William Hartmann
Today, in the Orthodox Liturgical Calendar, we celebrate the Venerable Auxentius of Birthynia, which is the name day for Auxentius John Savastinuk. It only occurs on a Sunday about every seven years.
Today’s coffee hour is also being sponsored by the Savastinuk Family as we celebrate his name day with our church.
Father is happy to announce that Archbishop Michael will visit our parish for his Annual Arch-pastoral Visit on the weekend of February 20th. and 21st. He will be present both for the Saturday Great Vespers and will celebrate the Sunday Divine Liturgy. The maximum number allowed to be present has been increased to 40 but only for active parish members. Please make sure that you let Barbara Polk know of your intention to attend either or both of the services no later than the previous Wednesday. Both services will be live-streamed so, if you belong to another parish, you can watch it that way. Please see the online links to be able to do so. There will be a brunch & reception after the Liturgy in the parish hall. It will be catered by 'The Brownstone' in order to minimize close interaction among parishioners. To help cover the cost of the breakfast $20 to attend will be greatly appreciated! If you send a check, please earmark it: "Arch Michael's Brunch." Please see the attached flyer for information.
Next Sunday, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of their loving mother Olga Grib for her first anniversary in repose, requested by: Karen & Greg, Kath & Dan, and Krissy & John of her loving family!
May her memory be eternal!
- Saturday, Sunday, Feb. 20/21, 2021: Annual Archpastoral visit from Archbishop Michael
- Friday – Sunday, Feb. 26th-28th: Soup & Sandwich fund raiser
- Saturday, March 6th: Vespers 5PM
The Church School Class is asking for your support of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
- Make a donation in the church poor box (cash or checks payable to the church with a note in the memo part of your check –James Gaccione.
On behalf of the church school class, I would like to offer my thanks for all the prayers and continued support of our program.
Best regards,
Craig Polk (Church School Coordinator)
Scam Requests
A couple of parishioners recently got a message supposedly from me (with the wrong phone number & my last name was misspelled) requesting that they donate $300.00 towards a cancer charity. The request was a scam!
I want everyone to know that it would be most unprofessional in my position to make any personal requests soliciting money. I would therefore never make such a request, nor do I intend to in the future.
Any request for donations, such as the one Craig Polk has undertaken, are either done through the American Assembly of Orthodox Canonical Bishops, the OCA, the Diocese of New York & New Jersey through Archbishop Michael or, through our parish of Holy Assumption. If I would make such a request, I would seek both Archbishop Michael's endorsement and the Parish Council's.
In other words, if you get a text, an email or any other message using my name asking for money, please ignore it.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Terence Baz, pastor.

36th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of Zacchaeus
Ven. Auxentius of Bithynia
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 3 Troparion (Resurrection)
Let the heavens rejoice!
Let the earth be glad!
For the Lord has shown strength with His arm.
He has trampled down death by death.
He has become the first born of the dead.
He has delivered us from the depths of hell,
and has granted to the world//
Tone 1 Troparion (Ven. Auxentius)
O dweller of the wilderness and angel in the body,
you were a wonderworker, O our God-bearing Father Auxentius.
You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil, and prayer,
healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith.
Glory to Him Who gave youstrength!
Glory to Him Who granted you a ^crown!//
Glory to Him Who grants healing to all!
Tone 3 Kontakion (Resurrection)
On this day You rose from the tomb, O Merciful One,
leading us from the gates of death.
On this day Adam exults as Eve rejoices;
with the Prophets and Patriarchs//
they unceasingly praise the divine majesty of Your power.
Tone 2 Kontakion (Ven. Auxentius)
You delighted in abstinence,
restraining the desires of the flesh.
Divinely wise and holy Father Auxentius,
you were revealed to be shining with faith,//
blossoming like a plant in the midst of Paradise.
Tone 3 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
Sing praises to our God, sing praises! / Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
(Ps. 46:6)
- V. Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!(Ps. 46:1)
(285-ctr) 1 Timothy 4:9-15
Tone 3
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.In You, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be put to shame! (Ps. 30:1a)
V.Be a God of protection for me, a house of refuge in order to save me!(Ps. 30:2b)
(94) Luke 19:1-10
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton
Because of the snow storm during this past week, the front steps to the church will be roped-off for your safety, therefore, please enter through the ‘hall doors’ and at the conclusion of liturgy please exit through the hall doors.
Today, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of Perry Georgison – 40th Day
requested by Greg & Donna Betza
Mitred Archpriest Daniel Ressetar, who Fell asleep in the Lord Jan. 20, 2021, requested by Christopher Minarich
May their memories be eternal !
With impending snow today, coffee hour is cancelled this morning after Liturgy.
Please see the attached message regarding ‘Parish Snow Appeal.’ We are appealing to your generosity, to give towards this year’s Parish Snowstorm Appeal. If you would please send a donation check to Holy Assumption Church it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Fr. Terence Baz
"A very special thanks to Deborah Sancenito and Barbara Polk for making the Navy Bean Soup-to-Go
last Sunday”. The profit for this soup sale is $315. Thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
A Hungarian Goulash dinners-to-go fund raiser is being planned for February 14th. Please see the attached flyer with information. Your love and your support of these fund raisers for our parish are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Father is happy to announce that Archbishop Michael will visit our parish for his Annual Arch-pastoral Visit on the weekend of February 20th. and 21st. He will be present both for the Saturday Great Vespers and will celebrate the Sunday Divine Liturgy. The maximum number allowed to be present has been increased to 40 but only for active parish members. Please make sure that you let Barbara Polk know of your intention to attend either or both of the services no later than the previous Wednesday. Both services will be live-streamed so, if you belong to another parish, you can watch it that way. Please see the online links to be able to do so. There will be a brunch & reception after the Liturgy in the parish hall. It will be catered by 'The Brownstone' in order to minimize close interaction among parishioners. To help cover the cost of the breakfast $20 to attend will be greatly appreciated! If you send a check, please earmark it: "Arch Michael's Brunch." Please see the attached flyer for information.
Message from the Church School:
During the Nativity fast, the church school children always select a charity/service project. This year the class is learning about the impacts of MS and the many ways that charities and people can help support this cause. The kids did research on different ways that they could help, and decided to help a specific individual, James Gaccione.
The church school class is asking for your support of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
Make a donation in the church poor box (cash or checks payable to the church with a note in the memo part of your check –James Gaccione.
On behalf of the church school class, I would like to offer my thanks for all the prayers and continued support of our program.
Best regards,
Craig Polk (Church School Coordinator)

35th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Meeting
St. Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus
"Lord I Call..." Tone 2
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Hear me, O Lord!
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Receive the voice of my prayer,
when I call upon You!//
Hearme, O Lord!
Let my prayer arise
in Your sight as incense,
and let the lifting up of my hands
be an evening sacrifice!//
Hearme, O Lord!
- V. (10)Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to Your name!
Tone 2 (for the Resurrection)
Come, let us worship the Word of God
begotten of the Father before all ages,
and incarnate of the Virgin Mary!
Having endured the Cross,
He was buried as He Himself desired.//
And having risen from the dead, He saved me, an erring man.
V. (9) The righteous will surround me; for You will deal bountifully with me.
Christ our Savior
nailed to the Cross the bond against us,
He voided it and destroyed the dominion of death.//
We fall down before His Resurrection on the third day.
- V. (8) Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!
With the Archangels
let us praise the Resurrection of Christ!
He is our Savior, our Redeemer.
He is coming with awesome glory and mighty power//
to judge the world which He made.
- V. (7) Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!
(Resurrection stichera by Anatolius)
The Angel proclaimedYou,
the crucified and buried Master.
He told the women: “Come, see the place where He lay!
He is risen as He said,
for He is almighty.”
We worship You, O only immortal One.//
Have mercy on us, O Christ, the Giver of life!
- V. (6)If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You.
Tone 1 Idiomela, for the Feast (by Patriarch Germanus)
Simeon, tell us, Whom you bear in your arms,
that you rejoice so greatly in the Temple?
To Whom do you shout and cry aloud:
“Now I am set free, for I have seen my Savior?”
This is He Who was born of a Virgin;
this is God the Word, Who came forth from God,
Who for our sakes has taken flesh and has saved man.//
Let us worship Him!
- V. (5)For Your Name’s sake I wait for You, O Lord.My soul has waited for Your word; my soul has hoped on the Lord.
Simeon, receive Him Whom Moses once beheld in darkness,
granting the Law on Sinai,
now that He has become a Babe subject to the Law!
This is He Who spoke through the Law.
This is He, of Whom the Prophets spoke,
Who for our sakes has taken flesh and has saved man.//
Let us worship Him!
- V. (4) From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, let Israel hope on the Lord!
Come, let us also go to meet Christ with divine songs!
Let us receive Him Whose salvation Simeon saw!
This is He Whom David announced;
this is He Who spoke in the Prophets,
Who, for our sakes, has taken flesh and Who speaks through the Law.//
Let us worship Him!
- V. (3) For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
Tone 1 (for St. Parthenius) (Joy of the Heavenly Hosts)
The great Parthenius, the namesake of virginity,
the beacon of Lampsacus,
the radiant morning star of miracles,
calls us all together by his memorial,
that we who sing hymns to Christ the Savior//
may keep the spiritual feast.
- V. (2) Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise Him, all peoples!
You boreGod within yourself from childhood
by the fire of your prayers, O all-blessed and wise one.
You burned up legions of demons
and guided the flock of Lampsacus.
Casting down the temples of idols,//
you renewedyourself for God.
V. (1) For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
The fish that was thrown away, breathless, yet life-giving;
the fruit of the barren field and vineyard;
the generous rain promised to those who wept,
all proclaimedyourwonder.
Yourworks are wonderful, O celebrant of sacred mysteries.//
Therefore, pray that we may be saved.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
Tone 6 (for the Feast)
In the hands of the Elder upon this day
You were pleased to be laid, O Christ our God,
as upon the chariot of the Cherubim.
Deliver us also, who singYour praise,
calling us back from the tyranny of the passions,//
and save our souls!
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 2 (Theotokion – Dogmatikon)
The shadow of the Law passed when grace came;
as the Bush burned, yet was not consumed,
so the Virgin gave birth, yet remained a Virgin.
The Righteous Sun has risen instead of a pillar of flame.//
Instead of Moses, Christ, the Salvation of our souls.
Tone 2 (for the Resurrection)
Your Resurrection, O Christ our Savior,
has enlightened the whole universe,
recalling Your creation.//
Glory to You, O almighty Lord!
- V. The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty!
By the Tree You destroyed the curse of the Tree, O Savior.
By Your burial You mortified the majesty of death.
You have enlightened our race by Your Resurrection.//
O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!
- V. For He has established the world, so that it shall never be moved.
When You were seen nailed to the Cross, O Christ,
You restored the beauty of Your creatures.
The soldiers showed their inhumanity when they pierced Your side with a spear.
The Hebrews, not knowing Your power,
asked that Your tomb might be sealed,
but through the mercy of Your compassion,
You accepted the tomb
and rose on the third day!//
O Lord, glory to You!
- V. Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, forevermore!
O Christ, the Giver of life,
for the sake of the dead You voluntarily endured death,
descending into hell as the Mighty One
to save those who awaited Your coming,
granting them the life of paradise instead of hell.
Grant also to us who glorify Your Resurrection on the third day//
cleansing of our sins and great mercy!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 6 (for the Feast, by John the Monk)
Let the gate of heaven be opened today,
for the unoriginate Word of the Father
has made a beginning in time without forsaking His divinity.
As a Babe forty days old,
of His own will He is brought by the Virgin, His Mother,
as an offering in the Temple of the Law.
The Elder receives Him in his arms,
crying as a servant to his Master:
“Let me depart for my eyes have seen Your salvation!”//
Glory to You, O Lord, for You have come into the world to save mankind.
At Great Vespers
Tone 2 Troparion (Resurrection)
When You descended to death, O Life Immortal,
You slew hell with the splendor of Your Godhead.
And when from the depths You raised the dead,
all the powers of heaven cried out://
“O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
Tone 4 Troparion (St. Parthenius)
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith,
an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence;
your humility exalted you;
your poverty enriched you.
O Hierarch Father Parthenius,
entreat Christ our God//
that our souls may be saved!
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 1 Troparion (Feast)
Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, Full of Grace!
From you shone the Sun of Righteousness, ^Christ our God,
enlightening those who sat in darkness.
Rejoice and be glad, O righteous Elder,
you accepted in your arms the ^Redeemer of our souls,//
Who grants us the Resurrection!
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 2 Troparion (Resurrection)
When You descended to death, O Life Immortal,
You slew hell with the splendor of Your Godhead.
And when from the depths You raised the dead,
all the powers of heaven cried out://
“O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!”
Tone 1 Troparion (Feast)
Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, Full of Grace!
From you shone the Sun of Righteousness, ^Christ our God,
enlightening those who sat in darkness.
Rejoice and be glad, O righteous Elder,
you accepted in your arms the ^Redeemer of our souls,//
Who grants us the Resurrection!
Tone 4 Troparion (St. Parthenius)
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith,
an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence;
your humility exalted you;
your poverty enriched you.
O Hierarch Father Parthenius,
entreat Christ our God//
that our souls may be saved!
Tone 2 Kontakion (Resurrection)
Hell became afraid, O almighty Savior,
seeing the miracle of Your Resurrection from the tomb!
The dead arose! Creation, with Adam, beheld this and rejoiced with You,//
and the world, my Savior, praises You forever.
Tone 3 Kontakion (St. Parthenius)
You received divine grace to work miracles/
wise and holy God-bearing wonderworker Parthenius.
You cleansed the passions of all the faithful
and drove out evil spirits.//
Therefore, we praise you as a great initiate of the grace of God.
Tone 1 Kontakion (Feast)
By Your Nativity You sanctified the Virgin’s womb
and blessed Simeon’s hands, ^O Christ God.
Now You have come and saved us through love.
Grant peace to all Orthodox Christians,//
O only Lover of Man!
Tone 2 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
The Lord is my strength and my song; / He has become my salvation.(Ps. 117:14)
- V. The Lord has chastened me sorely, but He has not given me over to death.
(Ps. 117:18)
Tone 3 Prokeimenon (Song of the Theotokos)
My soul magnifies the Lord, / and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
(Lk. 1:46-47)
(280-ctr) Timothy 1:15-17
Tone 2
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. May the Lord hear you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you! (Ps. 19:1)
- V. Save the King, O Lord, and hear us on the day we call! (Ps. 19:9)
Tone 8
V.Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation! (Luke 2:29)
(62) Matthew 15:21-28
(Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing:)
Tone 3
O Virgin Theotokos, hope of all Christians,
protect, preserve, and save those who hope in you!
In the shadow and letter of the Law,
let us the faithful discern a figure:
every male [child] that opens the womb
is holy to God.
Therefore we magnify the firstborn Word of the Father Whohas no beginning,//
the Son firstborn of a Mother who had not known man.
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
I will receive the cup of salvation and call on the Name of the Lord. (Ps.115:4)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, Lynn Opuda
With the snowstorm forecast for Monday (Feb. 1st), I have decided to cancel Vespers for Monday evening at 5:00pm. Thank you. Father Terence.
"A very special thanks to Deborah Sancenito and Barbara Polk for making the Navy Bean Soup-to-Go
last Sunday”. The profit for this soup sale is $315. Thank you for participating in this fund raiser.
A Hungarian Goulash dinners-to-go fund raiser is being planned for February 14th. Please see the attached flyer with information. Your love and your support of these fund raisers for our parish are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Father is happy to announce that Archbishop Michael will visit our parish for his Annual Arch-pastoral Visit on the weekend of February 20th. and 21st. He will be present both for the Saturday Great Vespers and will celebrate the Sunday Divine Liturgy. The maximum number allowed to be present has been increased to 40 but only for active parish members. Please make sure that you let Barbara Polk know of your intention to attend either or both of the services no later than the previous Wednesday. Both services will be live-streamed so, if you belong to another parish, you can watch it that way. Please see the online links to be able to do so. There will be a brunch & reception after the Liturgy in the parish hall. It will be catered by 'The Brownstone' in order to minimize close interaction among parishioners. To help cover the cost of the breakfast $20 to attend will be greatly appreciated! If you send a check, please earmark it: "Arch Michael's Brunch."
Today, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of
Alice Bacik – 7th year in repose
John Bacik III – 5th year in repose
requested by Deborah Bacik Sancenito & Family
May their memories be eternal !
Next Sunday, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of
- Perry Georgison – 40th Day
requested by Greg & Donna Betza
May his memory be eternal !
- Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021: Vespers 5PM
Saturday, Sunday, Feb. 20/21, 2021: Annual Archpastoral visit from Archbishop Michael
The church school class is asking for your support of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
Make a donation in the church poor box (cash or checks payable to the church with a note in the memo part of your check –James Gaccione.
On behalf of the church school class, I would like to offer my thanks for all the prayers and continued support of our program.
Best regards,
Craig Polk (Church School Coordinator)

Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cyrus and John
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 1 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, while the soldiers were guarding Your most pure body, You rose on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. The powers of heaven therefore cried to You, O Giver of Life: “Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ! Glory to Your Kingdom!// Glory to Your dispensation, O Lover of mankind!”
Tone 5 Troparion (Sts. Cyrus and John)
O Christ God; You have given us the miracles of Your martyrs Cyrus and John, as an invincible rampart; through their prayers frustrate the plans of the heathens, and strengthen the faith of the Orthodox Christians,// for You alone aregood and lovest mankind.
Tone 1 Kontakion (Resurrection)
As God, You rose from the tomb in glory, raising the world with Yourself. Human nature praises You as God, for death has vanished. Adam exults, O Master! Eve rejoices, for she is freed from bondage and cries to You:// “You are the Giver of Resurrection to all, O Christ!”
Tone 3 Kontakion (Sts. Cyrus and John)
Having received the gift of miracles through divine grace, O saints, you work wonders in the world unceasingly. You remove all of our passions through your invisible surgery, divinely-wise Cyrus and glorious John,// for you are truly divine physicians.
Tone 1 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us /as we have set our hope on You! (Ps. 32:22)
- V. Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the just! (Ps. 32:1)
(258) Colossians 3:12-16
Tone 1
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
V.God gives vengeance unto me, and subdues people under me. (Ps. 17:48)
V.He magnifies the salvation of the King and deals mercifully with David, His anointed, and his seed forever. (Ps. 17:51)
(105) Matthew 25:14-30
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Maria Tlatelpa, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, Lynn Opuda
"Please remember in your prayers, Helene Lenkowec and Naaman Aaraj, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. Helene was the grand-aunt of Kathy & Stephen Kawalec. She was 98."
A very special thanks to Deborah Sancenito and Barbara Polk for making the Soup-to-Go on Friday! For those who have ordered, it is $6.00 a quart and can be picked up after Divine Liturgy on Sunday.
Father is happy to announce that Archbishop Michael will visit our parish for his Annual Arch-pastoral Visit on the weekend of February 20th. and 21st. He will be present both for the Saturday Great Vespers and will celebrate the Sunday Divine Liturgy. The maximum number allowed to be present has been increased to 40 but only for active parish members. Please make sure that you let Barbara Polk know of your intention to attend either or both of the services no later than the previous Wednesday. Both services will be live-streamed so, if you belong to another parish, you can watch it that way. Please see the online links to be able to do so. There will be a brunch & reception after the Liturgy in the parish hall. It will be catered by 'The Brownstone' in order to minimize close interaction among parishioners. Any donations towards its cost would be greatly appreciated! If you send a check, please earmark it: "Arch. Michael's Brunch."
Next Sunday, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of
- Alice Bacik – 7th year in repose
- John Bacik III – 5th year in repose
requested by Deborah Bacik Sancenito & Family
May their memories eternal !
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021: Vespers 5PM
Saturday, Sunday, Feb. 20/21, 2021: Annual Archpastoral visit from Archbishop Michael
The water in the vestibule entrance of the church was blessed this past week for the feast of the
Theophany. If you would like to take some home, please bring your own bottle, use gloves when getting the water from the container and wear a mask. Anthony Ersalesi will be present to sanitize the tap each time someone uses it. Please do not collect the water after the Divine Liturgy has begun! You can ask him to be present after the Liturgy is completed if you want to get some then.
Thanks, Fr. Terence
It is the usual practice to offer to bless people's homes in the period afterwards. Because of the pandemic, however, Father will leave this practice until the vaccine becomes available to us so, in order to limit the spread the virus any more than it is already."
Fr. Terence

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Maria Tlatelpa, Mary Fleming, Maree Hinton, Lynn Opuda
Because of the pandemic, we are currently asked by the archdiocese to not light candles in the church. Given, however, that the large red candles are light by Father up at the iconostasis and on the altar, if you would like to sponsor one for a loved one who has passed away or is sick that you would like to pray for, please speak to Donna Betza to give her the name and she will pass it along to Father. That candle will be left alight until it burns out during the week. They cost $7.00.
Fr. Terence Baz
If you could like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, please contact Fr. Terence and Barbara Polk. To sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact only Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Today, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of
Edward & Margaret Helen Mazur (Margaret’s 4th year in repose)
- Richard Mazur
- Frank & Agnes Mazur
- Michael & Mary Kalinich
- Albert Kalinich
requested by Pat, Pam & Ed Mazur
May their memories be eternal!
- Saturday, Feb. 2, 2021: Vespers 5PM
- Saturday, Sunday, Feb. 20/21, 2021: Annual Archpastoral visit from Archbishop Michael
The water in the vestibule entrance of the church was blessed this past week for the feast of the Theophany. If you would like to take some home, please bring your own bottle, use gloves when getting the water from the container and wear a mask. Anthony Ersalesi will be present to sanitize the tap each time someone uses it. Please do not collect the water after the Divine Liturgy has begun! You can ask him to be present after the Liturgy is completed if you want to get some then.
Thanks, Fr. Terence
It is the usual practice to offer to bless people's homes in the period afterwards. Because of the pandemic, however, Father will leave this practice until the vaccine becomes available to us so, in order to limit the spread the virus any more than it is already."
Fr. Terence
The church school class is asking for your support of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
Make a donation in the church poor box (cash or checks payable to the church with a note in the memo part of your check –James Gaccione.
On behalf of the church school class, I would like to offer my thanks for all the prayers and continued support of our program.
Best regards,
Craig Polk (Church School Coordinator)
We are happy to announce that a Navy Bean Soup sale fund raiser will be held on Sunday, January 24th
in our parish hall. Please contact Debbie Sancenioto (973-773-3428) by Wednesday, Jan. 20th to place
your order….$ 6.00 per quart. Pre-orders are encouraged as a limited amount of soup is being prepared. See the attached flyer with more information. Thank you for your continued support.

32nd Sunday after Pentecost
Venerable and Godbearing Father Anthony the Great
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 7 Troparion (Resurrection)
By Your Cross You destroyed death. To the thief You opened Paradise. For the Myrrhbearers You changed weeping into joy. And You commanded Your disciples, O Christ God, to proclaim that You are risen,// granting the world great mercy.
Tone 4 Troparion (St. Anthony)
You imitated the ways of zealous Elijah, and followed the straight path of John the Baptist. You became a desert-dweller, strengthening the world by your prayers.// O Father Anthony, intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved!
Tone 7 Kontakion (Resurrection)
The dominion of death can no longer hold men captive, for Christ descended, shattering and destroying its powers. Hell is bound, while the Prophets rejoice and cry: “The Savior has come to those in faith;// enter, you faithful, into the Resurrection!”
Tone 2 Kontakion (St. Anthony)
You rejected the tumult of this life living your life to the end in solitude, imitating the Baptist in every way. With him we honor you, most venerable Anthony,// the foundation of the Fathers.
Tone 7 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
The Lord shall give strength to His people. / The Lord shall bless His people with peace. (Ps. 28:11)
- V. Offer to the Lord, O you sons of God! Offer young rams to the Lord! (Ps. 28:1a)
Tone 7 Prokeimenon (St. Anthony)
Precious in the sight of the Lord / is the death of His saints. (Ps. 115:6)
(250) Colossians 1:12-18
Tone 7
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High. (Ps. 91:1)
- V. To declare Your mercy in the morning, and Your truth by night. (Ps. 91:2a)
Tone 6
V.Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments. (Ps. 111:1)
(91) Luke 18:18-27
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not fear evil
tidings. (Ps. 111:6)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

31st Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Theophany
Sunday after the Theophany
St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 6 Troparion (Resurrection)
The Angelic Powers were at Your tomb; the guards became as dead men. Mary stood by Your grave, seeking Your most pure body. You captured hell, not being tempted by it. You came to the Virgin, granting life. O Lord, Who rose from the dead,// glory to You.
Tone 1 Troparion (Feast)
When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father bore witness to You, and called You His beloved Son; and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the truthfulness of His word. O Christ our God, You have revealed Yourself// and hast enlightened the world, glory to You.
Tone 4 Troparion (St. Gregory)
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. O Hierarch Father Gregory, entreat Christ our God// that our souls may be saved!
Tone 6 Kontakion (Resurrection)
When Christ God, the Giver of Life, raised all of the dead from the valleys of misery with His mighty hand, He bestowed resurrection on the human race.// He is the Savior of all, the Resurrection, the Life, and the God of all.
Tone 1 Kontakion (St. Gregory)
You keptwatch with the eyes of your soul, O holy bishop, revealing yourself as a watchful pastor for the world. With the staff of your wisdom and your fervent intercession, you drove away all ^heretics like wolves,// and preservedyour flock free from harm, O most wise Gregory.
Tone 4 Kontakion (Feast)
Today You have shone forth to the world, O Lord, and the light of Your countenance has been marked on us. Knowing You, we sing Your praises: “You have come and revealed Yourself,// O unapproachable Light.”
Tone 1 Prokeimenon (Sunday After)
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us /as we have set our hope on You! (Ps. 32:22)
V.Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the just!(Ps. 32:1)
Epistle: (224-ctr) Ephesians 4:7-13 (Sunday After)
Tone 5
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. I will sing of Your mercies, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim Your truth from generation to generation. (Ps. 88:1-2)
- V. For You have said: Mercy will be established forever; Your truth will be prepared in the heavens. (Ps. 88:3)
(8) Matthew 4:12-17 (Sunday After)
Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing:
Magnify, O my soul, the most pure Virgin Theotokos, more honorable than the heavenly hosts! No tongue knows how to praise you worthily, O Theotokos; even angels are overcome with awe praising you. But since you are good, accept our faith; for you know our love inspired by God! You are the defender of Christians, and we magnify you.
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
The grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men. (Titus 2:11)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Peter Eagler, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco, Maria Tlatelpa
Today, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members on our ‘Preservation Fund’ plaque:
- Kevin Kohler
- Irene Koribanics
- John Peregim
- Irene Subtelny
- Olga & Michael Grib
May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in memory of
Edward & Margaret Helen Mazur (Margaret’s 4th year in repose)
- Richard Mazur
- Frank & Agnes Mazur
- Michael & Mary Kalinich
- Albert Kalinich
requested by Pat, Pam & Ed Mazur
May their memories be eternal!
- Sunday, Jan 10, 2021: A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members whose names are on the Preservation Fund Plaque
- Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021: Vespers 5PM
The water in the vestibule entrance of the church was blessed this past week for the feast of the Theophany. If you would like to take some home, please bring your own bottle, use gloves when getting the water from the container and wear a mask. Anthony Ersalesi will be present to sanitize the tap each time someone uses it. Please do not collect the water after the Divine Liturgy has begun! You can ask him to be present after the Liturgy is completed if you want to get some then.
Thanks, Fr. Terence
It is the usual practice to offer to bless people's homes in the period afterwards. Because of the pandemic, however, Father will leave this practice until the vaccine becomes available to us so, in order to limit the spread the virus any more than it is already." The OCA put out guidelines about being safe for the distribution of blessed water at the Divine Liturgy, January 10th.
Fr. Terence

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Peter Eagler, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco
Today’s bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor and to celebrate family birthdays in January: John, Sr., (1/2) and John, Jr. (1/7). Congratulations and Many Blessed Years!
Padro Tlatelpa, father-in-law to Maria Tlatelpa & grandfather to Peter Tlatelpa, passed away Friday evening.Please keep him in your prayers. Please keep Maria, Peter, family & friends in your your prayers during this sad and difficult time. May his memory be eternal!
Today, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members on our ‘May Their Memory Be Eternal’ plaque:
- Nicholas C. Ligosh
- Mary Krupp
- Frank & Julia Betza
- Mary Gogats
- Vera & Michael Makarewicz
- Anna Pereviznick
- Ward & Zubal Families (Anna, George, Lorraine, Katherine, John)
- Peter Holick
- Bacik Family (John, Sr., Anna, John, Jr., Alice, John III; Sancenito Family-Mark, James, Anna Potosnak, John, Shirley)
- Barbara & Walter Kluck
- Laura Dlholucky
- Peter & Mary Kohler
- Kevin Kohler
- The John Hruby Family (John, Julia, John E., Joanne)
- John & Helen Fornazor
- Michael Pruzinsky, Jr.
- Olga & Michael Grib
- Edward & Annette Swenda
- Susan Ersalesi Mautone
May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members on our ‘Preservation Fund’ plaque:
- Kevin Kohler
- Irene Koribanics
- John Peregim
- Irene Subtelny
- Olga & Michael Grib
May their memories be eternal!
- Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021: 5:00 PM Vespers for the Eve of Theophany with the Great Blessing of Water
- Sunday, Jan 10, 2021: A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members whose names are on the Preservation Fund Plaque
"Father will do the Great Blessing of the Waters on the eve of the Feast of the Theophany. It is the usual practice to offer to bless people's homes in the period afterwards. Because of the pandemic, however, Father will leave this practice until the vaccine becomes available to us so, in order to limit the spread the virus any more than it is already." The Great Blessing of the Water will be done by complying with the diocesan guidelines to minimize the dangers from the Coronavirus.
Fr. Terence
Message from the Church School:
During the Nativity fast, the church school children always select a charity/service project. This year the class is learning about the impacts of MS and the many ways that charities and people can help support this cause. The kids did research on different ways that they could help, and decided to help a specific individual, James Gaccione.
The church school class is asking for your support of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
Make a donation in the church poor box

30th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday before the Theophany
Forefeast of the Theophany
Holy Prophet Malachi
"Lord I Call..." Tone 5
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Hear me, O Lord!
Lord, I call upon You, hear me!
Receive the voice of my prayer,
when I call upon You!//
Hearme, O Lord!
Let my prayer arise
in Your sight as incense,
and let the lifting up of my hands
be an evening sacrifice!//
Hearme, O Lord!
- V. (10)Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to Your name!
Tone 5 (for the Resurrection)
By Your precious Cross, O Christ,
You have put the devil to shame.
By Your Resurrection, You have blunted the sting of sin
and saved us from the gates of death.//
We glorify You, O only begotten One.
- V. (9) The righteous will surround me; for You will deal bountifully with me.
Christ was led as a sheep to the slaughter
in order to grant Resurrection to the human race.
The princes of hell were frightened by this,
for the gates of sorrow were lifted.
Christ the King of glory had entered,
saying to those in chains: “Go forth!”//
And to those in darkness: “Come to the light!”
- V. (8) Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice!
O great wonder!
The Creator of the invisible suffered in the flesh in His love for man
and rose again immortal.
Come, O sons of nations,
let us worship Him,
for delivered from error by His compassion,//
we have learned to sing of one God in three Persons!
- V. (7) Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!
(Resurrection stichera by Anatolius)
We offer You our evening worship,
O never setting Light,
Who came in these last days to the world in the flesh;
Who even descended to hell to dispel its darkness.
Who has revealed the light of Resurrection to the nations.//
Glory to You, O Lord and Giver of light!
- V. (6)If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You.
Tone 6 (for the Forefeast) (On the third day)
Behold the Enlightenment of the faithful!
See, our Atonement desires to enter the streams of the river,
that He may wash away man’s filth and corruption,//
refashioning us, who had been broken to pieces!
- V. (5)For Your Name’s sake I wait for You, O Lord.My soul has waited for Your word; my soul has hoped on the Lord.
O Lord, Your Forerunner cried out in fear,
when he saw You approaching and asking to be baptized:
“O my God! My Creator!//
How can I baptize You, the sinless One?”
- V. (4) From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, let Israel hope on the Lord!
O faithful, let us assemble in spirit
at the streams of Jordan,
that we may clearly behold the great wonder!
We shall see the Creator of all made manifest,//
as He comes to be baptized.
- V. (3) For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
Tone 8 (for Prophet Malachi) (Lord, though You stood)
Beholding the words that came forth from your divinely-inspired tongue,
truly marveling, I bless you, O Prophet of truth,
for your clear message has illumined the world,//
foretelling the coming of the Lord for our salvation.
- V. (2) Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise Him, all peoples!
You were an angel on earth,
emulating the Angels with yourway of life.
You were enriched by appropriately bearing the name of Angel,[*]
and harmoniously you joined beauty of soul with beauty of body,//
O most blessed Malachi.
- V. (1) For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
O Lord, I set before You YourProphet
as an advocate and intercessor.
By his entreaties and prayers, O Compassionate One,
put an end to the misdeeds of my despairing soul,
for You are full of loving-kindness,//
as You possess essential and natural goodness.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
Tone 4 (for the Forefeast, by John the Monk)
Oh, the marvelous wonder!
He Who baptizes by the Holy Spirit and by fire
comes to be baptized by John in the Jordan.
Neither simply God nor plainly man,
but, in both His natures, He is one only-begotten Son.
In His humanity, He asks a servant to baptize Him;
in His divinity, He takes away the sins of the world//
granting great mercy to all.
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 5 (Theotokion – Dogmatikon)
In the Red Sea of old,
a type of the Virgin Bride was prefigured.
There Moses divided the waters;
here Gabriel assisted in the miracle.
There Israel crossed the sea without getting wet,
here the Virgin gave birth to Christ without seed.
After Israel’s passage, the sea remained impassable;
after Emmanuel’s birth, the Virgin remained a Virgin.
O ever-existing God Who appeared as Man,//
O Lord, have mercy on us!
Tone 5 (for the Resurrection)
We magnify You in songs of praise,
O incarnate Christ and Savior.
By accepting the Cross and death for our sake,
as the Lord and Lover of man,
You overthrew the gates of hell,//
and arose on the third day, saving our souls.
- V. The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty!
By being pierced in the side, O Lover of man,
You have poured out drops of life and salvation for all.
By accepting death in the flesh, You have granted us immortality.
You have freed us by being placed in the tomb,
and have resurrected us with Yourself in glory, as God.//
Glory to You, O Lord and Lover of man!
- V. For He has established the world, so that it shall never be moved.
Your crucifixion and descent into hell are awesome, O Lover of man.
You have captured it, releasing the ancient prisoners.
You have opened Paradise and given it to us.
Grant us purification of sins,
who glorify Your Resurrection on the third day!
Make us worthy of Paradise//
and save us, O Lover of man!
- V. Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, forevermore!
For our sake, You accepted death in the flesh,
to rise from the dead on the third day.
Heal us from our earthly passions,
and restore us from our evil transgressions;//
and save us, O Lover of man!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 5 (for the Forefeast)
Christ our God is coming to be baptized in the river Jordan,
desiring to cleanse us from our iniquities by His appearance,//
for He alone is good and loves mankind.
(at Great Vespers)
Tone 5 Troparion (Resurrection)
Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word,
co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,
born for our salvation from the Virgin;
for He willed to be lifted up on the Cross in the flesh,
to endure death,
and to raise the dead//
by His glorious Resurrection.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 4 Troparion (Forefeast)
Prepare, O Zebulon,
and adorn yourself, O Naphtali!
River Jordan, cease flowing,
and receive with joy the Master coming to be baptized!
Adam, rejoice with our first Mother,
and do not hide yourselves as you did of old in Paradise;
for having seen you naked,
He has appeared to clothe you with the first garment.//
Christ has appeared to renew all creation.
(at the Divine Liturgy)
Tone 5 Troparion (Resurrection)
Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word,
co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,
born for our salvation from the Virgin;
for He willed to be lifted up on the Cross in the flesh,
to endure death,
and to raise the dead//
by His glorious Resurrection.
Tone 4 Troparion (Forefeast)
Prepare, O Zebulon,
and adorn yourself, O Naphtali!
River Jordan, cease flowing,
and receive with joy the Master coming to be baptized!
Adam, rejoice with our first Mother,
and do not hide yourselves as you did of old in Paradise;
for having seen you naked,
He has appeared to clothe you with the first garment.//
Christ has appeared to renew all creation.
Tone 5 Kontakion (Resurrection)
You descended into hell, O my Savior,
shattering its gates as Almighty,
resurrecting the dead as Creator,
and destroying the sting of death.
You have delivered Adam from the curse, O Lover of man,//
and we cry to You: “O Lord, save us!”
Tone 4 Kontakion (Prophet Malachi)
Endowed with the gift of prophecy, O Malachi,
you clearly proclaimed the saving coming of Christ to the world.//
His brightness has brought light to the whole universe.
Tone 4 Kontakion (Forefeast)
Today the Lord enters the Jordan and cries out to John:
“Do not be afraid to baptize Me.//
For I have come to save Adam, the first-formed man.”
Tone 6 Prokeimenon (Sunday before)
O Lord, save Your people, / and bless Your inheritance! (Ps. 27:9a)
- V. To You, O Lord, will I call. O my God, be not silent to me! (Ps. 27:1a)
(298) 2 Timothy 4:5-8 (Sunday before)
Tone 8
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.O God, be bountiful to us and bless us, show the light of Your countenance upon us, and have mercy on us.(Ps.66:1)
V.That we may know Your way upon the earth, and Your salvation among all the nations.(Ps.66:2)
- Mark 1:1-8 (Sunday before)
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
In addition to translations from the Department of Liturgical Music and Translations, liturgical texts for this service represent modified versions of translations provided by Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery, Otego, New York and St. Tikhon’s Monastery, South Canaan, Pa. The Department of Liturgical Music and Translations of the Orthodox Church in America expresses its gratitude to Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery and St. Tikhon’s Monastery and to those translators whose work has been consulted at times in the course of reviewing and modifying these texts to their present form: Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), Archimandrite Ephrem (Lash), Father Benedict Churchill, Isaac Lambertson, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and Holy Transfiguration Monastery, among others.
[*] The name Malachi in Hebrew means “my messenger.”

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Peter Eagler, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco
If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, please contact Fr. Terence and Barbara Polk. To sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact only Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Today, a parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Joanne D’Arienzo – third year anniversary in repose
requested by Robert & Carol Hruby & Family
May her memory be eternal!
Next Sunday, a memorial service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members on our ‘May Their Memories Be Eternal’ plaque:
- Nicholas C. Ligosh
- Mary Krupp
- Frank & Julia Betza
- Mary Gogats
- Vera & Michael Makarewicz
- Anna Pereviznick
- Ward & Zubal Families (Anna, George, Lorraine, Katherine, John)
- Peter Holick
- Bacik Family (John, Sr., Anna, John, Jr., Alice, John III; Sancenito Family-Mark, James, Anna Potosnak, John, Shirley)
- Barbara& Walter Kluck
- Laura Dlholucky
- Peter & Mary Kohler
- Kevin Kohler
- The John Hruby Family (John, Julia, John E., Joanne)
- John & Helen Fornazor
- Michael Pruzinsky, Jr.
- Olga & Michael Grib
- Edward & Annette Swenda
- Susan Ersalesi Mautone
May their memories be eternal!
The church school class is asking for your support of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
- Make a donation in the church poor box
On behalf of the church school class, I would like to offer my thanks for all the prayers and continued support of our program.
Best regards,
Craig Polk (Church School Coordinator)
Hope you have the opportunity to watch the virtual Yolka created by Craig Polk and our Church School students & Sub Deacon Christopher. Please check us out at…..https://holyassumptionclifton.org/ then click on Social then click for Facebook. We hope you enjoy watching our virtual YOLKA. Special thank you to Father Terence, parish Council, parents and parishioners for supporting our Church School.
The 2021 Diocesan Wall Calendars have arrived. If you wish to pick one up, they are in the vestibule of the church. Please take one per family.
- Saturday, January 2, 2021 @ 5:00 PM: Great Vespers for the Sunday before the Theophany
- Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 – A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members whose names are on the Memorial Plaque
- Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021: 5:00 PM Vespers for the Eve of Theophany with the Great Blessing of Water
- Sunday, Jan 10, 2021: A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members whose names are on the Preservation Fund Plaque
"Father will do the Great Blessing of the Waters on the eve of the Feast of the Theophany. It is the usual practice to offer to bless people's homes in the period afterwards. Because of the pandemic, however, Father will leave this practice until the vaccine becomes available to us so, in order to limit the spread the virus any more than it is already."
Fr. Terry

29th Sunday after Pentecost (14th of Luke)
Third Day of the Feast of the Nativity
Sunday after the Nativity
Holy Righteous Ones: Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James the Brother of the Lord
Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 4 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the women disciples of the Lord
learned from the angel the joyous message of Your Resurrection,
they cast away the ancestral curse
and elatedly told the apostles:
“Death is overthrown!
Christ God is risen,//
granting the world great mercy!”
Tone 4 Troparion (Feast)
Your Nativity, O Christ our God,
has shone to the world the light of wisdom!
For by it, those who worshipped the stars,
were taught by a star to adore You,
the Sun of Righteousness,
and to know You, the Orient from on high.//
O Lord, glory to You!
Tone 2 Troparion (Righteous Ones)
Proclaim the wonder, O Joseph,
to David, the ancestor of God;
you haveseen a Virgin great with child;
and you gave glory with the shepherds;
you worshipped with the Magi,
and received the news from the Angel.//
Pray to Christ God to save our souls!
Tone 3 Kontakion (Righteous Ones)
Today godly David is filled with joy;
Joseph and James offer praise.
The glorious crown of their kinship with Christ fills them with great joy.
They sing praises to the One ineffably born on earth,//
and they cry out: “O Compassionate One, save those who honor You!”
Tone 3 Kontakion
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One,
and the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One!
Angels with shepherds glorify Him!
The wise men journey with the star,//
since for our sake the eternal God was born as a little Child!
Tone 4 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
O Lord, how manifold are Your works; / in wisdom have You made them all.
(Ps. 103:26)
- V. Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord, my God, You are very great! (Ps. 103:1)
Tone 4 Prokeimenon (Righteous Ones)
God is wonderful in His saints, / the God of Israel. (Ps. 67:35a)
Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-5, 47-60 St. Stephen
Tone 4
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. Go forth, prosper and reign, for the sake of meekness, righteousness and truth! (Ps. 44:3b)
- V. For You love righteousness, and hate iniquity. (Ps. 44:6)
Tone 4
- V. Remember, O Lord, David and all his meekness! (Ps. 131:1)
Matthew 21:33-42 St. Stephen.
(Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing:)
Magnify, O my soul, the most pure Virgin Theotokos,
more honorable and more glorious than the heavenly hosts.
I behold a strange, most glorious mystery:
heaven—the cave;
the cherubic throne—the Virgin;
the manger—the place where Christ lay:
the uncontainable God, Whom we magnify in song.
(or, the ninth heirmos of the second canon)
Out of fear, we should choose to love silence,
for that is a safer course;
so difficult it is lovingly to compose intricately woven songs
to you, O Virgin.
But grant us strength, O Mother,
equal to our natural calling.
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; praise befits the just! (Ps. 32:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Peter Eagler, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash, Frank Fusco
Today, a parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of Nicholas Telep, Sr.
requested by Sally Telep & Family
May his memory be eternal!
- Thursday, December 24th., 2020 @ 4:00 PM: Vespers for the Nativity of Christ
- Friday, Dec. 25, 2020 @ 9:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ.
No Nativity Breakfast or Coffee Hour that day.
- Saturday, January 2, 2021 @ 5:00 PM: Great Vespers for the Sunday before the Theophany
- Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 – A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members whose names are on the Memorial Plaque
- Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021: 5:00 PM Vespers for the Eve of Theophany with the Great Blessing of Water
- Sunday, Jan 10, 2021: A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members whose names are on the Preservation Fund Plaque
We are happy to announce our St. Nicholas Day Manhattan Clam Chowder soup sale realized a profit of $379.79. Thank you for supporting this fund raiser. Your participation was greatly appreciated.
Sunday School has begun online via Zoom! Parents, please encourage your children to register with Craig Polk and join in. For older students, the archdiocese has begun an online Church Education program for Middle School and Senior School students. Everyone of that age is welcome to join in. Please go to oca.org and you will find it on the front page.
Message from the Church School:
During the Nativity fast, the church school children always select a charity/service project. This year the class is learning about the impacts of MS and the many ways that charities and people can help support this cause. The kids did research on different ways that they could help, and decided to help a specific individual, James Gaccione.
The church school class is asking for your support of this project in one of the following ways:
- Visit James' GoFundMe page at the link below and make a direct donation:
- Make a donation in the church poor box

28th Sunday after Pentecost (13th of Luke)
Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ
Sunday before the Nativity
[Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, Bishop of Antioch]
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 3 Troparion (Resurrection)
Let the heavens rejoice! Let the earth be glad! For the Lord has shown strength with His arm. He has trampled down death by death. He has become the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of hell, and has granted to the world// greatmercy.
Tone 4 Troparion (Forefeast)
Prepare, O Bethlehem, for Eden has been opened to all! Adorn yourself, O Ephratha, for the Tree of Life blossoms forth from the Virgin in the cave! Her womb is a spiritual paradise planted with the Divine Fruit; if we eat of it, we shall live forever and not die like Adam.// Christ comes to restore the image which He made in the beginning.
Tone 2 Troparion (Holy Fathers)
Great are the accomplishments of faith, for the three Holy Youths rejoice in the fountain of flames as though in the waters of rest; and the Prophet Daniel appeared a shepherd to the lions as though they were sheep.// So by their prayers, O Christ God, save our souls!
Tone 1 Kontakion (Fathers)
Rejoice, O Bethlehem! Prepare yourself, O Ephratha! The Lamb is on her way to give birth to the Chief Shepherd she carries in her womb. The God-bearing Forefathers will rejoice, beholding Him, and with the shepherds, they will glorify the Virgin nursing Him.
Tone 3 Kontakion (Forefeast)
Today the Virgin comes to the cave to give birth to the Eternal Word. Hear the glad tidings and rejoice, O universe! Glorify with the angels and the shepherds the Eternal God, Who is willing to appear as a little child!
Tone 4 Prokeimenon (Holy Fathers)
Blessed areYou, O Lord God of our fathers, / and praised and glorified is
YourName forever! (Song of the Three Holy Children, v. 3)
V.For You are just in all that You have done for us! (v. 4)
(328) Hebrews 11:9-10, 17-23, 32-40 (Sunday Before)
Tone 4
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
V.We have heard with our ears, O God, for our fathers have told us.(Ps. 43:1a)
V.For You have saved us from them that oppose us, and hast put to shame them that hate us. (Ps. 43:8)
(1) Matthew 1:1-25 (Sunday Before)
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; praise befits the just! (Ps. 32:1)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Sunday of the Holy Forefathers
Repose of Ven. Herman of Alaska, Wonderworker of All America
At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 2 Troparion (Resurrection)
When You descended to death, O Life Immortal, You slew hell with the splendor of Your Godhead. And when from the depths You raised the dead, all the powers of heaven cried out:// “O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!”
Tone 2 Troparion (Forefathers)
Through faithYou justified the Forefathers, betrothing through them the Church of the gentiles. These saints exult in glory, for from their seed came forth a glorious fruit: she who bore You without seed.// So by their prayers, O Christ God, have mercy on us!
Tone 7 Troparion (St. Herman)
O joyful North Star of the Church of Christ, guiding all men to the Heavenly Kingdom, teacher and apostle of the True Faith, intercessor and defender of the oppressed, adornment of the Orthodox Church in America: Blessed Father Herman of Alaska, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ// for the salvation of our souls!
Tone 2 Kontakion (Resurrection)
Hell became afraid, O almighty Savior, seeing the miracle of Your Resurrection from the tomb! The dead arose! Creation, with Adam, beheld this and rejoiced with You,// and the world, my Savior, praises You forever.
Tone 3 Kontakion (St. Herman)
The eternal light of Christ our Savior guided you, O blessed father Herman, on your evangelical journey to America to proclaim the Gospel of peace. Now you stand before the throne of glory: intercede for your land and its people,// asking peace for the world and salvation for our souls.
Tone 6 Kontakion (Forefathers)
You did not worship the graven image, O thrice-blessed ones, but armed with the immaterial Essence of God, you were glorified in a trial by fire. From the midst of unbearable flames you called on God, crying: “Hasten, O compassionate One! Speedily come to our aid,// for You are merciful and able to do as You will!”
Tone 4 Prokeimenon (Forefathers)
Blessed areYou, O Lord God of our fathers, / and praised and glorified is Your Name forever! (Song of the Three Holy Children, v. 3)
V.For You are just in all that You have done for us! (v. 4)
Tone 7 Prokeimenon (St. Herman)
Precious in the sight of the Lord / is the death of His saints. (Ps. 115:6)
(213) Galatians 5:22-6:2 (St. Herman)
Tone 4
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
- V. Moses and Aaron were among His priests; Samuel also was among those who called on His Name. (Ps. 98:6)
V. They called to the Lord and He answered them. (Ps. 98:6)
Tone 6
- V. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments. (Ps. 111:1)
(24) Luke 6:17-23 (St. Herman)
Plese pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Deborah Stura, Peter Eagler, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; praise befits the just! (Ps. 32:1)
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not fear evil tidings. (Ps. 111:6)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
The Nativity Fast. Please refer to your OCA wall calendars for details: no meat, dairy etc. remember that if you have a medical condition that requires eating with the medicines, do not put yourself in danger because of the fast. Proper fasting is good for the body and is meant for the body, not the other way around. Fr. Terence
Today, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Deacon George Yany
- Angela Yany
- Euphrasia Conca
May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, December 20th., a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of Nicholas Telep, Sr., requested by Sally Telep & Family. May his memory be eternal!
- Thursday, December 24th., 2020 @ 4:00 PM: Vespers for the Nativity of Christ
- Friday, Dec. 25, 2020 @ 9:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ. No Nativity Breakfast or Coffee Hour that day.
- Saturday, January 2, 2021 @ 5:00 PM: Great Vespers for the Sunday before the Theophany
- Sunday, January 3rd, 2020 – A Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy in remembrance of loved family members whose names are on the Memorial Plaque
- Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021: 5:00 PM Vespers for the Eve of Theophany with the Great Blessing of Water

At the Divine Liturgy
Tone 1 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, while the soldiers were guarding Your most pure body, You rose on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. The powers of heaven therefore cried to You, O Giver of Life: “Glory to Your esurrection, O Christ! Glory to Your Kingdom!// Glory to Your dispensation, O Lover of mankind!”
Tone 4 Troparion (St. Nicholas)
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. O Hierarch Father Nicholas, entreat Christ our God// that our souls may be saved!
Tone 1 Kontakion (Resurrection)
As God, You rose from the tomb in glory, raising the world with Yourself. Human nature praises You as God, for death has vanished. Adam exults, O Master! Eve rejoices, for she is freed from bondage and cries to You:// “You are the Giver of Resurrection to all, O Christ!”
Tone 3 Kontakion (St. Nicholas)
You appeared as a priest in Myra, O Saint Nicholas, fulfilling the Gospel of Christ, O venerable one; you laid down your life for your people and rescued the innocent from death.// Therefore, you have been blest as a great initiate of the grace of God.
Tone 1 Prokeimenon (Resurrection)
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us /as we have set our hope on You! (Ps. 32:22)
V.Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the just! (Ps. 32:1)
Tone 7 Prokeimenon (St. Nicholas)
The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord, / and shall hope in Him. (Ps. 63:10a)
(229) Ephesians 5:9-19
Tone 1
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
V.God gives vengeance unto me, and subdues people under me. (Ps. 17:48)
V.He magnifies the salvation of the King and deals mercifully with David, His anointed, and his seed forever. (Ps. 17:51)
Tone 2
V.Your priests shall be clothed in righteousness, and Your saints shall rejoice.
(Ps. 131:9)
(85) Luke 17:12-19
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps. 148:1)
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not fear evil
tidings. (Ps. 111:6)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford, Martha Hvizdash
The Nativity Fast. Please refer to your OCA wall calendars for details: no meat, dairy etc. remember that if you have a medical condition that requires eating with the medicines, do not put yourself in danger because of the fast. Proper fasting is good for the body and is meant for the body, not the other way around. Fr. Terence
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
Departed members of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara
As we celebrate the memory of St. Barbara on December 4th
May their memories be eternal!
We are happy to announce that our St. Nicholas Day Manhattan Clam Chowder Soup sale held today was very successful because of the ‘pre-ordering’ process. Thank you for your continued participation and support. Thank you to Deborah Sancenito for her hard work and dedication treating us to another delicious heartwarming soup.

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford
The Nativity Fast. Please refer to your OCA wall calendars for details: no meat, dairy etc. remember that if you have a medical condition that requires eating with the medicines, do not put yourself in danger because of the fast. Proper fasting is good for the body and is meant for the body, not the other way around.
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- +His Eminence, Archbishop DAVID, Archbishop of Sitka and Alaska,
who fell asleep in the Lord Friday evening
- Eugene Minarich – 4th year in repose, requested by his son Christopher Minarich
Next Sunday, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
The departed members of the Sisterhood of St. Barbara, as we celebrate the memory of St. Barbara on December 4th.
May their memories be eternal!
Today’s coffee hour is sponsored by Christopher Minarich In Memory of his father Eugene.
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them in your prayers. For the sick, some changes:
- Deborah Stura's back procedure was successful
- Janet Dlholucky had her hernia procedure and is back home.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more tests.
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.
Thank you for supporting our “Slovak Mushroom Soup” sale last Sunday. The sale realized a profit of $417.16. Your participation was greatly appreciated.
We are happy to announce that a St. Nicholas Day Manhattan Clam Chowder Soup sale will be held on Sunday, December 6th in our parish hall. Please contact Matushka Barbara Baz to place your order.…
$8.00 per quart. Pre-orders are encouraged as a limited amount of soup is being prepared. See the attached flyer with contact information. Thank you for your continued support.
Sunday School has begun online via Zoom! Parents, please encourage your children to register with Craig Polk and join in. For older students, the archdiocese has begun an online Church Education program for Middle School and Senior School students. Everyone of that age is welcome to join in. Please go to oca.org and you will find it on the front page.
The 2021 Diocesan Wall Calendars have arrived. If you wish to pick one up, they are in the vestibule of the church. Please take one per family.

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky, Kelly Fusco Ford
Please welcome Fr. Samuel Kedala who is taking Fr. Terence Baz's place today. Please go to the "Coronavirus Updates" on the website to read why.
Please remember in your prayers, Matushka Elizabeth Dolores Kachur, who Fell Asleep in the Lord Oct. 28, 2020 . She served this parish with her husband, Archpriest Stephen Kachur for many years and was much loved. Please go to the OCA Website at: oca.org for details.
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
+Archpriest Eugene Carroll – 25th year in repose, requested by Matushka Lola Carroll, daughter Eugenia & granddaughter Sophia
- Vladimir Kopetz, requested by Robert & Carol Hruby
May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, November 22nd, a parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
+Matushka Elizabeth Dolores Kachur, Our very dear friend. Requested by Robert & Carol Hruby
May her memory be eternal!
Updates re some sick people to pray for:
- Deborah Stura's back procedure was successful
- Gabi Cordero had her stiches removed recently & is doing well
- Janet Dlholucky had her hernia procedure and is back home.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more texts.
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, , Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky
Please remember in your prayers, Matushka Elizabeth Dolores Kachur, who Fell Asleep in the Lord October 28, 2020. She served this parish with her husband, Archpriest Stephen Kachur for many years and was much loved. Please go to the OCA Website at: oca.org for details.
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Vladimir Kopetz – 40th Day, requested by his daughters, Susan Golbek, Marianne Kopetz, Judith Whalen & Families
May his memory be eternal!
Next Sunday, November 15th, a parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Vladimir Kopetz, requested by Robert & Carol Hruby
May his memory be eternal!
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them in your prayers. For the sick, some changes:
- Gabi Cordero had her stiches removed recently & is doing well
- Janet Dlholucky had her hernia procedure and is back home.
- Helene Lenkowec who recently suffered an infection.
- Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more texts.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Deborah Stura's back procedure was successful
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.
Today’s coffee hour is IMO Vladimir Kopetz – 40th day sponsored by his daughters Susan Golbek, Marianne Kopetz, Judith Whalen and their families. May his memory be eternal!

Sunday, November 9th 2020
Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18 Gospel: Luke 8:41-56
Father Terence Baz
St. Paul wrote to the community in Galatia which he had started because, among other matters, some of them were being influenced by Jews who did not believe in Christ but who were telling his community that the Gentile converts should be circumcised according to the old Mosaic Law. St. Paul would have none of this. He warned the community that those who want to justify themselves by the Law have separated themselves from Christ and fallen from the grace of the Holy Spirit. He wrote,
“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.”
What does matter is that those who follow Christ must also take up their crosses.
“But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”
In contrast, he wrote that those who wanted to compel them to be circumcised,
“would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.”
This goes to the heart of the matter. Not only did they refuse to believe in Christ, they were afraid of suffering persecution from the Romans by identifying as being someone different from the Jewish faith. They would lose their privilege as Jews in the Roman Empire. The threat of persecution from Rome for non-Jews was very real. Such people did not want to take up their cross and follow Christ.
In today’s Gospel passage from St. Luke, we have the story of a Jewish leader who asked Jesus to heal his dying daughter. She had already passed away but Jesus told them that she was only asleep. The sympathizers scoffed at Him because it would have been obvious that her body was cold, not breathing and lifeless but Jesus sent everyone outside, went in with 3 of his apostles and the parents and proclaimed: “Little girl, arise!” Her soul was re-united with her body and Jesus told them to give her something to eat.
You may ask: why the secrecy from Jesus? Jesus was given various titles such as master, rabbi, teacher, a prophet, the Nazarene, the one with God or Emmanuel etc. He came to bring the life of the Kingdom of God to others, to teach them about it and call them to repent and sin no more. The one title He did not want at this point was ‘Messiah.’ The time had not yet come for that. Raising a little girl from the dead would stir the people to call Him the ‘Messiah.’ Their expectation, however, of what a ‘Messiah’ would be was very different from what Jesus’ Father in heaven was giving them. He was not a political redeemer sent to free them from the Roman yoke. He was sent to bring the Kingdom of God to them. Thus, the story ends with the words,
“He charged them to tell no one what had happened.”
The word Christ in English translates to Messiah in Hebrew and Arabic. Thus, in the Epistles of the apostles, He is referred to as Jesus Christ because by then He had risen from the dead, becoming the savior of the world. Before that time, however, He is called Jesus.
We can admire the wonderful works of God while we read this story in hindsight. That same Christ is with us now, through the Holy Spirit. That same Kingdom of God that Jesus was preaching is also with us. That same ‘living water’ that Jesus promised is with us in our hearts. That same ‘bread of life’ that He taught about, is offered to us today, in the Eucharist at the Divine Liturgy. So, the life of the Kingdom of God is offered to us now, just like it was to the Chosen People when Jesus was on earth. Unlike them, let us not put Him on the cross by rejecting Him. Let us always acknowledge the wonderful works He has done for us. Let us choose the Kingdom of God and not what the fallen world may want to attract us to. Let us desire to be part of the Communion of Saints just like so many have done before and join them in that same Kingdom of God.

Plese pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, , Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky
Please remember in your prayers, Matushka Elizabeth Dolores Kachur, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. She served this parish with her husband, Archpriest Stephen Kachur for many years and was much loved. Please go to the OCA Website at: oca.org to find details. Sadly, because of the current state restrictions, there will be no public viewing.
If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, please contact Fr. Terence and Barbara Polk. To sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact only Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Martyred Priest Nicola
- Matushka Elizabeth Dolores Kachur
requested by the Church Council & Parish
May thier memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, November 8th, parastasas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Vladimir Kopetz – 40th day
requested by daughters, Susan Golbek, Judith Whalen, Marianne Kopetz
& Families
May his memory be eternal!
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them in your prayers. For the sick, some changes:
- Gabi Cordero had her stiches removed recently & is doing well
- Janet Dlholucky had her hernia procedure and is back home.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.
Today’s bulletin in sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of Kayleigh Polk celebrating her first birthday (Nov. 7th) and Brad Polk celebrating his birthday (Nov. 23rd). Congratulations and Many Blessed Years!

Please pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Metropolitan Theodosius
- Nikifor Savastinuk – 40th day, requested by A.John & Susan Savastinuk & Family
- Lorraine & Peter Spann, requested by June & Jerry Fejko & Family
May their memories be eternal!
Today’s coffee hour is sponsored by A.John & Susan Savastinuk In Memory Of Nikifor Savastinuk - 40th day. May his memory be eternal.
This was a message that Father read out about Nikifor Savastinuk just before his 40 Day Memorial Service which John Savastinuk gave him:
For those of you who are not familiar with the Orthodox tradition, this memorial service is in remembrance of NikiforSavastinuk at the 40th day since his passing.
John asked me to say a few words about his younger brother Nikifor. He was born in Flemington, New Jersey and baptized at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Church in Trenton. Nikifor was the second son born to Agnes and John Savastinuk. He is survived by John, his younger brotherPhilip, two sisters Pauline and Theresa and his nieces and nephews Anastasia, Paul and Julia and John.
Nikifor moved to Colorado and spent the rest of his life there. He is survived by his wife Debi, children Notasha, Nicholas and Natalie and several grandchildren. Our condolences go out to the family in Colorado during this very difficult time.
We would like to welcome the family visitors present today: his cousin Kathy and her husband Frank.
May Nikifor’s memory be eternal. May his soul dwell with the righteous.
I am happy to announce we’ll have coffee hour after Liturgy this morning in the parish hall. Only those who attend the Liturgy will be able to come downstairs for coffee. Do not feel obligated if you are not comfortable to come. In keeping with the guidelines during the pandemic, listed below are some changes and a few reminders to follow as we join together in Fellowship during coffee hour: the hall set up will look a little different to adhere to the guidelines.
- face coverings/masks must be worn except when eating or drinking coffee, etc.
- to obtain social distancing….chairs are set to accommodate 4 at a table
keeping you safe…
- food will be individually packaged, including butter and jelly
- a kitchen server will pour your coffee, milk and/or juice when you come to the window
We look forward to seeing you and enjoying Fellowship as we resume coffee hour. If you have any concerns or questions, kindly speak with Donna Betza. Thank you for your patience.
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them in your prayers. For the sick, some changes:
- Deborah Stura's back procedure was successful
- Gabi Cordero had her stiches removed recently & is doing well
- Janet Dlholucky had her hernia procedure and is improving.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more texts.
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.
Today’s bulletin in sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of Brad & Danielle Polk celebrating their 5th anniversary on Oct. 23rd. Congratulations and Many Blessed Years!
The 2021 Diocesan Wall Calendars have arrived. If you wish to pick one up, they are in the vestibule of the church. Please take one per family.
Remember that Daylight saving time (DST) ends on Sunday, November 1st, when clocks are moved back an hour at 2 a.m. (so they will then read 1 a.m. local standard time). Note: since
the time changes at 2:00 A.M., please change your clocks back one hour before bed on Saturday.

Apostle and Evangelist Luke
Commemorated on October 18
Pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
- Vladimir Kopetz, requested by Stephen & Diane Abrams
- Nikifor Savastinuk, requested by Stephen & Diane Abrams
May their memory be eternal!
Next Sunday, October 25thth, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of:
- Nikifor Savastinuk – 40th day, requested by A.John & Susan Savastinuk & Family
- Lorraine & Peter Spann, requested by June & Jerry Fejko & Family
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them in your prayers. For the sick, some changes:
- Deborah Stura's back procedure was successful
- Gabi Cordero had her stiches removed recently & is doing well
- Janet Dlholucky looks set to have a hernia procedure this week.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more texts.
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.
Sunday School has begun online via Zoom! Parents, please encourage your children to register with Craig Polk and join in. For older students, the archdiocese has begun an online Church Education program for Middle School and Senior School students.
Please make sure you arrive on time! Only the front door will be open. After the Liturgy begins the church door will be locked. A number of emails have gone out about how to stay safe if you come to the church.

PLease pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
Patricia Thanasides – in loving memory on her birthday, today
requested by her mother, Sally Telep & Family
Nicholas Telep, Sr.
requested by Sally Telep & Family
May their memory be eternal!
Next Sunday, October 18th, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of:
Vladimir Kopetz
requested by Stephen & Diane Abrams
Nikifor Savastinuk
requested by Stephen & Diane Abrams May their memories be eternal!
Today’s bulletin is sponsored by the Polk Family in honor of Mikaela Polk celebrating her 9th birthday on Monday, Oct. 12th. Congratulations and many blessed years.
Dear Holy Assumption Church Family and Friends,
We deeply appreciate your expressions of sympathy. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Father Terence Baz, Father Stephen Evanina and to everyone for your love, kindness, friendship, expressions of faith and comfort in the face of sorrow and loss of our dearly departed Vladimir Kopetz who Fell asleep in the Lord. We thank you for your support and care for our family during this sad and difficult time. To everyone who was touched by Val….remember his gentle ways and his smile that would light-up a room. Please keep him in your prayers. We are so fortunate to have such an endearing and loving church family! Thank you for your love and prayers.
Love, Kopetz and Holick Families.
Thank you Matushka Barbara for sponsoring coffee hour last Sunday In Memory of your parents, Charles & Jennie Ablahani.
I am happy to announce Coffee Hour resumed last Sunday with about 14 parishioners in attendance enjoying Fellowship with coffee and. We’ll have coffee hour after Liturgy this morning in the parish hall. Only those who attend the Liturgy will be able to come downstairs for coffee. Do not feel obligated if you are not comfortable to come. In keeping with the guidelines during the pandemic, listed below are some changes and a few reminders to follow as we join together in Fellowship during coffee hour. The hall set up will look a little different to adhere to the guidelines.
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them in your prayers.
- Gabriella Cordova, who has been ill for some time, was given a new liver a short time ago. She is now back home and recovering well.
- Deborah Stura is waiting to have a back procedure done.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Janet Dlholucky is having complications from a large hernia in her esophagus.
they include the development of ulcers and a blood clot. She is grateful for your prayers. - Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more texts.
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.
Sunday School has begun online via Zoom! Parents, please encourage your children to register with Craig Polk and join in. For older students, the archdiocese has begun an online Church Education program for Middle School and Senior School students. Everyone of that age is welcome to join in. Please go to oca.org and you will find it on the front page.

Please keep our dearly beloved parishioner Vladimir Kopetz who Fell Asleep in the Lord, Sept. 26, in your prayers. May his memory be eternal ! Please keep his family and friends in your prayers during this sad and difficult time.
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
Charles & Jennie Ablahani
requested by their daughter, Matushka Barbara Baz
Olga Grib – In Loving Memory of our dear mother on her 89th birthday, Oct. 5th!
requested by her daughters, Kathy, Karen, Krissy, & their families
We miss her every day!
Susan Ersalesi Mautone
requested by Lori & Antony Udina & Family
Patricia Thanasides
requested by Sharon & Joseph Koribanics
May their memory be eternal!
I am happy to announce Coffee Hour will resume this morning after Divine Liturgy in the parish hall, as a result of Archbishop Michael approving the Parish Council's plan to begin coffee hour. Only those who attend the Liturgy will be able to come downstairs for coffee. Do not feel obligated if you are not comfortable to come. In keeping with the guidelines during the pandemic, listed below are some changes and a few reminders to follow as we join together in Fellowship during coffee hour: the hall set up will look a little different to adhere to the guidelines.
face coverings/masks must be worn except when eating or drinking coffee, etc.
to obtain social distancing….chairs are set to accommodate 4 at a table
keeping you safe…
food will be individually packaged, including butter and jelly
a kitchen server will pour your coffee, milk and/or juice when you come to the window
We look forward to seeing you and enjoying Fellowship together as we resume coffee hour.
If you have any concerns or questions, kindly speak with Donna Betza.
Thank you for your patience.
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them
in your prayers.
Gabriella Cordova, who has been ill for some time, was given a new liver a short
time ago. She is now back home and recovering well.
Deborah Stura is waiting to have a back procedure done.
Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
Janet Dlholucky is having complications from a large hernia in her esophagus.
they include the development of ulcers and a blood clot. She is grateful for your
Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more texts.
A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.

16th Sunday after Pentecost (1st of Luke)
Martyr Callistratus and his company
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Archpriest Terence Baz
Pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky
It is with heartfelt sadness to advise you that our beloved parishioner Vladimir Kopetz Fell Asleep in the Lord yesterday. Please keep him in your prayers. Please keep his family and friends in your prayers during this sad and difficult time. May his memory be eternal! Val had been hospitalized for the last two weeks, an infection deteriorated his health and during dialysis his heart gave out and he passed away; without any pain.
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of:
- Laura Dlholucky for her 1st year in repose, requested by her mother Janet Dlholucky & Family
- John Peter Koribanics, for his 53rd year in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family
- The Honorable John Koribanics, requested by the Koribanics Family
May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, October 4th, a Parastas will be held In Memory of:
- Charles & Jennie Ablahani, requested by their daughter, Matushka Barbara Baz
- Olga Grib, to remember her on her birthday of October 5th., requested by her daughters, Karen, Krissy, & Kathy and their families
- Susan Ersalesi Mautone, requested by Lori, Antony Udina & Family
- Patricia Thanasides, requested by Sharon & Joseph Koribanics
May their memory be eternal!
I am happy to announce that Archbishop Michael has given his blessing to begin Coffee Hour again. The Parish Council has put together a plan that he approved. It will begin on the first Sunday of October, Sunday, October 4th after Divine Liturgy. Only those who attend the Liturgy will be able to come downstairs for coffee. Do not feel obligated if you are not comfortable to come. I will list the details of what we can and cannot do next week, given the restrictions, because of the Coronavirus.
There have been medical developments with some of our parishioners and ask you to keep them in your prayers.
- Gabriella Cordova, who has been ill for some time, was given a new liver during the week. She is recovering well.
- Susan Shermock was having trouble with her foot but her condition is improving
- Janet Dlholucky is having complications from a large hernia in her esophagus.
they include the development of ulcers and a blood clot. She is grateful for your prayers. - Michael Pruzinsky is feeling well but undergoing more texts.
- A supporter of our parish, Sub-deacon Peter Eagler, is undergoing therapy for cancer.
Sunday School has begun online via Zoom! Parents, please encourage your children to register with Craig Polk and join in. For older students, the archdiocese has begun an online Church Education program for Middle School and Senior School students. Everyone of that age is welcome to join in. Please go to oca.org and you will find it on the front page.

Sunday, September 20th 2020
15th Sunday after Pentecost — Tone 6.
The Afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross & Sunday after Elevation.
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 4:6-15 Gospel: Matthew 22:35-46
Archpriest Terence Baz
Pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Vladimir Kopetz, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, Michael Pruzinsky
Please remember in your prayers, Nikifor Savastinuk, the brother of A. John Savastinuk, who Fell Asleep in the Lord this past week. May his memory be eternal!
Today, a Memorial Service after Divine Liturgy for:
- Susan Mautone, requested by Gregory & Donna Betza
- Christina Telep, requested by Sharon & Joseph Koribanics
- Nikifor Savastinuk
May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, Sept. 27th, a Memorial Service will be held after Divine Liturgy for:
The Honorable John Peter Koribanics – 53rd year in repose, requested by the Koribanics Family
Today’s bulletin is sponsored by Gregory & Donna Betza in loving memory of Susan Mautone. May her memory be eternal!
We hope that everyone had a safe, relaxing summer and we welcome you back to our Holy Assumption Community! Although things will be different, we are excited to announce that registration is now open for Sunday Church School. Due to the safety of both our teachers and students,classes will be exclusively via ZOOM.

The Forefeast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross is
celebrated for only one day (September 13) and there are seven days of Afterfeast
(September 15-21). The Leavetaking of the Feast falls on September 21.
As per the custom for the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, flowers will be available on icon table for you to take home when you come up for a blessing from Father. There are plenty of them. Please do not kiss the icon or the cross and after taking the flowers, take some blessed bread if you did not do so after communion
Pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Vladimir Kopetz, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana Selejan, Susan Shermock, survivors & their families and the families of the victims of the Twin Towers attack.
Today, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of
Victims of the World Trade Twin Towers Attack – 19 years ago
May their memories be eternal!
Next Sunday, Sept. 20th, a Parastas will be held after Divine Liturgy In Memory of:
Susan Mautone, requested by Gregory & Donna Betza
Christina Telep, requested by Sharon & Joseph Koribanics
May their memory be eternal!
We hope that everyone had a safe, relaxing summer and we welcome you back to our Holy Assumption Community! Although things will be different, we are excited to announce that registration is now open for Sunday Church School. Due to the safety of both our teachers and students, classes will be exclusively via ZOOM.

Pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Vladimir Kopetz, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Lleana
We hope that everyone had a safe, relaxing summer and we welcome you back to our Holy Assumption Community! Although things will be different, we are excited to announce that registration is now open for Sunday Church School. Due to the safety of both our teachers and students, classes will be exclusively via ZOOM.
First class/orientation is scheduled for next Sunday, Sept. 13th. Please email Craig at
polk.craig@gmail.com for information/zoom information.
It is our hope and prayer that circumstances will change to allow us to progress to in-person learning.
Please complete the attached registration form and return via email or mail to the church; Holy Assumption Orthodox Church, 35 Orange Ave., Clifton, NJ 07013
Attention: Church School Coordinator. Despite the restrictions, we will do our best to give our students a meaningful religious education experience. If anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to Craig at polk.craig@gmail.com .
Thank you.
God Bless
Father Terence Craig Polk
Pastor Church School Coordinator

12th Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Beheading of the Forerunner
- Alexander, John, and Paul the New, Patriarchs of Constantinople
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Gospel: Matthew 19:16-26
Pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Vladimir Kopetz, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Barry Hruby, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Luis Camacho & Family, Lleana Selejan
If you want to watch the livestream of the Divine Liturgy, please go to the parish website: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/ then click on Media & you will see a new tab: Livestream. Click on that to watch the Liturgy.
You can also still go directly to the parish Facebook page at: Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church @ HolyAssumptionClifton. Then look for the ‘live’ tab & click on it. You will also see that the Livestream has been announced.
Don't forget that Father posts a sermon each day about the scripture readings designated on the OCA Liturgical Calendar. Simply go to: holyassumptionclifton.org, click onto 'Media' and then Fr. Terence's Message. The date of the message is always used as the heading for the post. For Facebook users, go to the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church page and look for the posts. They are usually posted soon after lunch time that day.
If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you. Please note that if you have requested a Memorial Service, Father will still do it.
Today, there will be a Parastas service at the end of Divine Liturgy In Memory of:
Jane Gusciora, requested by Helen Dolocheck & Family
Richard Mazur – 11th yr in repose
Edward & Margaret Helen Mazur
Frank & Agnes Mazur
Michael & Mary Kalinich
Albert Kalinich
requested by the Mazur & Kalinich Families
Anna & George Ward
requested by June & Jerry Fejko & Family
May their memory be eternal!
Next Sunday, September 6th, a Parastas will be served In Memory of:
Katherine & John Zubal, requested by June & Jerry Fejko & Family
May her memory be eternal!
Father is pleased to advise that Archbishop Michael has given us His blessing to hold Divine Liturgy in the church with a maximum of 30 people. Also, any spouses or friends, who are not Orthodox but came in the past, are welcome to come.
If you would like to come to Divine Liturgy and/or any services when listed under Dates To Remember, please get in contact with Barbara Polk either by phone (973-452-1233) or email (polk_barbara@yahoo.com) and ask her to put you on the list. This list will be worked through alphabetically and you will be told as soon as a space becomes available. If you are, unfortunately, unable to attend a service after space as been confirmed kindly contact Barbara as soon as possible. Thank you.
Please make sure you arrive on time! Only the front door will be open. After the Liturgy begins the church door will be locked. A number of emails have gone out about how to stay safe if you come to the church.
For those attending church for Sunday Divine Liturgy, please only sit where a piece of blue tape has been attached to the seat of the pews. In doing so, we can better keep the social distancing requirement of 6 feet. If you are a couple, of course, sit together.

Sunday, August 23rd 2020
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Leavetaking of the Dormition
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 9:2-12 Gospel: Matthew 18:23-35
Celebrant: Father Terence Baz
Server and Epistle Reader: Sub-deacon Christopher Chasse
Chanter: Reader Christopher Minarich
Door Keeper: Donna Betza
Pray for the following servants of God: Archpriest Daniel Skvir, Matushka Eugenia
Nehrebecki, Matushka Dolores Kachur, Matushka Barbara Baz, Sandra Sasso, Paul & Steve Bauer, Vladimir Kopetz, Elaine Klein, William Le Van, Barry Hruby, Susan Dugan, Marie Stephanelli, Katherine Ditinyak, Gabriella Cordero, Klara Filip, Robert Hruby, Kevin Shermock, James Hopko, Kyle Shermock, Jerry Fejko, Janet Dlholucky, Emily Dugan, Melissa Joseph, Bridget McLaughlin, Joann Hopko, Jean Candela, Helene Lenkowec, John Slivinsky, Sally Telep, Elizabeth Thomas-Munzo, Keith Hopko, Kira Eck, Luis Camacho & Family, Lleana Selejan
If you want to watch the livestream of the Divine Liturgy, please go to the parish website: https://holyassumptionclifton.org/ then click on Media & you will see a new tab: Livestream. Click on that to watch the Liturgy.
You can also still go directly to the parish Facebook page at: Assumption of the Holy
Virgin Orthodox Church @ HolyAssumptionClifton. Then look for the ‘live’ tab & click on it. You will also see that the Livestream has been announced.
Don't forget that Father posts a sermon each day about the scripture readings designated on the OCA Liturgical Calendar. Simply go to: holyassumptionclifton.org, click onto 'Media' and then Fr. Terence's Message. The date of the message is always used as the heading for the post. For Facebook users, go to the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church page and look for the posts. They are usually posted soon after lunch time that day. If you would like to schedule a Parastas or Memorial Service, sponsor a weekly bulletin and/or sponsor coffee hour, please contact Barbara Polk @ 973-452-1233 or email: polk_barbara@yahoo.com. Thank you. Please note that if you have requested a Memorial Service, Father will still do it.
Today, there will be a Parastas service at the end of Divine Liturgy In Memory of:
Jane Gusciora requested by Deborah Sancenito & Family
May her memory be eternal!
Next Sunday, Aug. 30th, a Parastas will be served In Memory of: Jane Gusciora
requested by Helen Dolocheck & Family
Richard Mazur – 11th yr in repose
Edward & Margaret Helen Mazur
Frank & Agnes Mazur
Michael & Mary Kalinich
Albert Kalinich
requested by the Mazur & Kalinich Families
Anna & George Ward requested by June & Jerry Fejko & Family
May their memory be eternal!
Please go to the Archdiocesan Website at: https://www.oca.org/ to read any updates from the Orthodox Church of America and our Diocese of NY & NJ at: https://nynjoca.org/ about the Coronavirus crisis.
Please check our parish website each day at: https://www.holyassumptionclifton.org/ to read any updates about closings of Church Services, streaming services and parish news in general and the daily sermon.
Father is pleased to advise that Archbishop Michael has given us His blessing to hold Divine Liturgy in the church with a maximum of 30 people. Also, any spouses or friends, who are not Orthodox but came in the past, are welcome to come.
If you would like to come to Divine Liturgy and/or any services when listed under Dates To Remember, please get in contact with Barbara Polk either by phone (973-452-1233) or email (polk_barbara@yahoo.com) and ask her to put you on the list. This list will be worked through alphabetically and you will be told as soon as a space becomes available. If you are, unfortunately, unable to attend a service after space as been confirmed kindly contact Barbara as soon as possible. Thank you.
Please make sure you arrive on time! Only the front door will be open. After the Liturgy begins the church door will be locked. A number of emails have gone out about how to stay safe if you come to the church.
For those attending church for Sunday Divine Liturgy, please only sit where a piece of blue tape has been attached to the seat of the pews. In doing so, we can better keep the social distancing requirement of 6 feet. If you are a couple, of course, sit together.
Please only take one cup per person for the antidoron and do not take bread from other cups!
Thank you. Fr. Terry
Anyone who is 65 or older, has a medical condition that may make them susceptible to the virus, or been in contact with anyone known to have recently had the virus must declare that you are safe to enter our church. You must also have been symptom free for at least two weeks. Please do not put anyone at risk by ignoring these requirements.
It is very regrettable that this needs to be done but we have to keep our church building free from the Coronavirus, especially as many of our community are elderly.
Please contact Father Terence if you do not feel comfortable in coming but would like to receive the sacraments. No one should feel guilty for refraining from coming to church because of the risks involved with this virus.
You may have heard about the sudden passing of Susan Mautone. It has unfortunately, left Anthony & Joan Ersalesi's grand children in a precarious financial situation for their future. Their aunt, Jodi Ersalesi has set up a fund that will be used for Susan's two daughters' Madison and Dana Mautone's future. Anyone wishing to make a donation, please make checks payable to Jodi Ersalesi at the address below and mark donation in memory of Susan Mautone. Thank you!
Mail to:
Jodi Ersalesi
51 Penobscot St.
Clifton, NJ 07013-2017
Many thanks to Joseph & Sharon Korbanics for donating the microphone attachment to the Iphone that Father uses to broadcast the Livestream of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings. From the feedback Father received, this attachment has improved the sound output for the Liturgy significantly. Sharon Koribancs would like to donate (in memory of her mother Jane Gusciora) some used medical equipment; wheel chair, etc., to those in need. If you are interested please contact her at 973-333-1015 for a complete list. Thank you.

Please check every day the websites: oca.org & nynjoca.org to read any updates about cancellations or restrictions that may happen this week because of the current virus crisis.
On the front page of our diocesan website, you will see a link to sites that have live streaming of Church services, if you feel that you would be at risk by attending them on the weekend.
The Presanctified Liturgy scheduled for this Wednesday at Holy Assumption in Clifton will still be held.
Please go to oca.org to read the statement from the OCA Archdiocesan website about the Coronavirus crisis.